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Australian Health Care System
5 pages (1594 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Australian Health Care System" is a good example of a health sciences and medicine case study.... In Australia, global healthcare is available to all Australians in community hospitals through the commonwealth funded universal health insurance policy.... Nurses and allied health specialized are supported by public hospitals....
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Managed Care of Chronically Ill Older People
10 pages (2839 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Managed Care of Chronically Ill Older People" focuses on the fact that in the recent past, the rate at which the proportion of people aged over 60 years is growing is faster than any other age group, and this is due to the longer life expectancy and declining fertility rates.... .... ...
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Law in Business Associations: Duty of Care and Negligence
9 pages (2563 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Law in Business Associations: Duty of Care and Negligence" presents Smith who is the CEO of Retailer and also owns some shares from Myco remains present when the board discusses different tenders but does not vote for him and leaves before they vote.... .... ... ... Smith is the Chief executive of Retailer Ltd and still owns 10% of the issued shares of Myco Pty Ltd which is a private company run by his wife and brother-in-law....
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Managing Quality in Health & Social Care
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper, Managing Quality in Health & Social Care, highlights that there has been a widespread debate on the definition, measurement, and management of 'quality' in the healthcare field.... Quality has been defined in this area by many authors in many different ways.... .... ... ... As the discussion stresses, The standards of quality are different for each group related to the field....
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Cash Generation on Consumption for ServerVault
1 pages (394 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
As the paper "Cash Generation on Consumption for ServerVault" tells, ServerVault should concentrate on reducing debt while increasing its returns to hit the breakeven point soon enough.... This will win the confidence of investors and thus allow for the injection of more capital for its operations....
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Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Cases
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The study "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Cases" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issue son the memo on intentional infliction of emotional distress cases.... The client had a pre-existing disclosed trauma which was disclosed to the proposed defendant.... ... ... ... A lounge singer and Sacramento native, Mr....
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Recession Hits Fashion Industry: Case of Emporium
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Recession Hits Fashion Industry: Case of Emporium" analyzes the UK based fashion boutique company the Emporium in order to determine the impact the recession is having of the firm and offer a recommendation on how to deal with the situation.... ... ... ... This paper will begin with the statement that the business world operates in an unpredictable environment in which one day a company can be on top of its industry, and a few trimesters later the same firm could be at the brink of extinction....
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Diagnosis and the Treatment Planning
3 pages (818 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
In the paper 'Diagnosis and the Treatment Planning' the author analyzes the case of Louis, who according to the SSIS Diagnostic Code has a dual diagnosis or paranoid schizophrenia of continuous variables with alcohol dependence on inconsistent Seroquel with problems with shelter and nominal social support....
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Analysis of Law of Negligence Cases
7 pages (2264 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author examines the cases in which the success of the action of negligence depends on establishing that a duty of care was owed to employees by their employer, which had been violated and had consequently caused damage to be suffered by the employee.... .... ... ... In McGrath v Trintech, the plaintiff claimed damages for injuries caused to his person, as a result of occupational stress....
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Danesh web design studio problematic situation
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In this paper, we will describe a "Problematic" situation in a Web Design Studio, we will review some of the most appropriate management science methods for analyzing the situation and recommend the most suitable method(s) that helps to resolve the problem.... ... ... ... We will build a model of the problem based on the selected method(s) and will discuss the limitation of the model we have developed....
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Potential Barriers to Effective Planning for Transition of Care
12 pages (3555 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Potential Barriers to Effective Planning for Transition of Care" is a perfect example of a case study on nursing.... Previous studies have shown that effective planning for the transition of care is one of the major factors that are related to the recovery of health for a patient who has been through medication....
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The Truthfulness of the Story on a Screen for a Certain Period
8 pages (2318 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Flow : The Psychology of optimal experience.... On the perceived functions of movies, Journal of Psychology, 122, 441–449. ... The paper "The Truthfulness of the Story on a Screen for a Certain Period" gives detailed information about an optimal source of powerful insights, ideas, and moral values....
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Reggio Emilia Curriculum Framework for Children in Group Care Situation
6 pages (2025 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Reggio Emilia Curriculum Framework for Children in Group Care Situation" observes the Reggio Emilia approach that is based on the following principles Environment, teachers as researchers, collaboration, project work, and emergent curriculum which builds upon the interest of the child....
