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The Innovation of Electron Microscope - Essay Example

The paper "The Innovation of Electron Microscope" discusses that the school of medicine due to further innovations on the EM will help them in the disease identification easily as well as in finding the remedies for the fungi and viruses on human beings, other animals as well as plants…
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Extract of sample "The Innovation of Electron Microscope"

In the brief, the electronic microscope is said to be a microscope type in which electrons are essentially used in the creation of targeted image. The area of study which is the innovations made on the electric microscope (EM) is outlined. The electric microscope can be said to be a microscope type in which electrons are essentially used in the creation of the targeted image that uses electric beam for observation of best results. It is based on a prototype made by Ruska as he was correlating between resolution and wavelength (Von, 2006). The innovations made on the electric microscope from the time it was invented is the increase of magnification power from *400 magnification made by Ruska to higher magnifying microscope. In the innovation, there got to be two types of electric microscopes which are the Transmission Electric Microscope (TEM) and the Scanning Electric Microscope (SEM). The paper will discuss the innovations made on the electric microscope (Zworykin, 2008).Beams are used for light provided in the EM aiming at the observation of better results. The resolving power of the EM is very high compared to other microscopes. This EM is based on a prototype made by Ruska as he was trying to make correlations between resolution and wavelength (Zworykin, 2008). It uses Electron optical lenses for magnification and a very high resolution which keeps being adjusted as innovations occur. The evolution and the innovation of the electronic microscope were for the magnification of objects whose lights' wavelength was less or equal to half (Von, 2006). The electronic microscope’s beam either got scattered or absorbed parts of the cell for the formation of images on the photographic plate which is electron-sensitive. The EM exist as the Transmission Electric Microscope (TEM) and the Scanning Electric Microscope (SEM) (Innoue, 2005). The TEM shows how the original EM was like before the continuous innovations happened the two microscopes work hand in hand whereby the TEM produces the original resolution of the image and the SEM produces the secondary images which are more clear. On how the innovation occurred, the first microscope had a better magnification power than the light microscope of about *400 magnification (as was built by Ruska) and could create better images on the objects viewed by then. The innovations which were being done for the improvement of the resolution power was aimed at promoting the research fields of study, the society as well as in the medical projects (Innoue, 2005). The innovation took several stages whereby from the first electronic microscope was changed to Transformation Electric Microscope and Scanning Electronics Material. The TEM took the look of the original electronic microscope basing the innovation on the electrons transmitted where the TEM produced particles through the primary beams. The TEM field of use after the innovation got to be a collection of data and information on the spatial variation of data as well as the specimen's structures the followed by the magnification of the specimen through a series of lenses which are magnetic (Zworykin, 2008). The TEM produced two-dimensional images which are in black and white in color in results observation. The specimen, in this case, is non-living. On further innovations, the SEM was created which could not carry a specimen’s full image. The SEM scans a sample with and electric beam’s focus and is known for the production of greyscale images. The SEM production of images is through the detection of secondary electrons emitted as a result of the beam from the primary electrons (Innoue, 2005). The resolution power of the TEM and the SEM are higher than the original EM since they can be adjusted up to a magnification of *2 million. The current EM uses electromagnetic lenses which include the solenoid of wire cables and pieces of magnetic poles which are utilized in the creation and concentration of the magnetic fields. The electronic microscope has been applied in the medical section at the various field of concern. It is used in the companies whose products are make ups, in the biological-related field of study and the institutions of health for research. The TEM is majorly used in the pathology under the medical field where the skin, heart as well as kidney pathology are done (Gabril, 2010). It is used in the evaluation of the subtle structures, subcellular elements, in cytoskeletons as well as in the assessment of the single cells. The EM is also used in the medical field for the medical diagnosis, medical research, and identification of various biological features. Besides, the EM is used in the diagnosis of viruses in the medical