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Heroin, Marijuana, and MDMA - Essay Example

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Despite the continued endeavor to stop drug abuse, it has increased tremendously. In fact, the trend has become a controversy among policy makers. Security sources argue that drug abuse remains in the society due to support from senior government officials…
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Heroin, Marijuana, and MDMA
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Heroin, Marijuana, and MDMA Despite the continued endeavor to stop drug abuse, it has increased tremendously. In fact, the trend has become a controversy among policy makers. Security sources argue that drug abuse remains in the society due to support from senior government officials. Many of the drugs have been divided into various categories with distinct differences. The drugs enforcement agencies classify drugs to belong to the category of schedule I, schedule II or even schedule III. Drugs in schedule II can cause severe physical and psychological impairment. They include depressants, stimulants, and narcotic drugs. Some examples of drugs in the schedule II category include cocaine, morphine, and oxycodone. The schedule III, IV, or V drugs are not highly abused, and they are legal for medical use. They contain small amounts of nicotine and they are sedatives, stimulants, non-narcotic analgesics, and anti- anxiety drugs (Holland 32). This paper will give a detailed comparison between Heroin, Marijuana, and MDMA, drugs in schedule I, and argue justification why MDMA should be classified in schedule II. The difference between schedule 1 and schedule II drugs is that schedule II are believed to be more addictive and are highly abused, but they have legitimate allowance to be used for medical purposes (Goode 47). Schedule 1 drugs include both drugs and other substances that have high potential of abuse. These substances are not acceptable for medical use it treatment in some states. They are unprescribed under medical supervision since there safety is not assured. It is illegal for anyone to dispense, manufacture, or distribute these substances. People caught trafficking drugs in schedule 1 face life sentence in jail. A schedule II drug too has high chances of abuse though it is accepted in medical use for treatment but under strict supervision. Abuse of these drugs leads to serious side effects including physical and psychological. These schedule II substances however are used in emergencies only (Chambliss 177). International Narcotics Control Board report for 2006 states that MDMA has other names like Adam, Clarity, Lover’s speed, Stacy, X, and Essence. Adam was developed before the world war one. It was taken in form of white powder that is puffed or even pills. It comes in fancy colored tablets of white, brown, pink, and even yellow. It gives less stimulation when compared to cocaine, which is also a hallucinogen. It causes brain damage that is irreversible hence leading to death. It can be consumed as a fun drug, it is claimed that it offers insight, energy, peace, awareness and heightens sensory perception too. It causes increased heart rates and loss of memory hence learning difficulties. Changes caused to the brain to be permanent, but with discontinued use, it may recover back to normal after several years. Marijuana, also called cannabis, has its effects on different individuals differently. It has other common names like mull, weed, blow, ganja, tocas tea, torpedo, viper’s weed, twistum, and grass (Holland 56). It is obstructed from dried parts of cannabis sativa plant. After consumption, its effect may last for 3 – 4 hours and later on one may experience hangover and drowsiness. Consumption of marijuana in small amounts may turn out to be recreational rather than destructive. It raises one’s confidence and changes their perception on issues like space and dignity. With continued smoking of marijuana it may result in coughing. It also has high content of cancer causing elements and leads to memory loss. Heroin is the most addictive substance derived from morphine or codeine or opium. Its users suffer effects like vomiting, nausea, and poor coordination of the body. Long-term use leads to loss of sexual drive and constipation. Advanced use leads to death of the user or takes them into coma. Opium can relieve pain though not commonly used since it is addictive. The common street name for heroin is junkie. Its other names are smack, H, tootsie roll, twisters, or scag; these are just names to promise you that it will help you feel generous. It is in form of a white beige powder to inhale, smoke, or inject into the body. Immediately after it is absorbed into the body, it slows down the central nervous system, that is, the control centre for all body activities. It offers recreational feeling of well being that does not last for long and relieves pain. With time, the user will experience nausea, vomiting, shrinkage in pupils, impaired vision, impaired thinking, and ability to make decisions and even shallow breathing if one has taken in large quantities resulting to death (Chambliss 178). Unlike heroin and marijuana, MDMA is used for medical purposes but only in emergency cases (Goode 48). It was illegalized in 1985 as lawmakers became aware of the harmfulness of the substance. Users of MDMA do not show high mortality rates as those of marijuana and heroin. However, for one to increase their chances of living they should keep away from any form of drugs that are not under medication. Marijuana and heroin users show high death rates. Those taking the drugs directly into their blood showed significantly higher rate of death compared to pot smokers. Use of drugs makes one vulnerable to other factors like contracting HIV/AIDS, injury accidents, suicides, death due to heart problems, and other violent deaths (INCB 14). Use of drugs has resulted in diversion of resources from development activities to buying of drugs, hence this raises cases of domestic violence, school dropout on the rise, and loss of jobs increasing dependency levels. The constant demand for money encourages family disagreements causing both emotional and physical destruction. At community level, young people involved in taking drugs become violent and engage in illegal activities. This may even result in insecurity and mistrust between individuals in a community. Hair may fall off due to several reasons like pregnancy, malnutrition, genes, and even weakened immune systems. This may also be due to use of recreational drugs like heroin, MDMA, and marijuana. These drugs are used for recreational purposes; they trigger production