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Gay Couple Adoption - Research Paper Example

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This paper explores the issue of gay couple adoption, by examining the potential advantages and disadvantages associated with the practice. The paper is founded on the common societal belief that kids form a vital element of any family unit and every family deserves an opportunity to raise one. …
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Gay Couple Adoption
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Zhixia Liu ENL 213 Robert Lally 04/06 This paper seeks to explore the contentious issue of gay couple adoption, by examining the potential advantages and disadvantages associated with the practice. The paper is founded upon the common societal belief that kids form a vital element of any family unit and every family deserves an opportunity to raise one. Nevertheless, in the modern environment, there are numerous children without parents or close relations that can provide permanent homes for them. Such children end up in the foster care system, awaiting potential guardians. Given the large number of children waiting for parents, there is tremendous need for adoptive families. However, the adoption process is highly difficult, particularly, when prospective adoptive parents are same-sex or gay couples. The subject of gay couple adoption remains highly controversial, with some states and conservative individuals still holding their ground against it, while liberals and human rights activists strongly advocate for the practice. This paper argues for gay couple adoption and resolution of perceived disadvantages associated with the practice. Keywords: Same-sex couples, child adoption, conservatives, liberals The Controversy of Gay Adoption Introduction One of the most prevalent debates in the contemporary society is that concerning legal adoption of children by lesbian couples and gay men. This highly controversial issue has sparked significant debate, especially in states that bar such adoptions like Florida, Mississippi, Utah and New Hampshire. The persistent debate against adoption of children by gay couples could be attributable to prevalent homophobia and many people’s inability to accept that same sex couples are normal and capable parents. Opponents of gay couple adoption uphold the ideals of traditional nuclear families, where there is a mother and father. Such ideals present significant obstacles to homosexual couples when they make attempts to take on parenting (Elovitz210-215). Further, lesbians and gay men are usually viewed as incapable of raising children, since unlike heterosexuals, they cannot actually bear kids. This prompts many to conclude that they are naturally not meant to bring up children. Nonetheless, the family institution in the modern society is changing progressively; an aspect that people should learn to understand and embrace. Mainstream society should accept that homosexuals make up capable parents, and just like scientific research shows, they cannot contribute towards the adopted children becoming gay. People must realize that it is individuals’ parenting quality, and not their sexual orientation that makes up the primary factor in healthy development of a child. I. Background Information on Gay Adoption A. Basic Information/Statistics/Law of Gay Adoption Gay parent adoption is the process through which children get adopted and are brought up by people who prefer same sex partners, as their romantic or marital companions. These couples could comprise of either gay men or female homosexuals, also referred to as lesbians. Adoption of children by gay parents is often portrayed as a positive step by conventional media. However, the same channels perpetuate debate, by highlighting possible, yet debatable adverse effects that the adoptees are likely to suffer from such upbringing. Consequently, gay parent adoption is depicted as a potentially positive aspect, but at the same time, as a detrimental measure for the children in question (Benkov 56-58). Despite the controversial nature of gay parent adoption, the past ten years have seen a sharp increase in the number of gay men and lesbians raising their own families. Majority of such same-sex families have been made possible not only by adoption, allowed in different states and countries around the world, but also through artificial insemination and foster care homes, among other means. Research further shows that the estimated number of kids living with one or more gay parents, in America only, falls within the range of ten to fourteen million. Children being brought up in gay households add up to between eight and ten million. In addition, statistics show that America is currently facing a serious shortage of foster or adoptive parents. For this reason, many children, adding up to hundreds of thousands lack permanent and nurturing homes. Such kids stay for months and others years in the country’s foster care organizations. The systems are notably devoid of caring and qualified parents, and this predisposes children to numerous problems like emotional distress (Elovitz231-235). Many American states have recognized this shortage of adoptive parents and lack of safe, as well as, nurturing homes, thus making the move to safeguard children’s interests by allowing homosexual parents the legal right to adopt. For instance, approximately twenty two states have given gay couples the legal right to get children from both private and state-owned child adoption agencies. These states include New Jersey, New York and California, among others. By allowing adoption by gay couples, such states ensure that destitute children enjoy the advantages of being taken care of by two legal