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Criminal Representations - Essay Example

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The researcher of this paper focuses upon the crime as a major issue in societies all over the world. People around the globe fear and try to eradicate this crucial problem. Imprisonment is the ultimate punishment for crimes, in contemporary society…
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Criminal Representations
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?Criminal Representations             Affiliation   with more information about affiliation, researchgrants, conflict of interest and how to contact     Criminal Representations Introduction: Undoubtedly, crime is a major issue in societies all over the world. People around the globe fear this, and try to eradicate this crucial problem. Imprisonment is the ultimate punishment for crimes, in contemporary society. “During the past two hundred years, prisons have emerged as a key component of consequent to the advancement of justice, humanitarian ideologies. Prisons are often seen as “the punishment”, “the default sanction,” and other kinds of punishments are just alternatives” (The Existence and Use of the Prison in Modern Society, 2011, para. 1). Sociology enables to understand the justification of prisons. In different times, and at different places, societies have implemented various kinds of penal strategies. Here, the analysis discusses the issue regarding prison as a punishment for criminal activity. Firstly, it analyzes the whether imprisonment is a suitable form of punishment. This debate is carried out, by describing relevant criminological theories and how it is critically evaluating the presentation Show shank redemption which helps to understand the workings of criminal justice systems and the actors. “A theory can try to explain crime for a large social unit or area (macro), or it can attempt to explain crime at the individual or smaller unit level (micro)” (Akers & Sellers’, 2004, p. 5).     Conflict theory defines the law and criminal justice system enables the norms and interest of the powerful groups in the society rather than society as a whole. Furthermore, this essay points out for media the presentation of “Shawshank Redemption”, and its importance, and the message or contribution to the society. Shawshank Redemption is a moving story of friendship, hope and perseverance. The relevance of Shawshank redemption here is, most of the characters is prison inmates and reveals a clear picture of a prison atmosphere, and how it affects the prisoners and the society. This film explored several characters that spent their life in the prison, through in jail they learned to adapt to their surroundings and make a society in which they are working or important members. Using theories such as conflict theory and functionalism one can understand the rationale for some of the characters in this film. Prisoners may have a will of revenge, and jails are schools of crime where people can easily exchange their criminal know ledge. Furthermore, sometimes, it stigmatizes more the people than it helps them. Social division in society is reinforced. As societies focus on prisons, our attention is distracted from the crimes of the powerful” (The Existence and Use of the Prison in Modern Society, 2011). Finally the analysis touches to the relevant theories like labeling theory in this context which is more relevant. “Prisons have different aims. The Gladstone Report, made in 1895, explains that, “prison treatment should have as its primary and concurrent objects, deterrence and reformation” (Coyle, 2005, p.30). Theoretical /Methodological Deconstruction and Evaluation: Currently, prison is used as the place for severe punishment in criminal activities. The aim of confinement is to reduce the rate of crime by deterrence, prevention and rehabilitation. Since its occurrence, prison system has gone through various transformations, to improve the recurring problems it has faced. In society one of the most important forms of punishment for criminals is to send them for correctional facility like prison. If the longer time one stayed in such an environment the more institutionalized they become. Criminals will soon accept the reality as a prisoner and establish an identity with in the community. Adapted from Stephen king’s novel Rita Hayworth and Frank Darabont made script, and directed the 1994 American film on show shank redemption. The movie tells about a story of a prisoner Andy Dufresen, a banker, who spent two decades of his life in Show shank state prison. He was imprisoned for killing his wife and her lover. He owned up the crime, during the first night in prison, the chief guard beats the newly arrived inmates who later die. Andy understands quickly the ugly relation of prison life. A corrupt warden, sadistic guards, and inmates; like animals willing to beats or rape, ensure their dominance in the prison. Andy could not hear to see all there vulgarities. “During his stay at Shaw shank, Andy’s way of life got changed, but he never lost hope” (The Shawshank Redemption (Movie), 2005). He had the expectation of the truly innocent, which helped him prevail behind bars. The banking skills helped him to win the favor of the warden and the guard. He also led on eye on the follow