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Contemporary Social Problems on Homosexuality - Essay Example

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"Contemporary Social Problems on Homosexuality" paper analyzes the homosexuality issues which have become one of the central topics for discussion in American society: the society which was one of the first ones to accept the protection of civil rights now discusses the aspects of homosexuality. …
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Contemporary Social Problems on Homosexuality
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Contemporary Social Problems on Homosexuality Homosexuality: Evolution of the human race Nowadays homosexuality issues have become one of the central topics for discussion in American society: the society which was one of the first societies to accept the protection of human and civil rights now discusses the social and civil problems and aspects of homosexuality. These issues are not only limited to legalization of same sex marriage but moreover they are widening to the set of other serious issues which include child-birth in gay and lesbian couples and creation of alternative family type. Gay and lesbian rights movement has splited the society: those who tolerate and support the right on self-determination of sexual minorities and on conservative who oppose and reject any changes in family standards: Homosexual lobbyists are effectively using the anti-discrimination angle of the civil rights movement for advancing the gay rights platform. Their current efforts to redefine marriage are now backed by activist judges in Massachusetts and local officials in San Francisco. In response to these most recent assaults on traditional American values and the fundamental institution of marriage, President Bush announced his support for a constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage in the U.S., which has ignited a firestorm of public debate. " But recently this issue had transformed into a new form of debate as nowadays some scientists argue that homosexuality represents the certain trend in the evolution of human species. Even though that homosexual gene has not been absolutely defined and studied, some scientist and gay right activists say about the possibility of child birth from same-sex couples through gene technologies similar to cloning. Kelly Hollowell argues that such views are more than a mistake as they violate the core principles of evolution teaching and positions of Darwinism and genetics from one side and may not be considered biologically correct from the other side as the child would be more a clone than a real child born from the traditional couple: Ironically, the same people who promote gay marriage and anticipate discovery of a gay gene also believe evolution is an unassailable fact. In fact, if you believe evolution you cannot logically believe that homosexuality is a genetically driven advancement. It does not promote the propagation of our species or lead to any other. To the contrary, it would lead to the extinction of the human race. What's more, homosexuality does not even represent social or cultural progression. Growing support that homosexuality is a result of poor family dynamics or criminal abuse is also inconsistent with advancing the human race. So the author of the article Doctor Hollowell makes the reader to know that such a contradictory view that homosexuality is a certain trend in the human evolution is false. First of all it has no natural future and moreover there are no biological evidences to this: gene of homosexuality has not been found. So homosexuality remains to be one of the most contradictory social issues judged by conservatives and church. But as everyone should understand ethical compromise has to be found which would satisfy both sexual minorities and the rest of society. 'Cure' for homosexuality Study: Some 'gays' can become 'predominantly' heterosexual with psychotherapy Are people born homosexual This question has bothered not one generation of psychiatrists and psychologists who devoted years to the research in the field of sexual relations and sexual preferences which violate traditional heterosexual standards. None would argue that the problem of homosexual relations is viewed differently by church and by medical professionals and by society. Even medical professionals have different opinions about this issue: some agree that homosexuality may be "cured" and sexual orientation of the person may change to a normal one if he follows some psychic therapy or changes his life style. This is very contradictory opinion as it may not be applied to every homosexual. The nature of homosexuality is different and it's a very subjective and personal issue: some homosexuals are sure about their non-traditional sexual preferences since childhood, others changed sexual orientation in their teenage years or even being adults. Again we should agree that it may depend upon certain psychological and personal factors. Robert Spitzer a professor of psychiatry is one of those who believe that homosexualism has a subjective nature and may be "corrected" to some extent through psychiatric practices as some people may change their sexual preferences if they are not sure about their homosexuality. It's a well known fact that a small percentage of homosexuals