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How to Complete a Unique Paper Out of a Free Sample: Best Plagiarism Killers

How to Complete a Unique Paper Out of a Free Sample: Best Plagiarism Killers

By StudentShare Release Year: 2018

Each student nowadays knows what plagiarism is. Should you try to google the word, and you’ll find billions and millions of articles, tools and endless definitions of the term on a vast variety of platforms and websites. This issue is highly discussed nowadays, as with the rapid development of technologies plagiarism becomes more and more pervasive. Thus, when you complete your writing, it is always tempting to ‘steal’ a bit from here and there. Moreover, even articles which condemn plagiarism… tend to repeat the words from the other materials, which turns them to plagiarists themselves. Ironic, isn’t it?

Also, nowadays we see the platforms loaded with the free samples of students works. What you can find are thousands of essays, papers, researches and statements. Using them as a source of ideas or an example of structuring own thoughts, or whatever similar is 100% legal. At the end of the day, anything that helps you master own skills in writing is praised. Moreover, statistics show, that learning from an example is half more efficient, than learning from theory. Both of them are essential; still, with a decent example, things become more evident and easy to handle.

Those thoughts bring us to the other important question we’ll try to answer. How may a student use free samples in own writings, but avoid plagiarism and get a unique paper? There are several solutions we kindly invite you to explore.

#1. Develop Ideas

One of the best ways to kill plagiarism is to prevent it. It might sound a bit complicated, but in reality it is not. All you need to do is to perform a decent research on the topic and find the ideas you consider best. Write them down and try to develop them with own opinion and supporting arguments. This method would require some time, but in the end you’ll get a completely unique paper on the topic. The high quality is guaranteed, of course.

#2. Write a Summary

This method is easier and way faster to perform. Once you defined a subject and a topic of your future essay, you would need to find a decent research on it online among available samples. Note, the bigger is the text of that research, the better. Read it carefully, define main points and ideas, write them down. Also, make as many notes while reading as you can. Those will help you in writing. After that make a summary of the research you’ve read, support it with own ideas or use arguments from other materials. Do not forget the reference the sources you used. Boom, all done.

#3. Paraphrase

Perfect solution for students with strong command of English and… lack of time. Go through several samples of papers that match your topic, choose the most suitable one and paraphrase the text. This type of work might be a bit dull and exhausting, still it takes less time than performing a research and writing an essay from scratch. Sure, it is not very fair to write your paper that way. But let’s be honest, everybody’s been to those situations when you have only 1 night left before the deadline. So, using this trick once in a while seems way better than failing the assignment. Right?

#4. Use Quotations

Quotations and references are your best friends in a battle against plagiarism. Sure, you have to put in some ‘side’ content and pretend those quotations are only supportive. Still, this kind of writing saves a bunch of time and energy. Write own thought, add quotation, and boom - you’ve got more text. This simple trick won’t only make you meet the necessary word count in your essay, but also would make it look like a decent research performed by a responsible student. Don’t forget the references.

#5. Use Rewriting Service

The last, but not the least option we offer here is not exactly about you doing stuff. Each student has the guardian angel, carefully waiting to be called in case of emergency. This superior power is a vast variety of writing and rewriting services. Let’s face it, sometimes we run out of time and energy to perform a paper on a decent level, but we still want to complete that particular course we struggled for the whole semester, right? Sure, using services of that kind should never be a must, but it is always good to know they are somewhere close. Just in case… You know.

Final Thoughts

Student’s day to day life is an insane mixture of exciting and severe events. Writing an enormous amount of papers is probably one of the hard things, at least at first. Should one get used to them, and all the harshness vanishes. Still, we’ve all been to different life circumstances, and we all know that sometimes small ‘cheating’ is better than losing the work done for the whole course. Even if not, using free samples may increasingly ease your life and save you a day for having well-earned leisure time.

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