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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teen by Steven Covey - Book Report/Review Example

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This paper tells that Covey’s book provides the positive direction to help teenagers improve themselves by building their own self-image, taking responsibilities, achieving their goals, resisting peer pressure, among other helpful guides to for us to live a productive and meaningful teenage life.  …
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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teen by Steven Covey
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Based on the paper, the seven habits are as follows; 1) Be proactive - means learning to take control of our own’s life by making the right choices based on sound values. 2) Begin with the end in mind – means knowing what we want out of life and our decisions must be aligned or consistent with that goal. 3) Put first things first – simply means learning how to prioritize and to be able to control our impulses, desires, and feelings. 4) Think win-win – is the positive mindset that enables us to overcome our insecurity as teenagers to be able to achieve our goals 5) Seek first to understand, then be understood – means that to be understood, we should seek to understand other people’s point of view first before giving our own opinion. 6) Synergize – means to be able to create something better, we should learn how to work with others to be able to see better alternatives to any issues at hand. 7) Sharpen the saw – simply means that we should continue to develop ourselves by engaging in productive activities that will improve our skills and overcome the fatigue of the same busy life.

Through Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teen” I learned how to take control of my own life by making choices and decisions that will make me better as a person. 

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