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International Tourism as a Worlds Biggest Industry - Assignment Example

The paper "International Tourism as a World’s Biggest Industry" is an outstanding example of a tourism assignment. Tourism is a complex economic, cultural and social phenomenon and is considered among one of the most significant worldwide phenomena if not the world’s biggest industry as claimed by most of its stakeholders…
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Tourism Name: Roll No: Class: Teacher: Subject: March 06, 2008 University: Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Exercise-1 3 International Tourism 3 Why Tourism is Difficult to Define and the Implication of These Difficulties 4 Butler’s Resort Life Cycle in explaining tourism growth and development and 5 Different types of Tourists Attracted at Different Stages of Resort Life Cycle 5 Review of the Major Elements of Leiper’s Tourism System 6 Exercise-2 6 Urban Tourism 6 Stakeholders in Urban Tourism 6 Exercise-4 10 Visitor Management at the Taj Mahal 10 Exercise-7 13 Tourism Development in Malta 13 Exercise-8 17 Rural Tourism in Spain 17 References 20 20 Exercise-1 International Tourism Tourism-World’s Biggest Industry Tourism is a complex economic, cultural and social phenomenon and is considered among one of the most significant worldwide phenomena if not the world’s biggest industry as claimed by most of its stakeholders. People in the today’s world are becoming increasingly mobile in the twenty first century making continuous trips and their lives are ultimately defined by these trips. Tourism in its most of the different appearances is primary to the experience of human beings. The climate, change, sustainable development, Olympics, poverty alleviation, investment and place promotion- all the hot subjects are associated with tourism directly or indirectly. The world can be better understood through getting awareness of tourism. Significant issues encompassing tourism include education, immigration, transport, employment and immigration policies- they in fact are all interrelated. Events of September 11, bird flue, the Tsunami and SARS- in the last few years had affected and hit the global tourism industry as it is plagued by disasters and crises. The cohabitation of culture and tourism is vital for the development of any economy rather essential for the survival of both. The precise nature of interface and the interaction between culture and tourism is more complex to define. The demand for tourism and related activities are increasing tremendously around the world and anticipated to grow significantly as the fierce competition for tourists among cities and destinations is increasing and generating significant revenues for the related economies. Receipts of international tourism totaled US$733B or US$2b a day in the year 2006. Tourism represents a share of around thirty five percent of the total export of services of world and more than seventy percent in the least developed countries. Eight hundred forty six million arrivals of international tourists were recorded in 2006. Arrival of 1.6 billion international tourists is anticipated worldwide by the year 2020. (www. Why Tourism is Difficult to Define and the Implication of These Difficulties For defining tourism it is significant to understand the development of a tourist destination and essential to comprehend the factors that are associated and hence impact the increase of number of tourists to a place. Tourism has been defined in many ways and it is difficult to find one definition which encompasses the entire aspects of the tourism industry. Growth of tourism in one particular destination cannot be understood comprehensively unless the factors of environments that influence the region are taken into account. As such there are certain implications that make it difficult for the measurements of tourism. (Burton R. 1991) Human community as any other plant or animal species is associated in complex ways not only among each other but also with other species. For the purpose of isolating a relationship a component or environment for further study follow only to the requirement to simplify specific reality for understanding it in a better way. The definition of tourism must view and observe all possible environments at one time to describe better the facts and anticipate future trends. These implications are the hindrances for defining tourism in a specific manner. Butler’s Resort Life Cycle in explaining tourism growth and development and Different types of Tourists Attracted at Different Stages of Resort Life Cycle Tourists are in fact the users of different resorts and Butler has brought the features of quantity and type into explaining his resort life cycle. He had adopted the concept of the S-curve relating to tourist volume and had added by narrating that it was asymptotic in association with carrying capacity. Researchers related to the destination area life cycles have particularly taken their cue from Butler and had endeavored to reveal the way in which the stages have emerged on the basis of volume of tourists. The type of tourist and the series of visitation had been discussed and mentioned by different researchers. Owners of cottages and second homes at the resort, mostly referred as retirees, had also been included by some researchers as tourists as these researchers had analyzed a particular destination section on the basis of different visits by excursionists. (Butler, R. 1980) Review of the Major Elements of Leiper’s Tourism