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Quality Management in Business - Assignment Example

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The author of the paper "Quality Management in Business" will begin with the statement that problem-solving strategies happen to become commonplace in businesses where it has become essential that the correct tools are used for a specific problem…
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Quality Management in Business
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s Quality Management in Business Problem solving strategies happen to become a common place in businesses there it has become essential that the correct tools are used for a specific problem. Improving processes as well as effective strategies for solving problems have been two major weaknesses in various businesses. Each company must have its own problems where by the problems of different companies could be similar or different depending on nature of business for each company. One of the major differences between the average companies and excellent performing companies is actually how best they react towards issues whenever they arise. What is most important is the way in which a business puts arisen issues to bed such that there will not be a repetition of the same issues. The first part of this paper seeks to identify as well as apply strategies to come up with appropriate solutions. Continuously, well performing companies have come up with ways to be much better in their business. Some companies do believe that waste, scrap as well as defects are a mere cost of running a business. To some extent, they are right because this is a cost. However, this cost can and should be avoided give the reason that it is the cost of poor quality. It adds up once and repeatedly in the form of different currencies; Euros, dollars, pounds, and affects the ability of a company to remain profitable as well as the ability to remain in business. It is always advisable to remember that lack of cash happens to be what kills businesses most eventually. Problem solving art is referred as jidoka by the Japanese. The term simply means plain and simply a method that sports a problem as it arises in business, stopping it as well as analyzing the problem and finally spending time in resolving it such that it will not come up again. The thing involves a continuous culture improvement, which takes a great leadership and time. Failure to use effective strategies for solving problems for identification, containing as well as elimination of root causes of the problems has a detrimental and massive impact on business stability and performance. It seriously jeopardizes the competitiveness of the business and its existence as well. Errors are usually made in businesses; issues arise. Too many problems may exist, so how does one know the issue to deal with within the many? The best strategy must be put in place to help in diagnosing and eliminating the causes within the myriad of these issues. To start with, one needs to look for the issue carrying the biggest impact. The method to use in fining the impact can be by how often the issue can arise, impact in terms of financial effect to the business or whatever other scoring method. After the issue has been identified then from there on it is a matter of focusing the effort of problem solving on the issue until it gets resolved. A Pareto chart happens to be a very effective tool for the process. It makes it possible for an organization to identify visually the largest problem after which it allows the problem solving team to focus on it as well as rectifying it. Once this problem is eliminated, the team can move to the second biggest problem and deal with it in a way that is structured and logical. How does one eat an elephant? The answers a single bite at a time. This is an old saying and it happens to be quite true in the matter of problem solving. It is not possible for one to change the whole world overnight but one can be able to focus on the resources and energy of a company on the largest impact issue or the five top issues, than trying to boil an ocean, so to speak, to start literally everything, but accomplish nothing. While thinking of problem solving strategies an individual can be forgiven if they come up with a statistical as well as in depth analytical tools, however, Kaizen’s version and the identifying and elimination anything variable to standard is all there in problem solving strategies. The secret is to pick the tool that is most appropriate for the issue at hand. There are two well-known road maps of continuous improvement that are advisable to use, which includes PDCA or the DMAIC, however, this is about the following. 1. Identification of the problem 2. Identification of the root causes 3. Brainstorming of the solutions 4. Selecting of the appropriate solutions 5. Implementation as well as checking the solution’s impact Problem identification One can know that a problem exists, but it is not easy the root cause of this problem as it is easy to know the existence of the problem. Is it possible for a person to point at the actual issue? Could there be many problems, which happen to be symptoms of larger cause? It is very easy for one to get lost within the sea of problems and issues in a business. Most importantly, the secret is just to keep it simple. In a case a problem exists and causes a big impact, the first thing to do is to measure it. Get an understanding of the process; what the actual problem is, how often it happens and the generic factors that are causing it. Visual tools which are simple to expose the issue firstly Pareto diagrams and QCPC charts for displaying simple quick and visual problem understanding, its occurrence as well as generic causes. The next thing after this is to seek an understanding of the issue further as well as drilling the main root causes. Some problems are difficult and they do have some physical characteristics for instance, They are in transparent in the sense that they lack solution clarity at the capacity of commencement as well as the continuation capacity. Multiple goals; opposition, inexpensiveness, or transience. Complexity (large item numbers, decisions and interrelations); heterogeneity, innumerably and connectivity( allocation relation, communication relation, hierarchy relation) Time considerations (dynamics); temporal sensitivity, temporal constraints, dynamic predictability, and phase effects. The difficult problems solutions do require direct attack on every one of the above characteristics, which are encountered (Osborn, 1963). Identification of the root causes Root causes analysis is a problem solving method, which aims at pointing out the main causes of the issue or problem focused on. The process solves the problem through an attempt to identify as well as correcting the root causes of issues, not just to address the symptoms. Focusing on