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Strategic Management of Google
5 pages (1884 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Strategic Management of Google" highlights that Google has developed its business by satisfying a large number of customers by providing valuable information according to their desires.... The company has been successful in achieving its mission of helping millions of users.... ... ... ...
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Comparing the Efforts in Reducing Greenhouse Gasses
7 pages (2007 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper ''Comparing the Efforts in Reducing Greenhouse Gasses'' tells that Some world scientists believe that the die has already been cast.... For this reason, they argue that no matter how hard the world especially Europe and the USA try to reduce greenhouse gases now, the atmosphere will continue to warm anyway....
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Malaysia Airlines Flight 379 Disappearance
7 pages (2209 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the following paper "Malaysia Airlines Flight 379 Disappearance" examines and presents the potential causes of the plane's disappearance, investigation and search and, the conspiracy theories behind the disappearance (CBS News 1).... ... ... ... Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was an international passenger flight that went on a mission upon leaving Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur International Airport on its way to China's Beijing Capital International Airport, on March 8, 2014, at 12....
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BMW Demand and Supply
7 pages (1888 words) , Download 14 , Case Study
This paper "BMW Demand and Supply" looks at the micro and macro-economic analysis of the BMW 3 Series as well as possible solutions to the company in order to boost supply for their car brand.... Various demand and supply factors affect the production and sale of BMW 3 series vehicles.... ... ... ...
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Alcohols, Aldehydes and Ketones, Amines and Amides, Carboxylic Acids, Ethers
6 pages (1871 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Alcohols, Aldehydes and Ketones, Amines and Amides, Carboxylic Acids, Ethers" studies common chemical reactions, physical properties, basic structures, examples, as well as physical and chemical properties of common functional groups.... .... ... ... It is generally common in organic chemistry to encounter molecules that comprises mainly of carbon structure with various functional groups being attached to the carbon chain....
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Human-Computer Interaction
8 pages (2230 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of this paper "Human-Computer Interaction" will evaluate and discuss the nominated website, IBM, in terms of its features, strengths, and weaknesses.... It also offers suitable recommendations for improving the website's appearance and performance.... ... ... ... In this increasingly competitive corporate world, it is important for firms to enhance their online presence....
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Exhibition Planning for Ocean Spray Product Re-Launch
9 pages (2468 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The case study "Exhibition Planning for Ocean Spray Product Re-Launch" describes marketing and event plans.... This paper outlines the planning process, value of quality, concept development, evaluation, implement promotions, and interaction with the target market and conduct direct selling.... ...
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Poster Assignment
7 pages (1956 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Poster Assignment" tells us about analyze and evaluate critically the United Kingdom National Risk register of civil emergencies (NRR) which a document meant to be used by individuals as well as organization that may aims at adequate preparing for emergencies.... ... ... ... So as to well equip the reader with maximum knowledge about civil emergencies the document analysis different emergencies that is likely to be faced by UK citizens over the period of the five years only....
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Human Resource Management in Appar8us
8 pages (2268 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Human Resource Management in Appar8us" discusses a US-owned company that started in 1972.... They are producing medical tools used in surgery and the company has an annual turnover of $250 million.... About 3000 staff are working in Appar8us which includes both skilled and unskilled workers....
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TNT Express UK Company Strengths
6 pages (1932 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "TNT Express UK Company Strengths" is a perfect example of a case study on management.... European Framework for quality management is intended to allow for the TQM philosophy to be applied in European businesses to make them more competitive.... ... ... ... These goals are achieved through the use of EFQM which provides enablers and results....
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The Introductory Concepts of Cruise Tourism
8 pages (2259 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Introductory Concepts of Cruise Tourism' is a perfect example of a Tourism Case Study.... Cruise tourism has received ascendancy in the past decades and is currently the fastest-growing travel sector globally (Dowling, 2006).... .... ... ... The paper 'The Introductory Concepts of Cruise Tourism' is a perfect example of a Tourism Case Study....