System The major elements of Leiper’s tourism system are; fares and different related costs, travel time, availability of transport facilities, ability and capacity, services frequency on public carriers, discomfort, changes in transit, reliability, stopover points and attractions around the way. The mentioned elements by Leiper for the development of tourism system relate to technology environments and infrastructure of the region, instead of political and social factors. Presently two other elements are included in the system being security or the threats of terrorism and health. (Leiper N. 1995) Exercise-2 Urban Tourism Stakeholders in Urban Tourism The recent trends and prediction given by World Tourism Organization specify that urban areas or cities will be constantly in high level of demand by tourists of all kinds and the complexities related with managing these tourists will have to be tackled in a more systematic manner by all concerned parties. Cities as such face a dual challenge. First they must be capable in responding to the anticipations and requirements of increasing number of tourists who are mostly attracted to varied and rich array of business, culture, shopping, entertainment, sports, shopping and different other attractions. Urban areas also need to constantly renovate and improve particular facilities for the purpose of maintaining their due share in the competitive market of tourism and the advantages resulting from it. Cities have to make sure that tourism is progressed and organized in such a particular way that it provide benefits to the local residents and also does not contribute to the worsening of the urban environment instead of enhancing it and as such not become an economic burden to the domestic authority. Some of the prime stakeholders of urban tourism are: Private sector including hotel chains owners and operators, airlines, tour operators, tourist attraction operators such as events, theme parks etc, credit card companies and real estate agencies. Public sector including city managers ranging from history city to the resorts at seaside, train and bus operators, transportation planners, agencies of economic development, information departments, national tourist firms and national parks. Touristic Institutions including art galleries, museums, educational organizations and historic facilities. Impact of tourism in a City Impact of tourism can be categorized into three distinctive parts; induced, direct and indirect. The direct impact is related to the value added of such sectors that directly interact with the tourist. The indirect impact in fact represents the advantages given to suppliers to such direct sectors. The induced impact tends to add the impact of wages generated by tourism as they are normally spent in the related economy. The impact of an iceberg is similar to the tourism impact as the tourism industry represents such impact that is particularly visible and clear i.e. above water surface. But down below the surface the spending of tourist generates employment, taxes and wages in a host of a variety of supporting industries. Although these are not viewed they are vital for understanding the entire impact of tourism on city. Impact of tourism on city also includes the development opportunities for the sustainable growth of transportation, development, cultural, social, environmental and economic areas. The Tourist Holistic City In the original edition, Ashworth and Tunbridge attempt to model and narrate the variations and similarities in the spatial paradigm of historic cities mostly in North America and Western Europe. Tourism managers and urban planners throughout the world have in fact used the ideas that are presented in it. The panoramic perspective of the book includes urban areas of diversity as Kandy, Paris, Singapore, Bourtange and St Petersburg. Inescapably the authors have to narrate the omission of many others. (Ashworth, G.J. & Tonbridge, J.E. 2000) The book endeavors to challenge almost ten or more disciplines or study areas like geography, tourism, history, planning, heritage, development, conservation, marketing, planning and management. Most of these areas of study were and are distinct from or still ignorant of their insights. Tourist-historic is in fact the portmanteau adjective contracting the scope. The manner in which the authors had defined ‘tourist; is particularly qualified by them as stating that they had not endeavored to concentrate upon a narrow and limited definition of tourist or tourism but widely upon tourism as a primary element of entertainment and cultural function of cities. (Ashworth, G.J. & Tonbridge, J.E. 2000) Kinds of Tourist Attracted to Nottingham Tourism in Britain and Nottingham is related to a particular long historic past. With the diminishing of industrial revolution era there has been an increasing range of tourism activities. The tourist attracted to the area and visiting it are interested in the past industry of the region. They visit museums particularly mining museums. Leisure, art, education and sports are viewed as the main reasons of attracting tourist to Nottingham. Heritage has also a huge appeal in the scenarios of insecurity and fragmentation. It offers continuity on one hand to tourists and sense of identity and place on the other hand, comfort in the accomplishments of the present in comparison to the ‘bad old times’. The Effect of Olympic Games on Tourism in London A considerable doubt exists about the impact of Olympic Games of 2012 in London on tourism. Numerous attempts have already