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Is the Youth-Bulge Theory Responsible for the Islamic Terrorism - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Is the Youth-Bulge Theory Responsible for the Islamic Terrorism" states that the youth bulge has been both promising as well as challenging for the nations. On one hand, an increasing number of the young population has a hugely promising future for the development of a nation…
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Is the Youth-Bulge Theory Responsible for the Islamic Terrorism
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Is The Youth-Bulge Theory Responsible For The Islamic Terrorism? Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Critical Review 4 Youth Bulge Theory and Terrorism 4 Up-rise of Islamic Terrorism 5 Nurturing Terrorism through Youth Bulges 7 Youth Bulges Leading to Violence 8 Youth Bulge Theory and Uprise of Islamic Terrorism 9 Conclusion 12 References 14 Introduction The ‘youth bulge’ theory is defined as a situation when the number of youth in the population increases as compared to the adult population, mostly owing to reduced mortality rates by high fertility among mothers. In the words of Schomaker (2013: 117), “the term “youth bulge” is used to define a situation in which the population share of the 15-24 year-olds exceeds 20 per cent and the share of the 0-14 year-olds (often also referred to as the “children bulge” and a good predictor of future youth bulges) is higher than 30 percent”. This phenomenon projects a situation when there is an increased amount of concentration of youth in the population that further leads to an enormous amount of violence and disorders within the nation. The incapability of the society to meet with extreme pressure of this increasing amount of youth masses has been affecting the development of the community as well, which further gave rise to the youth bulge theory. This bulge or extreme pressure of the increasing youth masses has been affecting economic resources and it channelization in a negative way and have adversely affected societal development to a large extent (Schomaker, 2013). Such a phenomenon has attracted the attention of many scholars who thus argued it to be creating a social unrest and has been negatively affecting its overall development. With the increased amount of youth within an economy, there are high chances of political instability and social distress that may lead to a situation of violence within the society (Urdal, 2012). As argued in Schomaker (2013), the increased amount of the youth masses within the population is likely to generate a situation of unemployment that may again lead to a situation of lack of social status among the masses and further affect the development of the economy. This lack of proper social status is most likely to affect the mental conditions of youth masses and act as a catalyst towards fuelling the tendency of violence amid the youth masses (Urdal, 2004). With this regards, the research paper focuses on the development of a clear picture about the influence that ‘youth bulge’ theory has been responsible for the spread of Islamic terrorism. The paper also stresses on the demographic dynamics and reflects on the impact that such trends impose on Islamic nations, leading to its greater spread. Critical Review Youth Bulge Theory and Terrorism According to Hendrixson (2012), immense pressure of the growth of population within the economy is likely to affect the development of the different strategies. The development of youth bulge trend that is prominent within the nation is even likely to create violent activities among the youth masses. Hundley (2011) thus states that the development of a political grievance is quite likely to affect the situations within a nation. However, it has often noted that even though ‘youth bulge’ has a global impact, not all regions possess a similar amount of political distress. Additionally, Urdal (2012) accordingly state that the increased amount of youth bulges in the recent years has made it evident that they may lead to organised political unrest at several regions of the world (Hundley, 2011). In subsequence, the different economic situations amid the nations are evidently having an impact on the development of political unrest within a nation. The economic deprivation and political transformations also play a major role to create instable situations within the nation and further affects the development of an economic turmoil within nations (Hendrixson, 2012). According to Schomaker (2013), young men, who are desperate for attaining their social recognitions are vulnerable sections of the society. These groups are easily exploitable and have an inclination to deviate from the different societal reforms. Furthermore, it is often noted that youth within the society are often against the existing political situation that are prevalent within the nation. This makes it easier for the different groups to exploit their present position and attract them towards revolts and renaissance. LaGraffe (2012) thus comments on the fact that the youth bulges within the nations, irrespective of the global position and geographical locations impose an adverse impact on the different security requirements of those nations. It is even noted that the increasing number of youth within the nation creates higher chances for the economy to falter in sufficing its political as well as social challenges. This