guardians. This is particularly beneficial if children are orphaned or incapacitated. This recognition that gay couples are capable of being good parents has made most of the states refrain from denying them child custody and visitation rights simply for their sexual orientation. Further, most state courts and agencies currently apply a standard that prioritizes a child’s best interest prior to denying gay couple’s adoption rights. This means that an individual’s sexual preference cannot be used as a basis for preventing a potentially constructive parent-child relationship. The only time that such judgment can be passed in these states that approve gay parent adoption, is when sexual orientation of a person is proven capable of causing actual harm to the child (Burke 18). B. Society’s Reactions/ Opinion of Gay Adoption In analysis of societal reactions to gay couple adoption of children, it is imperative to note that this debate features two extremes on the opposite side of the spectrum. On one side are the liberals, who uphold the notion that civil liberties should be afforded to all irrespective of sexual orientation, race, and financial status, among other distinguishing attributes. On the other hand, there are conservatives, who strongly believe in traditional ways of life. The conservatives are primarily opposed to liberal reforms and, therefore, tend to argue that homosexuality should not be imposed on general society through protective legal provisions (Martin 61). Judging from fundamental attributes of the two main factions in the debate, it is easy to tell the side that each supports. The conservatives are the ones strongly opposed to gay parenting. Majority of these opponents argue that gay couples undermine the traditional family structure, where there is a mother, father and kids. Consequently, they contend that gay couples negate the traditional family values and predispose kids to poor morals. They further insist that being raised by gay couples is likely to increase chances of children becoming gay once they grow up. Many opponents of gay parenting also uphold the belief that every child should have a male and female role model in his or her life, in order to develop in a balanced and healthy manner. Opposing parties primarily consist of fundamentalist religious groups, especially Christian denominations, and their affiliates including adoption agencies that uphold conservative family values. On the other side of the spectrum are liberals, who are supportive of gay couple adoption. These proponents believe that gay people should be afforded similar rights to heterosexual couples. Their principal argument is that, every child deserves loving parents and gay individuals are capable of meeting this responsibility just like other people. They also argue that, unlike the prevalent misconception, gay parenting does not have any adverse effects on the children and they grow up to be functional, empathetic and responsible adults. Additionally, proponents believe that denying gay couples child custody rights constitutes discrimination on the basis of people’s sexual orientation, which essentially constitutes infringement of a human right. Proponents principally comprise of human rights groups and they are increasingly gaining support from institutions pertinent to the issue of child adoption. Specific examples of gay parenting supporters include the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and different groups friendly to the LGBT (lesbian gay bisexual transgender). The pros and cons of gay couple adoption and consequent parenting are discussed in further detail in the subsequent sections, thus exploring further, whether gay men and lesbians should be allowed to adopt kids or be completely cut off from adoption systems (Benkov 35-37). II. Pros Majority of gay couples, particularly those who show interest in adopting kids or being parents, usually form relationships that depict higher stability than most heterosexual marriages. This implies that, such gay couples are highly equipped in raising children and they are also capable of providing adopted kids with an emotionally secure growth and development environment. It is also noteworthy to mention that all the research carried out in the past and up to date, draws the primary conclusion that kids brought up by gay men or lesbian couples are adequately adjusted to ordinary society aspects. Such children tend to grow in a successful manner, just like kids raised by heterosexual parents. No scientific research shows that children brought up in gay households tend to be disadvantaged due to parents’ sexual preference (Anderssen, Amlie, and Ytteroy 347-349). At a time when many kids are being brought up by single parents, with verified disadvantages like deviant behavior and diminished educational success, same sex couples present an opportunity for children to grow up with two parents (Stanton This is backed by the fact that there is no proof suggesting that gay men and lesbians are incapable parents. In addition, households with gay parents provide a stable environment for the productive development of children. This means that good parenting does not implicate a guardian’s sexual orientation. Instead positive parenting is largely as a result of a guardian’s commitment and ability to establish a stable and nurturing home. This is aptitude that is not dependent on whether a guardian is homosexual or heterosexual. There is also no scientific evidence showing that kids brought up in gay households have diminished intelligence, or that they suffer heightened problems than those raised by heterosexual parents. Rather, these kids grow up to be well-adjusted, healthy and happy, just like kids raised in heterosexual households (Barrett and Tasker 