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The Case of Egyptian Metal Industries (Metalco)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The company is facing the problem with its current costing system because it is employing the traditional method of costing.... The problem is that the overhead is computed based.... ... ... As the traditional method or the volume-based method of costing which is initially used by Metalco, uses collective rate instead of the specific one....
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General Characteristic of Wireless Company - Case of Google
6 pages (1631 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "General Characteristic of Wireless Company - Case of Google" is a perfect example of a case study on management.... The wireless company is considered the fastest growing industry since 2005.... There is also an increase in the number of cellular phones in the market which has increased the growth in the wireless company....
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Casa de Diseos Existing Operating Cycle
2 pages (753 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Casa de Diseño's Existing Operating Cycle" highlights that Teresa Leal should continue focusing on how the company can reduce the accounts receivable (money customers owe the company), a move that will automatically reduce the bad debt expense.... ... ... ... The company should continue with its new strategy of offering cash discounts since the analysis has confirmed that it is a wise idea....
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Analysis of the Attached Mini Case from Human Resource Point of View
6 pages (1589 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Analysis of the Attached Mini Case from Human Resource Point of View" paper analyzes the case in which the main issue raised pertains to the absence of any properly defined structure with reference to human resources functions within Raymond Company though everything seems to be in order.... ... ...
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Hewlett-Punning Case: Questionnaire Design Sampling and Sample Size
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
QUESTIONNAIRE AND SAMPLING Name: Institution: The HP questionnaire has a great design which perfectly conforms to the principles of questionnaire design sampling.... The grammar and vocabulary used in the questions of the questionnaire are elaborate.... They make it possible for all the respondents to the questionnaire to understand and respond to the questions effectively....
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Hog's Breath Cafe: Online Shopping in the Market
9 pages (2680 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Hog's Breath Cafe: Online Shopping in the Market' focused on current market distribution across the world.... The study was carried out through literature materials based on a case study of Hogs Breath Café in Australia.... An industrial and company analysis was carried out....
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The Standard of Care Required in Performance of Contract
8 pages (2327 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'The Standard of Care Required in Performance of Contract' presents all the three scenarios which is presented raise the issue of negligence on the part of ASL, although they evoke different aspects.... In Alan's case, the question is whether the tort of negligence can be applied.... ... ...
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The Principles of the Cultural Respect Framework - Roy's Story
10 pages (2649 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Principles of the Cultural Respect Framework - Roy's Story" is an outstanding example of a health sciences and medicine case study.... One would count the aboriginal culture as being one of the oldest in the world- it is diversified and numerous in terms of value additions and typologies, which would signify in essence that the constituents of the culture are various kinship and language groups....
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Comparison between the US and Omans Health Care Delivery System
10 pages (3035 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Comparison between the US and Oman's Health Care Delivery System" is a great example of health science and medicine case study.... The health care system of the US and Oman is often compared with each other by both governments as well as public health analysts as Oman despite being a developing country provides healthcare facilities that can rival any developed country like the US....
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Analysis of International Business Transactions Cases
16 pages (4408 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Analysis of International Business Transactions Cases" paper discusses a scenario where several alternative ways to structure the transactions in international trade for common law countries such as the United States are examined.... The option selected is the use of agents and distributors overseas....
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Custodial Care Policy and Practice
6 pages (1745 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Custodial Care Policy and Practice" is a delightful example of a case study on the law.... Basically, several organizations, groups, and committees recommend the reforms they consider appropriate within the Irish prison system.... ... ... ... As a result, each visiting committee and each member thereof is entitled always to make visits within the Ireland prisons either jointly or independently....
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Major Issues in the Google Case
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The study "Major Issues in the Google Case" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the Google case.... The smartphone industry has adapted to a big change with the introduction of android technology in collaboration with Google's incorporation.... ... ... ... With this technology, Google forces users to make extra use of web browsing on their mobile phones....
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Aging Out of the Foster Care System: Challenges and Opportunities for the State of Michigan
9 pages (2511 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This study discusses the issues former foster care youth experience disproportionately high rates of homelessness, unemployment, and involvement with the criminal justice system.... The study analyses the programs developed in a number of states for foster care youth.... ... ... ... With rising numbers of youth in foster care, there are increasing numbers of youth also aging out of foster care....
