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The History Channel documentary “America the Story of Us: The Rise of the Superpower” was narrated by Hollywood actor Liv Schrieber.
The documentary series takes us on a trip down memory lane to the time when the United States was on the cusp of being acknowledged as the most powerful country in the world, capable of facing down any enemies that threaten the rights of the free world.
We go back to the time when the U.S. soldiers, upon returning from the war, take on the problems of the economy and take action to revitalize the business sector and pull the country out of the Great Depression. The boom in the economy is based upon one thing alone, the mastery of technology by the United States. Using new technology developed during the war-time, the country begins to rebuild on a scale not seen since the time the transcontinental railroad tracks were being laid into place.
New roads and interstate highways were built to connect the country. Real estate developments grow by leaps and bounds as the roads are built and the cars fly off the production line. People moved to the suburbs to live their new economy-friendly lifestyles while they went off to the cities to work during the week or day. It was very easy to do for these people, after all, 20 thousand cars were rolling off the production line every day.
Known as the Greatest Generation this was the time of rapid growth and evolution of a country that seemed to easily find its new footing in a changing world. Probably because America was dictating the changes due to its worldwide influence. The Greatest Generation made the country even greater as they harnessed the possibilities presented by the technological advancements gained during the war. Supersonic jets found their way into the air force as a way of keeping the new threat of Communism at bay. As the cold war with Russia began to heat up, America led the world into the space age by being the first country to land its people on the moon.
Yet while the American flag waved proudly in outer space, America was having to deal with a new kind of war on the home front. That of the growing Black civil rights movement. It is a civil war of sorts that did not lead the country into taking up arms. Rather, this battle was fought through dignified means of protest and passage of laws.
This documentary is an eye-opening look at the history of America for our generation that grew up knowing the strength and respect that our country has from other countries. Being a superpower country is something that we were born into and therefore took for granted. But this documentary video changed all of that. Now we understand the duty and responsibility of being an American much better. It is not something that any American should take lightly.
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