63-65). The other primary issue that supports gay parent adoption is the fact that thus far, lesbian couples have been legally getting children through artificial insemination. Examination of such couples reveals that they have been raising their kids in a positive manner and ensuring that they grow up to be productive and responsible adults. This serves as proof that gay people have the capability to provide loving homes, as well as, raise children that are psychologically fit. Further, just like any other adult in the world, numerous lesbians and gay couples are in committed and stable relationships. Despite their parenting capability, gay couples still experience adoption problems due to the fact that the adoption screening procedure is marred with religiosity and difficulty posed by prejudice. Therefore, foster care or adoption systems should be redesigned to account for the overwhelming evidence, which indicates that gay men and lesbian couples make capable parents. An exemplary illustration of such research is that conducted by Martin (32-35). The latter shows that children who are taken care of by same sex parents are not disadvantaged in any aspect of their lives. In fact, compared to heterosexual parents, the home environs offered by same sex parents is more conducive in terms of parental involvement and consequent psychological welfare, compared to children with heterosexual parents. This is why; Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), as well as, the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) states clearly that gays, as well as, lesbians are to adopt are supposed to be given the right evaluation during their application process (Bos, Van balen and Van den boom 756). Barring of same sex couples from becoming parents is extremely discriminatory. In many cases, such prejudice has been associated with the parents’ sexual orientation. This should not be the case, since every person is entitled to all basic human rights. It is evident that gay people are wholly embraced in work environments, among other areas. The same should apply when gay parents try to adopt children. Gay men and lesbians should have the unlimited right to do anything they desire, in accordance with their skills without discrimination just like heterosexual individuals. This implies that, if there are couples of the same sex interested in adopting kids, they should be given the opportunity to do so without any kind of bias (Bos, van Balen and van den Boom 758). The other key aspect that cannot be overlooked in the gay couple adoption debate is the acute shortage of adoptive parents. It is increasingly becoming evident that the population of disadvantaged kids is very high. However, the parents that are willing to adopt are few in numbers. According to Burke (23-29), numerous kids that are waiting to go through the adoption process have spent about three to four years in the adoption system to no avail. This shortage persists, despite the availability of many same sex parents willing to adopt. If such couples are allowed to foster, the number of kids waiting to be adopted will reduce tremendously. Additionally, more children are going to have better homes, education and a future with higher chances of success than they currently have (Bos, van Balen and van den Boom 761). III. CONS Even though proponents of gay couple adoption present a strong argument for its enactment, there are several potential disadvantages that cannot be overlooked. For instance, medical, social, and psychological research shows that, kids who grow up without both a mother and a father occasionally face encounter problems while trying to adjust to mainstream society. This is especially the case, in regard to psychological and mental health, attainment of educational success, basic happiness, empathy development, and confidence. For instance, it is advisable for parents of both sexes to bring up a child, in order to act as balanced role models. Boys with no father figures often end up becoming under-achievers, because of lack of male role models in their lives. This is a huge disadvantage to the boy child since they do not grow to appreciate the masculine aspects of their life. On the other hand, the girl child is also disadvantaged if brought up by gay parents. This is because there are issues that a girl child can only learn from a female and in many cases, having both male parents can limit their knowledge on some issues (Barrett and Tasker 65-69). Another major disadvantage is that same sex marriage goes against conventional religious beliefs. As a result, same sex parent adoption negates values that have long been considered the basis of morality. Taking into account the fact that most of the American people’s values are rooted in Christian teachings, gay couple adoption would be ethically wrong. This further suggests that, heterosexual parents should be the only acceptable parenting mode, as stipulated in diverse religious teachings. Judging from this religious perspective, therefore, gay parenting should not be allowed since it does not offer the best morality model to the fostered children. Additionally, it is hard for same sex parents to efficiently guide the children through sex education matters. This is because; the kids are most likely to be confused about their sexuality and whether they should conform to the sexual orientation, which is depicted by their parents. Stability is one of the principal aspects considered when raising a mentally and emotionally healthy child. Opponents of same sex parent adoption argue that gay couples do not have the capability to provide the mental and emotional stability, which is offered by heterosexual couples. This is because; such couples are incapable of providing the children with