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Life in the Absence of Machines and Technology - Essay Example

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This essay "Life in the Absence of Machines and Technology" presents a life that has become easier and more convenient with the inventions of machines and technology that historically, has progressed in three phases “from dependent machines to semi-automatic machines and, to automatic machines”…
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Life in the Absence of Machines and Technology
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In fact, man has become dependent on machines and technology from conception to death. Today, no human activity has been made without the use of machines and technology. So, how could life be, if in one fell swoop machines and technology are destroyed or gone?             I for one couldn’t imagine how could I live not even a single day without these machines and technology that I used to live with. I used to be woken up by my alarm clock, but without this, I may bother someone to do it for me.

But how about my food, where am I going to cook it? What about water? Where am I going to wash my dishes? Where am I going to take my shower? How am I going to clean the toilet? From hygiene to health, I have super relied on machines and technology and that’s only one part of the story. Another part is studying. Without the Internet and the computer, I have to get a book to read and manually write my notations. Well, machines and technology really made us dependent on them. However, come to think of it, our ancestors lived with their bare hands, survived, and gave us this beautiful and convenient life.

So let’s enjoy every inch of these gifts and use them at our best.

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Life in the Absence of Machines and Technology Example | Topics and Free Essays.
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Life in the Absence of Machines and Technology Example | Topics and Free Essays.
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