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Adolescents, Crime, and the Media - Assignment Example

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In the paper “Adolescents, Crime, and the Media” the author examines the connection between computer games and adolescents' behavior. Even though the connections between violent computer games and belligerent behavior have been established, a large number of researches were based on late adolescents…
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Adolescents, Crime, and the Media
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Outline I) Introduction a) Thesis i. Shooting ii. Bullying iii. Petty crime II) Shooting a) Psychosocial correlates i. Violent video games is believed to be cause emotional imbalance which would otherwise lead serious violent behavior such as shootings b). Solving conflict through violence i. Violent games make adolescents believe that violence can be used as a remedy to solve a conflict III). Bullying a). Biological correlate i). Both hormonal and cortical have an influence on the adolescents and might increase aggressive behavior among the adolescents. b). Reward for violence i) Teenagers want to feel strong and feared by orchestrating violence IV). Petty crime a). Theories of aggression i. Literature on social information processing in aggressive children b). Development function i) An increase in blood pressure and heart beat rate any time the adolescents were involved in playing a violent computer game V). Conclusion a) Thesis ii. Shooting iii. Bullying iv. Petty crime Introduction The world is constantly changing and so are the leisure activities in which the youth get involved. From the late 1970s computer games have became one of the favorite leisure activities among the youth. Unfortunately the computer games have been associated with the rise of aggressive behavior such as shooting in schools, bullying and other violent crimes. A number of researches have been carried out to find out the connection between computer games and adolescents behavior. Even though the connections between violent computer games and belligerent behavior amongst the adolescents have been established, a large number of the researches were based on the children and late adolescents (Kirsh 67).Some research has also been carried out to determine the influence of violent computer games especially on the adolescent aggression (early and mid-adolescents) (Kirsh 67).Due to the fact that aggressive behavior differs in various stages of adolescents, a developmental perception is very significant in understanding the influence of computer games on the adolescents. There are high chances that some adolescents are more exposed to the effects of computer games at certain periods of adolescents more than others. Moreover, the developmental concept of individual differences implies that some adolescents may be vulnerable to the pessimistic changes associated with computer games. These vital issues will be put into perspective to show that computer games indeed induce violence among the adolescents. Exposure to violent computer games can cause aggressive and violent behavior on adolescents. Notable violent behaviors as a result of violent computer games include: a) Shooting b) Bullying c) Petty crime Shootings Over the last 20 years, about 20 research studies have been carried out to find out the connection between vicious video games and aggressive behavior at some stage in the adolescents period. Case in point, in a research carried out in adolescents between the ages of 11- 17 years it was discovered that there was a “positive association between video games play and self- and teacher- reported aggression.”In the recent past there has been a rise in the number of shooting incidents and as established from the research violent computer games have contributed immensely. Psychosocial correlates The increase of aggressive behavior among the adolescents especially in the early adolescents’ period can be linked to a variety of reasons. The reasons comprises of both social and emotional challenges. Although a majority of the adolescents’ deals with the challenges, appropriately some have not been able to handle the challenges. One of the main reasons that have been identified as being the cause of aggressive behavior among the adolescents is “negative affect and depression” (Steven 381). In that aspect the question that needs to be answered is what the negative effects are, exposure to violent computer games can be categorized as one of the negative effects. From the various researches carried out to establish the connection between violent behavior and computer games it was established that violent computer games contributed to the rise of aggressive behavior. Violent behavior was found to be more prevalent in the early adolescents; apparently, this age group was the one that was found to be more involved in playing computer games. The level of aggression was found to decrease with the decrease in indulgence in computer games. Another research carried out on aggressive children established that all the aggressive children played many violent computer games (Steven 381). Minors and adolescents who did not play violent computer games were found to be less aggressive. Violent computer games stimulate aggressive behavior among the adolescents as established by most of the researches. Some aggressive behavior among the adolescents is because of exposure to violent computer games. Generally, boys were found to be more aggressive than the girls were. Apparently, boys were the ones who played many violent computer games. The connection between aggressive behavior and violent computer games is indispensible. Bullying In the recent past of aggression within adolescents, schools all over the world have to deal with cases of vicious behavior in an almost daily basis. Most school administration has to deal with cases of aggressive behavior involving the adolescents themselves or teachers. Parents have not been spared either as there have been cases of aggressive behavior of adolescent against their parents. Many reasons have been given for the rise in the cases of belligerent behavior and attitude. One of the reasons that have been given is the indulgence of adolescents in playing violent computer games. An assessment carried out by Lindeman on 11- 17 year olds adolescents to find out how they would react to interpersonal conflict revealed that, most either resulted to direst aggression such as mean teasing or indirect aggression such as spreading of rumors. The assessment however revealed that boys resulted to direct aggression more than the