The main aim is to determine, which means and process to be used and tries to explain role and influence of the stakeholders within the given policy process. It is clear that, there are different polices process developed to effectively monitor and regulate issues of abortion in Australia. Restrictions and policies on abortion in the country vary with jurisdiction having its criminal law systems. Most of the policies are based on offenses Against the Persons Act of 1861, which prohibits performances of unlawful abortions with either case law qualifications (Gibson 2008, p. 23).Across Australia, most of key politicians have avoided the topic of abortion.
However, politician such as Senator Ron Boswell, Tony Abbott among others have all together referred to national policies regarding abortion as “national tragedy”. To start with there have been many controversies between politicians and lobby groups regarding the use of abortion pill referred to as RU 486 pill. The pill, which was developed by Etiennne- Emile Baulieu, a France national, has remained one of the controversial breakthroughs on the sector of medicine in the recent year. RU 486 is generally anti-hormone blocking effects of progesterone.
This is the hormone, which allows for development of embryos in the uterus. RU 486 makes the fertilized eggs as well as uterine wall to separate from uterine wall and both removed through the vagina. In 1996, the RU 486 pill was prohibited by the federal parliament, although it was legal in other developed countries such as France since 1988, 1991 in UK and year 2000 in US. In 2005, the issue concerning availability of RU 486 pill was under investigation by senate enquiry. The issues was to be determined by TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) that decides both whether a given pharmaceuticals should be made available as well as form of availability.
Mr Tony Abbott, the then minister of health had used the ministerial power in banning availability of RU 486 pills from Australian Market (Nickson & Shelley 2010, p. 455). Therefore, determination of the availability of RU 486 pill was under TGA through a Private members Bill that would take away power from the minister. Different lobby groups such as the religious groups complicate the issue of RU 486 among other issues pertaining abortions such as religious groups, who are pro-life, while the feminist groups, supporting abortion (Nickson & Shelley 2010, p. 456). This has affected the views of public, especially the Christians, some of who are lost between views of lobby groups and church, thus shaping policies on abortion.
Depending on state concerned, there is interpretation of health or life, with varying degrees of liberties. In New South Wales, case laws provide same indications and states that the social economical factors are considered. There is an Abortion law of Australian Capital Territory, where criminal law of the New South Wales is relevant, and presumably allowing performances of abortion on same grounds. For instance, in Queensland, the laws regarding abortions are contained in the Sections 225, 226 as well as 228 of The Code or Queensland criminal code, which is statutory codifications of common law adopted from Hippocratic medical ethics of several century ago (Chan 2011, p. 106). In this state, the judges obfuscated performance of abortion in last 60 years, thus becoming enforceable in current society.
Generally, there is no any court of appeal in the country, which have yet considered the period when abortions in any of the states is lawful, thus greatly avoiding the issue. The policies process touching on abortion in Australia is also affected by views held by other notable groups such as the Public Health Association of Australia, state branches of association and women health special interest. These groups have taken the appropriate steps aimed at keeping sate and federal members of parliament aware on views of association as well as health consequences of all restrictions regarding the access of safe, accessible and affordable abortion services.
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