From centuries immemorial, the work/leisure dichotomy existed and continues to prevail in contemporary society, but the balance of ethics has shifted from the more work oriented outlook to a more relaxed one brought about by motivation, Running head: Personal Critique on Leisure 3 money power and an abundance of time, in addition to the wide variety of leisure services available to all. There are many factors that come into play when we try to demarcate between work and leisure because these concepts hold different meanings for each one of us.
The primary reason for this attitude is because both work and leisure have impacted our normal lives in many ways. We are well aware of the fact that not all people have neither the capacity nor the position to revel in leisure activities and hence are not capable of enjoying the pleasure of leisure, the way it has to be enjoyed due to their circumstances, economic status and lack of time. However, other people are well aware that leisure activities benefit them in more ways than one. Besides building good health and happiness, it motivates them to prepare themselves for the task ahead.
It is the same group of people who understand that in order to enjoy their leisure activities it is inevitable that first one needs to work hard. People who shirk from work are in no position to enjoy leisure because neither do they have the money nor the motivation for it. On the contrary, people who are highly motivated, determined and hardworking have the freedom to enjoy recreation and leisure activities in the manner they like to do so. The Ethical aspect of leisure cannot be ruled out, because though leisure mostly is looked upon as something positive and good, there is also a dark side to it.
It is a fact, that good Running head: Personal Critique on Leisure 4 and evil exists in our society, but we do have the complete freedom of choice to choose between the two. Societal influences and structures serve to impact our thought processes and may impact us negatively. When our behavior patterns fall within normal boundaries, it becomes acceptable in society, but sometimes due to negative impacts, the behavior of people go way beyond these boundaries and become deviant in nature.
As a result their recreational activities take on a very dark side such as alcoholism and drug abuse, gambling, pornography, hooliganism and other such nefarious activities, which are extremely deviant and not accepted in society. Though most of our actions are rational, sometimes these actions are impacted by the choices we make and the outcomes that evolve. In (Ajzen. 2002) opinion, ‘even our past can influence our behavior in the future. Work and Leisure go hand in hand and complement each other in the sense that one cannot enjoy leisure if one does not work.
Idleness was never an accepted norm in society and therefore work was looked upon as an essential part of life. According to (Beatty & Torbert, 2003) work provided dignity to an individual and was ensured ‘in order to prevent sloth in society and maintain peace and it is for the this reason that we have the responsibility to maintain a balanced dichotomy between our work and leisure and ensure that both aspects are given equal importance in our lives, so that neither one suffers in comparison to the other.
Therefore, we come to understand that work and leisure cannot be alienated from each other, because they are interdependent and serve to fuel and satisfy the other experience. In other words, leisure cannot exist without work. Running head: Personal Critique on Leisure 5 The Industrial Revolution was looked upon by Historians as a very important period that served to pave the way for great transformation that marked society’s advancement from an ancient one to a more modern one.
Mechanization served to boost productivity and raise the standard of living of the working class people. While critics and historians who were pessimists believed that the Industrial Revolution was more of a bane than a boon, as it placed added burden on the workers making their lives even more miserable, there were the optimists who believed that the Industrial Revolution served to put an end to the debacle of poverty and suppression and raise the standard of living of the common man.
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