correcting the root causes of an issue has the goal to prevent the event from reoccurrence. Root cause failure analysis (RCFA) does recognize that complete recurrence prevention by a single action of correction is not possible always. There are a number of measures t for addressing the root causes of an event. Hence, RCA happens to be an alternative tool for continuous improvement (, 2014). Typically, RCA is used as the reactive method in identification of root causes of events, revealing the issues as well as solving them. Analysis takes place after an event has occurred. Where insights in RCA use it as a preemptive method, then use of RCA can be made for prediction or forecasting of events which are probable even before their occurrence. While one is followed by the other, RCA happens to completely be a process separate to incident management. Analysis of the root causes is not one sharply define methodology, many different processes, philosophies and tools are the for RCA performance. However, there are a number of approaches, which are broadly defined that can are able to identify through their basic approach or origin field: production based, safety based, failure based, process based, and system based (Osborn, 1963). The general principles for root cause analysis are as follows the primary aim in root cause analysis happens to be the identification of those factors that came to result to the nature, the location, the timing and the magnitude of the harmful event or consequences of a single or many events of the past with an aim to identify the inactions, behaviors, or even conditions that should be changed in order to avoid such harmful occurrences from repeating themselves, and also identification of lessons that are to be learnt for promoting the achieving of better consequences. Near-certain pretension for recurrence is what success is. In order to be effective, the root cause analysis is supposed to be systematically performed, usually it should be made part of the whole investigation, with the root causes identified, and conclusions reached to be backed up by evidence, which is documented. A team effort is usually required. An e4vent or problem can have more than a single root cause, the most difficult part is to demonstrate the persistence and the sustainability of efforts required for determining them (Osborn, 1963). The purpose for identification of all solutions is to ensure prevention of recurrence at minimal cost in the simplest way. In a case where there exist alternatives, which are equally effective, then the approach, which is simplest and has a low cost, is to be chosen. The identified root causes are dependent on the way the event or problem is defined. Event descriptions as well as statements for problems those are effective, for instance as failures, happen to be helpful, and are even required. For the outcome to be quite effective, the analysis is supposed to establish the timeline or the sequence of events to understand relationship that exists between root causes, contributory (casual) factors and the issue or event defined to prevent in future. The analysis of root causes can help in transformation of a creative culture, one that does react to problems, into one that looks forward, which solves issues before their occurrence or escalation. Most importantly, it does reduce the frequency of issues, which occur over time in the surrounding where the use of the root cause analysis is made. Root course analysis happens to be a threat to most environments as well as cultures. Culture threats do meet often resistance. There may exist other management support forms that are required in achieving success and effectiveness in root cause analysis, for instance, a policy that is non-punitive towards identifiers of problems may be required (Osborn, 1963). The process for the performance and documentation of RCA is as follows based on corrective action. Factually, describe the event or define the problem. Include the quantitative as well as the qualitative attributes of the unpleasant outcome. It usually involves specification of the locations, magnitudes, natures, and timing of the events. Collect data and evidence and classify it terms of events timeline up to the last failure or crisis. Specify the timeline for every condition, action, behavior, and inaction, what was supposed to have been done in a case where it is different from what was exactly done. Ask “why” then do an identification of the causes that are associated with every step in the series towards the event or issue defined. “Why” means, which factors resulted directly to the effect. Causes should be classified in to casual factors, which relate to each within the sequence as well, as root causes, so as if eliminated, interaction of that step within the sequence chain can be agreed upon. Point out all the other factors that are harmful and have an equal or a better claim to qualify to be called root causes. If multiple root causes exist as it is normally the case, reveal them clearly to be optimally selected later. Corrective action r actions should be identified that will prevent with certainty the recurrence of every damaging effects, with the inclusion of factors and outcomes. Next is to identify the solutions, which when effective and also with a consensus group agreement, does prevent recurrence with some reasonable certainty, meet its objectives as well as goals, are within the control of the institution and will not introduce or result to other new problems, which were unforeseen. It is time for the recommended correction or corrections for the root causes to be implemented. Effectiveness needs to be ensured through observation of implemented solutions recommended. Identification of other methodologies for solving issues and avoiding problems that could be useful should be done. Next is to identify as well as to address other instances of every damaging outcome and factor (Osborn, 1963). Tools of analysis, for instance histograms, scatter diagrams, process flow charts and other tools can be used to help identify the points at which issues arise in the process, however, a fishbone diagram can be used s a simple tool to help kick-start the analysis of the root cause. The main objective in this stage is to wade through symptoms so as to identify root causes of the issue (, 2014). Brainstorming of alternative solutions Brainstorming is an n individual or group creativity technique where by efforts are made to come up with a solution for the problem in hand through the gathering of a list of all the ideas contributed spontaneously by the member(s). In brainstorming, social inhibitions should be reduced amongst the members of the group. Always stimulate generation of ideas. Overall, group creativity should be increased. It is advisable that in brainstorming to focus much on quantity. This generates the aims at gathering a greater number of the ideas contributed, which leads to a greater