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Contract Law: The Case between Atkins vs Secretary of State Transport
6 pages (1796 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Contract Law: The Case between Atkins vs Secretary of State Transport" paper analizes the case in which the dispute for the claim is centered on the extra payment enshrined in clause 60.... (11) of the Contract.... However, the authority disagreed with the claim.... ... ... ... Considering the reasoning of Atkins, if a compensation claim were allowed for the extra claim, then it would be a win/win situation for both parties....
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Porters Diamond Theory Application: The Case of Apple Inc
10 pages (2700 words) , Download 20 , Case Study
"Porter's Diamond Theory Application: The Case of Apple Inc" paper discusses the contribution of Porter's diamond model to the success of Apple.... Various aspects of this model and supporting and related industries will be considered in determining their contribution to Apple's international success....
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Boeing and Other Antitrust Cases
5 pages (1449 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Boeing and Other Antitrust Cases" suggests speculations of predatory by Boeing Co.... This relates to the antitrust case in which competitors intend to lower their prices to gain dominance in the market.... The case has similarities to that between Brooke Group v.... Brown & Williamson Tobacco....
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Damaged Care Critique
4 pages (1326 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The study "Damaged Care Critique" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the movie Damaged Care.... The first conflict style that is presented in this film is accommodating.... This is where a person finds out about the wrong things that they have done.... ... ... ... In this type of conflict style, a person knows that the thing he or she is doing is wrong but still does it to please others (Johnson, 2009)....
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Chronic Kidney Disease - Clinical Issues Identified within the Clinical Scenario on Patient, Care Provision for the Top 3 Clinical Issues
6 pages (1982 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Chronic Kidney Disease - Clinical Issues Identified within the Clinical Scenario on Patient, Care Provision for the Top 3 Clinical Issues' is a delightful example of a case study on nursing.... Joe Thomas is faced with multiple challenges that involve ill health.... ... ... ... The paper 'Chronic Kidney Disease - Clinical Issues Identified within the Clinical Scenario on Patient, Care Provision for the Top 3 Clinical Issues' is a delightful example of a case study on nursing....
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Build Environment: Case of Hope House
6 pages (1595 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Build Environment: Case of Hope House" paper states that all types of materials to be used in the construction of this building should be as fire retardant as possible.... Steel has to be used where possible in the structures besides its usage with concrete in providing an insulating property.... ....
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Operations of a Community-Based Housing Organization
7 pages (2307 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Operations of a Community-Based Housing Organization" highlights recommendations regarding what the management committee and the staff should do to work efficiently with the local community and to retain a good relationship with the funding bodies.... ... ... ... Problems arise in service-providing organizations....
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Brief Statement of the Case of Respondent and Appellant Corporation
6 pages (1550 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The researcher of this paper highlights that respondent and Appellant Corporation entered into a franchise agreement under which appellant operated a real estate brokerage office in Santa Ridge Springs, California.... The franchise agreement consisted of a printed form prepared by the respondent....
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Services Offered at Brookdale Health Care Centre
6 pages (1670 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Services offered at Brookdale Health Care Centre" has investigated the operations at Brookdale facility which majorly cares for the needs of the old.... It is clear that the management has strived to place the facility on a competitive platform through the excellent provision of rehabilitative services....
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The Principles and Rules in the Present Companies Act 2006: Common Law and Case Law
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper describes the law that has adopted, through the years, a number of principles and rules to ensure that directors put company interests first before other interests.... Many of these principles are already codified and integrated into the present Companies Act 2006.... ... ... ... One of the duties imposed by the law on company directors is to act only within the confines of the functions and powers granted them by the company's Constitution....
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Criminal Law - The Mens Rea in the Case of Homicide, Arson, and Battery
7 pages (1964 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The study "Criminal Law - The Mens Rea in the Case of Homicide, Arson, and Battery" comes to the conclusion Derek is probably guilty of the named crime.... The only thing that would save him is if he is able to prove either automatism or diminished capacity.... This would mean that he did not have the intent to commit a crime....
