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Global Sociology: Four Types of Suicide according Durkheim - Essay Example

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"Global Sociology: Four Types of Suicide according Durkheim" paper focuses on Durkheim who identified that people live in horrible misfortune, wherein other people kill themselves due to minor troubles. Durkheim notified that suicide is an ultimate act, which splits relationships…
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Global Sociology: Four Types of Suicide according Durkheim
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Global Sociology Question David Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist focused on understanding the importance of division of labor and solidarity. During the study about solidarity, the sociologist observed that industrialization has relatively transformed the division of labor from simple to complex. Durkheim identified that people live in horrible misfortune, wherein other people kill themselves due to minor troubles. Therefore, Durkheim notified that suicide is an ultimate act, which splits relationships and defines suicide sociologically (Ferrante, 2014). According to the observation, Durkheim identified four types of suicide that can be related within various cultures as explained below. Egoistic Egoistic defines a stage wherein connections between individuals become weak within a society. In this regard, Durkheim revealed that when an individual is detached from others, the tendency of suicide increases (Ferrante, 2014). Altruistic Altruistic signifies a stage in which connections attaching the individuals to others or a group are such that an individual has no existence beyond that group. In this situation, people commit suicide, as they cannot disconnect themselves from the group (Ferrante, 2014). Anomic Anomic is defined as an individual’s connection with others or groups that are disrupted due to economic boom. It may also change dramatically due to the effect of social circumstances (Ferrante, 2014). Fatalistic Fatalistic can be defined as a state wherein the ties between the individuals and the society get obsolete, inclining individuals towards committing suicide. In this situation, the individuals feel that their future has become permanently blocked, which eventually becomes a reason for them to commit suicide (Ferrante, 2014). In case of United States, it can be ascertained that more suicides are committed amid the age of 15 to 19 years. Moreover, elderly people also commit suicide specially those who are males. According to Durkheim, the factors including sudden unemployment and social relation problems caused most of the suicides in the US (Ferrante, 2014). Question 2 According to Jean Piaget, a developmental psychologist, active adaptation refers to a biological tendency of living life, which denotes that humans have to adopt, adjust and respond towards various challenges. In this regard, Piaget believed that learning and logical thoughts are important tools that help in overcoming diverse challenges (Ferrante, 2014). Cognitive model of Piaget mainly involves four series of stages. In the sensorimotor stage, children from birth till age 2, develop their sensory organs and through taste, sight, hearing, smell and touch, they can recognize the people as well as the objects existing around them. In Preoperational stage , children between ages 2 and 7 usually become ego centric and thus consider things on the basis of their own viewpoint and feel that everyone has the same share of belonging. In concrete stage, children from 7 to 12 age group gain significant consideration of mental operations. They begin to pursue and think in a logical manner, but have difficulty in understanding hypothetical and abstract concepts. The last stage in the process of cognitive development is formal operational stage, which continues till adolescence period. During this stage, a person gains the ability of analyzing various situations by considering reasons and arguments related to a particular event (Ferrante, 2014). Cognitive development is of interest to sociologists because it helps to gain significant understanding about how children learn, solve problems and think intellectually. Question 3 The functionalist theory mainly argues on hierarchical patterns of social stratification. Social stratification exists in every society. One of the prevalent ways of social stratification can be apparently identified in terms of income distribution, which is predominant in the society. Considering this, the functionalist theorists argued on different social stratification, depending on the basis of discrimination of individuals in the society. This discrimination is noted to be based on income distribution, power and status that are both desirable as well as inevitable (Earlham Sociology Pages, 2014). The functionalist theorists also argued that in order to develop the well-being of the community members, the major functional positions must be filled by qualified people. Major part of the society is observed to be secluded for the people who are financially strong (Harris, n.d.). Additionally, the functionalists argued that the hierarchical arrangement of a society unconsciously encourages allocating respective rewards towards most important jobs filled-in by capable people. It will be vital to mention that society has major social stratification depending on the class of the people. Relying on the same, the society is stratified based on the classes to which they belong. This seclusion of classes varies depending on power, financial condition and caste related aspects (Harris, n.d.). One of the major weaknesses of the above arguments can be apparently observed as that these might result in generating negative consequences in the form of raising major constraints of conflict of interests amid the citizens. Apart from this, the other weakness of the arguments can be the imposition of adverse impacts on the capitalist society while designing suitable programs for the community members (Earlham Sociology Pages, 2014; Harris, n.d.). Question 4 “Women in the workplace” can be a topic, which would be of interest to a sociologist. It is worth mentioning in this similar concern that a sociologist could study the aforementioned topic through using two major research designs of observational research and survey research (Ferrante, 2014). These have been explained in the following. Observational Research According to Kalyan (2007), involvement of women has increased in work place around the world since previous decade. From the observation, it can be ascertained that the literacy rate of women has increased dramatically and thus helped them to raise workplace standards at large. Apart from this, it is also found that the average level of income provided to the women has largely improved after globalization. Thus, observational research is helpful in analyzing data relating to the above discussed topic with evidences (Kalyan 2007). Survey Research Survey research is often used by the researchers to gain proper and accurate