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How Do Media Contribute to Maintaining a Sense of National Identity - Essay Example

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The paper "How Do Media Contribute to Maintaining a Sense of National Identity" will begin with the statement that the strength of a nation is its citizens’ sense of a common national identity, which is derived from a strong national feeling, a common cultural entity and a feeling of oneness…
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How Do Media Contribute to Maintaining a Sense of National Identity
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How do media contribute to maintaining a sense of National Identity? The strength of a nation is its citizens’ sense of a common national identity, which is derived from a strong national feeling, a common cultural entity and a feeling of oneness. This sense of national identity helps the nation to remain as a united whole in times of crisis and conflicts. The very concept of nation and nationalism are strong rooted in this sense of national identity, a sense of belonging to one’s own nation because of a commonly shared history, culture, cultural values and solidarity among its citizens. It is necessary that this common identity is maintained for the general welfare of the state. The media and other dominant cultural institutions have a crucial role in defining national identity, charting its boundaries and maintaining its presence in the imagination and lives of common people. A strong sense of communion is to be built in the minds of everyone in the state, and the media in all its diverse forms- print, radio, television, electronics- has to create and distribute images and messages which could help to maintain and foster this strong sense of national feeling and love for one’s own country. Any discussion on national identity should begin with the very concept of what a nation is. A nation cannot be defined by its geographical boundaries alone. Instead “the essence of a nation is a psychological bond that joins people, and differentiates it, in the subconscious mind of its members, from all non-members.” 1 Thus, the concept of a nation stems from a body of similar ideas, thoughts, a shared structure of feelings, and a larger common consciousness which is cherished by its members and reinforced through their patriotic deeds. In the same way, the national identity of a country consists of the unique, unified national culture of its citizens. For any nation to maintain its national identity, it should be proud of its common cultural factors like a common language, a shared history and collective memory, rich tradition, myths, common ancestry, its folk tales and heroes, popular culture and media, and it should be able to resist any external factors that may hinder its unity and feeling of oneness: “National culture organizes and sustains communal memory… it reinhabits the landscape using restored ways of life, heroes, and exploits ; it formulates impressions and emotions and pride as well as defiance.(I don’t understand this sentence)” 2 The role of media in keeping all these factors unified and sustained in the lives of its citizens is crucial. The new generation of the country is to be taught about the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the country; the underlying factors which unite them as a single nation should be engraved in their minds so deeply and strongly. In the initial stages, children should be taught the basic notions of their cultural identity through the printed media – mainly through proper education. Later there should be opportunities for them to know more about the politics and socio- cultural background of the nation through other medias like the press, the movies, television and the internet..(HOW should media teach the new generation about the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the country, give specific example please!) Also, maintaining national identity is a very complex process in a multi-cultural nation where so many living cultures prevail. The ethnic minorities in the nation may find it difficult to adapt themselves to the culture of the dominant group; the danger of ignorance of one’s national identity can lead to a lot of internal struggles in the nation. The media has a greater responsibility in multi-cultural nations to make a synthesis of the various prevalent cultures in the country through Public Community Broadcasting .The media can prevent the ethnic communities and the children of migrants from losing their sense of identity by providing a continued maintenance and production of their culture through public community broadcasting. This would also enable them to identify the presence of their own indigenous culture and traditional values in the country’s national identity. The Australian Public community broadcasting system offers the best result in this regard as both radio and television play major roles in the country to shape and preserve its multi- cultural heritage. Even in remote regions of the country the services of public broadcasting system is best ensured. [so that ethnic communities and children of migrants would not be losing their sense of identity without continued maintenance and production of their culture and that indigenous people wouldn’t be voiceless without representation of their culture and traditional values in maintaining the country’s national identity. (This sentence is very long. Please break it down to a few shorter sentences. Also, the meaning of this sentence is a bit vague, would you be able to make it more specific please, and it will be better if you can provide an example). ]. How to tackle the problems connected with the development of a unified national identity by merging all the prevalent multi- cultures have been an important crisis faced by many other nations as well. A solution to this problem is suggested by S.Budhisantoso. S. Budhisantoso, while speaking about the plurality of culture in Indonesia, remarks: “The most outstanding problem they usually have to face is how to unite a nation which consists of a certain number of communities, formerly independent and with diverse social, economic and cultural backgrounds. It is the diversity of a new born society which demands a symbol, acceptable for the whole population and really able to play the function as a basis for the development of the national identity.” 