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Theory and Method in Social Science - Assignment Example

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The paper "Theory and Method in Social Science" tells that sociological theory emphasises studying the origins and nature-society. Sociology entails focusing on the extent of human rationality. Sociology also centres on the growth and effects of industrialism on the members of the average society…
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Theory and Method in Social Science
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?Development of an analysis of how theory and method interrelate in Social Science The theoretical research focuses on finding references that affirmor reject the thesis statement. The research centers on the methodological and theoretical methodology to affirm the thesis statement. The research includes theoretical research to affirm or deny the thesis statement. The methodology and theory confirms the thesis statement: Employment of foreign workers in the United Kingdom benefits both state and the foreign workers. There are two methodological approaches used to affirm the thesis. The first method is the use of primary evidence. The second method is to use secondary evidence. The researcher uses the secondary evidence method to affirm or reject the thesis statement. Further, the research uses the theoretical approaches to affirm or reject the thesis statement. The theories include gathering of journal articles that focus on the hiring of foreign workers in the United Kingdom. In addition, the research uses other references to explain the sociological reasons for the popularity of the United Kingdom hiring foreign workers. Theoretically, the researcher found the William Skidmore (1979, p. 1) research theorised sociological theory emphasises the study of the origins and nature society. Sociology entails focusing on the extent of human rationality. Sociology also centers on the growth and effects of industrialism on the members of the average society. Likewise, sociology ventures into the social statics and eventual change factors affecting everyone. Sociology also tends to determine the relationship between the average individual and the community. Sociology uses the scientific method to determine how and why human beings act or avoid certain acts. In another research, the researcher found the author theorises that some United Kingdom companies illegally hire child workers (Hobbs, 2009, p. 176). A survey was conducted among 700 United Kingdom year 10 school students. The focus of the questionnaire was their current or prior working experiences. Year 11 students answered another survey questionnaire set. From the selected students, 55 working students were selected for interview. The researcher used the Job Risk Card Sort. Answering the survey questionnaire, the research indicated 45 percent of the working students figured in a work accident. During the oral interview, 80 percent of the working students admitted they met an accident during their work responsibilities. The increase was based on the researcher’s explaining the criteria for accidents. Further, the researcher observed Kenneth Allan (2010, p. 9) insisted on the theory that the study of society has many benefits. The researcher also found John Rex (1973, p.87) research. The Rex research reiterated the theory that the advent of information technology, urbanisation is characterised as extensively documented. There are influential generalisations to urbanised society. The African or Asian community will indicate glaring differences from the European or American society’s cultural upbringings. The typical American town has been transformed to one nation’s culture. There is a constant erosion of the typical isolated community’s culture. The sociologists study the effects of foreign culture over the local sleepy town. In terms of research methodology the researcher observed that Anna Paraskevopoulou (2011, p.110) research used the both primary and secondary reources to affirm or negate the research hypothesis. Paraskevopoulou discusses the family migration data fathered from the undocumented worker transitions (UWT) European Union, including the United Kingdom. The researcher used personal interviews to gather primary data. There were 211 worker families interviewed in February 2009. The research findings indicate family decisions paved the way for worker families from seven European Union nations, including the United Kingdom, to migrate to the European Union states. The personal interviews indicate that migration policies of the accepting nations play a pivotal role in encouraging or increasing the chances of migrants searching for lucrative jobs in the European Union States. The migrant workers’ families prefer entering European Union states that offer higher financial rewards or salaries. Basically, the workers target the European Union countries that include the United Kingdom, Austria, Denmark, and Belgium, Spain, and Italy. The research shows that most of the migrant workers are illegal entrants or have overstayed their working permit dates. The illegal entrants do not pay taxes, have to defense of the accepting countries’ labor laws, and do not receive the social insurance contribution benefits. The illegal entrants form part of the European Union’s “informal economy”. The research shows that 30 percent of the total illegal migrant families enter the United Kingdom alone. The researcher located the Jarowslaw Kundera (2009, p. 100) research conducted another related research. The Kundera research indicates many Polish residents enter other European Union countries to apply for work. The emigration of the Polish workers started with the formation of the European Union. The research indicated that the pre-European Union’s one million emigrants rose to the post- European Union formation’s 2.5 