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Domestic Violence: The Risks of Childhood Abuse and Future Violence among Black Females - Research Paper Example

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Acts of child abuse and violence, which concern black girls are reported to and verified by child welfare organisations at a rate nearly twice that of cases, which concern white girls. A number of surveys have been carried out to assess the scale to which this ethnic…
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Domestic Violence: The Risks of Childhood Abuse and Future Violence among Black Females
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It was discovered found that ethnic distinctions in child abuse rate data from the child welfare system are steady with identified differences for other child results. Rates of reported child abuse and future violence are excessively high among black girls, a reality that has long been connected to supposed racial prejudice by a mainly white child-protection labour force (Nygren, Nelson & Klein, 2009). However, a recently published study by Washington University scholars discredits that allegation, claiming that poverty is the main reason black girls are twice as much as white girls to suffer from child abuse and future violence (Drake et al., 2011). Data on disproportionality of child mistreatment were adapted from two significant sources.

Official ill-treatment counts from the National Child Abuse, as well as the Neglect Data System (NCANDS), have shown that black girls are almost twice as much as white girls to be sufferers in confirmed reports of child abuse and violence. The waves of the National Incidence Study (NSI) of Child Abuse and Violence are the biggest and highest long-standing attempts to record rates of real, rather than reported, child abuse and violence (Ber et al., 2011). In this paper, it was vital to avoid variously defining the term disparity, which is frequently utilised to mean racial prejudice.

Rather, the paper used the phrase disproportionality to describe distinctions in event rates, which might be caused by race. The sources that were used all carried out empirical analysis of the moderating factors that might lead to child abuse, as well as violence, among black girls. Even though, it is impractical to measure actual child abuse and violence with assurance, other measures of child welfare should be responsive to the same risk factors but not responsive to prejudice in decision making or

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