girls. A research carried out by Anderson in association with Dill it was established that violent computer games were connected to the violent aggression among the college students. Another research carried out by Lynch and several other scientists on eighth and nine graders established that there was a high connection between aggressive attitudes and computer games (Jordan & Daniel 354). A research on the aggressive patterns among the adolescents established that aggressive response increased between the ages of 11 up to 14 years and reduced from the ages of 14- 17 years. The research further revealed that physical aggression was more prevalent from the ages of 13 and 15 years. Ironically, parents- teen conflict is more prevalent during the early adolescents. Biological correlate Biological changes, both hormonal and cortical have an influence on the adolescents and might increase aggressive behavior among the adolescents. In the early adolescents stage there is an enhance production of adrenal hormones as well as gonadal hormones (Steven 382). Research has shown that gonadal hormones increases physical aggression. Thus aggressive behavior can be partly attributed to the hormone, however in order for the hormones to have effect on the adolescent stimulation is necessary. Playing of violent computer games is one of the ways that can stimulate the hormones. In the recent past there have been several cases of shooting incidences in schools by mainly adolescents’ boys, after careful investigation some were found to prefer violent computer games. Some video games promote violence as the means of dealing with certain situations, in that aspect most of the adolescents tries to implement what they do on the computer games on the real world. Violence starts in the mind, thus before an adolescents decides to vent violent on another person. There have been cases where some adolescents have tried to experiment some of the violence that they have seen on the computer games on fellow students. In most violent games the only way to solve personal issues is through violence and in most cases it is by “killing” the opponent (Steven 382). Due to the fact that adolescent stage involves a lot of learning of new things and vital changes both physical and emotional, whatever thing the adolescents learn may affect them for the rest of their lives. There have been instances where some adolescent have carried out some very aggressive actions not that because they wanted to, but they were just experimenting what they always do on the computer games. Some adolescents however have taken literally what they see and do during the computer games as the real way that conflicts should be solved. Thus many have adopted the aggressive nature of some of the characters in the games. The question of whether playing of violent computer games promote or influences aggressive behavior among the adolescents has been looked into for over 20 years. The recent acts of aggression among the adolescents that has sometimes involved shooting and associated links to violent computer games have resulted in an increased interest in the violent computer games. According to the Meta –analysis violent computer games indeed brings about aggressive behavior, physiological arousal, aggressive effects and aggressive cognition. Research carried out by Lynch supports the theories put forward by the GAM model. The changes that the adolescents undergo both biological and psychological are connected with the high level of aggressive behavior in the early adolescence. With consideration of the GAM model it can be ascertained that the effect of violent computer games has the greatest impact during the early adolescent stage. In that aspect it can be ascertained that exposing the adolescents to violent computer games may contribute to increased aggressive behaviors among the adolescents. During the early adolescent period the level of aggression is usually high thus playing the violent computer games only raises the level of aggression even further. Computer games domination According to a research carried out to find out the number of adolescents indulged in computer games. The research established that children and the adolescents played computer games averagely. The average fell between 1.2 – 7.5 hours per week. The research further established that even though playing computer games was prevalent among the adolescents, the early adolescents’ boys played computer games more than the girls. According to the research, the amount of computer plays reduced with age gender notwithstanding. During the early adolescents period it was established that the boys played computer games averagely 7.5 hours a week. Middle-late adolescents played computer games approximately 3.5 hours each week. The early adolescents’ girls played computer games about 3.5 hours per week whereas the middle and late adolescents played computer games approximately 1.5 hours per week. According to Griffiths there are nine different types of computer games, Sports simulation such as football, golf and baseball. Racers, which comprises of motor sports, adventures such as fantasy rescue, puzzlers such as brain teasers. Other categories of computer games include plat formers, platform blasters, beat ‘em up games which involves the use of weapons such as guns, knives and other arsenals of war. According to a research carried out by Buchman and Funk, the adolescents both boys and girls preferred violent computer games. The adolescents’ found games with a lot of violence much more exciting than the games with no violence at all such as brainteasers. A research carried out on the buying patterns of the adolescents in regards to computer games established that a majority bought violent computer and video games. The research further revealed that about 80% of the mainly popular computer and video games were violent. Petty Crimes As a result of playing some computer games such as grand theft auto, some adolescents have engaged themselves in stealing vehicles just as in the computer games. A research carried out on the crimes mostly committed by the adolescents revealed that motor vehicle theft and burglary were the most common crimes among the adolescents. Bearing in mind that the main aim of the research is to found out the connection between violence among the adolescents and computer games, only articles that are related to this topic will be discussed. This will ensure that all the facts that will be raised in this research will solely focus on the effect of violent computer games on the adolescents. Some of the long term effects that are associated with playing violent computer games include