million emigrants. The Polish emigrants included 690,000 polish individuals entering the high territorial gates of the United Kingdom. Admittedly, the researcher found that Kundera researcher indicated Great Britain eagerly opened its work doors to residents from the Eastern European nations. In 2005, 175,000 polish emigrants worked in the United Kingdom. Great Britain’s ambassador to Poland emphasised the positive economic effects of hiring Polish workers in many Great Britain companies. Great Britain went out of its way to implement policies that reduced the illegal emigrant population. Great Britain implemented policies that offered more chances for Polish and other foreign workers to apply for legal residency and status within Great Britain’s borders. Great Britain established work conditions complying with the European Union’s founding fathers’ visions of a socially acceptable living and working conditions. Discrimination in the United Kingdom workplace was eradicated. In 2005, the United Kingdom unemployment rate stood at a favorable 4.6 percent. The researcher delved in the Philip Martin’s (2010, p. 122) research which indicated that some countries offer temporary work permits to foreign workers. After the work permits expire, the temporary workers are expected to return to their home countries. The Polish foreign workers decided to transfer to the higher paying United Kingdom farms. The United Kingdom farms pay a higher 8 Euros per hours, compared to only an average of 5 Euros an hour in Germany. The Polish workers can change employers in the United Kingdom. Likewise, the United Kingdom’s polish foreign workers can stay 90 days longer than the number of days allowed in Germany. In addition, the research scrutinised the research of Ana Ortiz (2010, p. 29). The Ortiz research indicated the disabled asylum seekers’ prospects of finding a job within the European Union member states. The European Union offers protection and anti-discrimination provisions to the disabled asylum seekers. Further, the researcher found Davia Stasiulis’ related research (2002, p. 137). The research shows many advanced countries have set up border entry policies to stave off the entry of unwanted or illegal migrants. The policies prevent the influx of people from the poor countries searching for jobs in nations having advanced economies, including the United Kingdom. The border patrols show that many female migrants apply for work as domestic helpers or caregivers. The foreign workers apply for jobs in middle class and affluent families. The foreign workers often work in harsh as well as degrading conditions. The foreign workers come from Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central and South America, and Eastern European countries. The foreign domestic helpers’ economic conditions force the workers to send their salaries back to their home countries. The relatives of the foreign domestic and caregiver workers use the money to pay the education, food, and other family expenses. Many illegal emigrants are at the mercy of their employers. The female domestic helpers and caregivers are in danger of being abused by their employers. Being illegal foreign workers, the workers are in danger of being paid very low salaries and other benefits. The male gender should not dehumanise the female gender by employing and taking advantage of the economic plight of the foreign female domestic workers and caregivers. The researcher found the research of Abigail Gregory (2011, p. 34). The Gregory findings show the influence of the work life situation of fathers. The fathers work in companies in order to be paid. The fathers use the money to pay for the food, clothing, shelter, education, medical bills, and other necessities of the family. The fathers learn to divide their time and money between the family life and the work life. The research indicates that fathers work best if they receive enough financial support to fill the needs of the family. The father works best if leave benefits, reasonable salaries, and other benefits are given to the fathers. The fathers will work better if they work using lesser time or use flexible work schedules. The research shows that fathers use their fatherly powers to act as “fathers” in the work place. The fathers help their fellow workers accomplish departmental goals and objectives. The fathers are eager to help a fellow worker in distress. The United Kingdom has a child-centred societal work policy. The United Kingdom government adheres to the policy of enhancing the fatherhood or family headship image by granting benefits and working conditions that foster strong fatherly ties with the family members. The United Kingdom adheres to the policy of emphasising the fathers’ rights and the fathers’ responsibilities within the household. Likewise, the United Kingdom government adheres to the motherhood image in the family. The mother has the right to juggle between work or job responsibilities and family motherhood roles. The United Kingdom companies offer balanced work and family life condition for all families, including the foreign workers. The United Kingdom research further affirms start in the home. The gender roles are carried over into the workplace environment. The father’s working conditions include enjoying paternity leaves, emergency leaves, and other benefits that strengthen the father’s role in the family. Further, the researcher found David Martin’s research showed the influx of immigration can be beneficial to the transformation of Europe, including the United Kingdom (2008, p. 144). The research shows that the there is a decline in the population of young men and women in Europe. Consequently, the current European Union work force includes an influx of foreign workers. The foreign workers fill the wide disparity between job availability and job applicants. The population data is taken from the Immigration and the