been made to quantify the impact. A rise in the economic benefits from fifty to seventy percent had been predicted of staging the event that could accrue specifically through tourism. It is mostly agreed within the tourism industry that the duration of games will not prove a bonanza particularly for tourist traffic. It is also believed in some circles that the most inbound Olympic-linked tourism will in fact be substitution for business and leisure tourism that could otherwise and that London and the United Kingdom would be mostly overrun with Olympic-associated tourists in 2012. Exercise-4 Visitor Management at the Taj Mahal Why is Taj Mahal So Attractive to Visitors Taj Mahal situated at Agra, India is indisputably the most renowned living example of Mughal architecture. It has also been described as ‘a tear on the face of eternity’, a popular imagination and an absolute wonder of the world. The white-splendored and impressive tomb was built by Emperor Shah Jahan. He built the tomb in the memory of his wife Arjumand Banu Begum also known as ‘Mumtaz Mahal’. Their marriage took place in the year 1612 as Mumtaz Mahal became the second wife of Shah Jahan and a loving companion always accompanying him. She died in childbirth at a place called Burhanpur during a campaign with Shah Jahan in the year 1629. Shah Jahan later remained mournful for two years and decided to honor the memory of the dead queen with constructing a building that had never been seen before. The dead queen was brought to Agra and temporary buried on the banks of Jumna River. The height of the tomb is more than a modern twenty storey building. It took twenty two years to complete and involved a workforce of twenty thousand. Craftsmen from distant places like Turkey also participated in the work. Taj Mahal is attracted to the visitors due to its artistic beauty and a symbol of love. The tomb had been provided with sumptuous furnishings and fittings that include gold lamps, Persian carpets and candlesticks. The main view is accentuated by dark red sandstone that is set between chains of cypress trees. The white marble of Taj Mahal assumes delicate variations of light, shaded and tone during different times in a day that is a treat for the tourists to watch. The tourists are captivated by the soft dreamy element at dawn. At noon it is similar to dazzling white. In the night under moon the dome is more like a gigantic iridescent pearl. The exuberant and lively feelings generated at the location captivate and pull tourists not only in India but from all over the world. Taj Mahal is considered as one of the largest tourist earning avenue. Taj Mahal is stated to express a variety of moods of a female. It is pinkish in the morning time, looks milky white in the evening shades and becomes golden in moonlight. Volume of Domestic and International Visitors that go to Taj Mahal each Year India received five million foreign tourists every year and many of them making expected journey to the popular places like Taj Mahal. It is reasonable to state that among the spectacular monuments of the country, Taj Mahal ranks among top. The tourism potential of India is enormous as the statistics also supports this view. The archaeological survey of 2005 lists the number of visitors to some of the significant sites. 539,637 international tourists visits the place while the number of locals had been quoted as 364, 997 in a year. Motivations of Visitors to the Taj Mahal Taj Mahal is not just a site to visit; in fact it is a life time experience for the visitors. No matter the number of times it is seen in pictures the reality is entirely different from the picture. The sheer scale and geometry of the place is something that motivates the tourists coming to India for making an integral part of their visit. It is described as the gateway through which each and every dream should pass and as called by a renowned local poet called it ‘a tear on the face of Eternity’. The beauty of Taj Mahal is unbelievable and unimaginable to think a man has created it. Its relation with love also motivates the tourists to experience the waves of love still present in the atmosphere in and around the tomb. In true sense Taj Mahal is a perfect and complete example of emotions, beauty and love and the tourist is amazed on seeing it. Known also as a white beauty it is a beautiful monument and among the wonders of the world motivating tourists to visit. Visitor Management at the Taj Mahal Taj Mahal is notified as a centrally safeguarded Monument of national significance under ‘Ancient Monuments, Sites and Remains Act of 1958’. Subsequently the regulations of Act were formulated in the next year i.e. 1950 that provides for its application. The central Industrial Security Force is responsible for the overall security of Taj Mahal. The local authorities of Agra are responsible for the visitor management at Taj Mahal. Conservation Assistant is specifically responsible for supervising the administration and management of the property and visitor management. Agra Development Authority is responsible for bus service starting from Agra Fort up to Taj Mahal. They are also responsible for drinking water outlets and the maintenance and repair of security lights. Impact do Visitors to the Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal creates enthusiasm for the tourists that feels the monument’s everlasting draw. Taj Mahal is situated in the Indian city Agra on the Yamuna River Banks and is adjacent to a garden surrounded by ornamental trees and fountains. At the first light of morning when