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Usefulness of Accounting Theory to Practicing Accountants Today
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Usefulness of Accounting Theory to Practicing Accountants Today,' the author critically evaluates the usefulness of accounting theory to practicing accountants today.... To illustrate his arguments, he discusses in depth one module covered in the course-Conceptual Framework Projects....
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Learning Organizations in the USA
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This report 'Learning Organizations in the USA' will examine one organization, the European headquarters of Teleflex Medical, which is a global supplier of medical devices, surgical instruments, and disposable medical products.... The Company has an annual turnover of $2.... billion.... ... ... ...
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International development is/is not best helped through free trade
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
According to findings of a research sponsored by the US Department of Commerce, free trade has opened up most countries around the world by providing them with virtually unlimited access to markets in other regions.... The.... ... ... Research shows that free trade zones have ripple effects on other vital sectors of the global economy....
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Information Security Policy for E-government in Saudi Arabia: Effectiveness, Vulnerabilities, and Threats
10 pages (2958 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Information Security Policy for E-government in Saudi Arabia: Effectiveness, Vulnerabilities, and Threats'' presents a case study for the adoption of e-government in Saudi Arabia where various organizations are studied.... he purpose of it is to evaluate information security issues in the context of the Saudi Arabian government....
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Environmental Impact of Aviation
12 pages (3215 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The industry has realised a significant growth in the recent years in both the developed and the developing countries.... Technological advancement has led to an improvement in the.... ... ... The paper 'Environmental Impact of Aviation" is a perfect example of an environmental studies research proposal....
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The Effectiveness of Personal Care in the Management of Corona Disease
12 pages (3528 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effectiveness of Personal Care in the Management of Corona Disease" tries to identify the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE) in self-care management in the effort to prevent the spread of corona disease among the populations of Saudi Arabia.... ... ... ... Corona disease is a disease that is associated with negative impacts on the respiratory system as well as its ability to spread easily from one person to another....
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The National Sports Day in Qatar
6 pages (2279 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The National Sports Day in Qatar" looks into the various ways that the government can undertake to ensure that every Qatari participates and is proud of the National sports day.... The report also looks at the various environmental factors affecting the sports day.... ... ...
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Benefits and Risks of Water Fluoridation
9 pages (2511 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Benefits and Risks of Water Fluoridation" highlights that it is essential to state that recommended level of fluoride inclusion in public water supplies should be a safe and inexpensive means of ensuring improved dental health among the populace.... ... ... ... This report examines the benefits and risks to the health of water fluoridation with a special focus on Australian public health....
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Income Inequality and Poverty
6 pages (1522 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Income Inequality and Poverty' is a breathtaking example of a macro & microeconomics research proposal.... According to Ryscavage (2015), unfair distribution of income, as well as economic growth, has led to the challenge of facing an economic crisis.... Due to this reason, the gap between the rich and the poor has further increased....
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Understanding Business Benefit Management
4 pages (1429 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Understanding Business Benefit Management' research is centered on answering two questions confronting current organizations, which are to determine if there is the realization of anticipated economic benefits of investments in information technology and to provide a framework for ensuring that the above takes place....
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Lifespan Developmental Psychology
5 pages (1491 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Lifespan Developmental Psychology" states that the parents began to support the school's actions and more and more parents were interested in enrolling their children at the subject school.... Overall violence decreased and educational achievement increased.... ... ... ... The research found out that a solution provided from the ground up served better than solutions delivered by experts from the top....
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Stem Cell Technology
5 pages (1522 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Stem Cell Technology" discusses that few science and technology issues have lit so much fire of debate as stem cell research.... Stem cell discovery is an astonishing development in the medical sciences which would have limitless uses in this field.... ... ... ... Many controversies however surround stem cells....
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The Mentally Ill People and the Drug Courts
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In this research, I will analyze the data using several methods of data analyses depending on the type of data it is.... I will use Analytical induction to develop a hypothesis concerning the relationship between behavior change of drug abuse offenders and the amount of diversionary program strategy applied....
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Perceptions of Children on Learning to Write
7 pages (2123 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Perceptions of Children on Learning to Write" focuses on children learning how to write and this learning takes place in different ways.... People write to communicate their ideas to their readers.... These ideas are developed in their individual and social identities.... ...
