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Geico Car Insurance Company - Case Study Example

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In the essay “Geico Car Insurance Company” the author looks at the case of a satisfied and loyal customer of Geico Car Insurance Company. He feels satisfied based on good customer’s relations resulting from better friendliness approach employed by the Company to convey informative services…
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Geico Car Insurance Company
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Customers feel satisfied when the post-purchase evaluation is conducted. Real experience such as the Company chipping in to help the customer during losses of property amplifies loyalty. Firms should be quick to react when customers seek their help and extend the Olive branch to the customer’s home to strengthen customer’s relation and building on their reputation. Credit facilities offered to customers at affordable terms and conditions serve both firm and customers interest. Lifelong customers are retained when they are made to feel as part of the Company and in particular when faced with challenges so as to help them overcome stress by suggesting rational solutions.

Standing with a customer during their difficulties by firms make customers relieved from some burdens and aid in restoring normal mindset. Customers are thus pinned strongly to such companies that recognize and appreciate the existence of their customers. Firms thus benefit from increased customer loyalty as such customers suggest that particular Company to their friends and relatives and such chain is extended leading to a greater pool of loyal customers resulting into competitive advantage accompanied by increased market power.

This thus culminates into increased revenue.Work CitedHennig-Thurau, Thorsten. Relationship Marketing: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention: with 24 Tables. Berlin [u.a.: Springer, 2000. Print.

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Geico Car Insurance Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 298 Words.
“Geico Car Insurance Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 298 Words”, n.d.
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