knowledge regarding a specific subject area. Survey is conducted to obtain primary data from the people so that a detailed understanding about a particular subject matter can be gained. In this regard, the survey report of the Fortune 500 companies witnessed that the number of women CEOs in between the year 1995 to 2005 has risen from 8.7% to 16.4% (Gettings et. al., 2007). Thus, this survey research evidently affirmed that women have raised the workplace standards at large. Question 5 Science generally refers to a subject, which involves physical as well as natural determinants or species. Both natural science along with social science involves quite similar scientific approaches to discover or gain adequate knowledge and understanding about a specific subject matter. In this regard, scientists are often observed to employ both social as well as natural components (Ferrante, 2010). Scientists from other fields including natural or physical science are focused on gaining information from different experimental and empirical practices. They are more concerned with the natural and/or physical behaviors without the existence of cultural and social aspects (Ferrante, 2010). However, the concept of social scientist refers to the individuals with pervasive knowledge and competencies for critically understanding and finding effective ways to solve any particular social concern or issue. They extensively includes social phenomenon such as cultural and behavioral aspects of individuals or communities with wide number of experimental information for generating better results (Ferrante, 2010). The methodology used by the scientists from different fields is often characterized as constant and uncomplicated with invariable components regarding standard measurements. The methodology also involves information or data derived from continuous experiments along with uninterrupted productive results. On the other hand, the social scientists are likely to start their experimentation procedure with an assumption and gradually perform observations. They also rely on information, which can be derived from a number of techniques including interviews, field works and discussion of focused groups among others (Ferrante, 2010). Question 6 Television is regarded as a prime socialization agent. It vastly influences children from their very young age and affects their communal along with cognitive development. It is one of the mediums, which possess greater socialization effects. Television is an interactive medium and thus is of importance for the growth of children. However, it has few limitations as it cannot provide and develop children with adequate social skills. One of the possible consequences, which can be apparently observed in socialization process, is that women and minorities have come to know about the importance of the same. Women and minorities greatly involve themselves in learning from their role models like various actresses and sportspersons among others through the medium of television. This certainly aids in making the women and minorities to get equipped with the socialization process at large (Ferrante, 2014). Today, the marginalization of minorities and women in the dominant cultures is perpetuated mainly to make them aware about various social implications. Television has become an effective medium in reaching to every individual. Television has greatly managed to create social awareness in the society (Ferrante, 2014). Thus, it can be stated that the marginalization of minorities and women in the dominant culture is perpetuated in prime-time television. In general, it is often observed that women and minorities watch more television than whites and males. The reason being most of the women stay most of the time in home and are not employed in any organization (Ferrante, 2014). Question 7 Based on the provided question, a specific reference, which is influencing me in certain ways, is a group of senior colleagues at my workplace. According to my perception, office colleagues can be referred to both new individuals who have recently joined an organization as well as old individuals who are already part of that group. The old group appears to focus on explaining the behaviors and work psychologies that are associated with the workplace. For instance, a newly joined individual will gradually refer to the group of senior employees so as to evaluate and learn all the corporate norms and work responsibilities that the individual needs to follow on regular basis in the workplace (Education Portal, n.d.). Moreover, the new individuals can also extract appropriate strategies from the senior groups for preventing any unintentional job related error. The group of senior colleagues to which I have referred, have proved to be quite beneficial for me in terms of gaining valuable advices regarding how to increase my performance and efficiency. With the help of this group, I made myself capable enough in handling and mitigating diverse adverse situations (Education Portal, n.d.). Question 8 Amid several voluntary associations present in the United States, I belong to an organisation, which provides urgent medical assistance, education support and emergency evacuation services to the citizens of the nation during any crisis situation irrespective of the demographic factors. In this regard, my organization can be categorized as a heterogeneous one. This might be owing to the reason that the voluntary services providing my organization do not only focus towards preserving the well-being of a particular gender but ensures the same for both genders i.e. males as well as females. Specially mentioning, in case of emergency evacuation, effectiveness of male assistance is considered to be high in comparison with women. On the contrary, in case of providing medication to the American citizens, the organization needs the assistance of both male as well as female members, especially women because of their pleasant caring attitude. In this regard, it can be asserted that the registered voluntary organizations probably possess huge social network participants. In case of the US, it can be apparently observed that most of the voluntary organizations mostly are small informal community groups serving the people with utmost care. For example, it has been witnessed that a number of local residents establish a voluntary organization in order to help the people of the local community during any social crisis situation. Moreover, most of the voluntary organizations pay their members for the participation in charitable cause irrespective of gender biasness. The maintenance of heterogeneity factor within the organization helps in creating a strong and wide range of social network with diversity as no age bars and gender biasness are taken in to concern. Thus, it can be stated that the voluntary organization, with which I am associated is heterogeneous, as it extends its services to every people in the society irrespective of any gender (Ferrante, 2014). Question 9 Sweatshop is such a workplace, wherein the workers perform their respective job functionalities for extended hours