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Empire Consumer Project (ESCP) As a Social Organization Empire Consumer Project (ESCP) As a Social Organization Several organizations in the Rochester (NY) area promote either social change or link to specific social movements. Such organizations include Rochester Cursillo Movement, Temperance Movements, Empire state consumer project (ESCP) amongst many others. The movements resulted from experiences, efforts, and principles aimed at improving human condition and promote social justice. The movements established reforms that fundamentally addressed various social issues.
The paper examines ESCP founded in 1971 that was registered as a 501c3 nonprofit organization (Briam, 2014). ESCP remains dedicated to reducing use of chemical toxins and pesticides to environmental and human health with the fundamental aim of promoting social change especially in relation to environmental concerns. The movement accomplishes such tasks by educating industries and consumers, conducting tests on products and reporting, and advocating for regulation where need be to protect public interest.
The organization’s main goal is to protect children health and safety and consequently drive social change. Products such as toys designed for this vulnerable group and parents tend to trust them. The purpose of the company’s annual reports is to educate consumers on products considered not safe or contain ingredients proven unsafe. ESPE works with many organizations that promote social change including Paradigm Environmental services in Rochester during testing of products. Paradigm is a full-service environment laboratory specialized in environmental chemistry, lead-based paint and asbestos.
Children remain exposed to unsafe products risking their lives and even causing deaths. The use of lead painted products including toys and food is one of the major concerns of this organization. ESCP tested these products and found that they contained excess heavy metals than the recommended limits. They educated the public on safe disposal of products containing heavy metal to avoid swallowing by kids causing deaths and complications. The organization’s second concern is on pesticide use and disposal.
Though lobbying for various safer methods of using such chemicals, ESCP displays significant social changes in Rochester. The organization petitioned FDA to issue a drug safety report regarding finding of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol in many PEG 3350 which were tested. The organization has given recommendations for daily doses both amongst children and in adults. Children who remains exposed to liquid nicotine and e-cigarette contact various social related diseases. ESCP that has remained operational for forty-three years defines an excellent example of reform movement due to its dominance and persistence in advocating for consumers rights.
The organization as aforementioned conducts various imperative research relating to chemical toxicity of toys and other industrially manufactured playing instruments for children. The company has established significant reforms in chemical production of children toys and social diseases related to such products. In conclusion, the CPSC create awareness to the public through caution and promotion healthy living practices. The social change organization has fought for children healthy living in conjunction with other social organization for forty-three years.
Avoiding exposure to toxic chemicals when possible is prudent and protective for all. ESCP fights for a vulnerable society and the rights of children who cannot defend themselves. The release of annual reports is one of their efforts for keeping kids safer. ESCP persistent social education has resulted into significant decrease in injuries and death in Rochester mainly related to consumption of chemical products. ReferencesBriam, Judy (2014). Empire State Consumer Project 2014 Children’s Products safety Report. Web. April 30, 2015.
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