3 .Thus it is evident from the quote that a common symbol that represents the whole population should be the sole criterion for the formation of a common national identity in a multi- cultural nation and the synthesised form of national culture should have common acceptability.(This is a very good quote. However, I can’t really see how it is related to the essay question. The essay questions asks HOW MEDIA contribute to maintain national identity. So, would you please make the linkage more specific if you think it is related to the essay question?).The public broadcasting system also should take into account the limitations of communities who live in remote areas and the synthesized culture of the nation should be mirroring all communities in the nation. The best examples for this sort of effective broadcasting system to maintain national identity can be seen in Australia, where divergent cultures are prevalent. Even though there were a lot of problems regarding immigrants and Muslim minorities because of the hostile attitude if the white Australians toward them , things have changed a lot recently as the country has understood the importance of the diversity of the culture of these minorities: “Today, Australian attitudes to Islam range from latent resentment and distrust, fuelled in part by politically loaded stereotypes in the media, to a significant level of acceptance and increasing interaction and cooperation with many church communities and heads of faith, as well as a growing awareness in the broader community. Muslims today are generally accepted as equal partners in the post-1945 diversity of Australian society, and there is much to suggest that this diversity will in fact help people to more clearly perceive shared core values.” 4 Thus it is important that multi culturalism is tackled in the best way with sufficient tolerance, cooperation and for the general good of the whole nation. (my tutor mentioned that the minority groups in Australia such as Muslims are excluded from the dominant group because they do not adopt to the values of white Australians. So, you should address this problem, that HOW MEDIA contribute to promote national identity (multiculturalism) while emphasising that minority groups can not be perceived as one of “us” unless they adopt to the values of the dominant group, and give specific examples such as how press/news reports Muslim communities in Australia). There are many who believe that globalization has posed a severe threat to the maintenance of different national identities and national cultures. With the emergence of globalization and the powerful presence of internet, the distance between nations became insignificant and the national identity and culture of a nation is no longer its private secret. Enhanced international relations have put bridges between cultures and the best example is the spread and influence of Western culture on Eastern countries. Joann R. Shelton, in this respect, asks the right question of how can nations maintain their national identities in the face of pressures from a highly globalized world and states that “Globalization of countries and societies has led many people to feel that their cultures and traditions are under assault. They feel that it will be increasingly difficult to maintain their national identity in the face of a growing pressure for change and conformity.” 5 The threat of globalization can be got rid of only with common efforts among nations – an effort which is focused on international co-operation, mutual respect and the healthy mingling of cultures. For centuries the African culture had been undermined and the media all throughout the world brought into light the marginalization and oppression of Africans and their culture at the hands of the white Americans which ultimately resulted in the emergence of a rich Afro- American culture along with the highly dominant white American culture and civilization. (This is a great point. Yet, an example of HOW MEDIA should do to promote international co-operation, mutual respect and the healthy mingling of cultures should be provided.) It is to be noted that the national identity of a nation is not a static one; it undergoes timely changes; and it again increases the heightened responsibility of broadcasters to offer impartial, objective and balanced information on these changes towards a more pluralistic national identity: “The national identity is not necessarily to be protected as some monolithic icon, unchanging and unchangeable. Instead, there is room for broadcasters to work towards a more pluralist and tolerant understanding of national identity… with the role of serving the public interest on general welfare”.