balanced support of a mother and father in the course of their development. Additionally, social science indicates that a gay and lesbian environment can trigger or model homosexual behavior in children (Stanton V. Solution A. Enhanced education on gay relationships Education on gay relationships should be enhanced all over the world. This will help people to understand that being gay is not an abnormality. Rather individuals will get to understand that homosexuality is linked to the genetic makeup of any person and that being raised by same sex parents cannot affect the sexual orientation of a child. Further, as posited by Burke (45), children that are brought up by same sex parents do not depict self-esteem issues, or behavior problems; instead they show high levels of social performance and interactivity, responsiveness, and concern or empathy for other children. This means that gay and lesbian parents offer adequate psychological support to the children just like conventional heterosexual parents. Therefore, educating people on gay marriages and why they should be allowed to adopt will go a long way toward enlightening the society on the advantages of same sex adoption. In some cases, trained professionals on lesbianism and gay issues can also make sure that children being adopted by same sex parents are educated on how to live with such parents. Additionally, such parents should also be educated on how to create an environment that will offer adopted children the best possible growth environment, without losing their identity as they develop into adults. Another important consideration is that, the parents should be well screened and vetted to ensure that they will provide the best care for the kids. This is deemed necessary since, children that have not grown in any home have not experienced the love of a mother or father and that is why; they should be given a chance to have the best role models. Overall, children and same sex parents should be trained on how to live cordially and positively (Anderssen, Amlie and Ytteroy 337-339). B. Gay people are born gay The society should acknowledge the fact that gay people are born gay. This is an aspect that has been argued in many forums, in an attempt to make people understand the reason as to why gay people exist. If the society understands this, then they will acknowledge the fact that children adopted by same sex parents cannot be affected in terms of their sex orientation. According to Martin (70), sexual orientation of the parents does not have any impact on the children’s sexual orientation. As a matter of fact, kids brought up by gay parents usually portray a lot of tolerance or acceptance for diversity and they are able to maintain an open mind on factors that distinguish people in society. C. Adoption Rules Adoption agencies should formulate better rules to effectively govern same sex parents’ adoption. This means that, before an individual is allowed to adopt he/she should be vetted in order to determine if they are capable of being proper parents. The rules would serve the best interests of all parties involved in the adoption process; including same sex parents, children and the adoption, as well as, foster care system. VI. Conclusion In a contemporary society characterized by progressive change and acceptance of diversity, more same sex couples are increasingly expressing their desire and commitment to adopting and raising children. Such couples should be afforded this right, just like any other heterosexual parents. Conservative people should be educated and encouraged to embrace the essence of religious teachings that advocate for equality, tolerance and universal acceptance. Such acceptance would pave way for adoption of children by loving and caring parents. This would also ease the child care burden for the foster care system and allow children to be nurtured in an environment that promotes equality, as opposed to, sexual orientation based bias. Judging from evidence provided by scientific research, people should strive to accept the fact that gay couples are capable of offering the same kind of care that any other parent can offer. Such couples not only fully engage in child nurturing, but also ensure that kids uphold a high level of discipline and empathy. Most importantly, government and other regulatory bodies should make sure that the rules and regulations governing same sex adoption are adequately inclusive and flexible for the benefit of all stakeholders. Work Cited Anderssen, Norman, Christine Amlie, and Andre Ytteroy. Outcomes for children with lesbian or gay parents: A review of studies from 1978 to 2000. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 43(2002): 335-351. Barrett, Hellen and Tasker, Fiona. Growing up with a gay parent: Views of 101 gay fathers on their sons’ and daughters’ experiences. Educational and Child Psychology, 18(2001): 62 - 77. Benkov, Laura. Reinventing the Family: Lesbian and Gay Parents. New York, NY: Crown Publishing. 1994. Bos, henry, van Balen, Frank and van den Boom, Dympha. Experience of parenthood, couple relationship, social support, and child-rearing goals in planned lesbian mother families. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45(2004): 755 - 764. Burke, Phyllis. Family Values: Two Moms and their Son. New York, NY: Random House. 1993. Elovitz, Marc. Adoption by lesbian and gay people: the use and misuse of social science research. Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy, 2(1995): 207-247. Martin, April. The Lesbian and Gay Parenting Handbook. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers. 1993. Stanton, Glenn. Are Children with Same-Sex Parents at a Disadvantage? 2014. Web 26 April 2014. Read More
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