there is a cool breeze and sun begins to shine, Taj Mahal creates a magnificent impact on visitors. Set against the bluish skyline Taj is similar to a mirage in a desert- the biggest monument of love on the earth leaving a lifetime impression on the tourists. Exercise-7 Tourism Development in Malta Main Attractions of Malta for the Development of Tourism Being a country archipelago Malta is composed mainly of three islands; Comino, Gozo and Malta. It is situated in the Mediterranean Sea and located in between Sicily and North Africa. The country was once an integral part of Roman Empire controlled and held by many factions for centuries. Strategic position of the country is valuable and wished by many. It was a British colony from the year 1814 up to 1964 and subsequently gained independence in the year 1964. Main attractions for the tourists in Malta include an exuberant representation of urban and modern living with restaurants, clubs, nightlife and cafes. It has also some distinguished baroque towns and a city, lively fish ports and relaxing villages and as such Malta is a blend of urban and rural tourism. Malta has a variety of places where tourists enjoy their stay as the country makes them enjoy life at its most fundamental one day and its sophisticated the next. Tourists with short stay are presented the attractions of island life in country from traditional villages to lively urban resorts. Some of the main attractions include Co-Cathedral of St John, the Manoel Theater, The Church of Our Lady of Victories, The National Museum of Fine Art and the National Museum of Archaeology. The culture of Malta is rich and rank among the stone monuments in the world. The civilizations that lived on the islands had left an exclusive megalithic architecture which has been authenticated by UNESCO as world heritage. In Malta a tourist can experience seven thousand years of history and culture in just three hundred and sixteen square kilometer area. The attractions of Malta do not comprise only sand, sun and sea destination but as a particular cultural destination where the visitors can experience and flavor the local culture. The Main Responses of Maltese Residents to Tourism Development Tourism being a latest and modern form of the common exhibition of the country state is a vital element for the process to preserve the heritage in Malta. The politics of patrimony and tradition are also vital in creating understanding about the interplay among elites and social segments and the state. Huge exposure to tourism and the increasing concern of state to preserve Mdina by limiting most renovation and development of houses has created stress among the Maltese Residents. Tourism development in Malta has created a healthy competition affecting the lifestyles of people extra generated revenues have increased the purchasing power of the Maltese people. Social political and behavioral trends of people have been changed significantly with tourism development. Main Actors for the development of Tourism in Malta and their Main Initiatives There are a number of actors involved for the development of tourism in Malta and the required growth in tourism activities is achievable only if these actors assume their roles successfully. The main actors are; government represented by entities and ministries; local government; opposition; private sector; and the residents of Malta etc. government is not the main actor in the tourism industry. The main initiatives of government are national interest, improved standard of life and governance. Government is also responsible for establishing the compatible environment for tourism, making laws for the industry and marketing the nation as a tourism destination for the purpose of an improved product of tourism. The second main actor for the development of tourism in Malta is private sector which is responsible primarily for delivering the required worth for the money offered by tourism to guests. It is also responsible to assure that their entire operations are organized adequately. Political Dependence of Malta with UK and Tourism Development In the highly developed island of Malta tourism is linked with its dependence on United Kingdom that has declined the traditional pursuits and different renewable resources challenging the identity and lifestyles of Maltese people. Malta has continuously experiencing saturation particularly in source markets like United Kingdom. The political dependence on UK has necessitated for the government of Malta to develop synergies between development sectors and tourism for the purpose of ensuring incorporation of tourism policies that are compatible with the British environment. Measures to Combat Decline and Improve the Offered Tourism Product of Malta For improving the offered tourism product of Malta the current income distribution should be on the basis of present tourist expenditure models and employment levels. The structural reforms should be identified and formed on the basis of research on underperforming sectors. The optimum blend of distribution channels and service providers should be identified along the investment areas having sufficient potential for establishing better jobs. For the purpose of combating the decline successfully the tourism activities should be based on commitments from all actors including government and private sectors specifically in the implementation stage. Exercise-8 Rural Tourism in Spain Tourism is becoming increasingly significant for most of the countries around world. A conservative estimate revealed that importance