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Evaluation on Usage of Home Broadband in the UK - Essay Example

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The paper "Evaluation on Usage of Home Broadband in the UK" tells us about the high-speed Internet connection. In order words, broadband is a type of internet connection, which is always there when you need it…
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Evaluation on Usage of Home Broadband in the UK
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Evaluation of Home broadband usage in U.K Evaluation of Home broadband usage in U.K Introduction to broadband services Broadband is high speed Internet connection or access that is available round the clock 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. In order words, broadband is a type of internet connection, which is always there when you need it. Such a connection requires the use of existing telephone or cable lines. However, it is also possible to get broadband connection, using other technologies such as radio, satellite and power lines. Broadband connection is much faster (example it can be 10 times faster) than a standard dialup internet connection. A look at the benefits offered by broadband connections to business When broadband connections are used in businesses, they provide new ways to for the business to cut costs, win over other businesses and keep ahead of the competition. Broadband connections provide the means to carry meeting online and this helps to reduce the cost and time associated with traveling to work. It means more opportunities for people who want to work from home and external contractors can be used and managed more effectively. The high-speed and 24 x 7 availability of broad band service means that business ill be able to support their customers, whatever be their anywhere, and it will help them to quickly market their services to a global audience across the internet. In the case of supply chains, broadband connections enable business processes to be speeded up and delivery times reduced. Information pertaining to customer can be put up instantly and they can be kept up to date with the latest information, prices or new services. Broadband connection help businesses by helping them provide cheaper, safer and less intrusive remote IT support (offsite), alongside access to new, affordable software. A look at the benefits offered by broadband connections to the community When broadband connections are us by people in their homes, it means high-speed access to the internet, along with a host of benefits, which help them to overcome the barrier of distance. Through broadband connection people can get in touch with people to get in touch no matter where they are located. This means more opportunities for local communities to support themselves, and charities to offer their services more effectively, using the broadband connection as a means of doing their work. Evaluation of the use of broadband services in U.K The number of people who are taking up broadband connection service in the U.K. is on the rise. According to a report published in 2004, almost every ten second, there is one person in the UK, who is signing up for high-speed internet services. BT, the telecoms giant claims that, in the United Kingdom number of people connected to broadband via the telephone line had crossed four million in the year 2004, with a total of six million people using high-speed internet, including those connected via cable. The factors causing such a huge demand for broadband services, is fierce competition and falling prices and greater availability of telephone services. Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that almost three quarters of British households with internet connections. The use of broadband has now overtaken the use of dial-up services in U.K and is now the most popular way of accessing the interne. Currently broadband internet connections account for 27% of new connections in the U.K. If things are going so well, what seems to be the problem is availing broadband service in the U.K. The United Kingdom offers one of the most opportunistic markets for broadband. This is evident in the fact that more than 13m households are using it. The pace however, in British households trying to get the broadband connection services is not going as expected. There are several reasons attributed to this trend. Martin Olausson, who is a senior analyst at consultants Strategy Analytics, states that one reason for this could be that there is not enough marketing efforts being put into promoting broadband services in the United Kingdom. If the use of broadband connection services in the United Kingdom is compared to other countries in Europe, other European countries are using more of broad band connection service. However, when looking into the factors which cause this, what is understood is that it is related to certain country specific issues. In the U. K 70% of homes having some form of digital TV, which mean that in addition to viewing information through the internet, such information is also viewed through other medium. Compare this with a country like Italy, in which there are no cable operators and only one satellite company, coupled with concentration of channels within one media empire (Mediaset), it is no wonder that people turn to the internet as a medium for entertainment and so seek to use broadband services so that they can fully avail the best benefits from the power of a high-speed net connection. Another factor due to which people are not paying attention to getting broadband connection services fro themselves