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Pilot Study Statement - Essay Example

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During the pilot study, the results will be based on anticipated findings and prediction of the results. The pilot study must not use…
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Pilot Study Statement
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Pilot Study ment Pilot Study ment As part of the research proposal project, I shall investigate the extent to which new media technology affects political thought and theory. During the pilot study, the results will be based on anticipated findings and prediction of the results. The pilot study must not use high-risk groups such as the minors or inmates during the study. It is also important to ensure that the groups used in the pilot study are realistic to reflect the desired results of actual research conducted.

The possibilities of the study include interviewing at most four groups of people acting as a sample of the group under study. Moreover, anonymous online or in person survey of not more than 30 people representing the group under study excluding the classes at Brandman. After the survey, I shall conduct a simple harmless experiment with small groups of people representing the target population of the study.As part of the pilot study, I shall use potential participants or just a mere representation of the potential participants.

The potential participants of a pilot study should represent sample population used in the main research (Wimmer & Dominick, 2013, p. 146). It is also important to let them know that the purpose of the interview is solely for research purposes. I shall assure the participants of confidentiality of information delivered during the interview and study period. I shall use interviewing method for the study. To record data during the interview, I shall note the name(s) or pseudonyms of the participants.

I shall record techniques used to find the participants. I shall outline the effectiveness of the method chosen. During the pilot study, I shall consult the instructor for assistance on any challenges. My interviews will occur over two weeks. Reference Wimmer, R., & Dominick, J. (2013). Mass Media Research. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Reference

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