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A Correlation with Playing Violent Video Games like Grand Theft Auto - Coursework Example

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"A Correlation with Playing Violent Video Games like Grand Theft Auto" paper assesses whether these types of video games influence the violent crimes we see in the news. Violent video games end in defeat if the player does not choose the right strategy, which reinforces the negative stereotype…
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A Correlation with Playing Violent Video Games like Grand Theft Auto
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1. Introduction 1 Background The youth in the United s between the ages of 8 and 18 years spend 40 hours per week using some form of media. There is a strong notion that violence in the media supports aggressive behavior but there is continuing debate over the extent to which violence is associated with playing video games among the adolescent teens and young adults around the age of twelve to twenty-one years of age. The debate shows that video games help teens to develop decision making and team-building skills. Others claim that there is no real evidence to show that violence in video games lead to aggressive behavior. Evidence suggests that playing violent videogames lead to increased aggression and violence in those between 12 and 21 years of age but there is not evidence or conclusive work available on its association with crimes committed. The aim of this research is to determine a very strong correlation with playing violent video games like Grand Theft Auto and the crimes being committed today by those who play these types of games. The research will further assess whether these types of video games influence the violent crimes we see in the news. Violent video games end in defeat if the player does not choose the right strategy, which reinforces the negative stereotype. 1.2 Literature review There is ample literature available on the correlation between media and aggressive behavior. Review of literature also suggests that about 10% of children aged 2 to 18 play console and computer video games more than one hour per day (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). Aggression and behavior related to television and movies has been used in the context of video games also as it is believed that the psychological processes are the same in all cases. Browne and Hamilton-Giachritsis (2005) also agree that video games amplify physiological arousal; aggression related thoughts and feelings and reduce pro-social behavior. While there is much literature available on the changes in attitude and behavior associated with extensive television and movie viewing, the literature on video-game violence is small contend Anderson and Bushman. Research suggests that situational input variables influence aggressive behavior. Violent media teaches viewers how to aggress. One particular research led to the conclusion that exposure to violent video games poses a public health threat to children and youth. Browne and Hamilton-Giachritsis (2005) further found that games with human characters had more effect than abstract violence. The notion that media violence causes crime is weak according to a North American Review. This conclusion is not surprising according to Browne and Hamilton-Giachritsis as they did not directly measure delinquent and criminal behavior. There is evidence to suggest that parents who monitor the programs that their children watch on television or video are less likely to monitor the games their children play on the computer and video. However, the research by Browne and Hamilton-Giachritsis was aimed at determining the effects of violent media on children and adolescents from a public-health perspective. Violent video games end in defeat if the player does not choose the right strategy, which reinforces the negative stereotype. According to Funk and Buchman (1996), gender, location and the time spent are predictor variables but there is insufficient research to support the impact of playing violent electronic games. Research suggests that children become aggressive after exposure to violent video games as children tend to imitate the behavior of main characters. While negative behavioral patterns have been identified with games playing, there is no substantial evidence that the violent video games cause severe psychopathology in the average player. They state that age related changes do occur which was not tested. Smith, Lachlan and Tamborini (2003) analyzed 60 games for three game consoles and found that found violence in 68% of the games, with a higher proportion (90%) in games rated for teens and adults (cited by Jansz, 2005). The social effects of gaming are a matter of concern and Jansz reports that 30 effect studies have reported positive and significant association between playing violent games and aggressive behavior. While the review of the literature suggests association between change in attitude and playing violent video games, no study has been found on the association of crime and playing violent video games, which is the purpose of this research. 1.3 Rationale for research The existing literature gives diverse opinions on the correlation between violent video games and aggressive behavior. Even where association has been found, there is no research done on the association of crimes with playing violent video games. The research aims to establish co-relation between parental negligence and violence after playing video games. It would also determine to what extent parents agree on the negative influence of video games and whether they are taking corrective measure. Parameters are varied and the samples across each variable would not be large. Apart from literature review, inductive method would be adopted which would include interviews. The research aims at benefiting the society be establishing a relation so that the negative impact could be minimized. 1.4 Research questions Based on the above objectives, the research questions would be: 1. To what extent playing violent video games is related to aggressive behavior and the crimes being committed today? 2. To what extent parents agree on the negative influence of video games? 3. To what extent parental negligence is responsible for the increase in crimes as an impact of playing violent video games? 1.5 Theoretical model To be empirically tested, the research question will be transformed into a theoretical model consisting of the dependent and the independent variables. This has been developed based on the available literature. This model forms the basis both for collecting and analyzing data and may be altered as a result of the research. The independent variable or the cause for this research is video games. This again has two levels of research – exposure to video games and no exposure to video games. The effect or the dependent variable is the aggressive behavior or violent tendencies. The independent variable can increase or decrease the dependent variable. 