in the United Kingdom is because of the lack of knowledge on what these services mean and what it can do for them. Though information about companies such as Skype and Vonage has been put but in the press and the media, but despite such efforts, a quarter of British broadband users have no idea about the benefits they can receive through a broadband service, such as the benefit of making cheap or free calls. Take another European county say France as a point of comparison. In France more than 90% of broadband users, know about the benefits of VoIP and 52% of them use it compared with just 17% in the UK. The main reason behind this is that internet broadband connection service providers in France have pushed internet telephony as the key feature in the use of broadband services to their customers. A survey conducted shows that 82% of French broadband users are using their broadband service provider to make calls over the web. If this scenario is compared to what is happening in the U.K, what is seen is that British consumers who are making web calls are using third party applications - such as Skype and are not using any such application supplied by their ISP because their ISPs are not pushing internet calls but using features such as speed and price as the reason to sign up for broadband service. Finally, what is all comes down to, is having adequate interest. When British customers were asked if they would be willing to pay extra for a service that provided downloadable music, TV and movies, only Just 6% of British broadband users said they were strongly interested and 28% "interested", compared with 12% and 36% respectively in Spain and 16% and 35% in Italy. If the interest in availing such services has to pick up in the consumer's psyche, then effective marketing and advertising strategies that put out the attractive features offered by broadband connections to British consumer must be carried out, to induce customer to go in for this service. A look at how to improve interest in availing broadband connection service in the U.K If the number of people who are opting for broadband internet service has to equal to the market potential in the country, strong marketing strategies have to be adopted. These strategies should largely focus on the benefits that broadband connection service offer to consumers. Any such marketing strategy should bring out the following list of benefits to their customer in order to grab their attention: Broadband enables quick access to the Internet - The speed of a broadband connection is about ten times faster than a narrowband connection. The reason for this is that broadband connection provides greater capacity to receive data than a dial-up connection. Therefore, through this connection, a person can avail features which they cannot receive through a dial-up connection, such as being able to view web pages quickly, download large amounts of information ( in the form of animation files or flash files ) more faster and make use of services that require streaming of content (such as Internet radio), that will not work when using a dial-up connection. The table below shows the difference between an ordinary connection and a broadband connection. Type of connection Speed (max.) Dial-up (narrowband) 64 kbps ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 128 kbps Midband 128 kbps Broadband 150 kbps 256 kbps 512 kbps 600 kbps 1 mbps 2 mbps 3 mbps 4 mpbs and higher Broadband connection service is always available - When a customer takes up broadband connection services, there is, no need to go through the hassle of dialing up to connect to the internet or having to log off once they have finished surfing. Their e-mails will appear immediately without having to log on first. Broadband is unmetered - Most broadband services are unmetered, which means the customer has to only pay a flat fee each month with no additional charges for the amount of time he or she spends surfing the net. Broadband connection gives the advantage of surfing the Internet and using the telephone at the same time: Most types of broadband access, split the telephone connection into two channels, which means that the Internet doesn't tie up the phone line. This facility enables a person to talk and surf at the same time, without the need for a second telephone line. In addition to providing the benefits of using broadband service, potential customers should be given information of the broadband service providers available in the U.K. BT Total Broadband, AOL, Tiscali, Orange (Wanadoo), NTL and Telewest are some of the major service providers in the U.K. Package Available nationally Download speed (up to) Monthly payment2 Phone support call rates No. free security features Usage guide3 Internet calls available BT Total Broadband Option 1 8Mb 17.99 Local 8 2Gb Option 2 8Mb 22.99 Local 11 6Gb Option 3 8Mb 26.99 Local 11 20Gb AOL Silver 1Mb 17.99 National 8 Unlimited Gold 2Mb 24.99 National 8 Unlimited Platinum 2Mb 29.99 National 8 Unlimited Tiscali 2Mb 2Mb 14.99 National 1 Fair usage policy4 8Mb 8Mb 17.99 National 1 Fair usage policy4 Orange (Wanadoo) Starter 1Mb 14.99 50ppm 4 2Gb4 Plus 5 8Mb 17.99 National 4 6Gb4 Max 5 8Mb 24.99 National 4 Unlimited NTL 1Mb 1Mb 17.99 Local 5 Fair usage policy4 4Mb 4Mb 24.99 Local 5 Fair usage policy4 10Mb 10Mb 34.99 Local 5 Fair usage policy4 Telewest Blueyonder 2Mb 17.99 Local 8 Unlimited Complete 4Mb 25.00 Local 9 Unlimited Elite 10Mb 35.00 Local 9 Unlimited The table, above is a brief glimpse of the service provides by this high-speed internet connection providers. It also give information regarding the pricing features offered by the major broadband