field as well as in the extraction of some medicine which are a remedy to several pathogens and viruses identified and diagnosed in the EM of any other medical test. To the society, the innovation of EM has been applied in the (EDS) Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy detectors which are essential in the analysis of elements as well as in the system off Cathodoluminescence microscope. It is used in the analysis of the spectrum and intensity of electron luminance induced in specimens from the geological field (Faulk, 2007). As an evaluation on the benefits and drawbacks, the innovation of the electron microscope has been of great benefit as well as drawbacks to the society and the medical field at large. The benefits are clearly outlined in the essay. Due to innovation, the EM became more dominant thus could be used in the observation in all areas of medical study. The success of the society’s field of research and study has been boosted by the innovations made on the EM thus aiding in the metallurgy, gemology, nanotechnologies, and gemology among other research areas (Colonnie, 2008). Also, the EM have had numerous industrial and technological applications such as in the manufacture of computer chips, inspection of semiconductors and in the quality control section in fields of application. On the drawbacks, the innovations on the EM made it be more expensive thus many organizations, health bodies and research centers not managing to cater for the purchase and maintenance cost of the EM (Von, 2006). Besides, the innovation made the EM get more complicated thus more training was required to the users on the performance and its handling as those who are not trained on how to handle the EM are denied the chance to use it as a way of eradicating the probable accidents on incorrect use of the EM. Competence in service, repair, and maintenance is often required for the efficient servicing of the EM with a slight damage costing a lot for repair or replacement. High electric voltages are used to power the EM thus an added value. Besides, the complexity in the usage of the EM has led to great destruction to the machine after being used by trainees who were not updated on the recent changes on it after innovation. To conclude, the innovations of the EM have been carried out over a wide range of time where the innovators majored on improving on its resolution power. The changes that have been made on the electronic microscope, the medical and health field has considerably been positively impacted whereby the diagnosis of pathogens and viruses is easily made in the research centers. The EM has been of importance in the make-up producing company among other industries and enterprises of concerns. The researchers to use the EM are supposed to be trained before being allowed to use the apparatus as a measure to prevent unnecessary damages. This could be of advantage due to the addition of knowledge which might be a gateway to a career opportunity and job creation, while to other EM users, the training is a disadvantage since many are denied the chance to use it for lack of training. The EM requires frequent maintenance and repair frequently, needs a large room to be placed due to its large size as well as being costly regarding the purchase, maintenance and repairing the damages as well as the provision of power (electric power). Therefore, all these necessities for the positioning of the EM correctly requires funding thus efforts required for the success of the innovation and the operation of the EM in the respective organizations. Since the specimen in the EM is non-living due to the high vacuum, the movements in the living cells can’t be observed under the EM. More innovations of the EM need to be made by other innovators in the near future aiming at providing the best magnification and research services to the customers as well as their attainment of better results in their study. Besides, the school of medicine due to further innovations on the EM will help them in the disease identification easily as well as in finding the remedies for the fungi and viruses on human beings, other animals as well as plants. Reference list Colonnier, M. (2008). Synaptic patterns on different cell types in the different laminae of the cat visual cortex. An electron microscope study. Brain research, 9(2), 268-287. Faulk, W. P., & Taylor, G. M. (2007). Communication to the editors: an immunocolloid method for the electron microscope. Immunochemistry, 8(11), 1081-1083. Gabril, M. Y., & Yousef, G. M. (2010). Informatics for practicing anatomical pathologists: marking a new era in pathology practice. Modern Pathology, 23(3), 349-358. Inoue, H., Uyama, Y., Uchida, E., & Ikada, Y. (2005). Scanning electron microscope observation of lubricious polymer surface for medical use. Cells and Materials, 2(1), 3. Von Hippel, E. (2006). The dominant role of users in the scientific instrument innovation process. Research Policy, 5(3), 212-239. Zworykin, V. K. (2008, September). Electric microscope. In I congresso International di Elettro-Radio-Biologic (Venice, Italy) (Vol. 1). Read More
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