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One of the social phenomena encountered in my everyday life is the excessive freedom of life practiced in American society. I am not against freedom, but life with minimum constraints inevitably leads to chaos and ecocentrism. If I had been brought up in a restrictive environment I would have grown up to a person with more responsibility, discipline, and goal – orientation. If the American society had been practicing minimal conservatism, then I would have had a closely bonded family. If I was born in a conservative society I would be living in a family-oriented atmosphere with all my family and relatives around.
The impact of information technology on the social life of people is tremendous and profounding. The society has become closely connected and interactive with the advancement in the technological field. With the introduction of computers and the World Wide Web network, people are enabled with the facility to communicate with each other with a touch of a fingertip. The quality of the social life of people has improved on a relationship basis and leisure choices.Social Science has different branches and they can be detailed as anthropology, economics, history, communication, education, psychology, geography, sociology, law, and Linguistic.
Anthropology is a study that aims at understanding the physical element of human beings. Economics studies about the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth. The study of the past of humans as a race is called history. Communications deal with the study of interactive process among the human population. Psychology deals with the study of the human mind. Education is the process of learning and acquiring wisdom. Geography deals with the study of earth and its physical features. Law is the study of legal requirements and legal structure of a country and linguistic deals with the social and cognitive aspect of human languages.
Studying sociology is important as understanding about society and its implication on human life is crucial. Sociology is concerned with studying society and investigating various human activities. If I study sociology I can educate myself with the working pattern of society and how far human beings are a social animal. This would enable me to pursue a career of sociologist wherein I would be able to investigate social classes of people and inequality persist in society. This would help me in assisting people and the community to enhance their living quality and relationship to live in accordance with the changing social atmosphere.
When I say that I know something, I know in my mind and conscious that I know it. Knowing something is not easy, as everything needs to learn or experience in order to be known. For example, if I say I know English, I might have learned and used this language in a practical world and convinced myself about my skill in it. So voluntarily accepting that I know something is not a credible action but applying that known fact in the practical world and reestablishing its usability is important. Only by practical experience, one can understand that he knows or does not know a specific thing.
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