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The Use of Cell Phones Can Create Increased Cancer Prevalence - Essay Example

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The paper "The Use of Cell Phones Can Create Increased Cancer Prevalence" highlights that the variable factor includes the length of exposure and technology of the mobile telephony. Distance and time of contact between the radiofrequency and body cells are of significance in this topic…
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The Use of Cell Phones Can Create Increased Cancer Prevalence
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Cell Phones and Cancer Task: Cell Phones and Cancer Introduction The use of cell phones could be a source of increased cancer prevalence all over the world. There lacks scientific explanations but researchers on the same topic supports this possibility. Cell phones emit radiofrequencies which are regarded safe to human cells. Guenter (2004) argues that the only hazardous radiofrequencies are ionizing radiations, which interfere with cells at molecular level. The end result is mutations which cause uncontrolled cell growth also known as cancer. The fact that no ionizing radiations are emitted by cell phones does not nullify possibilities of it being carcinogenic. Could be it is a matter of time before a discovery is made. Theory behind cell phones and cancer Modern technology has caused worries to the society in terms of health. According to Lyle et al (2003), a more credible evidence of the worries includes celebrations held for individuals who advocate for health concerns as related to modern technology. Selection of a day such as May 31st the year 2011 came as an important day for giving lessons on the guesswork that folks had made before without clear basis of support to the allegations. Policy makers had to give an intelligent choice on technological devices used by millions all over the world. The claim here is that cell phones have a possibility of causing cancer. Zook et al (2006) argued, what is apparent from the theoretical view is that even the scientists are not sure about the possibilities of cell phones causing cancer. Two types of brain cancer have been associated with cancer. However, there lacks adequate information in support of this allegation directed to acoustic neuroma and glioma types of cancer. Further, there is no adequate information to support allegations that other forms of cancer could be caused by the use of cell phones. Casual interpretations gain considerations on carcinogenic radiation without acceptable evidence on the same. There lacks certainty on the matter with people airing their thoughts on imaginations but no scientific evidence. Verschaeve et al. (2006) argued no one could be sure if things are safe or there is need for intervention regarding that a whole generation may be swept away by cancer. The risk with this is that it may take abnormally long to realize the effects of cell phones as related to carcinogenic. It is not possible to be certain about the issue until time elapse as observations and close studies are made. Nobody will dispute the fact that brain carcinomas take long to develop. This supports the view that determining the possibilities of cell phones as a cause of cancer may take longer than people may imagine. Research by Da Yu et al. (2006) supports that, during this time, there are other forms of carcinogenic that we get exposed to. Determining that the exact cause of brain tumors may not be accurately directed to a possible cause, but on trial basis, cell phones would be viewed as the culprit. Anxiety is another fact associated with these allegations. People get confused on whether to believe or ignore these allegations since no concrete information is available. Zeni et al. (2003) argued, people are already used to mobile telephone. Making unclear allegations may not influence peoples behavior on mobile telephone. Regarding the economic value derived from cell phone application, it may not be easy to convince people to stop manufacturing or using mobile phones. Tammy et al. (2002) explained that the main reason is the fact that no one is sure about cancer being caused by cell phone radiations. Besides, not every individual using a mobile phone has knowledge on waves. Waves are not visible for that matter. As a result, it may not be practical to for such people to view this allegation from the obvious angle. They have to listen to the experts and with supported proofs. Bartsch et al. (2002) supports that people tend to be conscious about the issue but a more careful look into the allegation must be given. It is worth noting that considerations on convenience take center stage on decision making on issues regarding cell phones as a cause of cancer. The issue mostly considered is the psychological part rather than the factual section. By this it becomes more complex to make conclusions on the issue rather, more confusion get into the air. The basis of argument of this matter is never scientific but theoretical. A support for this may be a consideration made on most articles written on this topic. Most writers are not researchers but base their views on research work done by other individuals. Medical doctors, for instance, may not have the right knowledge on waves so that they could come up with reliable conclusions based on other scholar’s researches. Radiologists, on the other hand, lack sufficient knowledge on the effects of waves on the human cells. A general belief is that radiations have effects on living cells. There are minimal doses considered to be the threshold radiation. Exceeding these wavelengths