connection providers, in a comparative manner so that it is easy for a customer to evaluate the offer before making a decision. Brief review of the legal and social aspects of using broadband connection If broadband connection usage has to become more widespread, it must be available to everyone according to their specific information requirements. At this point, the legal and social issues governing the use of broadband connection comes into focus. Sharing broadband connection is a point which gives rise to certain legal issues. A person getting a broadband connection may want to share their services with people within their home. This can be done using a router. Routers provide the means by which broadband connection can be shared with multiple networking devices such as computers, gaming consoles & network cameras. There is also the option of connect the broadband either"wired" or "wirelessly" to the router. In case of wired share broadband connection, a cable has to be run around the place of work (home or office), but in the case of a wireless shared connection broadbandconnection can be shared without wires. Using a router to share broadband connection helps to share your broadband connection without the need of any computer being switched on. It providessecurity against malicious people on the Internet and controls and manages the broadband connection efficiently. It gives the person using the service true 'always-on-connectivity,' unlikeUSB ADSL modems where you have to dial-up. There are legal issues associated with sharing broadband service, it is important to notify the connection provider that their service is being used in this manner, free-sharing of broadband connection across small area of a locality is illegal, as this means that the service provider is charging for one connection, which is being used by many people. The issue of sharing broadband connection illegally, is not just a point of going against the law, it's also a moral aspect as well. Such sharing can be used for transfer of wrong or malicious information, free of cost, at the sacrifice of someone's integrity and most important of all sacrificing the quality of service provided by the broadband service provider. The other issue associated with the use of broadband services is monthly download limits imposed by broadband service provider. This is done because; some broadband customers enormously use up their broadband connection, by downloading movies, file sharing and streaming audio or video. Heavy users can cause congestion in the internet and slow down access for other broadband users on the same phone exchange and so to avoid this problem, ISP broadband providers "cap" usage, to prevent heavy users from degrading the service for other user. Users who are persistent offenders are likely to be moved onto a more expensive tariff, or have their account pulled down to a slower speed. Professional or technical issues concerning the user of broadband connection services The professional or technical issues concerning the use of broadband internet connection services deal with the technical requirement necessary for using this service. Any broadband internet connection requires a personal computer or a similar internet device such as a 3G mobile phones, palmtop computers and digital television boxes to be activated. The place where the connection is required (internet caf, home, office0 must have an ISP in the area to provide for the connection. The ISP will provide information regarding minimum computer specifications required to use their broadband service. The next requirement is a broadband modem, which is vital to enable the computer to transmit data across networks and help people connected to speak to each other in chats. In the case of a broadband connection the modem used must be able to offer higher speeds. Most broadband service providers will give a broadband modem as part of their initial set-up package. In case a person chooses to buy their broadband modem from an independent computer dealer, they need to check with their ISP first to find out if it will be compatible before going in for a purchase. Using a broadband connection will require the use of some means of establishing connection such as telephone, cable, radio or satellite. In the U.K, majority of broadband users use a connection that involves upgrading their existing phone line, which is called DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) or cable modem connection. When broadband connection makes use of wireless (radio) and satellite technology, it requires the installation of a small antenna or satellite dish at the place where connection is required. Points to when establishing broadband connection within a small neighborhood Any person who wants to make use of broadband internet connection needs to look into the type of broadband access is available in their area, in order to choose one which is suitable to their needs. They should find out of ADSL is available. Currently ASDL is to 71 per cent of UK homes and businesses. In places where ADSL is available, the customer has a choice of receiving connection from over 100 ISPs. ADSL services are currently available for around 20-30 a month and there may be a charge for installation. An important point to note is that even within an ADSL-enabled area, about six per cent of people are currently unable to get ADSL services. The reason being they are living too far away from their exchange. What this means is an indirect constraint in getting broadband services in neighborhoods such as this. In order to solve this problem, BT Wholesale is testing the provision of ADSL services over