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Learning Journal: Reflection - Essay Example

The paper 'Learning Journal: Reflection' states that a learning journal is a tool that is used to promote learning in an educational enhancing surrounding. In this event, it is a technique that is employed to confine my contemplations, apprehension, and manifestation…
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Name: Tutor: Title: Reflective Journal Course: Date: Learning journal Introduction Learning journal is a tool that is used to promote learning in an educational enhancing surrounding. In this event it is a technique that is employed to confine my contemplations, apprehension, and manifestation. It is also known as a reflective journal and is a progressively growing manuscript that the students write that is including me. This is with the intention of recording the progress of my studies. The major role of the journal is thus providing me with a check for the studying process either on a daily or a weekly basis. The journal is therefore, not a simple summary of the course content or rather a learning log. The student’s reflective time that is usually spent in clandestine writing about ones observation, experiences, and curiosity about the projects and studies I need to achieve. During the development of adult life one uses a learning journal which facilitates thinking beyond boarders, create logical questions and structure a meaning out of scrambled notions during distressed conditions (Field, 2011). Reasons for Learning Journal There are variuos reasons as to why I am carrying out this task on a learning journal. According to Bandura (1986) a learning journal in is endowed with ways to provide me with an unceremonious nonetheless a focused situation for a way to articulate anything that sprouts from my mind. This is during my engagement in learning processes that is during seminars to gather data and discussions held during group discussions while undertaking my studies. There are various reasons why a learning journal is essential, an up to date offers me with a virtual image of my comprehension when emerging into a resourceful person. The most essential part during my learning process is to reflect on my know-how while thinking about the queries that come in mind and to scrutinize myself embracing information so far gained during the seminars or discussions held during my endeavors. The potential to construct innovative awareness is important to emerging victorious in imparting knowledge. Achievements During this session I believe to engulf valid information and employ the reflective journal as a means for analysis and problem solving furthermore as a basis of structuring ideas and queries to be explored during this venture. This will hence assist during my reflection of learning experiences. Moreover, it will instill in me the strength and skill to identify my individual fields of preference and emotional attitude towards learning activities. Likewise it will be able to integrate both practical and theoretical applications in my working environment. Consequently I will be able to gather enough data during my studying process. Self Identity (Self Esteem) There are various aspects in life during my exploration of the learning journal amongst them self esteem. Schools are meant to encourage me to embrace what I experience during the duration spent. However, to date this notion is utterly polarized that vast majority of the people including me are in a dilemma more so concerning self esteem asserts Lawrence (1988). Learning is an important entity for not only me but also all people. For progressive evolution of the mind I should frequently and constantly learn. The world demands for upgraded skills and professionalism and thus for opportunities not to be wasted learning should be embraced. For instance learning should be equipped with the right tools to enhance and establish a healthy foundation for an individual. Therefore for this to occur my positive self-esteem should play a crucial role in creating an enabling environment. My individual level of self-esteem will be a determining factor in how quick I can learn and recall and will in this way have an effect on the enthusiasm of my study. Through the learning journal it creates the awareness of self esteem and its relevance to teachers, parents, students, and me during my training session. Therefore in order to improve my skills and the personal attitude of my self esteem should come first (Robson, 1988). Teachers should be sensitized on the importance of learning vs. learning techniques (learning journal). Hence the mode and tools used in which the teachers uses to teach in class impacts differently on student’s self esteem levels and as a result their behavior, attitude and confidence. Self esteem is paramount to positive techniques of teaching and thus to boost students and individuals effectiveness. Through encouragement and comprehending of the stage and audience being handled is key in achieving this. Tools such as learning journals being employed during the learning process offers an excellent strategy in modeling me to harness my ideas cohesively. Teachers also need self esteem to boost the learning process of the individual avers Geoffrey and Maruyama, (1981). Self esteem is built from drawing a comparison virtual images created and ideal self which are built up during ones experience and observation of social surrounding. The comparison of the two values yields into self esteem either negative or positive that is negative comparison and positive respectively. Thus negative labeling will damage my view of myself as a learner. For instance the student for instance I will view myself as a poor mathematician due to the notion instilled in me through social negative comparisons made from ideal personal environment (Kenny, 1977). Recent surveys have shown that individuals with low self esteem are depicted from the lowered efficiency levels they relay. Through a learning journal when well incorporated into the learning system will boost my esteem for instance ideas which are not well elaborated can be put scrappily on the journal and expressed when the puzzle is complete. During my learning or training process self esteem is vulnerable to both negative and positive change that is increase or decrease. Self esteem in this event is an image of my appraisal. Trainers views will affect my productivity eventually achievement. My individual performance is highly affected by the trainers’ expectations and conduct (Mackie, 2007). Prejudice and Discrimination (Reduce Prejudice) Another aspect which drew my attention was prejudice and ways to eradicate it. Prejudice is the manner in which an individual makes an assumption before prior comprehension of the accuracy of the assumption. According to Brewer, (1999) there are a number of theories that relay the origin prejudice for instance learning theory .Usually individuals are never born with prejudice attitude or any form of stereotypes. These values are adopted from their peers during their social life. However, most of the prejudices occur away from the home setting. Prejudice is a broad social norm which I live with during my life time. Parents thus provide a facilitating condition for the development and acquisition of this norm. Prejudice is voluntary and occurs when