The technology used in pager is still prevalent as the development of similar products which uses new technology like beeper through the use of numeric and alphanumeric capabilities have integrated the use of technology in the field of pager and still have its relevance for the industry (Hibner & Wise, 1996). The society through the use of technological advancements seen in the direction of pager technology has helped to further develop the technology to be used in different directions and has increased the reliance on the services.
The technology used in pager allowed people to send long distance messages to the society and the people through a rectangular device which people carried. This was the start of technological innovation and provided the required direction through which better technology and means were developed to facilitate both verbal communication and messages (Leung & Ran Wei, 1999). It was a breakthrough in the field of wireless communication as it provided the required direction through which better technological advancements were possible as the society to use the developments invested in this direction which thereby provided the required potential to improve the process of communication.
The continuous technological development and innovation taken by society further developed new gadgets but the service that pager provided is still being used and the process or speed at which communication takes place has changed. The development in the field of technology can be clearly identified through a process where pagers were used as one way communication and the other person receiving was not able to reply back (Wei, 2006). The society led towards the development of newer technology by investing and working in this direction which provided the required breakthrough which allowed two way communications to take place through the use of pager.
This breakthrough helped further as it provided the required technological advancement through which better phones and other technology was developed. The developments and technological innovation has helped in the development of better tools and process to communicate which is based on the technology of pager but the outlook through which communication takes place has changed. This has impacted the use of pager in the society as people are slowly looking towards newer developments and technology which has thereby increased the developments and forced people to bring the required technological advancements which will help to improve the entire process of communication.
The development in the field of pager still continues and has it presence in different areas of the society like restaurants. Society has looked to transform the use of technology where they use pager as today it facilitates in the process of placing orders. The use and process has changed as developments has made the society to look at it through another method and has still ensured that the technology which pager had is used and is ensuring that the society gains from it. Use The development of new technology which has replaced pager still provides an alternative through which the process of old communication has changed and new methods are being adopted.
Adopting the new developments has facilitated the use of technology and has led towards innovation through which the overall process and style of working has improved (Reich, 2004). The developments have further ensured that both the present as well as the new technology developments facilitates a process through which overall effectiveness can be achieved. The society has thereby been able to use the technology for different purposes and has increased the spread of technology to different areas and sectors which has thereby contributed positively.
The process has further been strengthened by the increased financial assistance which has helped in the better use of technology and has provided the required space through which better use of technology is possible The development of technology has thereby ensured that pager which was previously used for messaging has developed its use to mobiles and other devices still having the core constituent the same where they look to strengthen on services.
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