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Impacts of Credit Crunch on Ryanair
12 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Impacts of Credit Crunch on Ryanair' the author evaluates a phenomenon called credit crunch.... Credit crunch can be defined as sudden reduction in the general availability of loans, or increase in the cost of obtaining loans.... ... ... ... The author states that certain signs of coming changes in the world economy could be detected prior to the obvious appearance of credit crunch in 2008....
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Over Stimulation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
5 pages (1363 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Over Stimulation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder" explains mental disorders are among those that cause psychological or physical harm to the people the person relates with.... The autism spectrum disorder is among the most sensitive type of disorder that human beings can experience....
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Turning Blood into Brain: Stem Cell
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Turning Blood into Brain: Stem Cell' the author discusses the issue that once the stem cells have been harvested, several things can benefit from their use.... These cells are pluripotent; they have the ability to differentiate into various other types of cells.... ... ... ... The author states that the three primary types of cells a stem cell can differentiate into including endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm....
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Foreign Language Course Enrollment
4 pages (1211 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Foreign Language Course Enrollment" focuses n the critical analysis of the foreign language course enrollment that is very popular among the XYZ student.... There have been no changes in the language curriculum or any other foreign language provision community.... ... ... ... However, there has been an observed decline in the number of students choosing a foreign language as part of their studies....
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The Impact of Organizational Restructuring on Organization, Employees, and Customers
9 pages (2448 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Impact of Organizational Restructuring on Organization, Employees, and Customers" is an excellent example of a research proposal on human resources.... Increasing international competition, the processes of business reengineering, and the influences and effects of advances in technology are just some of the requirements....
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Student Perception of the Usefulness of Smart Phones as Learning Tools
7 pages (1886 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Student Perception of the Usefulness of Smart Phones as Learning Tools" paper evaluates the percentage of students using smartphones for mLearning at UTS and tries to understands the impact of the smartphones' Internet connectivity charges on their use for mLearning by students.... ... ... ... Particularly, mobile devices, especially smartphones have been used in learning institutions as learning tools....
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The Effectiveness of Facebook in Learning
7 pages (1974 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Effectiveness of Facebook in Learning" determines the effectiveness of Facebook in learning and instruction, as well as determines how it enhances learning.... Saudi Arabian English learning students noted the significance of Facebook in learning.... ... ... ... Facebook effectively ensures social interaction among students attributed of the many features of the social networking site....
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Broken Windows Style Policing
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Abstract: To study the impact of Order policing approach used in the name "broken window policing".... To conduct the study appropriate research methods were adopted.... The process consists of choosing appropriate sample of adequate size and nature, identification and declaration of necessary variables for the study, defining the hypothesis, selection, collection and analysis of data, findings and suggestions. ...
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Visual Rock Music Stars
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
For the project I have chosen to examine the relationship between dress and ideology of visual rock music stars.... This group was chosen as the visual nature of the group allows for a thorough analysis of the ways in which the beliefs of the group may affect their decisions relating to dress.... ...
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Drug Abuse in the American Society
3 pages (925 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Drug abuse involves both medicinal drugs and non-medicinal drugs.... The rate of drug abuse has increased consistently in the USA,.... ... ... Drug abuse in America has attracted a global attention because the number of drug abusers and the abused drugs keeps increasing year after year (Swartz 24)....
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How the Cultural Values of Saudi Arabia Affect the Performance of Women in Public Agencies
7 pages (2026 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This work "How the Cultural Values of Saudi Arabia Affect the Performance of Women in Public Agencies" describes the various cultural barriers faced by the women in performing the public agencies in Saudi Arabia.... The author outlines cultural effects, such as religious obstacle, mixing with men at working place, the need for guardian's permission, etc....
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How Do Coal Seam Gas Companies Report on Corporate Social Responsibilities Issues in Australia
8 pages (2584 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "How Do Coal Seam Gas Companies Report on Corporate Social Responsibilities Issues in Australia" is an excellent example of a research paper on finance and accounting.... It is very important for a company to observe corporate social responsibility which is self-regulation that is incorporated in a business model (Van Marrewijk 2003)....