still remains to be shy and reserved about their sexuality and they may be unsure about their real sexual nature. In this case psychotherapy may be an effective instrument which will help those individuals to become confident and determined. According to doctor Spitzer: "A study based on interviews with 200 men and women who claimed to have switched their homosexual preferences demonstrates some "gays" are capable of becoming "predominantly" heterosexual through psychotherapy. "In some of the subjects, the reports of change in sexual orientation were substantial, credible and believable..." Psychologists like Spitzer who believe that homosexuality may be "corrected" suggest following practices to homosexual individuals: to avoid tempting situations with same-sex individuals, to limit the amount of erotic fantasies with homosexual nature. These practices might be helpful in certain cases especially in the case of individuals who have changed their sexual orientation being adults: "According to the findings, all 143 men and 57 women claimed the therapy altered their view of the same sex to some extent. All reported maintaining the change for at least five years. In this study, only six of 202 "gay" men and lesbians who had been through counseling reported changing their sexual preference to heterosexuality. These subjects were interviewed between 1995 and 2000 for an average of 90 minutes. According to the interviews, 178 failed to change their orientation and 18 reported becoming asexual or conflicted." The article 'Cure' for homosexuality is a one more evidence to this issue: it's impossible to discuss homosexuality only through the prism of medicine considering it psychological pathology as the origins of sexuality are very subjective and are different. Moreover homosexuality can not be considered a psychic disorder as homosexuals are equal members of society and private life of an individual is his issue. Topic: What would be the ingredients for a good life Human relations in society are based on various principles of acceptance, mutual understanding, openness and trust. It's not a secret that even though that every person is unique and individual still the society perfectly operates together. When one meets a person he probably doesn't wonder about his heritage, social position, religion and preferences, but makes judgments according to his own personal measures. The problem of homosexuality and the place of homosexuals in modern society is an issue which is discussed worldwide nowadays. Same sex relations, same-sex couples have created a unique and to some extent different subculture in the modern world. In many ways this subculture is similar to the universal one but has some different aspects dictated by the particularities of their personal life. As it had been discussed above and as it's well known homosexuality is not considered to be a mental issue, but simple the way one demonstrates his sexuality, so that's why the ethical side of this issue is the main topic of discussion. Conservatives say: "homosexuals are different and deviant as they violate the laws of nature and that is their crime against God and nature". This opinion is well known and it had created a number of prejudices and stereotypes which had created a wrong and unclear image about homosexuals. To my point of view ethical side of homosexuality has to be the business of those who belong to sexual minorities, not the topic for discussion for everyone else in the majority their ethics and moral principles do not differ from the rest of society. Sexual preferences do not create any visual and formal obstacles for having normal moral principles, views and observing religion. According to the documented survey of the article: What would be the ingredients for a good life One of the respondents answered the following about ": Is it a problem being gay/lesbian and practicing spirituality" "I don't think so; not a great problem. I think practicing spirituality involves interacting honestly and openly and lovingly with the world, and thus it should not matter what your sexual preference is. A spiritual person engages with and learns from whatever experiences befall him or her. Indeed, I would say that ideas about the rightness or wrongness of sexual preferences may well be more of an obstacle than are the sexual preferences themselves. Such ideas - homosexuality is wrong, for example - may prevent people from being open and loving. Of course, the fact that such views are held may make life in general sometimes more difficult for gays and lesbians, but it should not make the practice of spirituality any more problematic." The opinion of David Jackson, 26 is similar to the opinion of others who do not see any ethical barrier in homosexuality. Others who participated in the survey had nearly the same answers. Making a conclusion I would like to say that the homosexuality issue was "made" an issue by conservative thinkers, as in most of cases there exist no issue at all. According to the opinion of young people sexual preferences have to be the personal business of the individual not the business of public. Homosexuality by William H Wilson William H Wilson gives an exhaustive description of homosexual relations in his article Homosexuality. This article covers not only psychological , medical and historical aspects of same-sex sexual and