promotion of aggressive beliefs and attitudes among the adolescents, unfortunately some of the adolescents carry on with the beliefs up to adult hood. Desensitizing of persons to violent behavior, as a result people who were against violence may turn out to be violent (Ferguson 77).The main disadvantages of the long-term effects are that they may affect the individual for the rest of their lives. Theories of aggression There are several theories that have been put across to try and explain the connection between violent computer games and aggression among the adolescents. The social learning theory implies that “exposure to computer or computer games violence would evoke behavioral mimicry, reinforce already existing aggressive habits and increase internal arousal.”Internal arousal in this case can be translated to mean anger. According to the Neo-association, model in aggression, playing of violent computer games creates or at times activates numerous aggressive thoughts, beliefs and feelings. The other theory that tries to explain the relationship between adolescents and violent computer games is found in the “Literature on social information processing in aggressive children.” According to the literature, “aggressive children act aggressively, in part due to a hostile attribution bias.”According to the research, violent video games might lead to the formation of hostile attribution bias in adolescents (Anderson 108).Due to the effect that violent computer games have on the adolescents a model known as the “General Aggression model” has been made. Development function The adolescents play computer games more than any other age group, apparently at this stage most of them react aggressively to situations. Thus, the question of whether the violent computer games play a role in the aggressive attitude by the adolescents is intriguing. A research carried out by Goldstein on the effects of violent computer games reveled that as adolescents become more and more aggressive they also tend to become more and more attracted to aggressive activities. Related research has proved that boys who found to be very aggressive also prefer violent computer games, video plays and even toys. A research carried out by Bushman found out that there was an increase in blood pressure and heart beat rate any time the adolescents were involved in playing a violent computer game. In that aspect, it was established that violent computer games might lead to aggressive behavior. Despite the numerous reasons given as to why the adolescents prefer violent computer games, the consequences of playing the games cannot be ignored. In order to show clearly how violent computer games contribute to the aggressive behavior among the adolescents some scientists came up with a model known as the General Aggression Model (Grusec & Paul 99). The model is very useful in trying to explain both the increase of aggression among the adolescents and personal divergence in vulnerability to the pressure of violent computer games. According to the model, individual traits such as hostility and attitudes towards violence and situations or the environment such as exposure to violent computer games and real violence tends to influence a person’s aggressive behavior. According to the model violent computer games influences aggressive behavior among the adolescents both through short and long term effects. Short-term effects include increase of aggressive cognitions and stimulation. Short-term effects usually end by the time the adolescent gats into the late adolescent period. Two researchers Anderson and Bushman have come up with a Meta –analytic review that gives empirical support that violent computer games brings about aggressive behavior or attitudes among the adolescents: R+ =.19 means aggressive behavior R+ =.27 means aggressive cognitions R+ =.18 means hostile effects R+ =.22 means augmented physiological stimulation People who were not violent or did not have any violent attitude may end up being extremely violent. Some people have ended up being jailed later on as adults after turning up to be violent after being exposed to violence as an adolescent. Aggressive attitude and behavior has been on the increase for approximately the past two decades, even though many reasons have been given for the increase of aggression among the adolescents. Some of the reasons that have been given include psychosocial correlates and biological correlates. Even though these factors may be the reason for the increase of aggressive behavior among the adolescents, violent computer games has also been found to contribute to the increase of aggressive attitudes among the adolescents. Conclusion Aggressive behavior among the adolescents has been and will continue to draw the attention of the public from sections of the society and the role that the violent computer games play in enhancing the aggressive attitudes. Bullying in schools will continue to prevail as long as the adolescents are exposed to violent computer games. From the research that have been carried out to find out the connection between aggressive behavior and computer games has established that violent computer games play a significant role. The more an adolescent is exposed to violent computer games especially during the early stages the higher the chances of aggressive behavior. At times the aggressive behavior has been extended to even the teachers and has ended up with some teachers being shot dead. In that aspect in order to handle the rise of aggressive behavior among the adolescents the exposure to violent must be minimized or eliminated altogether. The other reasons that have been given for the rise of aggressive behavior among the adolescents ‘notwithstanding-, violent computer games will always play a very significant role. Work cited Anderson, Craig A, Douglas A. Gentile, and Katherine E. Buckley. Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Internet resource. Ferguson, Christopher J. Adolescents, Crime, and the Media: A Critical Analysis. New York, NY: Springer, 2013. Internet resource. Grusec, Joan E, and Paul D. Hastings. Handbook of Socialization: Theory and Research. New York: Guilford, 2008. Print. Jordan, Amy B, and Daniel Romer. Media and the Well-Being of Children and Adolescents. , 2014. Print. Kirsh, Steven J. Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective. Chichester, U.K: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Internet resource. Kirsh, Steven J. The effects of violent video games on adolescents: The overlooked influence of development. Aggression and Violent Behavior 8 (2003): 377–389 Read More
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