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Ethical Dilemma - Assignment Example

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This is the senior manager. Senior managers in any organization adhere to ethical standards through ensuring accountability. This is through guiding employees on efficiency and effectiveness of resource allocation and…
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Response to Ethical Dilemma mate clearly illustrates an important ethical mentor. This is the senior manager. Senior managers in any organization adhere to ethical standards through ensuring accountability. This is through guiding employees on efficiency and effectiveness of resource allocation and usage. Classmate #2 illustrates that it’s better to seek advice from appropriate consultants or friends when faced with ethical dilemma. The appropriate consultants and friends have adequate knowledge on ethical checks and powers.

Ethical advice assists in making good decisions; that ensures effective and efficient achievement of organizational goals. Classmate #3 illustrates that ethical leaders care for the entire organization, and not individuals. This is through supporting the interest of the organization. Organizational practices should be morally and legally appropriate. This ensures accountability and transparency; hence organizational goals are achieved efficiently and effectively.

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Ethical Dilemma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words - 1.
“Ethical Dilemma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words - 1”, n.d.
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