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Best Practices for Students with Learning Disability in Inclusive Schools from the US and UK
8 pages (2379 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The research "Best Practices for Students with Learning Disability in Inclusive Schools from the US and UK" is of significance in improving the teaching of students with learning disabilities in Saudi Arabia in line with recommended international/ UN standards adopted.... ... ... ... There is an increasing consensus that all children have the right to be inclusively educated....
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Effects of Economic Trend on Each Social Class
6 pages (1885 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Effects of Economic Trend on Each Social Class" focuses on the research question concerning how economic trends affect the various social classes.... It also covers the sample size, procedure for data collection, and the procedure for data analysis.... ... ... ... In this research, the dependent variables are the social factors; an individual's household expenditure is dependent upon his income level as influenced by the economic trends....
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Juvenile Delinquency and the Family Structure
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Juvenile Delinquency and the Family Structure" states that researchers have asserted that precious and large amounts of resources have been spent on policies and programs that are ineffective, in order to reduce the occurrence of juvenile delinquency (Petty 2009).... .... ... ... The method that shall be used for data collection in this research shall include the use of questionnaires, specifically open-ended questionnaires....
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What Kind of Audit Rotation Is Preferred by the UK Companies and How Can Be Efficiency
10 pages (28 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "What Kind of Audit Rotation Is Preferred by the UK Companies and How Can Be Efficiency" is a perfect example of a research proposal on finance and accounting.... The audit quality of a firm increases invariably with its tenure.... In audit rotation, independent auditors of a firm are replaced once in a while....
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American Films and the Chinese Culture
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research is meant to critically explore and exhaust the influence that films, especially those in the US have on the perceptions of people for the Chinese culture.... The basic and main purpose of this research is to critically analyze and evaluate how people perceive the Chinese culture.... ...
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The Importance of Foreign Artists in Nationalism
13 pages (3683 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Importance of Foreign Artists in Nationalism' presents nationalism as the spirit of belonging that exists in the whole nation.... It is what contributes loyalty to their country.... There are many factors behind strong nationalism, but arts take center stage.... ... ... ... The works of art whether written, painted or oral depicts the aspects of the nation....
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Learning Environment for Learning UML
10 pages (3287 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Learning Environment for Learning UML" focuses on Unified Modelling Language (UML) is amongst the most popular Object Oriented (OO) design languages.... However, students who are attempting to learn UML find it difficult to comprehend its concepts.... ... ... ... The study intends to find out whether providing a collaborative learning environment through the use of a multi-touch interface improves the learning capabilities of students for creating UML-State diagrams....
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Bond between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Telecommunication Industry
9 pages (2772 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Bond between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Telecommunication Industry' is an intriguing example of a finance & accounting research proposal.... Companies have adapted to the initiative of being socially responsible.... In the past, many companies focused on maximizing profits....
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Use of the Internet and the Worth of a Degree
4 pages (1685 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Use of the Internet and the Worth of a Degree" reports that the use of the Internet for cheating by students occurs in all branches and levels of study.... Educational institutions tend to downplay the issue of the use of the Internet for academic cheating,.... ... ... Students and the teaching faculty are the participants of this research....
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Breastfeeding and the Risk of Asthma in Australian Children
5 pages (1683 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
.... ... ... The paper 'Breastfeeding and the Risk of Asthma in Australian Children' is a spectacular variant of a research proposal on health sciences & medicine.... Asthma is one of the leading causes of admission to hospital in Australian children.... This may be increased by such factors as being male, low birth weight, young maternal age, maternal smoking, and early termination of breastfeeding....
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Employer Branding and its Effectiveness at Dynamic TV Network Limited
5 pages (1572 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The "Employer Branding and its Effectiveness at Dynamic TV Network Limited" paper analyzes the effectiveness of the employer branding strategies that have been implemented by the organization on their employees.... This research would provide answers regarding the employer branding strategy.... ....
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The Promise of Protein Microarray Technology
4 pages (1132 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Promise of Protein Microarray Technology" discusses the generation of protein targets and ligands that will arise more possibilities of using this technique in protein research.... Two major fields will be most benefitted, proteomic research and diagnostic applications....