slightly greater distances from the exchange than what is available at present, in the hope of reducing the 6 percent to three percent. The reason why some people who live in an ADSL-enabled area are not being able to get ADSL is because of limitations of the technology. Here's a brief look at the different types of broadband available in U.K. ADSL -This broadband connection can be accessed through the standard BT telephone lines Cable - This broadband service is provided by local cable TV operator NTL Wireless - This connection is provided using radio waves to the premises Satellite - Broadband service is transmitted via satellite Leased line - Broadband connection is provided using dedicated private circuits Any person who wishes to avail broadband service in the U.K should first check the availability of broadband services and to do this they can go through independent review sites such as, and for further information. They should consider the cost factor involved in getting such service. The cost of broadband service can come in two ways, one which is a monthly rental fee and the other which is a one-off installation charge. The length of the minimum contract should also be known before going in for the connection. Prices range from high, medium to low-cost broadband connections, with each price package having it own set of features for the customer. Speed is a very important factor to consider when opting for broadband services. The customer should decide on how quickly they need to access the intent for their information needs. For example, they can choose a connection which twice as fast as your dial-up connection or ten times as fast. Generally speaking the faster the connection the better, but in a situation where there is only a single computer using the connection or a small network of up to 5 computers using the connection, for the purposes of accessing to the internet for e-mail and web browsing, a 512Kb/s connection should be sufficient enough. In the case of computer networks, where there are more users or heavy internet users, a speed of 1Mb/s or 2Mb/s is required. Broadband technologies such as ADSL offer lower upload speeds (sending) than download speeds (receiving), which means that the customer will not notice any speed differences during uploads speeds (i.e. sending speed), but will notice the difference during download. Customer support is another key issue. Customers should check up if their ISP offer offers adequate customers support, online advice and if any charge is applied for phoning the helpdesk. In case of customer who have children they may be interested in knowing about features such as parental controls so that they can prevent the connection being use when they are not at home. Other broadband connection features such as the sue of security software ('firewalls'), Installation of Antivirus software and it regular update, check on the Operating system (MS Windows, Linux, etc) for latest service packs and installation of relevant security updates (patches) . In case of customers who want to receive broadband though cable, they should find out if they live in an area which is serviced by one of the cable providers. Cable networks cover 50 per cent of households in the U.K and a majority of them upgraded to broadband. Currently, cable modem services are available fat a cost of about 25-30 a month and there may be a charge for installation. It is also possible to receive broadband services over wireless networks. This can be done by fixing an aerial on the roof of the home or office premises. The prices of such connections vary but are often similar to ADSL and cable modems. Currently, broadband fixed wireless access (BFWA) is available to around 12 per cent of UK homes and businesses and is now mostly used by businesses. In the case of sharing broadband connection between members of a home or members of a small neighborhood, though it is possible to share the connection with member of a person's home, the same does not hold true for members living within a small neighborhood. In a situation like this where a small number of people want to avail broadband connection, the best alternative would be to seek the establishment of broadband connection in an internet caf opened in their neighborhood so that they use a high-speed connection. In case broadband connection is required to run a particular business which is doing work solely through the internet, reliability and the level of protection offered by the ISPs service level agreement is an important factor to consider when deciding which type of broadband connection is required. Consumer broadband and low cost entry level broadband usually does not have a service level agreement or the agreement may be limited, therefore if a fault occurs the broadband connection may be unavailable for a significant part of the working day or longer. Alternatively it may be worth considering using a modem, ISDN or another broadband connection as a fall back if the main broadband connection fails. References: Guide to broadband services Global Broadband xDSL Subscribers Top 173m. BT Total broadband. Broadband. UK broadband use soars U.K Broadband Company News. Richard Wray, UK 'lagging behind' in broadband use, Guardian Unlimited , 2006,,1808702,00.html Broadband Reports. Getonlinebroadband. Broadband Information. Broadband. Bobbie Johnson , 10m households in Britain have broadband internet access, The Guardian, 2006, Faster than a speeding modem, Mark Ward,2000 Where to find broadband internet access in the UK. Wired Workplace promises simple broadband sharing Read More
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