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Personal Success Development Plan
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In this study authors describes the strategic policy in multiple disciplines, the personal success development plan This plan includes a thorough and realistic review and analysis of professional and personal qualifications.... ... ... ... The possible problems that can arise due to the strategic course of the plan clearly augment what has been previously stated concerning the removal of obstacles early on when possible, as it makes implementing the action plan much easier....
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Green Glasses in Buildings
31 pages (7977 words) , Case Study
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This paper ''Green Glasses in Buildings'' tells that Green architecture seeks to use glass with excellent energy efficiency to ensure maximum utilization of natural light, glass remains a material not possible to forego due to its wide array of benefits including its transparency.... ... ... ... Other studies suggest that its use improves the health and productivity of the house users....
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Macro Environmental Factors-Pestle Analysis
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
This study "Macro Environmental Factors-Pestle Analysis" discusses an analysis of the history of Borders Group and its subsequent liquidation indicated that failure to adapt to market changes and technological advancement coupled with faulty investments and financial decisions lead to the demise....
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Financial Performance Review: Belhaven Group Plc
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This article “Financial Performance Review: Belhaven Group Plc” provides a review of Belhaven Group Plc's financial performance for the financial year ended 2005.... It gives a through insight into the company's financial strengths and weakness by discussing its financial performance and future prospects....
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Business Research Methods
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The case study "Business Research Methods" demonstrates Methods Employed in Business Research.... Researchers challenged the oversimplified differentiation between quantitative and qualitative data.... Available literature stresses that the only distinction between quantitative and qualitative methods....
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International Business - Global Marketplace
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper International Business - Global Marketplace states that the globalisation of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe in other to take advantage of the national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production.... ... ... ... This paper is aimed at analyzing and discussing the potential impacts of globalization on a chosen multinational....
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Advertising Exposure, Memory, and Choice
6 pages (1839 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Advertising Exposure, Memory, and Choice" discusses advertising as indeed the art to sell a product even before it has been manufactured.... The sale needs to be made without the product coming to the domains of the consumers.... ... ... ... The advertiser must guarantee that the consumers will go to the retail counters and ask for their products, and forget about the competitive ones which are also available....
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Smarthinking Organizational Consulting
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'Smarthinking Organizational Consulting' seeks to evaluate an online tutoring organization that is presently in the process of determining how to grow.... They are using an unusual technique called the whiteboard and they are rather untraditional in their methods.... ... ... ... The author states that there are many students today that take courses online (thousands)....
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Managing Effectively- Standards and Expectations of Modern Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Managing Effectively- Standards and Expectations of Modern Management" focuses on the fact that management is possible only through effective leadership.... Leadership is the process of influencing others to follow certain rules, procedures, behaviours in order to achieve desired goals....
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Over Use of Antibiotics and Hormones in Animal Feed
8 pages (2285 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study "Over Use of Antibiotics and Hormones in Animal Feed" states that the development of science and technology has brought immense advantages to society.... At the same time, it brought a lot of problems also.... These achievements are implemented applied in human life.... .... ... ... Over usage of hormones and antibiotics for raising animals, neither helps the animals nor the human....
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Organizational Failure and Renewal
8 pages (2313 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Organizational Failure and Renewal" discusses the reasons for the failure of a cosmetic company and analyzes the factors for its successful revival.... The successful leaders ensure that failures become their stepping stones to success.... ... ... ... In the fast transforming business dynamics, the survival of the business is highly dependent on the various external and internal factors that significantly impact the performance outcome of the organizations....
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Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service: Management and Leadership
8 pages (2197 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service: Management and Leadership" discusses the activities within Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service, an organization with multiple divisions and leadership responsibilities.... Like any other business, this organization has a well-developed human resources team....
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Web Development for Information Management
9 pages (1930 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of this case study "Web Development for Information Management" analyzes 3 sites of famous pizza ordering brands.... The aim of the work is to design a working prototype of an online pizza ordering and delivery website, especially to develop order online, a customer account.... .... ... ...
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The Philosophy of Science
9 pages (2589 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "The Philosophy of Science" discusses the science that confirms its hypotheses through induction, for how can we deductively confirm a conclusion derived from an inductive argument.... Therefore, confirming scientific hypotheses is necessarily inductive.... ... ... ... Science is limited by its use of induction as a means of confirmation....