adversely affects the reliability of the nation amid its youth and even creates a divergence from the main course society (LaGraffe, 2012). Nordas & Davenport (2013) further comments that overrepresentation of the political scenarios affects the mentality of the young citizens. This dissident among the young generation often has a revolting mentality for the different reforms that are prevalent within the society. Hence, as the youth bulge theory asserts, the trend acts as a catalyst for these revolts and is likely to create a huge impact on the different political as well as social settings (Nordas & Davenport, 2013; Hundley, 2011). Up-rise of Islamic Terrorism In the recent phenomenon, Islamic terrorism has evolved as a huge area of argument among all the leading nations of the world. With the increasing threat of Islamic terrorist, the development of Islamic terrorism has been largely in question during the recent years. Furthermore, the changing nature of the Islamic terrorism attacks has even been evidenced with the need of further review. The recent Islamic terror attacks conducted made it furthermore apparent that it involved many terrorists who were not Muslims. This phenomenon changed the global concepts of Islamic terrorism (Bjelopera, 2013; Vaughn & et. al., 2009). In this regards, Thayer (2009) stated that the demand for power has been a huge need for the nations that gave way to the different terrorist attacks within the Islamic society. It is also evident that increase as well as decrease of population possesses a direct relation with the occurrence of terrorist attacks that are predominant within the nations (Thayer, 2009). Contextually, Urdal (2011) stated that the demographic structure of the nation affects development of violent activities at a greater frequency. Accordingly, Baumung (2005) emphasised imbalances of the demographic structure to be influencing mass fuel in violent conflicts. Changing natures of the different demographic structures have also been affecting the security challenges that are prominent within a nation (Urdal, 2011; Baumung, 2005). Bricker & Foley (2013) reflects the recent evidences that are prominent in the different Middle East countries implying the notion that large youth cohorts may lead to the development of the severe amount of conflicts. Considering this particular fact as relevant, the increasing number of population in the Islamic nations can be witnessed as affecting the development of the nations at a versatile manner. This lack of development is creating an adverse impact on the social setting prominent within the nations. The dissident among the masses are therefore reflected through the situations of social unrest violence and conflicts (Bricker & Foley, 2013). The increasing population and the growing number of the youth within a population have also been creating a huge challenge among the nations (Ahmed, 2014). According to Ahmed (2014) the rapid population growth is having a huge effect on the different societal setting and affecting the political as well as social growth. The large youth cohorts have been facing institutional crowding in the labour market (Urdal, 2012). Nurturing Terrorism through Youth Bulges The changing societal settings have been affecting the nations at large and even creating a huge opportunity for nurturing violent situations according to Akwara & et. al. (2013). With the increasing population, there is a huge competition among the youth to secure their position in the society. This is even noted to adversely affect their mental state and provide them with opportunities to create violent activities (Cramer, 2010). Contextually, Cramer (2010) stated that with increase in the number of youth within the population of a nation, the chances of having a negative societal development are high. Youth bulges predominantly affect the development of opportunities within the nation and creates a blockage in the employment opportunities. In this regard, it also becomes apparent that change in the societal setting prompted by the sudden development of youth masses within a nation has been nurturing the terrorist activities to a serious extent. Akwara & et. al. (2013) states the lack of employment opportunity creates a situation of unrest among the youth and even creates a sense of insecurity among the young generation. The sudden rise in the population of the young masses has further been affecting the parallel development of the society. This has been affecting the approaches of youth towards the existing social setting and the development of the society overall. The socio-economic processes and administrations of the country have also been affecting the social setting and further nurturing the situations of social unrest within the economy (Akwara & et. al., 2013). Contextually, Akanni (2014) comments on the lack of development of social settings to have an adverse effect on the psychological development of the youth and even thrust them into such violent activities. The increasing population of the third world countries and demography of the same has also been affecting the development of the nation to a significant extent (Akanni, 2014). Youth Bulges Leading to Violence The enormous development of populations within the nations, specifically among the youth has been imposing severe influences on the development of the nations. It has thus been argued and perceived that with the increasing amount of youth in the demographic structure, an