Since race describes physical characteristics of individuals, ethnicity lays stress on national, religious and ancestral background of the people. In other words, ethnicity refers to the cultural divergence among the people living in the same region or area. “A racial group, unlike a racial group, is set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns. Among the ethnic groups in the USA are people with a Spanish-speaking background, referred to collectively as Hispanics or Latinos.
” (Schaefer, 2003:228) Since every group of people maintains its own literature, language, norms, traditions, mores and cult, it looks different from other groups prevailing in the society. As local, and native communities have their own culture and language, which may be different from other groups of people. The same is the case with the people living in Ireland and Wales, which have their own language other than traditional English language. They have their own patterns of behavior and conventional way of interaction with other members of society.
Jews, Muslims, Arabs and Hispanics etc are the example of various ethnic groups living in the USA. Thus, ethnicity is quite different from race, because a Jew may belong to any racial group i.e. he may be African American, Russian or Israeli, but his ethnicity distinguishes him from other groups of the society on the basis of his ancestry. The United States of America has witnessed racial prejudice for centuries. “In United States, skin color is an obvious difference. On a cold winter day when one has clothing covering all, but ones head however, skin color may be less obvious than hair color.
” (Schaefer, 2006:5) Thus, race specifies the origin of the people living as minority in a great country like USA, which cannot lose its identity even after living for many decades in the region other than and outside their own. The white majority population conquered African states during the colonial era, and captured the African blacks and made them their slaves. It is therefore the descendants of black slaves make up significant part of the contemporary US population. In the same way, Asian, European, Australian and Arab nations have also become the part of social, cultural, economic and political set up of America.
This all has given birth to the idea of multi-cultural society where individuals belonging to various regions and races of the world practicing divergent religious practices are living as one single nation. Since America has become a multicultural country, there exists competition, conflict and even serious feelings of alienation and hatred among different races and ethnic groups. “For nearly 30 years,” Schaefer quotes, “new events have fueled anti-Arab and anti-Muslim feelings within the United States and contributing to stereotyping.
” (2003: 230) The co-operation and understanding between them all is essential for the peace and solidarity of various groups and communities. It may surely be supportive in developing of a progressive and prosperous America at large. History is replete with the examples of apartheid and racial discrimination in the USA. The literature produced by the African American writers and poets, gave birth to the famous Harlem Renaissance Movement. The motive behind these writers was not mere expressing of their grief; rather, the aims of such writing material appeared as receiving additional gains out of the so-called miseries their previous generations suffered for decades.
Though situation has taken an imperative change during the contemporary US society, yet the country witnesses the grave racial discrimination, which is particularly prominent in the health, education, sports and job sectors, where minority groups undergo prejudiced behavior due to limited and inferior facilities, which is strictly against the provisions of the US constitution. Schaefer indicates the feelings of the white population towards the minority groups, which are still humiliating and devastating ones.
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