I have a negative feeling towards others race, religion and disabilities without even getting to know them. At some point in life an individual displays these traits nevertheless if the belief is taken to far severe levels, it leads to discrimination. In this event discrimination is as a result of prejudice (Plous, 2011). During seminars and other training event, the reflective journal will propagate my achievement of certain goals. For instance when faced with discriminatory issues I can be able to observe lessons learnt through simple use of reflective knowledge. This is meant to make me as an individual to visualize the probable solution being faced and enable me to alleviate the setback. All over the world there are both prejudice and discrimination dominant within the social world. Prejudice thus being a dominant constraint in life of me as a learner and advancing students is a challenge especially in this diverse world. My mental health as an individual is thus affected and therefore the productivity of the individual is lowered extremely which could otherwise be converse (Blackwell, 2003). At this and time most of the activity taking place the literate world favor racial equality and unity as a demonstration of one vital objective; creation of awareness of racial unity through the eradication of racial prejudice. Discrimination can only be eliminated through the eliminating prejudice furthermore eradicating prejudice at its core source that is the heart. Hence spiritual awakening is the only solution which this can be a historic misfortune. The awakening should be nurtured through independent investigation of truth, proper guidance and alignment. As way to break through racial stereotype education serves best to create the oneness in mankind. Structuring of ones heart should commence from the formative years of ones personality. In this event education is the key infrastructure to enlighten a people (Shapiro, 2010). Attraction and Close Relationship (Love) Another aspect during my study is Love. Love is a feeling of strong fondness and close relationship. Therefore love is a desirable quality which draws mankind together including me hence it is characterized by benevolence, concern and feeling of affection (Fisher, 2004). To a many people love is central mainly in religion however it may also be concerned about what one feels for the other. Love is brought into play through reflection. Therefore it has been proved that human beings learn through reflection, which is a significant element where I recapture my past experiences. In this event I can be able to mull over and evaluate what I feel for instance love (Chadwick, 1998). Sometimes one needs the other person to ask all the right queries and in the long run have conclusive answers. There are certain embarrassing questions that one could not have asked if it were not to confine to someone. Therefore love can make one overcome challenges one may face in life (Sternberg, 1986). Through love and being attracted to an individual means I am able to give advice or physically help one. Love first begins with friendship and there after progresses hence it brings trust. During critical stages in life (when facing challenges) the closest people are the ones who make you see things from a different point of view. In this way they allow you to examine the circumstances and in the end force me to grow out of the burden. Through this it allows me to see things form another perspective and having other ideas of overcoming such an ordeal. “Iron sharpens iron” thus a loved one shapes the other. It is not only eradicating challenges physically but also emotionally (Giles, 1994). Reflective makes me remember situations thus use of learning journal is essential and unlimited emotionally. Love does not grow like a flash light, it takes time to structure and have proper foundation. Everyone needs one another, friends are stress relievers and they in this case they do not judge you but see you Tenrov, (1979). Fond people apart from helping each other bring fun and happiness to ones life. By sharing of values one is able to laugh about his problems through sharing similar ideas (Maniaci, 2010). Conclusion Reflection is an action that concerns thinking of the mind while engaging in doing the activity. Therefore, it provides me with a chance to explore my voice that is what one is thinking about. The writing course of action makes me to make the voice as the central working and learning hub. The journal (reflective journal) assists me to increase active involvement in and possession of my mind. There are various purposes of learning journals that is necessitates a place to query, provide an channel of feeling, provide a means of solving predicaments, enhances the transition strategy, provide a way of promoting critical thinking. Moreover, it facilitates a way of linking experiences and perceptions. There are various liabilities concerning reflective journals such that I may not realize lest have vast knowledge. Thus the journal is restricted instructional methodologies, if my content relies on obscure ideas it is less possible to construct it. Moreover it provides me with inadequate feedback as the ideas are expressed internally and to book instead of expressing it to allow for judgment. In this case, I keep record of what I learn and hence keep me pushing ahead. Therefore I am able to track my steps forward during my studies. The act of deciding what to put down is a critical feature in the learning process which is applied in the learning journal. Bibliography Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Blackwell, J. M. (2003. 31). Culture of Prejudice: Arguments in Critical Social Science. Toronto: Broadview Press. Brewer, M. (1999). The psychology of prejudice: Ingroup love or outgroup hate? Journal of Social Issues , 55, 429-444. Chadwick, H. (1998). Saint Augustine Confessions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Field, K. (2011). learning journal. Writing a reflective learning journal . Fisher, H. (2004.). Why we love. The nature and chemistry of romantic love . Geoffrey Maruyama, R. A. (1981). Self- Esteem and Educational Achievement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , vol. 40, p. 973. Giles, J. (1994). A theory of love and sexual desire. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 24 (4): 339–357. Kenny, R. J. ( 1977). Self- concept of Ability and Perceived Evaluation of Others. Journal of Educational Psychology , vol. 69, pp. 136-45. Lawrence, D. (1988). Enhancing self-esteem in the class room. London: Paul Chapman. Mackie, S. M. (2007). Social Psychology. p. 107. Maniaci, M. &. (2010). The Marriage of Positive Psychology and Relationship Science: A Reply to Fincham and Beach. Journal of Family Theory & Review , 2, 47–53. Plous, S. ( 2011, April 07). The Psychology of Prejudice. Retrieved October 20, 2011, from Robson, J. (1988). Self-esteem: A psychiatric View. British Journal of psychiatry , 153,6-15. Shapiro, H. (2010, September 3). A continuing discussion / A continuing commitment". Retrieved Octorber 20, 20, from Affirmative Action: Sternberg, R. (1986). A triangular theory of love. Psychological Review , 93 (2): 119–135. Tennov, D. (1979). the Experience of Being in Love. Love and Limerence , New York: Stein and Day. Read More
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