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Global Credit Crisis and Emiratization
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper contains a research proposal for the study titled "Global Credit Crisis and Emiratization".... The author examines the research approach and perspective, types of data to be used in the study, data requirements, research methods, and rationale for using questionnaire.... ... ... ... The approach is best suited for the objectives of the research which are to study the causes and consequences of the law of restricting the lay-off of emirates citizens and the global credit crisis....
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Electronic Terrorism and International Relations in Saudi Arabia
8 pages (2237 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Electronic Terrorism and International Relations in Saudi Arabia" is an outstanding example of a military research proposal.... Electronic terrorism involves acts of terrorism that are committed through the use of computers.... This is different from ordinary terrorism that involves terrorist groups and armed attacks (Wehrey, 2013)....
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Relationship between Cardiovascular Disease and Breast Cancer Risks
7 pages (2037 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Relationship between Cardiovascular Disease and Breast Cancer Risks" establishes a possible pattern and correlation between cardiovascular disease and breast cancer.... For the research to be adequately carried out, a sample of 680 women was used all of whom were post-menopausal.... ... ...
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Over-Nutrition, Obesity and Inflammation
8 pages (2309 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Over-Nutrition, Obesity, and Inflammation" explains how obesity affects inflammation, what insulin resistance involves, and subsequently the interventions to eradicate obesity.... Interventions discussed include surgical and non-surgical approaches.... .... ... ... Obesity turns out to be a major challenge in the world and more so in Australia as a country....
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Effects of Herbal Products on Perception or Memory
6 pages (2168 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research paper "Effects of Herbal Products on Perception or Memory" discusses cannabis as one of the controversial herbal products used across the globe both for medicinal and recreational purposes, that faces a heated debate on whether to legalize the drug for use for medicinal purposes.... ...
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Do Futures and Options Trading Increase Stock Market Volatility
8 pages (2321 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Do Futures and Options Trading Increase Stock Market Volatility" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... The basic objective of the study is to actually assess the impact of introducing index futures and options contracts on the volatility of the different underlying stock index in India....
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Customer loyalty Tesco Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The objective of the study "Customer loyalty Tesco Case Study" is to determine the customer expectation in the services industry with particular relevance to grocery retail sector.... This would help the retailers to enhance their service offerings and improve the sector.... ... ... ... Retail shopping has undergone tremendous change from the traditional shopping customs and the sector has become intensely competitive....
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The Impact of Group Support on Stress in the Workplace
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Impact of Group Support on Stress in the Workplace" focuses on the impact of group support on stressing the workplace as one such current issues that are of concern to the global community, providing the researcher with a plethora of study material.... ... ... ... The individual participants in this study will be selected based upon their professional qualifications, and they will be invited to participate in an in-depth personal interview with the researcher....
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Comparison of Online Banking on The Differences between Males and Females
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal describes online banking on the differences between males and females.... This paper analyses different kinds of banking, history of internet banking, different factors that affect it, services, attacks, and countermeasures, and usage of online banking.... ... ... ... Online banking has with it brought great change on how financial and non-financial transactions are carried out today everywhere in the world....
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What Are the Factors Affecting the Location of a Shopping Mall
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This report aims at identifying the best possible methodology for location selection for a shopping mall.... Location is one of the four pillars of success in the retail industry.... Investors have a different attitude to location and thus a more judgemental analysis must be undertaken.... ... ... ...
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Using Cognitive Learning Approaches in Developing EFL strategies in Secondary Schools
11 pages (3466 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper "Using Cognitive Learning Approaches in Developing EFL strategies in Secondary Schools" seeks to critically investigate the efficacy of using cognitive academic language learning techniques of teaching and learning English in KSA secondary schools.... ... ... ... The problem of the best approach to developing EFL learning strategic listening and comprehension skills in Saudi secondary schools has attracted research attention due to the conflicting reasons that have been provided by various researchers who have endeavored to study this problem (Al-Musallam and Ibrahim 152)....
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Heat Stress Morbidity and Mortality Mitigation at the Hajj
10 pages (2814 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The "Heat Stress Morbidity and Mortality Mitigation at the Hajj" paper contributes to a reduction in mortality and morbidity resulting from heat stress during the Hajj by identifying from the literature the range of risk factors and remedial strategies.... ... ... ... The Hajj is the largest annual gathering of people in the world (over 2....
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