love relations but also gives an overview on social and moral aspects of this sexual practice. Standing on tolerant positions in the question about homosexuality doctor Wilson allows us to look on the problem from different angles and understand the most important issue about homosexuality: that the same-sex relations have a full right on existence as they do not witness for abnormalities or health disorders. Homosexual relations are one that had existed since ancient times and only witness about complicated mechanisms of human psychics, perception and emotional world. Nevertheless, Doctor Williams notes that there might take place a shift towards homosexuality after certain kind of physiological or mental experiences within an individual especially at early age. The main point of view which Wilson tries to deliver to the reader who is probably heterosexual is that the image of homosexual in nearly the same one as of a homosexual and that homosexual are equal members of society without any particular and serious abnormalities: "Homosexuality is as much a social phenomenon as an individual one". Moreover he covers some social aspects of homosexuality in modern world. To his point of view same-sex unions of homosexuals are a good alternative to traditional family relations which allow homosexuals to preserve their identity, socialize and interact with others. Their unions allow them to feel unity, care and prevent from social and personal alienation which may result in psychic disorders, melancholy, depression and predisposition to suicide: "The homosexual couple begins with some unique opportunities (Coleman, 1996; Herbert, 1996; McWhirter, 1996). While men and women in heterosexual relationships have some latitude in their acceptance of normative gender-specific identities and behaviors, members of homosexual relationships may actually make more conscious choices of independence, competitiveness, emotional distance, exploration, nurturing, relationship maintenance, vulnerability expression, and other couple-related attributes." Wilson mentions the social climate created by the open discussion about homosexuality in the USA which had alienated conservative and liberal parts of society creating more space for misunderstanding and false stereotyping: homophobia, religious bigotry and open hatred. Gay and lesbian rights movement shows that some parts of society are not ready to accept people who are different from them and they are not ready to accept their way of life. Debates between church and liberal part of society continue, but still homosexuals do not feel protective and suffer from existing discrimination: In the United States, homosexuality continues to be a matter of considerable controversy. Many individuals and groups oppose homosexuality on moral and religious grounds. Gays and lesbians remain marginalized and are subject to discrimination. The concept of homophobia has been used to explain much of the negativity that surrounds homosexuality. Nonetheless, society is responding to the legitimate needs of gays and lesbians in a number of important ways. With effective advocacy, it is likely that homosexuality will continue to move from the closet and into the mainstream of American society. Wilson tries to convince the reader that openness of the social aspects of homosexuality will help to solve the existing problem on social and personal level so that every member of society will be able to feel protection both from the side of the society and legislation. Solving social issues of homosexuality the society will achieve integrity and unity. Homosexual Advocacy Group Criticizes New Pope By Melanie Hunter Homosexuality and official Catholic Church have been always alien sides. Catholic Church does not recognize and accept homosexual unions, nor does it recognize homosexual love. According to the official doctrine of Catholic Church homosexuals is a direct violation of God's order and homosexual love can not be blessed by God and by church. Nevertheless, the debates about homosexuality with church take place nowadays as a big number of homosexuals are religious people and consider religion to be an integral part of their life and culture. Justifying their aspirations to make Catholic Church recognize homosexual unions they argue that Gospels do not say anything about homosexual unions. Only Old Testament had imposed taboo on homosexual relations. Moreover they argue that Old Testament and New Testament are often contradictory as the postulates of Christianity and Judaism are different: "universal love" vs. "Order and law". The fundamentals of Christianity about love and tolerance are very similar to the modern liberal vision of homosexual relations: as these relations have a full right on existence in modern society, which is ready for such changes. Nevertheless the official line of the Catholic Church has a different opinion on this issue: "A homosexual advocacy group expressed "concern" that Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, "does not present a hopeful vision of the future or inspire optimism for affirming language, policies or outreach." Religious leaders like Ratzinger cannot dictate to us what our family values must be, particularly when their idea of family values excludes all GLBT people and loved ones," said PFLAG's Executive Director Jody Huckaby, a homosexual former