of tourism for the domestic economies varies according to the places and the nations are investing heavily in the tourist industry. The future of tourism have potential but due to increase in safety and security worries for international travel to large metro areas a number of rural tourist firms are moving to offer their services. Among these low risk and attractive rural areas could be capable of relying in tourism as a significant part of economy. A wide variety of opportunities for rural tourism exist as most of the remote areas are in fact the ideal and beautiful locations for specific nature-based activities such as fishing, hunting or different ecotourism activities like rafting and hiking. Travelers that are interested in the rural and local cultures and the heritage of rural places they mostly visit find an extra benefit in having the local history of town or in the personal and individual touches of a relatively small bed and breakfast. Farm-based tourism being a part of rural tourism also attracts tourists for experiencing hay rides, working ranches, pumpkin patches etc. Increasing price sensitivity facilitates rural tourism but is subject to the right quality. Products of rural tourism require meeting the continuous and increasing demands of customers in terms of higher expectation about quality and the greater differentiation. Rural tourism appears to integrate most of the demands and is positive as consumers seem to realize more features in one holiday. A good-quality and differentiated product of rural tourism is vital. Differences between Traditional Rural Tourism and Modern Rural Tourism Although there are many differences in traditional rural tourism and modern rural tourism we shall briefly discuss here some significant differences. Transportation has become a major element in modern rural tourism and a need that is to be expanded and accepted. In the traditional rural tourism the significant of transportation was not senses. Transportation does not serve as a connection between destination and market but the aesthetic nature and quality adds value. There also exist some segments of users that in fact do not fit into the mechanism of traditional rural tourism. These segments could not be drawn to a particular area due to its specific features but due to the advantages they search from experience. Experiential development needs more of a concentration on what advantages people anticipate to receive from their particular travel experience instead of what activities they perform during their stay at destination. Modern rural tourism is more addressed nationally in relation to the adequate policy. The governments did not formulate and follow policy directives for the traditional rural tourism. Modern Rural Tourist in Spain Modern rural tourism in Spain provides an exclusive and unique option for enjoying relaxing and peace environment of picturesque Spanish villages. There is wide spectrum of accommodations located in distant places of land. Modern rural tourist in Spain is the experience of staying in specifically designed accommodations such as farmhouses, refurnished cave dwelling that are carved out of different mountain slopes, country cottages in rustic settings and stylish mansions deliberately fashioned in a rural way for providing a specific authentic feeling. Along with presenting the peaceful beauty of countryside in Spain modern rural tourism also provides options to involve in different adventurous activities such as walking, cycling, canoeing, horseback excursions, and rafting etc. (World Tourism Organization 2000) Role Played by Women in the Development of Rural Tourism in Spain The role played by women in the development of rural tourism in Spain has presently attracted too much interest as a highly unstable and seasonal economic activity as tourism presents one of the very few opportunities for employment that are taken by Spanish women. They further contribute to the marginal and low status of women in the Spanish rural workforce. Same kinds of arguments are also presented by gender studies performed with a tourism element. Different studies have highlighted the significance of societal participation particularly in tourism planning so that the domestic population of Spain and specifically Spanish women are not barred from the advantages of rural tourism development. Types of Accommodation Establishments in the Rural Area of Murcia Murcia lies right in the middle of valley with River Segura flowing through it, founded in the year 831 it has the extra attraction of two seas the Mediterranean and Mar Menor. Tourists to the area enjoy all the benefits of the Mar Menor’s sailing station that offers tourist and sports infrastructures along with hotels, establishments and accommodation for learning and leisure grouped together. Presently the types of accommodation establishments in the rural area of Murcia are designed in a manner that can enhance the stay of visitor. Networks of establishments along with highest qualification are located at strategic points of the rural area. References Ashworth, G.J. & Tonbridge, J.E. 2000. The tourist-historic city. Oxford: Pergamon Burton R. 1991. Travel Geography. London. Pitman Publishing Butler, R 1980. The concept of the tourism area cycle of evolution. Canadian Geographer 24 (i), 5-12 – available on the vlp Leiper N. 1995. Tourism Management. Collingwood, VIC: TAFE Publications World Tourism Organization. 2000. Tourism 2020 Vision Volume 2 Americas. Madrid: Dibe www. Read More

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