1.6 Hypothesis The expected relationship between variables that can be empirically tested is exposure or no exposure to video games (independent variables or cause) increases or decreases violence and aggressive behavior (dependent variable or effect). 2. Research Methodology: 2.1 Research Philosophy: Research relies on facts and experience, data, concepts and constructs, hypotheses and conjectures, and principles and laws (Amaratunga, Baldry, Sarshar, & Newton, 2002). Research methodology is the procedural framework within which the research is conducted. While positivism (quantitative with hypothesis testing), interpretivism (qualitative with hypothesis generalizations) and realism are the different types of research philosophies, each has its own purposes and advantages. According to Taylor et al., (1995) quantitative data is numerical in form. Questionnaires and interviews are the usual research methods used under this paradigm. Some researchers claim that unless human behavior can be expressed in numerical terms, it cannot be accurately measured (cited by Jones, 2004). Qualitative data covers a range of material collected from previous research, literature review, case studies and unstructured interviews. Some researchers argue that the qualitative approach is better as it provides greater depth. The relationship between research philosophy and research method is important as it allows one to take an informed decision about the research approach, decide which methods are appropriate for the research, and also determine the constraints that may affect the research (Knox, n.d.(what is this n,d, and needs a year. I would delete the n.d. unless is something important, but I do not think it needs to be there ). 2.2 Research approach Research philosophy highlights different schools of thought on the how to conduct research. Arguments should be evaluated in different ways because primarily arguments have different roles and purposes and people assess according to the purpose in their mind. At times arguments provide useful information depending on one’s knowledge of how the world works. In a different setting, one can take an abstract approach and ask what follows from a given set of information and then decide on the outcome. Arguments can be evaluated in two qualitatively different ways – in terms of their deductive correctness or in terms of inductive strength (Rips, 2001). Logical positivism employs the quantitative and experimental methods to test deductive generalizations (Amaratunga et al., 2002). This requires independence of the observer from the subject being observed. Hypotheses have to be formulated in advance for subsequent verification. The explanations in this method are reduced to the simplest possible elements in order to facilitate analysis. Positivism claims that generalizations can be made from a set of events in that past and future decisions can be taken accordingly. The quantitative approach places great stress on numbers that represent opinions or concepts. An objective observation is needed to respond to our research problem. We also want to find results which can be extrapolated. In other words, there is a need to identify general principles of behaviour in order to formulate some recommendations to women suggesting why they should not feel bad about their figure and weight. As this research philosophy is linked with quantitative research, the findings are descriptive and empirical and lend themselves to sophisticated statistical analysis (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2004), ensuring reliable and valid results. In the positivist approach empirical truth observation is coupled with the analytical truth of logic. This research will have several variables in which case also a positivist approach will be suitable. 2.3 Research strategy Each strategy has its own approach to collect and interpret data and hence its strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages. The strategy selection should depend upon the behavioral elements, the degree of focus on past events and the conditions or setting. This research requires primary and secondary research approach and hence both the qualitative method (interpretive or inductive) and the quantitative (positivist or deductive) method of research will be used. The deductive method would not bring to light the deeper, underlying meanings and explanations of the data collected. Hence literature review would enable to understand the totality of the situation. The quantitative method provides an opportunity to learn about the youth’s attitude and motivation and how they interpret things. The results would also be statistically reliable. Our research problem consists of finding out whether the video games influence the attitude and behavior of youth. 3 Data collection and analysis 3.1 Selection of data collection method Wynekoop and Russo (1997) contend that use of multiple research method is necessary to adequately understand and evaluate an activity, process or project. To respond accurately to the objectives of this research, both primary and secondary data are important. Secondary data like literature review permits a quick and easy collection of general information about the subject. Literature review would be used as the qualitative method as a lot of literature is available on how video games influence the attitude and behavior including the thought process in the youth. A literature review provides the meaningful context of the project within the universe of already existing research (Obenzinger, 2005). Literature review distinguishes what has been done from what is to be done. Previous perspectives can be synthesized and a new one gained. Due to the vast amount of literature available, only the most significant texts will be selected, which itself implies a process of evaluation and prioritization. A literature review would help in emphasizing on the findings of the primary data. Data obtained from secondary sources generate new understand through reflection or knowledge integration (Feurer & Chaharbaghi, 1995). Quantitative investigations look for “distinguishing characteristics, elemental properties and empirical boundaries’ and tend to measure “how much” or “how often” (Nau, 1995 cited by Amaratunga et al., 2002). Quantitative research designs determine the truth value of propositions and allow flexibility in the treatment of data in terms of comparative analysis, statistical analysis and repeatability of data collection in order to verify reliability. In