with low wages and poor working conditions. It is worth mentioning that globalization has led the multinational corporations to work out of their geographical areas especially in less developed countries and take advantage of cheap labors, avoiding human rights related issues along with government scrutiny (Webster University, 2014). Sweatshops face major issues related to violation of women and human rights because of the fact that the workers who are working in the factories are mostly women of young age and are uneducated. Young women are unprotected due to harsh conditions prevailing in the working environment. Notably, women remain much unaware about their legal rights and terms with regards to sweatshop (Webster University, 2014). In addition, another major issue, which is observed to prevail in sweatshops, is the environmental concern, which gets impacted due to the operations conducted in the factories. Several organizations noticed that sweatshops are exposed to various environmental problems like generating pollution in water supply and poisoning river water due to excessive use of oil in factories. Due to the emergence of the above discussed issues, sweatshops often give rise to problems that combine women’s along with immigrant rights and environmental concerns among others (Webster University, 2014). Question 10 It can be apparently noted that in certain sports like cycling and swimming, males shave their body hairs. This trend however makes them perform well in the present day advanced technology of gears and the suits used at the time of performing the sport. For cyclists, the skinny suits that they use at the time of the performance makes them feel uncomfortable if they have hairs on their body. It is quite evident that for the cyclists, chances of having accidents such as road dash are quiet high. The wounds need to be addressed immediately, for which the concept of shaving body hairs makes it much easier to address such wounds. For swimmers, the fraction of seconds in water can be crucial for them to win their dream medal. Hence, in the present day context, sports people who are pursuing any sport prevent themselves from facing any limitation in water. Moreover, the suits that are used to create resistance in water are so skinny that having body hair would actually make the swimmers feel uncomfortable. Correspondingly, shaving of the body hairs would also help them to reduce the resistance in water and gain superior competitive position. Specially mentioning, the body shaving of male sportspersons especially in the fields of cycling and swimming is ascertained to be adding an added advantage in their respective performances. Thus, it can be affirmed that this phenomenon is not seen violating the public norm. Question 11 Every individual from childhood learn from parents, teachers and religious preachers regarding the existence of God. No one in this world is away from the practice of worshipping and following a particular religion. It will be totally a different experience to live in a society, which does not follow any religion. It is strongly believed that a society, which does not allow following any religion, will definitely create numerous problems for the individuals residing within that particular society. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the individuals will not have any fear of God and it will lead to the situation wherein one will not be afraid to conduct any sort of malpractice or illicit activity (Ferrante, 2014). Based on the learning, it is understood that the society will be quite different, which do not allow practicing any religion. This difference can be seen in number of ways. Such society will be set free and every individual will act according to his/her own will. This will create a great chaos, as he/she will not be bounded by religion or with the fear of God. It will be very different from our religion, which we follow. The religion, which we follow, helps the individuals to decide between right and wrong doings. This also guides us to follow the correct path and helps in deviating the path, which is wrong. The society in which we live believes that God exists and there is only one God (Ferrante, 2014). Question 12 ‘Desk rage’ is often termed as someone’s extreme behavior or violent anger exposed within a particular workplace due to the emergence of varied sorts of concern or difficult situations. The occasion of desk rage is often attributed to be a violent behavioral aspect, which can be resulted from different stress sources. The occurrence is often observed to form alienation of other employees within a particular workplace (Miami Dade County, 2010). According to my own experience, I have heard about the concern of desk rage occurrence of an employee in an IT based company. According to the job role in the IT firm, the individual had to manage and deal with numerous IT based tasks with strict deadlines. The increasing workload and continuous pressure by the supervisors enforced him to develop severe frustration over the existing job profile and environment in the workplace. The unabated work demand associated with different types of IT projects eventually imposed him to form violent behavior at the workplace. The occurrence had further developed major chaos in his personal life and the individual finally decided to quit his current job position and able to manage his stressful behavior. With regards to the above scenario faced by the individual, it can be stated that the pressure of extensive workload within strict deadlines often lead towards creating stress or frustration amid the employees. In this regard, the entrepreneurs must need to focus on developing effective approach to address the concern of desk rage. In order to reduce the problem of desk rage, effective working schedule for the employees ensuring appropriate allocation of job roles along with responsibilities to each individual can enable the entrepreneurs to effectively deal with the respective concern. Moreover, the continuous process of motivating employees and increasing their interests towards their respective job roles can also play an imperative role for the organizations to reduce the issues associated with desk rage by a certain degree. References Earlham Sociology Pages. (2014). The functionalist theory of social stratification. Retrieved from Education Portal. (n.d.). Reference group in sociology: definition, examples & types. Retrieved from Ferrante, J. (2010). Sociology: a global perspective 7E. USA: Cengage Learning. Gettings, J., Johnson, D., Brunner, B., & Frantz, C. (2007). Wonder women. Retrieved from Harris, S. R. (n.d.). Critiquing and expanding the sociology of inequality: comparing functionalist, conflict, and inter actionist perspectives. Saint Louis University, 1-21. Kalyan, S. (2007). The changing role of women in the workplace. Gatton Student Research Publication, 1(1), 14-21. Miami Dade County. (2010). A guide to managing mental health issues. Retrieved from Webster University. (2014). Women and sweatshops. Retrieved from Read More
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