Transformation of Europe (ITE) data. The research shows that the entry of foreign workers into the European Union work place fills the current need to supply the declining supply of native European Union workers. Furthermore, the researcher delved into the Michales Attalides research (2003, p. 9). The Attalides research focused on the enlargement of the European Union’s challenges. The challenges include facing the addition of new members to the union. Turkey is a nation where advances towards accession create the conditions of stability in the Eastern Mediterranean arena. Consequently, additional members bring with it additional cultures and problems. One of the fears is the huge westward Migration. The increase in membership brings with it more workers freely travelling from one state to another. There will be more new foreign workers applying for jobs in the United Kingdom, Germany and other highly advanced European Union member states. Further the researcher included the Lindsey Grant research (2001, p. 391). The Grant research focused on the declining population of the European Union member states. The findings indicate that the population of European Union countries, especially the United Kingdom, has declined. The population decline also cropped up in other countries like South Korea and Japan. The population decline is the side effect of fast paced industrialisation. The population is too busy working. The people have to time to procreate or bear children. In addition, the researcher found the Christa Wichterich (2000, p.4) very relevant. The Wichterich research reiterated the woman of today is considered the globalised woman. Today’s women have more job opportunities. In the past, the primary role of women is to stay at home and take care of the family. However, the feminisation of employment opened the doors to many women working in the corporate environment. The female labour force in Europe, including the United Kingdom, increased in the production, services, and trade sectors of the European economy. The female labour force offers gained popularity because they are paid lower wages, flexible, and unorganised. The women occupy jobs that include the sales force, data processing, and call centers. Furthermore, the researcher scrutinised the relevant Thomas Straubhaar research (2001, p.1). The Straubhaar research focuses on the increasing influx of workers from one European nation country to another. The research brings out the fear that the creation of the European Union has literally broken down the barriers among the union’s member states. Consequently, there is an influx of foreign workers travelling from the poor member nations to the economically advanced member states, including the United Kingdom. The research focused on the possibility of reducing the migration statistics. The migration included foreign workers from the Central European member states and the Eastern member states finding jobs and immigrating to the Western European member states, especially the United Kingdom. The inclusion of the Eastern European nations into one huge single European market will reduce labour mobility. The one market policy increases trading in goods and services and reduces worker migrations. Bringing the machines to the people will reduce the migration of the workers to where the machines are located. The use of other methodologies and theories will affirm the thesis statement. The other methodologies, and theories used by the above secondary references used in the above research indicate affirmation of the thesis statement. Based on the above discussion, the theoretical and methodological researches include finding sources that affirm or reject the thesis statement. The methodological and theoretical research focuses on how the resources were gathered. The use of such references removes doubts on the outcome of the current research findings. Indeed, the methodology and theory affirms the thesis statement: Employment of foreign workers in the United Kingdom benefits both state and the foreign workers. REFERENCES: Allan, K. 2010, A Primer in Social and Sociological Theory. Pine Forge Press, New York. Attalides, M. 2003, An Enlarged Union in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities. Global Dialogue ,vol. 5 no. 3, pp. 9-18. Grant, L. 2001, Replacement Migration: The UN population Division on European Population Decline. Population and Environment, vol. 22 no. 4, pp. 391. Gregory, A. 2011, Fathers and Work-Life Balance in France and the United Kingdom. The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, vol. 31 no.1, pp. 34. Hobbs, S. 2009, Exploring Risks Faced by Child Workers in Britain. The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, vol. 29 no 3, pp.176. Kundera, J. 2009, The Migration of Poles to the European Single Market. Eurolines, vol. 8 no.1, pp. 100-121. Martin, D. 2008, Immigration and the Transformation of Europe. Contemporary Sociology, vol. 37no. 2, pp. 144-145. Martin, P. 2010, Temporary Worker Programs: U.S. and Global Experiences. Canadian Issues, vol. 2010 no. 9, pp. 122-128. Ortiz, A. 2010, Reception of Asylum Seekers with Disabilities in Europe. Forced Migration Review ,vol. 2010 no. 35, p.29. Paraskevopoulou, A. 2011, Undocumented Worker Transitions: Family Migration. The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, vol. 31 no. 1, p.110. Rex, J. 1973, Discovering Sociology: Studies in Sociological Theory and Method, Routledge Press, New York. Skidmore, W. 1979, Theoretical Thinking in Sociology, CUP Press, New York. Stasiulus, D. 2002, Doing the Dirty Work? The Global Politics of Domestic Labour. Contemporary Sociology, vol. 31 no. 2, pp. 137-139. Straubhaar, T. 2001, East -West Migration: Will It be Broken? Intereconomics , vol. 36 no. 1, pp. 1-2. Wichterich, Christa, 2000, The Globalized Woman, vol. 2000 no. 13, p. 4. Read More
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