quantitative analysis data is collected through mail questionnaires, interviews and published statistics (Gable, 1994). The most widely used data collection method is interviews as it is a highly flexible method, can be used almost anywhere and has the potential to produce data of great depth. Apart from interviews, surveys also include self-completion questionnaires. Although surveys and interviews provide valuable data, it is largely reliant upon self-reported practices and knowledge. There is a tendency of over-reporting of behaviors perceived to be good. Hence surveys should be such designed that they report the knowledge and attitudes of the interviewee (Redmond & Griffith, 2003). The research topic has to be seen from the perspective of the interviewee. To determine who defines aggressive behavior quantitative data in the form of interviews would be helpful. Interviews would be the best way to achieve these objectives. Families from different backgrounds and different social standing would be interviewed. Research would include single-parent families and traditional families to get a wider perspective of the hypothesis. Interviewing is a mode of inquiry aimed at understanding an experience and meaning that person make of that experience (Seidman, 1998 cited by Eggenberger & Nelms, 2006). Interviews are more than a data gathering technique. It is a social encounter where knowledge is constructed. The individual in-depth interview allows the interviewer to delve deeply into social and personal matters (DiCicco-Bloom & Crabtree, 2006) and it unveils a person’s emotions, beliefs, problems, experience and actions (Eggenberger & Nelms, 2006). This would particularly help with this research as the objective is to determine the attitudes, emotions and change in behavior under the influence of the video games. Interviews can be close-ended or fixed-alternate answers, or open-ended interviews. For this research, the open-ended interviews will be conducted in which the prepared questions can be reformulated depending upon the responses received. Open-ended interviews tend to be more spontaneous, offering a two-way interaction not generally permitted by the standardized approach (Herod, 1993). Such interviews allow interviewees to introduce topics and speak in their own words rather than in categories dictated by the researcher. This would be particularly helpful for this research because generalizing about attitudes would not serve any purpose. Self-completion questionnaires would allow the ability for unambiguous quantitative data to be collected (Redmond & Griffith, 2003). The format will be kept relatively simple and straightforward as there is little control over the respondents’ interpretation of questions. Questionnaires will be sent through mail as well as administered directly at social clubs. Postal questionnaires and online surveys would be most cost-effective. Sending questionnaires through post allows wide geographical areas to be covered at a relatively low cost but there is no control over the external influences and the verification of who actually completes the questionnaires. 3.2 Data analysis To be useful, such primary data needs to be analysed. Sphinx software which is a personal computer based analysis software will be useful to establish relationship between variables. Data thus collected from different forms of interviews and questionnaires would be analysed by the use of scales like Likert scales and Semantic Differential scales. 4. Limitations and conclusion There is no unique research method and each method has its own difficulties. The aim of this research is to determine a strong correlation between crimes committed and the playing of violent video games. The research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge and once the correlation is established it would benefit the society in finding means to reduce the incidence of violence and crime. It is expected that a strong correlation would be established between the playing of video games (independent variable) and the crimes (dependent variable). It is also expected that this research will establish that parental negligence is to a large extent responsible for the incidence of crimes as an impact of playing video games. References Amaratunga, D., Baldry, D., Sarshar, M., & Newton, R., (2002). Quantitative and qualitative research in the built environment: Application of mixed research approach. Work Study, 1 (15), 17-31. Anderson, C, A., & Bushman, B. J., (2001). Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal and prosocial behavior. American Psychological Society, 5(12), 353-359. Browne, K. D., & Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., (2005). The influence of violent media on children and adolescents: A public-health approach. Lancet 365, 702–710. DiCicco-Bloom, B., & Crabtree, B. F., (2006). The qualitative research interview, Medical Education, 40, 314–32. Eggenberger, S.K. & Nelms, T.P., (2007). Family interviews as a method for family Research. Journal of Advanced Nursing 58(3), 282–292. Funk, J. B., & Buchman, D. D., (1996). Playing violent video and computer games and adolescent self-concept. Journal of Communication, 46(21), Spring, 0021-9916. Feurer, R., & Chaharbaghi, K., (1995). Researching strategy formulation and implementation in dynamic environments. Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology, 2 (4), 15-26. Gable, G. G., (1994). Integrating case study and survey research methods: An example in information systems. European Journal of Information Systems 3(2),112-126. Jansz, J., (2005). The emotional appeal of violent video games for adolescent males. Communications Theory, 15(3), 219-241. Jones, C., (2004). Quantitative and qualitative research: Conflicting paradigms or perfect partners? mposia/symposium4/jones.htm. Retrieved, 17 Aug 2007. Knox, K., (needs a year here). A researcher’s dilemma - Philosophical and Methodological Pluralism,, Retrieved, 17 Aug 2007 Obenzinger, H., (2005). What can a literature review do for me? iewHandout.pdf. Retrieved, 17 Aug 2007 Redmond, E. C., & Griffith, C. J., (2003). A comparison and evaluation of research methods used in consumer food safety studies. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27 (1), 17–33. Rips, L. J., (2001). Two kinds of reasoning. American Psychological Society,12 (2), 129-134. Schiffman, L.G., Kanuk, L.L. (2004). Consumer behavior. Pearson Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 8th edition (where is the edition of this book, better find out, she will massacre you for this little mistakes. APA is very important to her) Wynekoop, J., & Russo, N. L., (1997). Studying system development methodologies: An examination of research methods. Info Systems J, 7, 47-65. Read More
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