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An Electric Scooter - Essay Example

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This essay "An Electric Scooter" is about a simple mobility machine but very viable for use in consideration of cost and environmental friendliness. The latter consideration is by rationale the most sensitive facto in the endeavors to develop a cost-effective and high efficient electric scooter…
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An Electric Scooter
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Running Head: AN ELECTRIC SCOOTER An Electric Scooter University: Tutor: Date: 345516 An Electric Scooter Introduction An electric scooter is a simple mobility machine but very viable for use in consideration of cost and environmental friendliness. The later consideration is by rationale the most sensitive facto in the endeavors to develop a cost effective and high efficient electric scooter. The earth is being polluted at a very high rate today which is owed to by the methods of energy consumption, mainly the large consumptions of fossil fuel in transport industries in the world. In the past few decades scholars predicted of climate change on the earth but today it is evident all over, the weather patterns of different areas of the world are changing. The climate change is the biggest threat to environment as well as the source of social- economic problems in this world at present. Some impacts due to climate change such as greenhouse effect which is as a result of large amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere and the destruction of the Ozone layer are deemed very detrimental to the survival of the human kind in the near future.Bachelet, Neilson, Lenihan & Drapek (2001). This drastic issue of climate change among other factors has led to endeavors by various authorities to promote or fund development of machines in all aspects of energy consumption that are environmental friendly. These authorities like governments or large organizations have developed a keen interest to promote these developments. These are for example the development of Sinclair C5 by Sir Clive Sinclair in the United Kingdom on January 10th 1985. The design was ideal for its intended purpose but the product development of this design did not last for long, Dale & Rodney (1985). This study seeks to evaluate the development of Sinclair C5 wheel powered scooter, analyse the challenges that it faced hence try to come up with model that is more efficient so as to last in production stage of its development and outline the design preferred. Sinclair C5 Model The invention of Sinclair C5 was done by Sir Clive Sinclair on January 1985 in U.K. This design of an electric tricycle vehicle was powered by lead-acid battery therefore the vehicles driver did not necessarily need peddling for its movement. The maximum speed it could attain was 24 kilometers per hour. It never became popular to the media or the market and ended up selling only about 12000 units at 399 each. Development of Sinclair C5 The invention of Sinclair C5 started with a teenage dream of Clive Sinclair. His idea went on over decades without being implemented. It was in 1970 that this idea started as a project by Sinclair Radionics; however the project stalled when the company shifted to other business. It is until 1979 that the project was again started, there were changes in laws that brought about the possibility of changing the market of the development. Sinclair Clive had to sell out a part of his ownership in Sinclair Research Company to cater for the raising cost of development of Sinclair C5 design in 1983. Sinclair accumulated a sum total of about 12 million to cater for this financing. Sinclair Vehicle Limited that branched out from Sinclair Research entered a production design contract with Lotus Company to develop the Sinclair C5 design at that phase of design. Hoover and Merthyr Tydfil were also tendered to manufacture the design at the same time. There was at this instance a widespread rumor in towns that the power that drove the Sinclair C5 was from a washing machine motor. Later on in 1984 at the University Of Warwick Science Park The Sinclair Vehicle Ltd set up a head office. There was a negative reaction towards the Sinclair C5 in the society its usage was seen as not workable the climate lie one of the Britain and also dangerous on ever busy British streets. Things were made worse for the C5 by a court ruling on a drunk driver that stated that the C5 was not a car but a tricycle. With this Hoover terminated production of C5 in August 1985 with only about 12000 units having been produced: this rendered Sinclair Vehicle ltd being put under receivership in October that year. Bachelet, Neilson, Lenihan & Drapeck, (1985). Design Limitations for Sinclair C5 The C5 design encountered various problems in its design which in most a case can be attributed to the environment in which it first operated. The design problems are: Short battery life: This was far promoted by the very cold weather conditions in Britain. Poor ergonomics: The design of the C5 did not protect its driver well from rain and snow on the other hand the C5 was very low in the place of its driving operation that it was deemed a risk to traffic safety. Mechanical designs limitations: People deemed the mechanical aspect of the design not only poor but also not feasible, this is because of the overheating of he motor, short pedal cranks to cater for its inside space limitation, lack of gears, its weight among others. On the other hand the motor could not drive the C5 in mild uphill which called for a lot of assisted peddling, which made the need to use the design not reasonable to many people. Milner & Newman (2006). Modifications Later on improvements were made on the C5 and this made it attain about 240km per hour in speed and accelerate from 0 to about 95km per hour in five seconds. This made theC5 design almost an electric vehicle in terms of speed. The C5 speed was further boosted by the inclusion of turbo conversion in its design. To cater for improvement on speed and its range the C5s were modified: this was in the 1990s in the event of Swiss Tour de Sol. Milner & Newman, (2006). Design solution Introduction The chapter deals development of an improved electric scooter from the Sinclair C5 model with the clear outline of the requirements: that is of materials (all plastic) and their design and procedures, the risk assessment on the safety