The Most Challenging Aspects of Widowhood Assignment. Retrieved from
The Most Challenging Aspects of Widowhood Assignment.
For instance, Ms. Beatrice engages in volunteering work in order to find time to share with her daughter and grandchildren (Anno. 2014). This helps her to feel better because of the company and the chance to interact with others. How might aging services and/or policy help widows like Ms. Beatrice Newman cope with these challenges and age successfully The aging services can help widows like Ms. Beatrice Newman cope with such challenges and age successfully by providing social occasions where they can interact with others.
This is essential since it will make them feel appreciated and forget about their problems back at home. It would also be appropriate to encourage them to participate in volunteering activities where they can keep busy and socialize with other members of society (Anno. 2014). This arises because the main challenge to them is loneliness and loss of touch of the family members. As a result, aging services can support caregivers by providing suitable facilities and conditions for taking care of the old.
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