identity crisis is likely to arise among the young generation (UN, 2003). According to the report of USAID (2012), demographic opportunity has a significant role to play in the development of a nation whereby the accelerated growth of the young masses is most likely to create a situation of enormous distress owing to the lack of proper opportunities. This creates a huge challenge for the nations to encourage better and developed opportunities for the increasing population of youth (USAID, 2012). This hindrance even affects their cognitive development and creates a negative situation compelling young generation to undertake violent activities like terrorism. Schomaker & Wentzel (2013) further states regarding the backlogs created by the lack of development of opportunities that are most obvious to create a hindrance among the youth to develop rebellious situation. Correspondingly, youth bulge that takes place within nations, provide an efficient amount of labour to form the rebel groups (Schomaker & Wentzel, 2013). The initial actions of terrorism were secluded within the Islamic nations, affecting the advanced westernised sections of the globe. However, the changed syndromes of terrorism have been creating a wide-spread affect across the globe irrespective of the different religious backgrounds and global positioning (Schomaker & Wentzel, 2013; USAID, 2012). The increased masses of young generation are most likely to create an impact on the economic development of the nation and affect societal development at large. It is even noted that improper development of the different social settings may create an adverse effect within the nations and compel the youth to take up negative steps in contradiction to social sustainability. These violent activities are often observed to be an outburst of the social unrest that is created due to the lack of proper development within the nation (Ural, 2011). Lack of proper opportunity often creates a situation of unemployment, further leading to poverty and in turn leading to situations of violent activities. The deceased situations of the youth of a nation can also create a negative approach and further affect the societal settings to a serious extent. It is also studied that this situation threatens the society and makes the nation vulnerable to many security challenges (Schomaker & Wentzel, 2013; Ruble & et. al., 2003). It is even noted that the different situations of unrest and distress are often related with poverty and unemployment. For instance, the societal and political settings of the Middle East countries reflected on the changing political scenario that had a huge impact on the young generation in the nation. Youth bulge, which was recently experienced in the region, was also identified as highly responsible for social unrest experienced in the region during the recent years. The huge amount of violence that the region experienced during the recent years was an outcome of youth bulge, leading to massive changes in the societal as well as political settings of the nation (Schomaker & Wentzel, 2013). Youth Bulge Theory and Uprise of Islamic Terrorism Based on the understanding and reviews obtained from the scholarly sources, it can be argued that owing to the lack of opportunity, there were huge chances of creating social unrest and violence within the nation. Explaining a similar phenomenon, North & Fiske (2012) stated this lack of proper opportunity among the nation is even having a huge impact on young generation people and are even deviating them away from the mainstream society at often instances. This deviation has been affecting their development and even compelling them to undertake violence. With the increased number of population, deviating from the mainstream society, the chances of violence is even increasing (North & Fiske, 2012). This is even providing the Islamic terrorism units with opportunities to nurture the situation and develop their political bases. Venkatraman (2007) thus comments that Islamic terrorist unions are even developing their effective groups across the globe by nurturing situations of youth bulges in the different nations. Venkatraman (2007) also asserts that Islamic terrorism is majorly based on the notion of preserving Islamic communities. The spread of Islamic terrorism is usually conducted by taking the heed of the noble cause of protecting the will of God (Allah). Thus, youth bulges provide with ample opportunities to develop a well-organised group that would commit such crimes across the globe with minimum or no fear (Iannaccone & Berman, n.d.). Owing to the religious extremism, the different Islamic nations are facing huge amount of challenges to manage youth unrest and develop their religious activism (Gillum, 2010). In the recent years, Islamic terrorism trends have been including youth belonging from different religion communities across the globe. The lifestyle and trends of the different youth belonging from the different societies and cultural backdrops are therefore observed to be inclined towards taking up Islam and joining such violent groups (Shresthova, 2013). Contextually, Triandafyllidou (2012) Islamic terrorist groups have been integrating youth from the different minority groups across borders to enhance their number across the global domain. The gap between the society and the requirements of the young generation is also deemed as one of the most important areas that the Islamic terror groups are nurturing