chance of coming up with a radical as well as a quite effective solution. Ideas criticism should be withheld in brainstorming. The participants should actually focus more on adding or extending ideas. Through the suspension of judgment, unusual ideas will be generated since the contributors feel free. It will lead to better solutions. Unusual ideas should be welcome. These can be generated through taking a look at new perspectives as well as suspension of assumptions. The new thinking ways are likely to provide better solutions. Ideas need now to combined and improved. One single better idea can be generated through the combination of good ideas (Osborn, 1963). A group is most preferred for use in brainstorming. To make it simple, the problem should be discussed in turn, let every team individual identify what they think are the possible causes. Every idea is a good idea; the remit is always to gather as many ideas as possible. Either the process can take a single or several detailed sessions. The time span depends very much on the problem size (, 2014). Selecting of the appropriate solutions The team must reach to an agreement as to which are the root causes or the root cause and from those ideas gathered in the previous step, it must come to an agreement on what are the possible top three root causes. Once they have come to an agreement, then it is on the following stage that that they will work out the most possible solution or solutions to do away with the root cause of the issue at hand. Implementation and checking of solution Root causes as well s countermeasures have now been highlighted and also agreed upon. The next step taken is the implementation of the solutions, to check the impact of the solutions and to measure so as to ensure those root cause or causes have been done away with and that elimination of the issue was successful. This stage can actually take time in gathering the data and also measuring the outputs of the process so as to measure truly the solution’s impact – all this time, search and see the impact level on the initial problem and also see if the problem is completely eliminated or it is still there. If the issue in fact still exists, then the group should go back to brainstorm for further analysis, then the process has to be repeated once more (, 2014). Problem solving tools It is advisable to remember that the main goal is the elimination of problems at the soonest time possible. This means that it is a key thing to create a continuous improvement culture. Currently, there are several problem-solving strategies, which are popular, which one can give a try and see how they get on. The tools have been designed such that they can be of use in whatever industry, sector, or company that is willing to identify an issue at the source, correcting the problem as well as removing the root cause completely. Continuous strive for such relentless undertaking of identifying and eliminating problems will show how a company is competitive In its industry and how it is making use of problem solving strategies more effectively so as to earn leverage on completion (, 2014) Depending on how complex an issue or problem is, an organization may choose to use any of the various problem-solving strategies. The RPR problem diagnosis – RPR stands for rapid problem solution. It is a diagnosis method for problems designed specifically for the determination of root cause in problems arising in IT. It deals with the failures, performance issues indirect output and in particular, its strengths are in diagnosing recurring and ongoing grey problems. The Kepner –Tregoe analysis – this refers to a process within which alternatives that one lists and then assigns some numerical weight to a sequence of values (not forgetting the fact that some of them may be crucial requirements), provides every alternative with some numeric rating in accordance with each value and also computes some numerical score for the same alternative. The technique does allow that absurd results indicate errors within the weight as well as the rating (Osborn, 1963). OODA loop – it stands for decision cycle to observe, orient, decide, and then act. It has become one very significant concept in litigation as well as military strategy. Making of decisions does occur in some repeated cycle of observe-decide-decide-act. An organization that is able to process the cycle quickly, observe, and react to upcoming events faster than other opponents hence being advantageous. PCDA – This is a 4 method for management used for control as well as continued improvement for products and processes as well products. Its steps are as follows; 1. Plan – establish processes as well as objectives that are necessary for delivering results in accordance with outp0ut expected. 2. DO – Implement this pan then execute the process and make the product. For charting as well as analysis collect data in the CHECK and ACT steps. 3. CHECK – study actual results that have been measured and collected as well in the previous step, and do a comparison against the results that are expected to see if there are differences. Check for any deviations in the plan implementation and look as well for the completeness and appropriateness for the plan so as to enable the execution. 4. ACT – request the correct actions on the important differences between the actual results and the planned ones. Get to analyze the differences and also make determination of the root causes. Eight Disciplines Problem Solving This is a method that calls for approaching and resolving problems. The steps are; 1. PLAN – for solving of the problem as well as determination of requisites. 2. USE A TEAM – with knowledge on processes and products. 3. Define then describe the problem. 4. Make determinations, identification, as well as verification of root causes as well as escape points. 5. Choose and also verify permanent corrections. 6. Implement as well as validate actions of corrections. 7. Take preventive measures (Rambaud, 2011). In conclusion, every business is in eminent danger of problems. Such problems may carry risks that the company is unable to survive. It is only through use of effective problem solving strategies that a company can enjoy a longer period in business. It s is only through solving business problems and ensuring that there are no chances of recurrence that a business can gain political advantage whether in the global level or average level. Reference List 2014. Systematic Problem Solving Strategies: Improving Customer Satisfaction and Efficiency. Retrieved april 10, 2014, from .educational- strategies.html Osborn. 1963. Applied imagination: Principles and procedures of creative problem solving(Third Revised Edition) . New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Rambaud, L. 2011. 8D Structured Problem Solving: A Guide to Creating High Quality 8D Reports,. PHRED Solutions. Read More
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