In reference to Germov (2000, p.150), people must enter into social relationships so as to survive and reproduce their methods of survival. Germovfurther explains that the relations must be either quantitative, qualitative, or both during their development in the society. Elliott &Fodeman (2012, p.34)outlines the relationships as social, technological, and economic which the participants have to get involved for social development. The above relationships contribute to the development of various structures and human behaviour in the society.
The health systems in any society are shaped by the economic development according to (Mage, 2009, p.1074). It means thatprominence of the health system depends on the economic level of the society. The more the economy is developed, the better the services offered in different constituent sectors. Mage further explains that more resources are availed to ensure proper research, training of personnel, and standardization of the available services. In addition, the healthcare systems are coordinated efficiently for effective referral services.
It is important for healthcare practitioners to have knowledge of Marxist theory since it enhances their ability to comprehend the world better. In his view, Budrys (2005, p.59) states that better understanding of socio-economic ideologies increases the practitioners ability to improve the health systems and the methods of interacting with clients. In addition, good understanding of social structures enables the practitioners to improve the labour systems, utilization of equipment, and knowledge management in capitalistic economies.
Marxist theories explain the social dynamics that determine the health and wellness of people in different social groups. Basic understanding of social dynamics makes the practitioners to identify health and behavioural patterns which define diseases manifested in the concerned society. This is because there is a belief that people are responsible for what happens to their health due to their social status. Therefore, it is important for practitioners to have knowledge on the causes of illness and other health concerns.
Cockerham (2009, p.138) states that the level of production affects the health of the people in different social levels. The production process influences the wellness in terms of industrial injuries, stress, diseases, or effects caused by the production process. Therefore, the ability to identify the nature, causes, and methods of treating these health matters is an important characteristic which every healthcare practitioner should possess. This leads to creation of effective management procedures that enhance the clinical status of the patients.
Knowledge from Marxist theory enhances the understanding of peoples’ living standards which are vital in patterningtheir health concerns. The level of income influences their diet, opportunities, and access to health services. Also, the consumption of commodities from modern production systems comes with health consequences in terms of lifestyle diseases. These products include: processed foods, propellants, and other products relevant for basic survival. Therefore, application of Marxist theory enhances the understanding of health concerns in the health structure.
In order for health professionals to offer services effectively, they have to understand the way economic systems shape the class structures that exist in the society. The structural inequalities define the boundary between the ones who own sell labour and possess the means used for production. In her view, Budrys (2005, p. 57) states that the differential system determines the methods used to interact and handle the patients. In addition, it helps determine the level of service depending on affordability, satisfaction, and comfort.
The functionalism theory divides the society into functional systems that work in harmony to enhance stability and cohesion. This approach focuses on the society like a complex system that evolves like a living organism.
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