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Feminism Introduction Feminism is a concept which relates to the female gender. It was a theory fronted by socialists whovouched for a more predominant female participation in social circles. In the reading assigned, the author argues from the perspective of a liberal person. In fact, it can be argued that the author tries to fight the vice which can be christened as reverse feminism. For instance, at the start of the text, the author rhetorically asks the reader to define feminism. In addition, the author goes ahead to pose a question of what would be the worse reference that either a girl or even a boy would get.
In both cases, it comes out that people usually use the term girl to insinuate a demeaning personality. From that instance, the author introduces the concept of femininity albeit in a critical way. In the text, the author argues that there has been a misconception about feminity. In this case, the assumption has always been that feminism represents views which oppose fundamental views. For instance, the author insinuates that feminism is anti sex. However, the reality is that feminism completely represents the opposite.
It refers to the mentality which seeks to appreciate the female gender. Again, in a rhetorical way, the author asks how a person would feel if fiends would be victims of rape. In doing this, the author seeks to point out the vulnerability of the female in order to assert the importance of feminism. Fundamentally, feminist movements represented female perspectives. They sought to gain equal treatment as their male counterparts. In conventional settings, the male gender was always accorded an unfair treatment over the females.
This was replicated in many social settings. In most cases, the male gender has been treated better by being accorded better education while the females were always left to perform conservative familial roles and house chores. The liberation of the female gender came about from the feminist groups. They sought to advocate for equality in terms of social as well as economic responsibilities. This was predominantly pushed by the civil groups that had the female agenda as their priority. The following discourse analyses the concept of feminism as represented in a selected journal.
In the text under study, feminism is observed under different perspectives. In one instance, the text alludes that it is an ideology that was fronted by old women of the past. There were various groups that were formed to push for the female agenda. The author seeks to instill confidence in the female gender. This happens by trying to highlight to the females the importance of appreciating one’s own body and self image. It should be assumed that females have achieved equality in all parts of the world.
In fact, there are certain societies which are still quite conservative. In such societies, the females are still treated with contempt. This has meant that such societies still have feminist groups which strive to assert gender equality. However, through legislation as well as civil groups, the concept of feminism is slowly being welcomed by such communities. The world should be a place where discrimination is not based on gender. Every person should be accorded a fair opportunity based on the individual’s ability.
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