(I don’t really understand this sentence, is it a type error with the word in bold? )” 6 The internet is a powerful media which makes it possible for people of different nations to know and learn about the culture and national identities of other nations, by which they could cultivate and maintain a respect for the national identities of other countries. Besides, it can be a very important vehicle for the transmission of ideas concerning a national identity, particularly for people who have left their homelands. There are many people who migrate to other countries, but still want to maintain the national identity of their homelands. Internet as a powerful media can help them to stay informed with the changing society of their homelands in order for them to maintain a sense of national identity. (Again, an example is needed here. I have come up with an example, could you have a look and see if it fits your argument. If I have misunderstood your argument and gave a wrong example, feel free to change to another example you think that is more appropriate. My example is: There are many people who migrate to other countries, but still want to maintain the national identity of their homelands. Internet as a powerful media can help them to stay informed with the changing society of their homelands in order for them to maintain a sense of national identity). The terms ‘nationalism’ and ‘patriotism’ are used interchangeably, as the terms mean a devotion to one’s own nation, its culture and shared history. Extreme nationalism which leads to xenophobic attitudes towards other nations can very much adversely affect the national identity of a nation; it can also result in conflicts and unhealthy competitions among nations. There is the danger of promotion of false nationalism through medias, with a view to gain ulterior political or imperialistic motives. We know how in the past Nazism and fascism had spread wrong notions of nationalism which ultimately resulted in the Second World War. The speeches of Winston Churchill which were broadcasted and telecasted through the media also had been instrumental for stirring unhealthy national feelings in the minds of people: “…I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.” 7 (Please provide an example of HOW MEDIAS spread wrong notions of nationalism between Nazism and Fascism to cause the Second World War, i.e. can you find a particular example where the news report spread wrong notion of nationalism that can be used to support this argument?). Thus, the political power in the nation should see that their use of the media to propagate and maintain national identity is aimed at the common good and welfare of the nation in particular and the international community in general. Any effort to promote narrow nationalism is to be prevented and the media is to be used very much judiciously for the purpose of maintaining the right national identity in people. A clear understanding of the national identity of a country necessitates not only of an understanding of its national culture and shared history. It includes an awareness of the political, social and judicial set up and environment of the nation. The political motives of the people at the helm should be made clear through the press and other Medias. (An example of HOW PRESS and other MEDIA do to make the political motives clear need to be provided). Awareness of the social background of the nation helps the individuals to develop a social identity of their own whereby, they are able to develop a self concept of belonging to a particular social set up to which his values and emotions are attached. The legal and moral system of the country convinces him of what to do and what not to do. Thus, he can identify his own position and role in the maintenance of the national identity, to which he is supposed to contribute selflessly aiming at the common good of the nation. Sources of entertainment such as audio-visual media are very influential because of the popularity among the general public. Television and movies are the two major types of media that can play pivotal roles in the maintenance of national identity. These media also can leave eternal marks of national feelings in the minds of individuals. The divergent cultures, the ideals of national heroes and the issues that threat the national identity of the country can all be brought to light with the help of these media. Movies that picture the lives of the nation’s heroes, the attempts made by them in the past to protect the country’s national pride etc. are proved to be efficient tools for not only the cultivation of national feelings and national identity but also in sustaining it .The early American films like The Ben Franklin Story, The Life of George Washington, Declaring Independence, Paul Revere: The Messenger of the Revolution, and The Shot Heard Around the World have all contributed to the creation of national identity in the minds of people: “Each film in the 'Famous Moments' series highlights a true story of historical significance, providing 'students' of early America with a better understanding of the people, places and events of this important era.” In the same way films also depict events connected with unfair national policies of the government. For example, the movie Fahrenhert 9/11 by Michael Moore which was released on June 25, 2004 in US pictures what happened to the US after September 11, and how the bush administration used it as a solid reason to continue its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. All these attempts by the media can therefore instill the right national feeling and patriotism in people. (In this sentence, you said that movies…are PROVED to be efficient…, Can you give a references to this approve, i.e. where did you read this proof from?). In the same way, televisions can highlight the folk tales, myths, the customs and traditions of ethnic minorities and the dying arts of the country to reinforce