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Nursing Care of a Patient with Altered Gastro-Intestinal Function
8 pages (2484 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Nursing Саrе оf а Раtiеnt with Аltеrеd Gаstrо-Intеstinаl Funсtiоn' is an affecting version of a case study on nursing.... The patient I am taking care of today is Nigel, who has an altered gastrointestinal function.... .... ... ... The paper 'Nursing Саrе оf а Раtiеnt with Аltеrеd Gаstrо-Intеstinаl Funсtiоn' is an affecting version of a case study on nursing....
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Business Practice in a Nurse Managed Health Care Facility
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the paper "Business Practice in a Nurse Managed Health Care Facility" it is clear that Valley Medical Group's electronic medical record software is a crucial technology in its data management and transmission.... The Athena makes it easy and faster for data transfer to different desired locations....
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Panera Bread Inc - Ability to Stay Competitive in the Dynamic Business Environment
7 pages (1823 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Panera Bread Inc - Ability to Stay Competitive in the Dynamic Business Environment' is an actual example of the management case study.... Successful companies and multinationals often derive their success from a multiplicity of factors that are designed to improve their efficiency and market position....
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Analysis of the Tourism in Cape Town
7 pages (1941 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The "Analysis of the Tourism in Cape Townpaper" starts by reflecting on the economy of the tourist destination, mode of transport and accommodation, natural resources as well as social and cultural factors that characterize the place the author intends to visit in the near future, Cape Town.... ... ...
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Decision Reversal for the Case of Seuss versus Penguin
1 pages (292 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Decision Reversal for the Case of Seuss versus Penguin" states that the mere subsection that is mentioned by the plaintiff does not qualify as copyright and hence the whole case should be dismissed as there is no material qualifying as having been subjected to infringement.... ... ... ...
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Sea Shepherd: Charities and Cause-Related Marketing
12 pages (3315 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Sea Shepherd: Charities and Cause-Related Marketing" constitutes an assessment of the cause-related marketing strategies and processes that Sea Shepherd uses in its marketing strategies.... The general conclusion is that Sea Shepherd has developed effective marketing strategies.... ...
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Cisco Systems - the Supply Chain Story
4 pages (1221 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
From the paper "Cisco Systems - the Supply Chain Story" it is clear that some of the company's delegated processes failed to force the company to use its own engineers which increased the total expenses incurred from labor cost and other miscellaneous costs resulting in a long supply chain.... ... ...
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Evaluation of Television Based Storytelling Franchise
6 pages (1756 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper ''Evaluation of Television Based Storytelling Franchise'' tells that Transmedia Storytelling in the age of media convergence is becoming more prevalent.... The practice involves the distribution of elements of the story across several media platforms to create a captivating narrative.... ...
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Clinical Reasoning Model and Quality of Care and Management
7 pages (2064 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Clinical Reasoning Model and Quality of Care and Management " states that the critical alternations depicted by the patient should have been acted upon.... Smith's abnormalities warranted immediate action.... If these were taken, the nature of Smith health condition would have changed....
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The Four Principles Approach to Health Care Ethics
14 pages (4005 words) , Download 12 , Case Study
This case study "The Four Principles Approach to Health Care Ethics" seeks to look into four principles related to the way of conduct in health and explain them.... It explores the advantages and disadvantages to which various theories that support principlism are pointed out.... ... ... ... The intention of this study is the Four Principles Approach, also known as 'principlism'....
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Marketing Strategies of Java Cafe
9 pages (2361 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper presents the marketing strategy for Java Café the mission of which is to sell coffee made from organic seeds and to promote an environmentally friendly approach in its Café.... Along with the coffee, Java Café will be selling healthy products to its customers.... ... ...
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The Impact of Garling Analysis on Health Care Sector
8 pages (2462 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Impact of Garling Analysis on Health Care Sector" is a good example of a case study on health sciences and medicine.... In the past years, there has been a silent concern by the public about access to treatment in public hospitals.... ... ... ... It is indeed true that the Garling report was long overdue....
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Child Care Programs
5 pages (1508 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The study "Child Care Programs" recommends changes to the program offered at the Montessori Academy of Chicago.... It would be relevant to incorporate in the educational program computer-learning systems and activities that would increase each of the programs to support cognitive development.... ...
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