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Controversial Issue: Drinking Age - Term Paper Example

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The author states that lowering the drinking age would never solve the problem. Every human being is supposed to act responsibly and not cause trouble for fellow human beings. By drinking excessively a person loses his mind and starts doing things he would only imagine doing in their dreams. …
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Controversial Issue: Drinking Age
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Drinking age The connectionconcerningadolescent people’sconsumptionof alcoholand a range ofwellbeing and social consequences hasbeen well recognized.It is observed from theearlierstudy on adolescent people’sconsumption of alcohol has been that earlydrinking and the easy accessibilityto alcoholin the home are relatedto increased drinking habits and behaviors infuture life. These results suggestreinforcing to avoidearly uptake of drinking. The researched effects of alcohol supply sources on adolescent’s consumption in an Australian background are available.The scrutinized information by White and Hayman from the2005 ‘Australian Secondary School Studentsand Drug use survey’ shows about 40% of theirsample of recent 16-17 year-old drinkerstestified that parents as their most recent sourceof alcohol. There were no variancesamongwho obtained their most newdrink from parents and those who obtainedtheir most new drink from friends on weekly drinking. Drinking has become a menace, the Dutch courage that drinkers get after drinking leads to several problems. They not only become dangerous but some of them even become vandalists and murderers. Age hardly matters, be it 21 or 25, people would not stop drinking just because they are not 21. Educating them about the dangers of binge drinking is a much better idea and it is high time to implement it. Why Wait until 21? Setting an age would hardly solve this problem, addicts would not care if they have turned 21 or not, all they care about is how they can get their hands on their drinks. There is absolutely no point waiting till 21 and it is completely baseless, it is baseless because a 21 year old is also capable of doing enough damage after binge drinking as anyone else who is younger. Lower the Legal Drinking age The age should be lowered because age is just a no and it is not going to solve the purpose, the ultimate aim is to spread awareness and let the people know that binge drinking is really dangerous and can cause a lot of damage. Educate the Drinkers This is really important, the government must start courses to educate the people who think it is fine to drink excessively, the dangers and the aftermath of binge drinking should be brought to the notice of drinkers and this can only happen when they are talked to and well informed about the consequences. White and Hayman (2006)told to scrutinize whether parental sourceof drinks waslinked with the occurrence of riskydrinking for short-term harm (RSOD) andalcohol-related difficultbehaviors, for examplebodilyattacking or vocallyill-treatingsomebodyamid a sample of underagedrinkers. The research indicates that large percentages 86% of adolescent aged 16-17 years areexistingalcohol consumers.Over and above, a considerable percentage (20%) appears to be weekly RSOD andmore than 34% get involved in minimum one alcohol-linked problemconduct. It is observed that merelybarring alcohol to people aged under 18 is notpractically working. Hence, freshplans for timelymediationand avoidance are essential. I n this study parental supply waslinked with lesser rates of RSOD and alcohol-related problemconducts. This proposes the likelihood that by changing the normalalcohol supply source other than their parents to their parents alone might be one methodto restrict consumption and injury among theadolescents. This idea to improve parental restriction of alcohol supply ismostly not explored, however,this must be developed and thoroughly examined (Dietze, Livingston, 2010) Till up to 1933 there was prohibition in the United States and after that all states endorsed a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) at 21 years. However,due to the social disturbance of the 1960s and the VietnamWar, which forced the reduction in the lawful voting age to 18. Followed by this reason 29 states reduced their MLDA to 18, 19 or 20 years from the year 1970 and1975.After few years because of variousissueswithinvestigationproofviewing a rise in traffic accidentsamid 18–20-year-olds, several states dropped their MLDA back to 21. Michigan was the first state in 1978 to implement, and most states followed from1980 and 1985. This caused federal government toenact the age-21 as MLDA. In mid-2000s afreshdrivearose to demandonce moreto reduce the age-21 MLDA to 18 and proposed that the nation may be improved by dropping the MLDA to 18 [2]. In spite ofsolidproofshowing that the legal drinkingage of 21 has abridged alcohol use among adolescents and reduced accidents, a largenumber of adolescents consume alcoholand create mischiefs causing from their drinking. Independent evaluations of this writings haveresolved that when the drinking age was dropped, consumptionand traffic crashes increased among 19–20-year-olds and when the drinking was raised to 21,drinking and traffic accidentsreducedamongst thisage group.The age-21 MLDA is endorsed withsaving several lives from 1975 to2006.Studies as wellindicate proof of reductions in alcohol-relatedproblems, for instance suicides,accidental injuries,educational accomplishment anddestructionlinked with the rise in the drinking age. The discussion in the United States regarding the suitable agefor the MLDA has often drawn links with thedrinking age in other nations [40–42], where it is frequentlylesser than United States. Rivals of theage-21 MLDA argue that the lower drinking agesin Europe and other nations should be taken as anideal for theUnited States. The rates of high-risk drinkingamidadolescents are higher in most Europeannations than