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Microsoft Flight Simulator - Essay Example

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"Microsoft Flight Simulator" paper focuses on the Microsoft Flight Simulator from Microsoft Windows, one of the longest-running and the most comprehensive flight simulators in the gaming arena. Bruce Artwick started its development in 1977 and put it on the market…
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Microsoft Flight Simulator
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Simulation is a reality existing virtually. It involves representing some main features or actions of a chosen physical or conceptual structure. Simulation is used in various forms, comprising of the modeling of natural systems or human systems in order to gain further knowledge into their working. Other uses of simulation in technology are for training and education, performance optimization, safety engineering, medicine, etc.

The newest versions, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X gratify pilots, would-be pilots, and individuals who had dreamt of being pilots in a similar fashion. While playing these, the new users can be frustrated due to their reality-based complex and difficult nature. But it can be rewarding for those who are skilled flight simmer. The latest versions also include enhanced weather simulation, alongside the ability to download real-world weather data and diverse air traffic environments with interactive Air Traffic Control, player-flyable aircraft, interactive lessons and challenges, and finally aircraft checklists. Furthermore, there is the availability of, both free and commercial upgrades and add-ons for flexibility and scope (Lackey, 2008).

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Flight Simulator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Flight Simulator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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