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Advices on Effective Communication
8 pages (2260 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Advices on Effective Communication" describes developing active listening skills where you really listen to your spouse with your mind and heart, pay attention to their nonverbal cues and respond appropriately.... Love and commitment are the most essential in making marriage work.... ... ...
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Aircraft Electrical and Mechanical Systems
6 pages (1849 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Aircraft Electrical and Mechanical Systems" investigates the dynamic pressure that can be explained as the kinetic energy that is contained in a unit volume of a fluid particle.... In other words, dynamic pressure can be explained as the conservation of energy by a fluid that is in motion....
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Business Culture and Norms - the UK and Korea
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Business Culture and Norms - the UK and Korea" focuses on the fact that culture has a remarkable influence on the quality of work life and performance of an individual.... It is defined as the set of knowledge, morals, beliefs that are acquired by the individual as a member of society....
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The United Kingdoms Sovereign Debt Crisis
7 pages (1811 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"The United Kingdom's Sovereign Debt Crisis" paper states that as the debt is only compounding and continuing to expand as wasteful politicians seek to placate key voting segments, there is little if any time to waste in order to rectify such a situation.... ... ... ... Rather than choosing to tackle the issue and provide a firm and recognizable response to the situation so that it can be effectively handled over a period of many years, the electorate has much more pressing demands that are oftentimes concentric upon keeping the entitlements that are currently guaranteed incoming....
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Risk Assessment Plan
6 pages (2357 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study "Risk Assessment Plan" points out that response to emergencies requires a central tool for planning to adequately respond to the disaster, Krause (2006).... The incidence command system stresses the need for orderly and systematic planning.... .... ... ... Names of the injured or deceased individuals will not be transmitted on the radio....
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Research and Markets: Domino's Pizza
7 pages (2306 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper "Research and Markets: Domino's Pizza" discusses Domino's Pizza that is used as an example to illustrate the types of market research and environmental scanning in business success.... The effective environmental analysis involves evaluating the external marketing environment of a company....
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Business Strategy of Peet's Coffee and Tea
7 pages (1873 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Business Strategy of Peet's Coffee and Tea" presents the company's business model regarding its business segment, retail store, and specialty, business, and growth strategies, and SWOT analysis to learn more about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company.... ... ...
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Compare and Contrast The Learning Process
9 pages (2413 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Compare and Contrast The Learning Process" discusses the selection of the learning style that is important to accelerate the process of learning.... An individual tends to pick up new things better if presented in a style that works for him.... ... ... ... Globalization of the economy, industrial and internet revolutions have created an avalanche of learning processes....
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The Flooding of Summer 2007 in Sheffield
8 pages (2262 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper "The Flooding of Summer 2007 in Sheffield" will identify the contributory factors causing floods, as well as the role of responsible agencies that were involved in the risk management process in such a situation.... Nearly 1000 businesses had a negative impact from these floods.... .... ...
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Planning and Implementing Strategies to Solve the Issue at Newtown Train Station
6 pages (1800 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Planning and Implementing Strategies to Solve the Issue at Newtown Train Station" will begin with the statement that every community needs to develop in a positive way.... Lack of essential factors may inhibit the development of a community.... .... ... ... The community of Newtown is experiencing accessibility issue which is affecting their lives....
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A Discussion of the BP Oil Spill
7 pages (1985 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper ''A Discussion of the BP Oil Spill'' tells that The world we live in can be an amazing, awe-inspiring place.... It can be visually breathtaking, from ocean views to the humbling perspectives from high cliffs or deep below the waves of the seas.... With the implementation of advancing science and technology....
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Euralia and the European Single Market
7 pages (1902 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Euralia and the European Single Market" is about Union membership.... The most important condition for entry is located.... Euralia, which is situated in the eastern part of Europe, is perfectly qualified, conditioned on its compliance with the political and economic prerequisites....
