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Studies also reveal that facts have little effect in changing people and their perception of government operations. Political ignorance has been paramount for a number of years and people often base their opinions based on beliefs rather than democratic ideals and human intelligence. Facts ought to dictate beliefs and preconceived notions.
People should dedicate time to learn more about the government and its policies. People tend to seek consistency as they interpret information to their beliefs. Through motivated reasoning, people should strive to accept that the sophistication of governance alters existing norms to incorporate structural or political development. Through E-government portals, the public should access any government events or services. E-governments are responsible for ensuring effectiveness in government delivery services as well as simplifying the compliance of citizen participation and government regulations. Through the e-government orientation, citizens will participate in government activities and strengthen their trust. This action will also ensure cost-effective business practices and responsive, streamlined government services are achieved.
The access of information will allow people to access various government services and information. People will also participate in democracy and cause a great impact as to how the government can interact efficiently with its citizens. The e-government has various benefits regarding the participation of the public. More people will have free access to various platforms in which they can express their opinions in the government. For example, a certain minister may choose to get an opinion about certain amendments to the constitution that he or she may wish to make. It is important that the public participates in these proposed new policies as they may incorporate programs and services that will directly affect them. As other different organizations accommodate the opinions of the general public, they will offer the citizens integrated services and channel feedback to improve on their different policies.
The interaction of the government and its citizens has various benefits to state governance. For example, the lack of communication between the people and government representatives may lead to a loss of opportunities. Loss of opportunities arises because the government is bestowed with the responsibility to coordinate and develop government services for the people. Communication is also important for the implementation of services. Through the Central Information Management Agency, the implementation of e-government services, as well as other services, will be ensured. The government stands higher chances in ensuring that every conventional means that allows easy access to government services and operations are maintained especially for people that the government policies related to. Concerns about the government having too much information about the people will diminish; as people will establish trust with the relevant stakeholders in the government. The government will also improve the standards of living of the people through developing and offering world-class and professional state-run facilities.
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