in the United States . France and Britain among the European countries haveraised theiranxietieslately,concerning difficultiesrelated withhigh-risk alcohol use amidadolescents.Australia and New Zealand are also facing such problems. In 1999 New Zealand lowered thedrinking age from 20 to 18 and have problems alike to the United States with dropping the MLDA (Toomey, et al., 2009) Minimum drinkingages at21was uniformin all 50 United States and theDistrict of Columbia. Even though the age-21 rules are attributedwith lesseningadolescents drinking and alcohol-relatedcrashes, the levels of execution was not fair.The strugglesintended at stoppingadolescent drinkershave received moreattention;howeverimplementation remain equally inadequate,in view of the occurrence of juveniledrinkingrelated to the number of records or arrests madein every year .Consequently, policy architects have selectedplans thatinspire both adolescent people and alcohol supplier’s to conformto the age-21 rules.One technique of enforcement of alcohol age-of-sale rules is law enforcement agencies’ use ofadolescent decoys who try to purchase alcohol from retail dealers. This method frequently together with media help can meaningfullylessen thenumber of outlets that sell alcohol to young people. Another method is named as Cops in Shops where positioningof secret law implementation officers in alcohol retail shops tospotadolescents who try to buyalcohol, isintended to curtail juvenile possessionof alcohol. The major hindrance to effective execution isthe view of law implementation officers andofficials that public do not assiststernexecution of the age-of-sale laws. Parents and civicleaders might consider alcohol abuses are not a big crimeconsidering forbiddendrug use and other crimes.Now the policies of 50 United Statesarethe 21-year old drinking age, othermethod to lessen adolescents drinking habit is to contain a high level oftaxation on alcohol, the use of control systems of alcoholsupply and strictrules against custody.It indicates that the control system and high level taxationhas obviouslyreduced the amount ofunderage drinking (Montgomery,,2005) College students in New Zealand have a strong dominance of harmfuldrinking.Variousresultantdamageshave been recognized, comparatively minor to more grave, for instance, being detained for drunken conduct orbeing sexually attackedowing to others drinking. The minimum legalpurchase age for alcohol (MLPA) is 18 yearsand college students can getalcohol lawfully. Heavy drinking is common in high school and several students start drinking from their early adolescences. Variousstudies have shown relationsbetween heavy alcohol use and hazardoussexual conduct or sufferingfrom sexualattack.Anappraisal of college studies in2009 established that drinking was sturdilyconnected to the choice to have sex and tohave several or casual buddies. Thesignificances of these risky and undesirablesexual involvements can be extensive,and can bring guilt, disgrace and opensuffering, sexually transmitted diseases andundesirable pregnancies. Harvard Campus AlcoholStudy in the year 1999 exposedarelationship between early age at initial drunkennessand unintended and insecure sex at university. Teenageheavy drinking has as well been related with heavydrinking trails in future life and various poor health andsocial outcomes. Considering the sexual conduct, studies on alcohol and other substance use from age 10 to age 21 exposed that early-onset binge drinkers had considerablymore sexual associates than non-binge drinkers at age 21. How much the early onset of drinking, teenage bingedrinking and harmfulpresent drinking iscausativeto risky sexual conduct and undesirable sexual experiences isuncertain. Theinfluence of alcohol is possiblyadjustable and couldbe abridged over a period shorter than for other assumedcausalreasons. Therefore, it may be possible to lessendamage and mend sexual health through mediationslinkedto drinking (Connor,, 2010). The studylinkedto event-specific drinking is to throw light whether eventspecificdrinking is related uniquely with harmfulconcerns and risk actions. It is observed that, students consumed noticeably morethrough the week of their 21st birthday and especially on their 21stbirthday. Numerous students stated that they had severalforms of adversemoments and risk conducts duringthe week, comprisinghangovers, vomiting and blackouts. Effects as well show that 21stbirthday drinking and negative concerns and riskconducts were connectedsturdily with distinctive drinkingpatterns such as excessive drinking.Those people who were typicallyconsume less alcohol; however, consumed heavy quantitiesin the week oftheir 21stbirthday seemed to be at bigger risk for experiencingnegative concerns. It is vitalto see that those who consume less alcohol and have lessercapacity may bemainly at threat on instances where they consume heavily than they would usually. It isestablished that the linkamid alcoholuse and behavioral hazardsaugmentedamongst college studentssince their level of drunkennesstouchedbeyond theirnormal level of intoxication. It is understood that lighter drinkers may be more expected than heavierdrinkers to bang alcohol-related problems (Lewis,, 2008). Various studies conducted to investigate drinking and drinking- and-driving conducts in the United States.In 2001 U.S. NationalHousehold Survey of Drug Abuse, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2001 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Study, and the 1999 National Survey of Drinking and drivingwhich was conductedfor the National Highway Traffic Management. And likewisestudied the 1999 European School Survey Project on Alcoholand Other Drugs. Alcohol-linkeddeadlyaccidents were evaluated from the U.S. Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Appraisalof mediations to lessenadolescent drinking and driving were studied. “Teasing out the underlying cause of this reduction in total fatalities is no mean feat, though. Non-alcohol traffic fatalities have also declined relative to the number of miles driven over the same time period, which could be attributed to any number of causes, including increased seat belt usage, the widespread use of airbags, and other safety improvements to cars and roads. Moreover, drinking and driving for the whole population might be down as the result of increased education on its consequences, harsher penalties, improved enforcement, or increased stigmatization of drunk driving.” (Drinking Age) Fatalities can be controlled by acting responsibly but that is not happening these days. In America, 19% of adolescentsage 12–20 drinks five or more drinks on an event in a month.Even though European countries have lesser legal drinking ages (16–18) than in America (21), almost comparablesizesinvolvein juvenile drinking. It is established that in both the United States and Europe, the earlier personsstart todrink, the better the probability of evolving alcohol need and other alcohol-linked difficulties, as well as alcoholconnected accidents, in the course of adolescence and adult years. In the past 20 years alcohol-linked traffic deaths amongstpeople younger than 21years have been reduced to half in the United States, howeverimprovement has stoppedfrom 1995 and the trouble is stillgreat. Intercessionsrevealed by exploration to lessen alcohol-related accidentsamidadolescentscompriseincreasing the legal drinking ageto 21, zero lenience laws, and some intercessions that are family, school, or civiccentered. It is an open secret that binge drinkers get into trouble very easily, the article clearly mentions that binge drinkers not only suffer from serious health problems but also from social problems. It also says that binge drinkers are very likely to be involved in a car crash and also likely to cause other social problems. “Violence is another social problem reported by the article, in addition to this, binge drinkers also likely to suffer from liver failure because of binge drinking.” (Binge Drinking) Alcohol-exposed pregnancies are also common amongst binge drinkers, over 80,000 deaths occur yearly in the US because of binge drinking. These deaths are perfectly preventable but are not prevented because binge drinking is slowly becoming an epidemic. “In addition to deaths, binge drinking also leads to a lot of economic damage. It was reported that over $223.5 billion was lost in economic costs in 2006 because of binge drinkers.” (Binge Drinking) It is very alarming that people are consuming so much alcohol on a very regular basis; the article presents great information and statistics which were previously unknown. The article is an eye-opener for several people. “Critics of the change decried rises in alcohol-related traffic fatalities among 18- to 20-year-old drivers in areas where the drinking age had been lowered. Indeed, one result of leaving states in charge of their own age was the creation of "blood borders" between states that allowed 18-year-olds to drink and those that didnt. Teenagers from the more restrictive state would drive into the one where they could buy booze, drink, and then drive home, which created a perfect storm for traffic fatalities.” (Drinking Age) Age is just a number, lowering the drinking age would never solve the problem. Every human being is supposed to act responsibly and not cause trouble for fellow human beings. By drinking excessively a person loses his mind and starts doing things he would only imagine doing in their dreams. “Did lawmakers just pick 21 out of a hat because they wanted college seniors to learn the nuances of bar culture before graduation? Not quite. The concept that a person becomes a full adult at age 21 dates back centuries in English common law; 21 was the age at which a person could, among other things, vote and become a knight. Since a person was an official adult at age 21, it seemed to make sense that they could drink then, too.” (Drinking Age) In the course of the past 20 years significant improvement has beenmade in decreasing alcohol intake and related trafficdemises in the United States amongstadolescents.Nevertheless, alcohol-related traffic demises were decreasing from 1980s to the mid-1990s, havenot further droppedfrom the year1995. It is obvious that these and other practicableprocedurescan lessen the problem, political will to upsurgedeterminations has beenmissing. There is crucialrequirement for intensiveresponsiveness and actionon the difficultiesensuing from juvenile drinking.(Hingson,, 2004). References Binge Drinking (2013). Binge Drinking is Bigger Problem than Initially Thought. Web. Retrieved from: Connor, J.,Gray, A., Kypri, K.(2010). Drinking history, current drinking and problematic sexual experiences among university students,AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH,,2010 vol. 34 no. 5 Drinking Age (2013). Legal Questions. Web. Retrieved from: Dietze, P.M., Livingston, M.(2010).The relationship between alcohol supply source and young people’s risky drinking and alcohol-relatedproblem behaviors in Victoria, AustraliaAUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH,2010 vol. 34 no. 4 Hingson, R.W., Assailly, J.P., Williams, A.F. (2004). Underage Drinking: Frequency, Consequences, and Interventions,Traffic Injury Prevention, 5:228–236, 2004. Taylor & Francis Inc. Lewis, M.A., Lindgren, K.P., Fossos, N., Neighbors, C. & Aaland, L.O. (2008).Examining the relationship between typical drinkingbehavior and 21st birthday drinking behavior amongcollege students: implications for event-specificprevention, Addiction, RESEARCH REPORTdoi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02518.x Montgomery,J.M., Foley, L.M.,Wolfson, M. (2005). Enforcing the minimum drinking age: state, local andagency characteristics associated with compliance checks and Cops in Shops programs, RESEARCH REPORTdoi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2005.01328.x Toomey, T.L., Nelson, T.F., Lenk, K.M. (2009). The age-21 minimum legal drinking age: a case studylinking past and current debates, AddictionPOLICY CASE STUDIESdoi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02742.xa Read More
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