prisoner’s investments. He was able to improve the library of the prison, and reestablish the dignity of the inmates. “The show shank redemption seems was made in another era-the fifties, perhaps when rehabilitation was a fond idea and prison seemed like a monstrous mistake” (Hirschberg, 1994). In the film show shank redemption explores that most of the characters that spent most of their time in the jail, in jail they started to adapt their environment and slowly create a society in which they are the important members. The sociological theories such as functionalism and conflict theory can better explain these characters. What is actually explained in the functionalism theory is the desire to be acting a member of the society. Functionalism can be explained as the interdependence of the several aspects of society to create an environment where one’s individual needs are met. Further a society has different parts that make the unique character of each section and it is important that this entire piece combines to make a homogeneous and stable unit. With one part of society is out of order the rest will gradually disintegrate and until equilibrium re established. “Functionalism is the oldest, and still the dominant, theoretical perspective in sociology and many other social sciences” (McClelland, 2000). The sensitive infrastructure of the civilization causes individuals seems to integrate into their community will try to find the niche and use it to establish vital roles so that they can become part of the surroundings in which they belongs. in a more restrictive place like prison it is very difficult to establish the above mentioned homogeneity as the individuals that makeup that society are persons who already disrupted civility. in Show shank redemption two characters Red and Brooks learn to integrate into the prison community and make  a sense of equilibrium without fully disrupting their uncertain environment. Another sociological theory relevant to Show shank redemption is the conflict theory. Conflicting theory proposes the criminal justice system and law primary embody the norms and interest of the most powerful group in a society rather than the whole society. “In many ways, conflict theory really begins with the role that one person or group plays within the larger social scene. Additionally, theory in conflict states that the whole point of a society is to create social change. Often, this change occurs through a matter of physical strife and struggle” (Amanto, 2007). According to this theory, within society groups are making constant struggle   each other and power asserted group will be inevitably find ways to diminish other groups, who are threat to dominant group. If one sees his place based on the principles of conflict theory one might feel that those people have not had the opportunity for success and advancement as those who are the part of majority. An influential theorist Karl Marx argued this theory even further by saying that as a result of this struggle social hierarchies inevitably develop that further includes individuals to stay in their current social positions. In show shank redemption this theory can be used to observing the relation between warden in the prison and Andy .In show hank  prison the prison warden always shows mistreatment towards prisoners .There are several instances the prison warden or his staff member physically or verbally asserts their power on his inmates. In these instances it is clear that violence is is used as a tool by the dominant group to use their control on the inmates and it discourage them and they become feel like rejected members of the main stream society. This type of power becomes vague once Andy establishes himself an intelligent and resourceful person who could definitely benefit their lives outside prison life. Andy who was wrongly accused of murdering his wife and her lover, showing his accounting skills to the prison guard in an argument, where Andy without any provocation initiate a conversation to the guards how he can save money from paying taxes on big amount of money he is receiving. Initially the guard offense his skill but gradually he admits Andy when he realized that Andy can assist him .gradually Andy became a financial asset to the prison community. “Is based upon the view that the fundamental causes of crime are the social and economic forces operating within society” (Conflict, 2005) what is death penalty? “With the exception of death penalty, solitary confinement is the most extreme sanction which may legally be imposed on prisoners. Its adverse effects on the health and wellbeing of those subjected to it, particularly for prolonged periods, can be very serious” (Shalev, n.d.).Amnesty International believes that “death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state in the name of justice. It violates the right to life...It is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. There can never be any justification for torture or for cruel treatment" (White, 2012) “Prevention of crime is more important than punishment for crimes. Laws must be amended and codified, so that citizens can understand and support them” (Clear et al. 2010). Implication and Effects: Criminological theories presented a wide range of perspectives related to theory, even the perspectives are differing, they focusing on any