its cultural ancestry. The national identity of a country comes to its height during social crisis, internal and external conflicts. Whenever the nation faces a serious threat from outside, the nationalism of individuals tends to stir and the feeling of oneness is roused. It is because of this fact that media plays greater roles during wartime. Public broadcasting always tends to support the national pride during such conflicts. They follow the technique of highlighting and ignoring the actual facts, with a biased outlook. That is why during wartime a lot of restrictions are put on the media. This sort of tactics helps the political leaders to maintain and foster a strong national identity by justifying the actions undertaken by its political and military leadership. The Press often highlights the achievements made by the nation in the battlefield, whereas the setbacks and defeats suffered by the nation are often undermined. Even the statistics reported by the press may not be impartial or objective. The best example for the influence of press during wartime and how the official version differs from the actual details is evident from the Vietnam War. Even though the American government tried to pacify its citizens with wrong propaganda, it was the press and other Medias all over the world that turned the international support against America. An example of such a report can be taken from journalist John Pilger’s book, Heroes, (Jonathan Cape 1986, Vintage 2001) where he says: “The longest war in this century was a war waged by America against Vietnam, North and South. It was an attack on the people of Vietnam, communist and non-communist, by American forces. It was an invasion of their homeland and their lives, just as the current presence in Afghanistan of Soviet forces is an invasion. Neither began as a mistake.” (Jonathan Cape 1986, Vintage 2001, p.178) (I think these argument need specific references, i.e. can you provide the specific statistics to support? Or where did you read the statement from?). The television broadcasting always shows only the heroic actions of its heroes. It is difficult to state whether such attempts by the media add to national identity or breaks the real national identity and create hostility towards other nations. The media also tries to highlight the achievements made by its citizens in various fields such as science, technology, sports etc. with a view to maintain and enhance the national identity of the people. Thus, the citizens are made to feel proud of their country. They feel proud to be born as an American, Australian or Russian. The best example is the media coverage provided to Olympics and other major international games. As Emma Weasing suggests, “It is at international sports competitions, like the Olympics, that sentiments of national identification and belonging come to force in media coverage. Sporting events are one of the few public spheres where nations compete against each other without causing harm.” 8 Thus it is evident that the media always try to maintain and enhance a collective national feeling in the mind of the people, helping them to remain attached to their national identity permanently and constantly. Thus it can be construed that the influence of media in maintaining a sense of national identity is multi-faced. The media should take into account all the political, socio- cultural, economic factors, and the efforts should be taken to tackle the problems connected with multi-national cultures and ethnic minorities. Media and education contribute for the development and maintenance of one’s national identity. The concept of national identity is an abstract idea which is derived out of the common national feelings of its citizens. This national feeling is a bridge which unites the people of the country who are total strangers to each other in both large and smaller communities: Anderson states that “members of even the small nation will never know most of their fellow members, or even hear of them; yet in the minds of each lives the image of their communion. (I think this sentence is incomplete!)” 9 Thus this communion or national identity of the people is so much important for the development and maintenance of the national identity and the various media have to perform their duties to the maximum. Works Cited Connor, W. 1993. Beyond Reason: the Nature of the Ethno National Bond. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol. 16:3, p.377. Said, E.W. 1993. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Random House. p. 260. Budhisantoso, S. 1996. National Identity and Development in the Plural society of Indonesia. Interface of Cultural Identity Development. New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. (accessed May 24, 2007). Shelton, Joanna. R. 1991. National Identity and International Pressures: Are they compatible? Tokyo, Japan. The Mansfield American- Pacific Lectures (accessed May 24, 2007). Baoill, Andrew. O. Into the future: National Identity, Public Service Media and Globalization. (accessed May 24, 2007). Wensing, Emma. 2004. Olympics in an Age of Global Broadcasting. Yale Global, Global policy Forum. (accessed May 24, 2007). Anderson, B. 1991. Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. London and New York: Verso. p.13. Johns, Professor Anthony H. and Saeed Professor Abdullah. 2002. Muslims in Australia: The Building of a Community. University of Melbourne ePrints Repository. Chapter 11, pp. 195-216. (accessed May 24, 2007). Churchill, Winston. 1940. Winston Churchill, Blood, Sweat and Tears. The History of Place. Great Speeches Collection. (accessed May 24, 2007). Read More
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