of the design in its use and how to ensure that the design is safe in accordance to the set safety standards regulations. It gives out the overall preferred design and design options, the best or preferable environment for the operation of the design and the life the design would last. More so the chapter will give the mechanical aspect of the design such as components and joints loading, dimensions and sizes of the design components, finishing and painting. This chapter will also dwell the economic feasibility in the manufacture of the design and the material specifications. This will enable the writer give summary to the design and hence give recommendations for future developments that may be carried out. Kutz, (2006). Requirements procedures The failure in usability of the Sinclair C5 was as a result of poor design this is due to poor material use. Below are the areas that require keen attention in the design of an improved electric scooter from the Sinclair C5 model. Body Structure The body of the Sinclair C5 was made of thermoplastic materials: these are efficient materials that can also be applied in the design of an electric scooter if only they are light in weight. It is known that one of the most significant progresses in the history of materials as far as manufacturing is concerned is the advent of composite materials. The most preferable material for the construction of the body of the electric scooter is: polymer matrix composite materials (PMCs) these are fiber reinforced polymers. These exhibit very good features in materials engineering because; They are usually very strong and stiff. They can very easily be modeled into various complex shapes unlike the metal matrix composites (MMCs). They are very light in weight compared to other composites. However the reinforcing materials should be considered to ensure that the composite is strong enough, for instance use of composites with HS glass as reinforcement fiber gives the composite a very high tensile strength Kutz, (2006). The Chassis A chassis is a frame that holds an automobile body; it is supported by springs resting on the axles of the vehicle wheels. This part in the C5 model was made of Steel which is usually very heavy to apply in such low duty machines. The best materials for this application are light weight but very strong materials such as composite of light strong metals with proper materials like boron as reinforcements, for example: Discontinuous fiber reinforced aluminum where the fiber is boron this composite is very strong and resists thermal stress Kutz, (2006). The Battery The lead acid battery used in the Sinclair C5 was not generating enough power to drive the motor to operate it uphill. On the other hand it was adversely affected by the cold weather conditions making its charge life short. To improve on this condition in the design of the electric scooter it would be advisable to use lithium ion battery to power the scooter. This kind of battery is very powerful having an output of about 240 to 350 watts per kilogram; its lifecycle is about 24 to 36 months. Chan, Cui, & Zhang, (2007). According to Balbuena & Wang, (2004) lithium ion batteries are rechargeable batteries in which the cathode is constituted of lithium and a porous carbon constitutes the anode. The battery is solid, that is it does not use aqueous solvent like the lead acid battery or others. This type of Battery is preferred in the design of the scooter because: They are light in weight and have greater open circuit voltage compared to the lead acid battery. Rate of self discharge is very small compared to the lead acid battery. Due to the solid nature of their electrodes these kinds of batteries can be shaped into various shapes to suite the dimension of space they are to be placed such as the electric scooter. Balbuena & Wang, (2004). Steering Joints and Other moving parts Assembly It is desirable to use strong light materials in the manufacture of steering assembling components for example strong plastic composites. Steering wheel, shaft, bearings and other moving parts are made of a strong light polymer matrix composite: for example polyacetals reinforced with fiber glass this is because They resist fatigue and creep excellently They are self lubricating, tough and more so very strong and rigid. Wheels and Tyres Wheels of the scooter are raised above the ground slightly more than in the case of the C5 to avoid objects or masses tampering with the operation of the driver. The tyres in the design are also tubeless in design to lower the weight of the driven components: that is the wheels. Moreover the wheels design should cater for the stability of the scooter this could be achieved by having them a bit broader than in the case of the Sinclair C5. Tyres are made of light and flexible but very strong polymer matrix composites. While the wheel rim is made of a strong and light metallic matrix composite. Design options on the Structure The electric scooter is designed be of the following measurements and dimensions. This is to ensure that there is minimal usage of materials and to reduce body weight and ensure a streamlined movement of the scooter to avoid air resistance in harsh environments. The scooter is one and half meters long. It is a quarter meter wide. The rear side is one meter high. The front of the scooter is three quarters of a meter in height. It has a streamlined body from the rear part to the front. The battery is placed at the lower part of the scooter to avoid discomfort to the driver due to its heating. Weight consideration The usage of materials in the design should be avoided where necessary to avoid additional weights Kutz, (2006). All places are hollow apart from the driving seat; but this should not jeopardize the aesthetic value of the scooter Its total weight des not exceed 40kg including the battery. Safety and conformance to standards The scooter is designed such that it caters for the sdafety and the comfort of t of the driver and of the immediate environment. The factors that make it so are; It is spacious for the operator considering its size. There is a cover to protect the driver from the rain or snow. The materials used in the design conform to recognized mechanical standards. The design will be tested for the same to guarantee safety and conformance to regulations and standards. Design Life on Loading and the environment. The components of the design are manufactured from strong materials hence the life of the design should exceed