part of the crime phenomenon. Functionalism approach is very relevant to show shank redemption. The character Red  uses his ability to network and also using his rapport with other prisoners to become a leader with in the prison community., he establishes himself asa respected individual of this society and offering service to others effort to create a more comfortable environment. Brooks represented the key points of functionalism. Brooks an older prisoner who had spent most of the time in prison also had become a functioning member. He was solely in charge of prison library and very rarely challenged his role as alibrarian by prison population or the employee. More interesting factor is while the prison relied on Brooks, for providing service Brooks also relied on the environment of the prison. After being institutionalized for long time Brooks adapted to life as a prisoner. But once he released to the outer world brooks lost his function. Upon his return to society he has to re configure his mind settings. Elongated separator from families can destroy even a criminal. Connection with family and friends are vital, and this should never be denied to any prisoner. In prisons, prisoners are regulated in all the activities they do; such as eating, working patterns and sleeping time. They are accustomed to these strict practices and are found to be automatically waiting for some instruction. On their return from prison, they feel displaced. It creates feelings of uncertainty in them, and it cripples their life all throughout. Unfortunately he committed suicide as he could not find the same equilibrium he had left for long period. Both Red and Brooks represented functionalism in the prison. Functionalism explains several different parts create a society and have a function that added for its stability. Apart from this because of the purpose they served they also felt sense of fulfillment .this is because of their skill to have an impact on the rest of the prisoners. Conflict theories are also very relevant in show shank redemption, which can be explained by showing the relation ship between prison warden and Andy. As Andy becomes more and more handling prison warden’s funds, his role as a prisoner diminished day by day and prisoners control over Andy become less significant. But he tries to establish his authority over Andy by making him spend lot of time in solitary confinement .that means he essentially starts using excessive punishment as a means of covering up his inner conflict. Once Andy escapes from prison and reveals Warden’s scandal to public, it will ruin not only the stability of the prison but also he exerts his own power on the prison warden which inevitably ends in the wardens’ death. Finally we can say Andy challenged the functionalisms theory in the prison by establishing apposition in that community and giving homogeneity in the prison warden and the staff. But he challenged conflict theory also by relying control over destiny and succeeding in spite of prisons pathetic conditions. Shaw shank redemption is an allegory for keeping ones feeling of self esteem in a hopeless condition. Andy’s integrity is an important theme and that too in prison where integrity is lacking. “Angus C. Larcombe suggests that the film provides a great illustration of how characters can be free, even in prison, or unfree, even in freedom, based on one's outlook on life” (The Shawshank Redemption (1994), n.d.).. Redemption and hope are the main parts of the story. Hope is the major force behind Andy, the main character of the movie, who restores the same hope in Red, his friend. Brooks; a long term inmate of Shawshank had already lost hope and became institutionalized. Red says of Brooks- “These prison walls are funny. First you hate 'em, and then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, gets so you depend on them. That's institutionalized. They send you here for life, that's exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyways” (The Shawshank Redemption (Movie), 2005). Theories are useful in tools that help us to understand and explain the world around us” (Akers & Sellers’, 2004, p. 5). In this scenario labeling theory is more significant. According to this theory how the behavior and self identity on an individual is created or influenced by how that individual is categorized by others in the society. “Those who follow the labeling theory of criminology ascribe to the fact that an individual will become what he is labeled or what others expect him to become; the danger comes from calling a crime a crime and a criminal a criminal” (Criminology, 2012). That is labels here imprisonment or prisoner ,once he is called a prisoner and the label placed on the individual ,then the behavior tend towards making the labels fit. That is why a convict or a criminal tends to do more crime. Individuals who suffer from institutional syndrome can face may difficulties upon returning to home. The dehumanizing environment can make it difficulty for criminals to live and work independently, that is what is labeling theory explains. In this presentation show shank redemption characters either Andy, Read, or their inmates may face this kind of difficulties as mainstream society has labeled them as criminals, even though they become good individuals .it may creates some self identity in them and find