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Data AnalysisFinding the most appropriate way of analyzing and representing data is not easy for most qualitative researchers owing to the fact that this kind of data is more complicated compared to qualitative data. In addition to this, different researchers use a varied number of procedures when analyzing data and present it according to their audiences preferences. Basically, data analysis procedures include collecting and preparing and organizing the data which is then analysed before coding the data.
According to Creswell (2007), these procedures can be presented in a spiral where the researcher is allowed to use his own intuition and evolve a data analysis method fit for his or her own use. This is meant to make a researcher come up with a simpler way of data analysis without following the rigid linear method. A major problem existed when it came to coding and five major approaches were unearthed for the purpose of data analysis as discussed below.Narrative Research Analysis And PresentationFor the purposes of chronology, the steps involved in this case is organizing data files, creation of initial codes, description, interpretation and presentation of this data.
As such, this method can be said to be used appropriately for qualitative research. However all aspects of the data analysis methods were not justified clearly shown by Cresswell (2007). The accumulation of other elements such as beginning scrutiny by focusing on a distinct element. This could have also made the method more effective.Grounded Theory Analysis And PresentationThe grounded theory also known as constant equation theory (Miles & Huberman 2008) whose stages are more detailed and include; organizing the data, getting to know the data, open coding, axial coding and checking the results of the analysis.
This method has been effectively used to study recovery from child abuse according to the text thus it has been used appropriately for research analysis. Creswell (2007) clearly gives a step to step process before a hypothesis is made. However, the results of the analysis were not presented in the study above and thus all processes were not justified. The best way to correct this according to Miles and Huberman (2008) would be to present sub stages in the presentation of analysis.Phenomenological Analysis And PresentationUsed successfully for analyzing personal experiences, the structured steps include; description of the experience, stating significant statements, grouping significant statements, answersing the questions what and how and lastly writing a description of the phenomenon.
Creswell (2007) feels that this produces a simpler way of presenting data because just one paragraph can tell what the data is about. The processes were evidently dexpressed and were successfully used in the Riemen study.Ethnographic Analysis And PresentationAccording to Creswell (2007) the best place to begin when dealing with the ethnographic approach is to describe the culture before any organizing and interpretation is done. The steps are clearly described and were successfully used for data analysis.
The data researched in this case would have however been more effective if a more meticulous method such as the case study or phenomenological method was used. The reason for this is that both methods would have easily gotten significant statements from the data. Case Study Analysis And PresentationAfter collection of the data, the researcher can use direct interpretation, categorical aggregation, naturalistic generalizations and establishment of patterns (Creswell 2007. The steps were clearly described and justified in addition to the description of the data.
The method could have been more effective if there is standard way of coming up with the varied generalizations. Personal bias may interfere without any standard.ReferencesCreswell, J. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approache, 2nd ED. New York: Sage Publishers ISBN 9781412916066Miles, M. B. & Huberman, A, M. (2008). Qualitative Data Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers
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