to develop a strong political hold. Youth bulges within a nation thus can be referred to act as a positive source that the Islamic terrorist is nurturing to develop their hold and spread violence (Berger, 2010). According to Ghaffar-Kucher (2009), comments on the nurturing of the different political turmoil parallel to the religious movements are actually fostering the gaps that are created due to youth bulges. Furthermore, Kung (2005) argues about the monotheistic natures of Islamic terrorism imposing a huge impact on the development of different conflicts and violence. However, there have been a huge shift in the nature of the Islamic terrorism and have been integrating different societal norms to catalyse the growth of rebellion groups. It is noteworthy in this context that Islamic terrorism has spread everywhere across and have even deviated from its initial motive. Powell & Clarke (2013) also stated that the religious inspired youth are involved in suicides and terrorist activities, comparatively at a greater extent as compared to other groups, which are one of the reasons of youth bulges. Lack of opportunity among the youth has also affected their development and has in turn influenced them to take up the different measures of violence. It is even noted there are several people who are even converting their religion to join the Islamic unions and protest against operations of the government (Powell & Clarke, 2013; Fearon, 2010). The political dilemma prominent at the different nations is even likely to affect the growth of the nations and create a gap within the youth. It is also observable that the different societal set ups have been adversely affecting the mental state of the young generations and even giving way to the different violent activities (Iannaccone & Berman, n.d.). Correspondingly, Shabafrouz (2010) states that in the recent years, the social unrest being experienced, majorly focus on the development of a revolting mentality for the youth of the nations. Furthermore, these revolts are no longer based on the religious unrest, but are rather focused on creating a revolution in the present economic and political condition (UNESCO, 2011; Shabafrouz, 2010). The peripherals of the Islamic nations are also spreading its motives from causing petty religious wars to develop their identity across the globe. The changed syndromes have therefore been accelerating the nature of the revolts where the youth bulges are acting as a positive resource for developing the same (McKinley & Stephanova, 2009; Marshall, 2008). The youth bulge theory thus convoluted on the increase of the young masses within the population, and can be further deemed as fair enough in producing its justifications. This has been acting as a positive development of the different forms of revolts and revolution. Furthermore, the increasing population and the rate of fertility among the Muslim unions are even a reason for the development of youth bulges leading into growth of Islamic terrorism (CIA, 2001). Conclusion Youth bulge has been both promising as well as challenging for the nations. On one hand, increasing number of the young population has a huge promising future for the development of a nation. However, there has been a huge challenge to maintain the unrest that is prevalent among the youth to develop their social identity. This gap in the society further imposes considerable influences on the young generation. Such an impact usually creates a situation of unrest and political turmoil whereby the development of youth masses within the society is likely to affect the different mental set ups of the young. The quality of the governance has therefore been acting as a positive catalyst for the onset of conflicting mentalities. It has even been noted that Islamic terrorism began with the notion of maintaining the religious superiority over other ethnic groups. However, with the changing nature of the different societal set up, global trends have been affecting the development of the society and creating a negative impact on the youth. The study thus revealed that youth bulges have even negatively affected with the developmental measures to be incorporated within the nation. It is even noted that the different operational and technical developmental measures that can be incorporated within a system is even likely to create a blockage into the system, playing a major role to catalyse the development of the violent activities among the youth. As per the findings obtained therefore, the different activist groups are even nurturing this opportunity to develop a strong political domain whereby the Islamic terrorist groups are observed to be taking advantage of the gap between the societies and enhance their hold on the youth of the society. Furthermore, the different social unrest is often created due to the lack of governance among the youth. Conclusively, it can be asserted that in agreement to the youth bulges theory, such trends are observed to present notable opportunities for the terrorist groups to obtain political advantages and thereby, fuel violence thereafter. References Ahmed, H. M. M., 2014. The Socio-Economic and Political Impacts of Youth Bulge: The Case of Sudan. Journal of Social Science Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 224-235. Akwara, A. F. & et. al., 2013. Unemployment and Poverty: Implications for National Security and Good Governance in Nigeria. 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