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Baring the Body Exploring Pornography - Essay Example

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The author of this essay "Baring the Body Exploring Pornography" comments on the idea of pornography that refers to the explicit description or the display of the sexual activity or organs. Admittedly, the display often intended to stimulate the erotic rather than emotional or aesthetic feelings…
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Baring the Body Exploring Pornography
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The antiporn zealots describe a conviction of the exclusive power of the sexual representation to endanger. For instance, it threatens the family, the well-being of a woman and the community overall. Therefore, feminists agitate for the control of the sexually explicit images. Specifically, the group allied against porn activities in Indianapolis shares a vision of the sexuality terrain of the female victimization and degradation. None in the group offers the view of the female sexual subjectivity, joy in the sexual arena or of the female power (Duggan & Hunter, 1995).

Therefore, I consider the Song of the Wind and Trees (Kaze to Ki no Uta) not pornographic. The emphasis on the song is on the feelings more than the actions. The show contains the “shounen-ai” or the “yaoi” materials that mean ‘boy’s love.” The song covers materials whereby two very attractive boys attracted to each other and share romantic and intimate instants between the two. One of the males appears to be androgynous or feminine, which is a standard material in the shoujo anime.

They are not viewed as being immoral at all. It is rather a piece of art that represents the romantic nature of gay rather than porn (Welker, 2006).

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(Baring the Body Exploring Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 332 words, n.d.)
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Baring the Body Exploring Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 332 Words.
“Baring the Body Exploring Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 332 Words”, n.d.
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