Catholic, in a statement." The point of view of homosexual activists is obvious: being discriminated in everyday life by society which can not accept them as they are, homosexuals are also criticized by spiritual leader of the majority of Christians - by Roman Pope, who has to show the example of grace, love and tolerance. Moreover there is big number of clergymen who agree that Roman Catholic Church has to be reformed: as the time demands the changes to occur. And the changes are not only limited to the issues of homosexuality as there is a big number of problems which have be solved urgently: "Our PFLAG families have values of love, respect and compassion -- perhaps the most distinguishing thing about those values is that they don't exclude anyone," said Huckaby, who urged "GLBT people and their families to confront bigotry" in the Catholic Church "and other faith traditions." "We cannot shy away from explaining how discrimination in organized religions can tear families apart. The fight for GLBT equality must include our willingness to challenge our religious leaders," Huckaby added. As we can see the aspiration of homosexuals to be accepted by Catholic Church is a very important purpose in their fight for equal rights in society. If homosexual unions based on mutual love, respect and personal attachment will be recognized by Catholic Church then homosexuals will feel spiritual and moral support and protection from the side of religious leaders. And spiritual support is as important as social and legislative protection. Alabama Bill Targets Gay Authors Conservatism and intolerance have been always the breaks of social progress and of social harmony. Conservatism based on Philistine views and hypocrisy which often have nothing to do with true moral and ethical principles destroy society from inside creating a formidable wall of alienation of one social group from another. Unfortunately the issues of intolerance and open hatred towards minority groups take place in the USA nowadays. In some cases the actions of local authority's countrywide witness about a shift back to the times of total control of media and press and of total censorship. Probably this time had never existed in the USA, and moreover it looks very absurd now in the 21st century when school boards censor books of Mark Twain, Salinger and even Arab tales (for example 1001 night) due to their "political incorrectness" . Such practices are not based on general need; they are not objectively justified and have solid subjective background based on personal ambitions and voluntarism of local authorities. Unfortunately such practices of intolerance as follows had taken place in the USA: College production tells the story of Matthew Sheppard, a student beaten to death because he was gay. Moreover the officials of Alabama went farer as: Republican Alabama lawmaker Gerald Allen says homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle. As CBS News Correspondent Mark Strassmann reports, under his bill, public school libraries could no longer buy new copies of plays or books by gay authors, or about gay characters. "I don't look at it as censorship," says State Representative Gerald Allen. "I look at it as protecting the hearts and souls and minds of our children." But unfortunately Mr. Allen doesn't understand that he makes a parallel between censorship and protection of "minds of children" as these practices are the same. Such decision looks absurd and there are several reasons for that: person who is not creditable for making education plans for children intervenes into education; second the person doesn't respect the state laws and constitution which guarantees civil and human rights which include "freedom of speech and freedom of expression" and he tries to change and amend local legislation according to his personal principles which contradict the moral principles accepted countrywide based on tolerance and mutual respect. As the article informs the banned list will include the following authors: "Books by any gay author would have to go: Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote and Gore Vidal. Alice Walker's novel "The Color Purple" has lesbian characters." If this legislative act will be ratified Alabama will make a step back towards social misunderstanding and intolerance. Moreover such decisions violate educational norms as well: as the books of the world-known classical writers teach only universal virtues. None of literature masterpiece would become one if it promoted immorality and social vices. Such practices just witness that Alabama's conservative officials can not oppress sexual minorities actively so they have chosen indirect ways to influence public opinion and set their decisions. References: 1.Hollowell, K. .Homosexuality: Evolution of the human race Article Worldnetdaily available at web resource: 2.Spitzer, R. 'Cure' for homosexuality Study: Some 'gays' can become 'predominantly' heterosexual with psychotherapy Article, Workdnetdaily available at web resource: 3.MacDonald, S. Topic: What would be the ingredients for a good life Article, Ordinary Mind, 2003 4.Wilson,William H Homosexuality Emedicine,2003 5.Hunter, M. Homosexual Advocacy Group Criticizes New Pope CNS NEWS April 19, 2005 6. Alabama Bill Targets Gay Authors CNS NEWS April 27, 2005 Read More
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