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Systems Thinking is Critical in Developing Solutions to Sustainability Challenges
9 pages (2488 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Systems Thinking is Critical in Developing Solutions to Sustainability Challenges' is a great example of an Environmental Studies Case Study.... It is absolute that systems thinking is critical in the process of developing solutions to sustainability challenges.... The world faces complex challenges from era to era....
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Metalinguage Theory
9 pages (2575 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Metalinguage Theory " tells us about metalinguage theory and explication of Swahili interjections.... The theory of natural semantic metalanguage (NSM), postulated by Wierzbicka and her co-researchers, posits the lexicalization of a set of semantic primes the in all natural languages.... As such, each primitive has an exponential equivalence in every language....
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Managing Resources in a Child Fire Safety Awareness Project
9 pages (2453 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Managing Resources in a Child Fire Safety Awareness Project" is a remarkable example of a case study on management.... Bournemouth in the county of Dorset is a coastal city of England with a population of approximately 400,000.... Bournemouth is located approximately 170 km southwest of London....
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Global Expansion Factors of Pfizer Inc
7 pages (1819 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Global Expansion Factors of Pfizer Inc.... is a perfect example of a case study on management.... Since 2000, Pfizer Inc.... has been increasing its worldwide presence via the establishment of strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions of pharmaceutical and healthcare businesses....
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Effect of the World Wars on Canada
6 pages (1796 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Effect of the World Wars on Canada" states that Canada fought the First World War and paid huge prices for it.... At the same time, the country had proved its position through its victory.... The First World War was more significant than the Second World War.... ... ... ... The First World War had changed the political scenario of the country to a great level, setting changes at the political level as well....
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SWOT Analysis of Nelson Mandela
8 pages (2082 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "SWOT Analysis of Nelson Mandel" discusses SWOT Analysis that is actually linked with the theory of leadership.... The first section of this paper will outline the SWOT Analysis followed by a critical discussion on linking theory with the fact.... ... ... ... Leadership is one of the most important concepts with wide-ranging applications in management, politics, and almost every sort of organization that requires a certain degree of direction....
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Quranic and Biblical Depictions of the Fall of Man
8 pages (2213 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Quranic and Biblical Depictions of the Fall of Man" critically analyzes and contrasts between Quranic and Biblical depictions of the fall of man.... It has aptly been stated that the three Abrahamic religions, i.... .... Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are the beams of the same spiritual light....
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Icelands Financial Crisis
7 pages (1979 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In 2007 and 2008, the United States experienced a significant volume of defaults on sub-prime mortgage loans that was caused by high inventories of homes available.... ... ... The paper "Iceland's Financial Crisis" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study.... There is absolutely a linkage between Iceland's financial crisis and the United States sub-prime mortgage crisis....
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Belbin Team Roles Model
9 pages (2471 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Belbin Team Roles Model " is a good example of a management case study.... Belbin team roles model identifies nine team roles categorized into three groups which are action-oriented, people-oriented and thought oriented.... Each of the teams has interpersonal and behavioral strengths (Kousholt, 2007)....
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Analysis of the Market of Coca-Cola Product
7 pages (1886 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Analysis of the Market of Coca-Cola Product" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study.... Coca-Cola is a product manufactured by the Coca-Cola company, which is a nonalcoholic multinational soft drink manufacturer headquartered in Georgia.... ... ... ... The paper "Analysis of the Market of Coca-Cola Product" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study....
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Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Law
7 pages (1890 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the "Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Law" paper argues that contracts prohibited by law will be void regardless of whether the parties know of the illegality or not.... Contracts made void by statute remain valid but the courts will not enforce them.... .... ... ... Chen and Lin had an agreement....
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Marketing Promotion - Eastern Foods
8 pages (2315 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Promotion - Eastern Foods" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study.... Food is life-sustaining.... Our body needs food to sustain itself, to grow and to provide it with the energy to move around.... However, how we view food is a factor that depends on a person s culture and life experience as he/she grew up....
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The Requirement for Security
6 pages (1839 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The following paper 'The Requirement for Security' presents security that reflects society and intends to address the issues of the public it serves.... It is decently perceived that people seek after and attain a condition of prosperity through their activities.... ... ... ... Post-advanced originations and quest for security have their roots installed in old times....
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