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Landscapes and Narratives - Essay Example

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The essay “Landscapes and Narratives” focuses on the most important aspects of academics. The author insists that subject matter is not the only important aspect of academic writing. Ensuring that the context is intimate and that the writer does not use the essay to sell an idea is also important…
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Landscapes and Narratives
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The author or writer should use the external environment (what people see and are aware of) to relate to his or her narrative. In the story, “Landscape and Narrative” he recounts that after listening to the stories about the Wolverine, he felt renewed. A sense of excitement spread through him that made him look forward to the mundane tasks with renewed excitement.Some statements in the essay are baffling. For example, Barry declares, “Lying is the opposite of the story.” The public should consider a story true if the author relates the external to the internal environment.

Further, he suggests that the delivery mechanics of a story are more important than the content. He says, “We are now accustomed to thinking of the truth as something that can be explicitly stated rather than as something that can be evoked in a metaphorical way outside science any occidental culture.” The two statements are perplexing and relate to the “so what?” attitude of the writerA closer examination of the above proposition reveals the hidden meaning of his words.

In other terms, he means that there is no single universal truth. Any supposition is valid, viable or true, as long as the one narrating the story presents the work in a metaphorical way, and he or she connects the internal environment to the external. However, science disputes this as it provides evidence to support its propositions. In fact, science uses relationships between different phenomena, a technique he supports, to derive its conclusions. From the essay, a writer would employ several examples to improve his or her writing skills.

In my first paper, I will make sure I cite all the sources used to compile my work. I will use real-life experiences to capture the attention of the reader. Finally, l will apply the use of figurative language and correct vocabulary to ensure my essay is readable any interesting from the beginning to the end.

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