of adrenaline, which affects the hair growth cycle. These drugs are powerful and dangerous and may even result in adverse effects if used alongside with other drugs. Pregnant mothers who consume MDMA have the risk of giving birth to children with malfunctions and with learning deficiencies (Holland 56). Marijuana may bring increased heart rate to the pregnant mother affecting placental blood flow, and if smoked or inhaled in powder form it increases carbon monoxide levels in the blood resulting in addictive effects on the foetus and birth of kids with abnormal sleep and other neonatal complications may be experienced too (Chambliss 179). Teenagers are usually at a higher risk of getting into drug abuse. This is due to peer pressure, influence, curiosity and desire for experimentation to get the pleasure. Peers lured into drugs by their age mates and friends end up getting addicted and therefore laying their relief in drugs. Getting hooked into drugs without the necessary financial resources encourages involvement into criminal activities to earn a living. Once someone is trapped in the world of drugs, it becomes difficult for them to stop. It is only with professional counseling that addicts are able to change their minds and decide to live a life independent of drugs (INCB 18). Many people hold the belief that using drugs relieves stress, depression, anxiety, pain, loneliness, and pain. Unfortunately, that is not true, and instead one gets trapped into an endless web of problems. Loss off appetite affects normal sleep and hence weight loss. Mood swings, downturn in family relationships also may come about because of drug abuse. Others do not maintain eye contact, use perfumes, and air fresheners to hide the smell of drugs, and mouth-fresheners to hide bad breath. Heroin and marijuana have so mush in common, starting from how they are taken into the body. They can be puffed or smoked when in powder form, chewed or dissolved directly into the mouth and can also be placed on a mucous membrane such as the anus, eyelids and he nose. They are so addictive, and once into the drugs it is hard to stop. They belong to the schedule 1 and are consumed or possessed illegally (Goode 49). Anyone found to be in possession of the drugs faces charges of at least seven years imprisonment. While heroin can be injected into the body, bhang can only be chewed, smoked, or puffed in. and compared to bhang, heroin is much more addictive. This is due to a difference in its constituents of the highly addictive and lethal substances. (Holland 126) According to the International Narcotics Control Board’s report, the MDMA substance can fit in the schedule II drugs since it is acceptable for medical use but under strict supervision. It has high risks of abuse and can also be used as depressants. The effects of MDMA are positive as compared to most schedule I drugs that cause death. Clinicians felt that this drug had unique potential in the field of medicine to helping enhance communication in therapy; it reduced fear of emotional injury to the patient and therefore facilitating therapy. Since the start of its use in therapy, no deaths were at any one time recorded in conjunction with the MDMA use, and this proved that it was medically acceptable and safe. It also helps individuals see things more clearly and realize that negative emotions are not necessary. However, on its addictiveness, MDMA users after realizing its effects started using it occasionally and thereby this rendered as not addictive. In addition, its effects on the brain that were destructive created more tension on whether it should be placed in schedule II or to remain in schedule I. This increased allegations on the MDMA drug; it was proved not to be a hallucinogen as the schedule II drugs. Moreover, increased use of the drug resulted to unpleasant hyperactive reaction. This resulted in illegalizing it and therefore no more research was conducted in favor of the MDMA (Chambliss 177). After several years of using other hallucinogens, they were confirmed to have more adverse effects as compared to the MDMA that had less severe effects. It only caused a feeling of sympathy and a change in mood. The fact that it gives one pleasure there is likelihood that a person will take it again. However, most scholars do not term that aspect of MDMA as addictiveness. However, despite the fact that it has harm on human system individuals do not stop using it and therefore this renders it an addictive substance (INCB 23). The ability of ecstasy to provide mild stimulation is enabled by its effects on the hypothalamus. This controls one’s feeding behavior hence reducing their appetite. Very few drugs can take the desired course of action without causing adverse side effects at high rates. The other effects by MDMA may include muscle-spasms, dry mouth, sweating, fatigue, overheating of the body (hyperthermia) and dry mouth. The body is unable to regulate its temperature due to disruptions by ecstasy on the hypothalamus. The motor neurons are unable to work with the brain to send signals on contraction and expansion of muscles. Increased use of ecstasy pills increases the adverse effects and causes more threat to one’s life due to the destruction it does on the central control system. (Holland 58) In conclusion, the MDMA, heroin, and marijuana are some of the drugs whose abuse is on the rise. As evident in this paper, these drugs when taken into the human body bring side effects that can even result in death. It increases the vulnerability of an individual exposing them to more risks like contraction of HIV/AIDS. Drugs are not always taken for medical purposes but also for pleasure and to give one relief from anger. They are divided into different categories according to the purpose they serve. There are hard drugs and soft drugs, and there are different schedules of drugs in the market. The drugs in category I are illegal and are not for medical uses unlike those in category II that can be used for medical purposes. MDMA placed in category I also fits in category II because it has medicinal use unlike other substances in the schedule I. Works Cited Chambliss, William J. Crime and Criminal Behavior. New York: Sage, 2011. Print. Goode, Erich. Between Politics and Reason: The Drug Legalization Debate. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1997. Print. Holland, Julie. Ecstasy: The Complete Guide: a Comprehensive Look at the Risks and Benefits of MDMA. Rochester, Vt: Park Street Press, 2001. Print. International Narcotics Control Board. Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2006. New York: United Nations, 2007. Print. Read More
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