may be hazardous to human life (Ryuji, Ragouzis, Moros, Straube & Roti Roti, 2001). The consideration made in this case does not take care of the time of exposure. It only considers the wavelength of the radiation. Another possible issue of concern could be the closeness of interaction. An explanation of this relies on the fact that, at any point a cell phone is put into use, the user must have it close to their ears. The result is close interaction of the set waves with body cells and brain cells for that matter. No clarity has been made by any theorist on how long of this close contact may be hazardous. In addition, the use of such mobile telephony gadgets may be prolonged over years. Perception of this theoretical view takes a subjective blend of feelings and facts. There is also the involvement of intellectual reasoning. A common factor is the instinctive view that only requires proof as a backup. This point out that there could be mistakes in the whole view hence no assumptions should be made. There is need for sense of control before anything goes messy. There is need for people to be safe since we need the present generation and those to follow in proper brain condition. For this reason, it may not be wise to ignore the theoretical view on cell phone as related to cancer. Scientific View and Research Scientists will support the point that cell phones emit radiations with frequency energy. The ionizing radiation so emitted may be absorbed by body cells which lie close to the position of the phone at the time of use. The technology of the phone dictates how much one gets exposed to these radiations. The other dependable factor is the distance between the antenna and the point of contact. In most cases, cell phones are held close to the head. Scientific studies have linked various forms of cancer with the use of cell phones the most of all includes cancer of the brain and cancer of the nerves. Tissues in the head and neck region are no exemptions. The reason for concern in the case of mobile telephone and cancer includes the increase in number of cell phone users stretching up to the forthcoming generation. The other reason relies on the fact that body cells are capable of absorbing ionizing radiations produced by cell phones. Besides, over years, a notable increase in cell phone conversation rates and durations has been on the rise. Hence need to fear for the future. The manufactures of the gadgets also apply varied technologies in making their cell phones. For these reasons, the concern over cell phone use as related to cancer is valid. The question to follow would be what are radiofrequency energy as mentioned by cell phone experts and how do they affect body cells to the extent of suspicion to be carcinogenic they may be referred to as forms of electromagnetic radiations which has ionizing and non ionizing effects hence the two respective categories. When body cells are exposed to ionizing radiations such as radiotherapy, there are high chances of developing cancer. Other researchers have also sought to find out the effects of non ionizing radiations on body cells by the use of radar and microwave oven. From these researches, there is lack of evidence on possible increase of cancer development out of non ionizing radiations. The only risk associated with this radiofrequency energy is heating. For cell phones, there is recorded effect of heating among users due to exposure to the waves. This has no sufficient value of measurement that may form a basis for making arguments. From scientific researches in the recent past, those who used cell phones for a duration more than fifty minutes recorder an increase in glucose metabolism on the side closest to the antenna if the cell phone. However, the possible health effects of increased glucose metabolism in the brain cells are not known. The measure of these radiations may be done in several ways depending on information recorded from interviews and questionnaires. The frequency of cell phone use may be the first question followed by the duration of exposure based on the first date of access to a cell phone and the date when it was last accessed. The length of cell phone conversation may also be of importance together with the total duration of lifetime use. The result that may be obtained from such questions would be significant in determining possible effects. The other point would be from a large sample, it would be possible to nullify the claims or corroborating evidences o cell phones as a cause of cancer. Researchers have shown that radiofrequency energy emitted from cell phones may not be carcinogenic to living cells. The basis of cancer development relies on the damage to DNA section. Sykes et al. (2001) supports that radiofrequency energy as opposed to those that cause ionization damage DNA. The process may be referred to as mutation. The main cause of cancer to human cells is associated with chemical mutagens more than radiations. There are various epidemiologic researches that have been carried out on the issue to do with cancer and cell phone association. Carcinomas and non cancerous tissues have been analyzed to ensure the causes of tumors that develop in the heads. Of these tumors includes the meninges and glands within the head and neck region. Others mostly affected includes nerves responsible for hearing. The research pegs on using patients with the same kind of tumors and those without in order to make concrete conclusion on the subject. The other study referred to as case control study based on comparison in relation to time based on cohort studies of a large sample may provide sufficient data on cancer causes attached to cell