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The Convenience of Everything that People Do or Come Across in Life - Research Paper Example

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The paper describes the lifestyles of humans. Human life is made comfortable with the addition of things unlike in the absence of things. Lives are made more convenient by smoothing the rough edges and straightening bends that would have fronted as potential challenges…
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The Convenience of Everything that People Do or Come Across in Life
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Ce Zheng WR 121 Stephen Summers 2nd February Things In In one’s life, things are of outmost importance. People’s lives are made comfortable by the inclusion of things in their daily activities. A lot of things are done that would have proved too complex to go through without things. Things provide entertainment to people. Things act as reservoirs of the very important events that have happened in one’s life. Many people do take caution in that things could change them to become materialistic. When things are indeed utilized well, they are good. Therefore, things can, be said to be good as they enhance the lifestyles of humans. Human life is made comfortable with the addition of things unlike in the absence of things. Lives are made more convenient by smoothing the rough edges and straightening bends that would have fronted as potential challenges. There are countless ways in which things make life comfortable. It all begins at the point of waking up. Having slept the whole night on a thing called bed, another thing called the alarm wakes us up. From the time waking up, the whole day activities are made easy by the use and association of things till darkness sets in again. Things help us to prepare supper. The convenience of things ensures that breakfast is not only prepared but taken in a stylish way. After breakfast, a preparation for work or school has to start. Dressing in appropriate clothes follows and enhancing looks using other materials like bangles and sweet smelling perfumes. Another thing called the car makes movement comfortable and fast. At places of work and school, things are countless. At school, studies are made easy by the incorporation of computers and internet. In regard to daily lives, things are very important as they make life convenient. Things enable people to engage themselves in activities which would be an impossibility without them. An earlier example of the computer and internet usage is a direct example to this. They are extensively used in studies and conducting research. In the absence of computers, tackling a term paper like this would require frequent long visits to the library. Physical presence would be a necessity on addition to thorough scouring through the library catalogue in an attempt to get the required magazines and books to tackle the term paper. Books must be borrowed from the library. In case the permission to borrow them is denied, copying texts by hand would take time, and it is tedious. The computer thing and internet thing have released all this pressure, and studying modes have become easy. Navigating through the journal and book pages can be done right at the comfort of a person’s home or house. This is a fast, comfortable and convenient way. This can be sorted out in few minutes unlike the physical method of visiting the library that would take time. Writing it via computer is easy due to the availability of the copy and paste commands. Editing before printing is also possible. The term paper can also be submitted online, a method that saves expenses incurred in purchasing of papers. By the help of the computer thing, the instructor finds it easy in marking the term papers even they are bulk. Things make us more productive and useful members of the society when they are used unlike when they are not available. Things are a form of entertainment. They provide entertainment people with many entertainment stuffs that serve to enlighten the way of life. This entertainment thing comes in various forms. Such forms include electronic gadgets with the provision of video and movie games that have proven to be more engaging than before. The video gaming thing is so fantastic such that they try to mimic the real life. The movie games are further made engaging by installation of high definition and three dimensional forms. Scenes played on movie games almost pop out of the screen. A combination of such a thing and many others for sure make life to have fun. Things remind us of very important events and occurrences that have happened in life. The things that we come across or collect serve to remind us of the unforgettable events and the people who made them happen. Such things may seem useless and meaningless to other people but are an important symbol in one’s life. Such memories are uniquely peculiar to a person or group of people with a common thing that connects them to such an event. Such special memories make people good parents, sons, daughters, husbands, wives and good friends or in general good human beings with wise thinking. These things reunite people with the life changing events or people which in turn makes one a better human than before. Many are the times that people do caution others with the close association of things as they do turn one in a materialistic human being. Once one becomes materialistic, one can be referred to as a slave of things. This statement can be viewed as either true or false since they have been evaluated as neutral. Value neutral means that things are neither considered good nor bad. Things tend to be good when they are utilized for good means. Using things in a bad way makes them bad. Fire is good as it can be harnessed and controlled. Fire is used in cooking food, in that way; it can be termed as good. Much dependence on things makes them bad. All thinking in such situations is diverted to things. At such a stage of thinking about things only, one can be considered materialistic. Materialistic is a condition where one wants more and more things. When things are treated as ordinary tools to make life comfortable, they are said to be good. They are still good things when then are ordinarily used in remembrance of the sweet past events and people. Things increase the convenience of everything that people do or come across in life. They enable people to do more things and be more productive in society than when they were absent. Things make people good humans by remembering their loved ones or those who contributed to the wellbeing of the society. The materialistic concern about things depends on an individual. Attaching things to happiness in life makes one a slave to things. In other many great ways, things can be utilized which can make them good. In conclusion, things that are excess in life are not good and much dependency on them is bad. In real life, good things are always free or are offered for free. Caution is then taken for free things are not things. Read More
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