difficulty to carryover their life like other members of the main stream society . Elongated separator from families can destroy even a criminal. Connection with family and friends are vital, and this should never be denied to any prisoner. In prisons, prisoners are regulated in all the activities they do; such as eating, working patterns and sleeping time. “Scientific evidence shows that prisoners held in long-term isolation commonly suffer severe damage to their mental health. It should be self-evident that whether a prisoner manifests such damage or not, the suffering that he or she endures is torturous, cruel and inhuman” (End Prisoner Isolation, 2010). They are accustomed to these strict practices and are found to be automatically waiting for some instruction. On their return from prison, they feel displaced. It creates feelings of uncertainty in them, and it cripples their life all throughout. About our imprisonment “What is really striking is the fact that “prisons exist and continue to be used, but there is no coherent or overarching framework explaining why we have them, how they should be organized and what they should do with offenders” (Smith & Natalier, 2005, p. 175). Summary: In conclusion, this essay considers whether our prison is suitable for purpose of punishment for criminal activities and criminological theories and the theorists’ view of the crime and the cause of crime and effect on the society. Here we adopted two criminological concepts such as functionalism and conflict theories , in the case of Showshank redemption, we can apply elements of some relevant theories such conflict theory and the concept functionalism .Through the characters Andy, Read Brooks and other inmates well explains our prison environment and the relevance of criminological theories in this context. There was influence of society to determine the human mind, so element of Labelling theory also. Representation it is clears that the analysis done by both Death penalty is a type of deny of human right and it really violates the human rights. It cannot be accepted as a justice and it is an ultimate cruel, instead of death penalty, other measures can be used which helps the criminals to transform their mind. Prisons should be legitimate with the public, penal system and penal staff. Giving justification is not the role of people; they should be obvious and clear. This essay reveals that prisons are really an important problem in our society. The use of imprisonment has increased considerably, as the court sends more criminals to prison for a longer period. Sociology enables to understand this in a better way, by highlighting the role of social contract. Some theorists try to find some alternatives to this. This essay went through the attracted media presentation Shaw shank redemption, a film telling about the dangerous, unsafe prisons and the main character Andy and its inmates as prisoners. Through them, the film exposes important subjects such as prison labor, solidarity confinement etc. This film was an invaluable, contribution of the great script writer and novelist Stephen king, and the movie director Frank darabont. It is a great message to the society and our penal system, where imprisonment increases rapidly as a punishment to criminal activities. The final part of the essay explains most relevant   theory and its relevance to the presentation showshank redemption. Theories are useful tools to explain and understand the world or environment around us.. So researches conclude that prisons are still in a critical situation and individuals or society still search ways to eradicate this problem. Theories are useful to an extent but depending only on theories is a stupid act most significant factor in this case is the even in the worst prison environment a good mind or good human nature can eradicate all the miseries of prisoners and lead them to a new promise life. But when we applying sociological theories in this context, they can be a good citizen in an environment where they created. But in reality once they releases from prison the society cannot accept them as a mainstream individuals that is what is happening in our societies. It is a contradiction, beyond this film great message to our society or law. It can be used as an n eye opening message to the whole penal system beyond for a mere presentation.     Reference List Akers, R. L. & Sellers’, C. S. (2004). Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Applications. 4th Edn. Roxbury Publishing Company. Los Angeles, California. Retrieved from Amanto, M. (2007). Conflict Theory. Conflict Theory. Com. Retrieved from Chapter 31: Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura, (n.d.). Retrieved from Chen, J. (2012). Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory Essay. Anti Retrieved from Clear et al. (2010). American Corrections. 9th Edn. Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Retrieved from Conflict, (2005). Crime Theory. Retrieved from Coyle, A. (2005). Understanding Prisons: Key Issues in Policy and Practice. Berkshire: Open University press. Print. Criminology, (2012). Retrieved from End Prisoner Isolation, (2010). StopIsolation. Retrieved from Harris, M. (2008). Unit 12 Sociological Theories of Crime. SlideShare. Retrieved from Hirschberg, L. (1994). 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