phone use. The dramatic increase of cancer cases within the same duration that cell phone use increased shows a significant point to be discovered regarding the simultaneous growth. Information on the comparison between mobile telephony use and cancer development could be reliable in this case. Various finding s have been developed and presented on this with varied views depending on the angle of approach. A case control study from thirteen countries indicated that there is recorded significant increase in cancer related to use of cell phones. The research relied on the fact that those with reduced signs of these had notable reduced use of cell phones. High levels of radiofrequency from cell phones showed an increase in brain and related organ tumors. All case studies on this subject confer with a significant level of consistency. The point worth noting is that use of cell phones potentially increases risk of developing cancer in the head region due to exposure of radiofrequency energy. Studies carried by cosmos tend to evaluate possibilities of increased rate of cancer in populations using cell phones. The participants in this research body fill in questionnaires with information on their lifestyle and health record together with cell phone use record. The only challenge in the research like in similar researches is the completeness of information. The certainty in determining individual’s frequency in the use of mobile telephony seam to b e ignored as a general conclusion is always provided. Multiple users of one phone may be generalized making the research unreliable. Despite all these challenges, a general trend may be realized which gives an overview of the reality but not the core information According to Pickard et al (2001), other question that may arise includes the increased chances of child risk on radiofrequency exposure as related to adults. Theoretically, this is supported but there lacks sufficient scientific evidence as to whether the risk relies on age. Researches support this claim from their findings but a scientific explanation on the same is yet to be discovered. Cell phone users may also be advised to minimize exposure to radiations by having shorter conversations and minimizing cell phone use. The other means is by the use of hands free device to reduce distance and level l of contact between body cells and radiofrequencies emitted by cell phones. Conclusion The discussion in the prior sections gives an overview of possibilities of cell phones radiofrequencies being carcinogenic. What becomes apparent is that no one is sure, not even the scientists, that cell phones cause cancer. Research, however, supports that radio waves emitted by cell phones could be carcinogenic. The variable factor, in this case, includes the length of exposure and technology of the mobile telephony. Distance and time of contact between the radiofrequencies and body cells are of significance in this topic. References Guenter, O. (2004). Controversial Cytogenetic Observations in Mammalian Somatic Cells Exposed to Radiofrequency Radiation. Radiation Research, 162(5), 481-496 Lyle, B. S., Morris, E., Bary, W. & Larry, E. A. (2003). Genotoxic Potential of 1.6 GHz Wireless Communication Signal: In Vivo Two-Year Bioassay. Radiation Research, 159(4), 558-564 Zook, B. C. & Simmens, J. S. (2006). The Effects of Pulsed 860 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation on the Promotion of Neurogenic Tumors in Rats. Radiation Research, 165 (5), 608-615. Verschaeve, L. P., Heikkinen, G., Verheyen, U., Van Gorp, F., Boonen, F., Vander Plaetse, A., Maes, T., Kumlin, J., Mäki-Paakkanen, L., Puranen & Juutilainen, J. (2006). Investigation of Co-genotoxic Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields In Vivo. Radiation Research 165(5), 598-607. Da Yu, Yonghao, S., Niels, K., Yiti, F., & Huai, C. (2006). Effects of 900 MHz GSM Wireless Communication Signals on DMBA-Induced Mammary Tumors in Rats. Radiation Research 165(2), 174-18 Zeni, A. S., Chiavoni, A., Sannino, A., Antolini, D., Forigo, F., Bersani & Scarfì, M. R. (2003). Lack of Genotoxic Effects (Micronucleus Induction) in Human Lymphocytes Exposed In Vitro to 900 MHz Electromagnetic Fields. Radiation Research 160(2), 152-158. Tammy, D. U., Val G. Finnie, J. , Barrie, V. & Tim, R. K. (2002). Long-Term Exposure of Eμ- Pim1 Transgenic Mice to 898.4 MHz Microwaves does not Increase Lymphoma Incidence. Radiation R OEP%5D2.0.CO%3B2esearch, 158(3), 357-364. Bartsch, C., Bartsch, E., Seebald, F., Deerberg, K., Dietz, L., Vollrath, D. & Mecke. (2002) Chronic Exposure to a GSM-like Signal (Mobile Phone) Does Not Stimulate the Development of DMBA-Induced Mammary Tumors in Rats: Results of Three Consecutive Studies. Radiation Research 157(2), 183-190 TAGL%5D2.0.CO%3B2 Ryuji, H., Ragouzis, M., Moros, G. M., Straube, M. L., and Roti, L. J. (2001). Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields do not Alter the Cell Cycle Progression of C3H 10T and U87MG Cells. Radiation Research 156(6), 786-795. DNA%5D2.0.CO%3B2 Sykes, P. J., Brett D. M., Bangay, M. J., Hooker, A. M., and Morley, A. A. (2001). Effect of Exposure to 900 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation on Intrachromosomal Recombination in pKZ1 Mice. Radiation Research, 156(5), 495-502. ETMR%5D2.0.CO%3B2 Pickard, F. W., Kheem, S. B., Leal, B. Z., Meltz, M. L., Roti, J. L., Straube W. L. & Moros. E. G. (2001). Cytogenetic Studies in Human Blood Lymphocytes Exposed In Vitro to Radiofrequency Radiation at a Cellular Telephone Frequency (835.62 MHz, FDMA). Radiation Research 155(1), 113-121. HBL%5D2.0.CO%3B2 Read More
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