ten years with a good care. This can be only achieved if and only if the recommended loading on the scooter is not exceeded at any instance. The scooter is designed not to exceed a load of twice its weight. There should be no external loadings on other parts of the scooter apart from the driver's position. The scooter would be ideal for warm, unrigged, low gradient environment; therefore it is not the best design to drive off road. Component Parts, Joints and Their Assembly Body Panels The composite panels are cut into required sizes then formed into required shapes by forming processes like hot working, into various required shapes. The manufactured parts of the body are then joined by mechanical fastening or adhesive bonding depending on their placement. Chassis The materials of the chassis is machined to the required size then welded by hot gas welding method to form alight strong structure. It is designed as a rectangular structure measuring one and a half meter long and half meter wide. Steering Handle The steering handle material is machined to the required length then formed by hot working to circumvent it slightly to form an arc. It is one and a half feet in diameter reinforced by struts to enhance its strength. Steering Rod and Shafts These are machined from the materials recommended for their use to the required sizes; especially on the parts they will be forming joints with other components. This could involve turning. The steering rack is half a meter in length. Bushes These are machined to their various required sizes depending on the joints they are to be applied to. Bearings Different sizes of bearings are used depending on the joints they are to be applied to. Wheels and Tyres They are manufactured with tubeless tyres They are half a meter in diameter Reinforced with polyacetals bars Joints and Assembly The points of joints are: between steering rack, shafts and the wheel axle, between various parts of the body, between the steering rod and the rack among other places. Permanent joints would be made by adhesive bonding, mechanical fastening or gas welding. Movable joints will be joined by bushes and where necessary bearings and fringes will be used to reduce friction effect. Assembling of parts will be done after the manufacture of all parts is finished Finishing and painting The electric scooter will be sand papered to make smooth rough places like the welded ones. It will then be spray painted on the body; this is to improve its aesthetic value and also suite the environment of its operation. There would be a variety of color in paint. Depending on the market target the inscriptions will be made on the scooter in varying ways. Manufacturing cost There is reduced cost in manufacture of a unit of the electric scooter which will be made far better by large scale production because of the economy of scale. This is due to two main factors, that is; Use of high quality low cost materials Application of a simple but viable method of manufacturing Material specifications Material Units Specifications Lithium ion battery 1 5 kg. Aluminum composite bars(B)p/Al 10 1.5meters Bearings 12 10*2.5cm & 2* 5cm diameter Polymer Matrix Composite shafts 5 1meter Polymer composite panels 10 1.5*1 meters Wheels 2 0.5m diameter and Tubeless tyres, 5cm wide Summary This paper gives an outline of development of design of an all plastic electric scooter from the Sinclair C5 model that is economical to manage and more importantly environmental friendly. It out lines the background of the Sinclair C5 model its features and the challenges it faced in its launch and afterwards as a result of design problems. It is from the knowledge of these limitations of the Sinclair C5 model that this paper seeks to make the improvement to come up with a better design, which is the electric scooter in the design solution part. The design solution gives a clear outline on the materials and the procedures required coming up with the design of the electric scooter. It also gives the nature of the design in joining and assembly, finishing and painting and its operating environment. Finally there is consideration on the ease of manufacturing and material specifications in the achievement of a complete design. The electric scooter is designed with a target of manufacturing about 25000 units per year. Conclusion The problem of climate change can be averted by adapting environmental friendly methods of energy utilization such as electricity. The solution to the challenges on the design of the Sinclair C5 model can be achieved by developing an all plastic design of an electric scooter. Use of plastics in industrial applications is usually very easy hence reducing the cost of production of the design Fisher, (1995). Suggestions for Future Developments There is a great need to put much more efforts in development of environmental friendly vehicles in the world today, therefore it's the prerogative of relevant authorities or able organizations to assist researchers and design developers in their endeavors. In order to minimize environmental pollution hence curb climate change energy uses where too much carbon is emitted need to be minimized to a tolerable level. In these efforts researchers and design developers should consider not only electricity as the only way to solve the problem but embark on other ways, for example utilization of solar energy. References Bachelet.D, Neilson.R, Lenihan.M, Drapek.J (2001). "Climate Change Effects on Vegetation Distribution and Carbon Budget in the United States" (PDF). Ecosystems 4: 164-185. doi:10.1007/s10021-001-0002-7(Online). Accessed at. [Accessed on December, 15 2009] Balbuena.P, Wang.Y, (2004). Lithium Ion Batteries: Solid Electrolyte Interphase 20 Imperial College Press, London[Accessed on December, 16 2009] Chan.C, Zhang.X, Cui.Y, (2007). "High Capacity Li-ion Battery Anodes Using Ge Nanowires". (Online). Accessed at [Accessed on December, 16 2009] Dale, Rodney (1985). The Sinclair Story. London: Duckworth. . [Accessed on December, 15 2009] Fisher.K, (1995) "Industrial Applications," High Performance Composites, [Accessed on December, 16 2009] Kutz.M, 2006, Mechanical Engineers Handbook, Third Edition: Materials and Mechanical Design. John Wiley& Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. [Accessed on December, 16 2009] Milner.J, Newman.P,(1985) "The Sinclair C5 Electric Vehicle".(Online). Accessed at [Accessed on December, 16 2009] Read More
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