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An Aspect of the Career by Roger B Taney
16 pages (4073 words) , Download 0 , Article
A military officer has no right to arrest and detain a person not subject to the rules and articles of war, for an offence against the laws of the United States, except in aid of the judicial authority, and subject to its control; and if the party be arrested by the military, it is the duty of the officer to deliver him over immediately to the civil authority, to be dealt with according to law....
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Community Corrections and Re-entry
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Community Corrections and Re-entry Name: Institution: Article One-The Evolution of Community Corrections: The Enduring Influence of the Prison.... This article follows how these community corrections have evolved since their first emergence in the mid 19th century.... ... ... ... According to the authors of this article, prisons have an outstanding influence on community-based correction methods and, therefore, to understand their evolution, one needs to consider this connection....
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Violent Media Is Good for Kids by Gerard Jones
3 pages (781 words) , Download 11 , Article
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that in his article, 'Violent Media is Good for Kids,' Gerard Jones has proffered his thesis that exposing young children to stories of violence is not as bad as society would have us believe.... ... ... ... Though what Jones asserts is a novel idea, and though his personal experience proves that violent media is good for children, however, he has not provided any basis for coming to this conclusion....
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Client Attachment to Therapist
3 pages (954 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Client Attachment to Therapist" inspects the relations between clients and the therapist as well as the recollections of parental caregiving, level of attachment to therapists after varying durations and related the findings to parental caregiving.... ... ... ... The study was done by Woodhouse, Schlosser, Crook, Ligero, and Gelso and it involved 51 participants who were undergoing therapy sessions....
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Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation
4 pages (1163 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation" focuses on studies on corporate entrepreneurship is that the modern business environment is fast changing thus requires an organizational culture that supports innovations through corporate entrepreneurship.... ... ... ... The aim of this review is to evaluate what existing literature discusses about corporate entrepreneurship and innovation....
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International and Comparative Management
12 pages (3480 words) , Download 1 , Article
In McDonalds Taylorian principles have been applied for three purposes: development of workman and scientific education, the way of performing each task and the system of rewarding so that goals can be met.... The writer of this article "International and Comparative Management" focuses on defining the concept of scientific management....
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Quality Management
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The purpose of the Learners Log Book (LLB) is to document the achievements of the learner in a central repository that will be considered as evidence on the effectiveness of the learning process.... It is a monitoring tool that e-tutors use to report on individual learners progress.... ... ... There are templates which will reflect whether learners read, whether they understand, whether they assimilate the knowledge, whether they develop enquiry ability, whether they have the potential to conduct critical thinking and Learner Log Book Quality Management Tools & Techniques LLB I....
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Adapting Kohlberg to Enhance the Assessment of Managers' Moral Reasoning by James Weber
3 pages (795 words) , Download 0 , Article
The purpose of this review is to provide the readers with a concise summary of the most significant points of the article,.... ... ... some background information, evaluate the text using a detailed examination of its strong as well as weak points and give a comprehensive summary of the analysis that was performed....
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Net Present Value by James Hutchinson
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article states that NPV is a good measure for both profit and not-for-profit business organizations for capital budgeting and investment appraisal related issues.... As the title of the article suggests, this article talks about how NPV has been adopted by Electric COOPERATIVES.... ... ... ... The given article states that there are only two problems in the NPV system as a result of which this method is not very common among COOPERATIVE firms....
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Influence on Job in Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership Style and Employee Readiness by Jui-Chen
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Article
The article under the title "Ethics in Leadership effectiveness, leadership style by Jui-Chen Chen" presents that excerpted from the article Leadership effectiveness, leadership style, and employee readiness written by Jui-Chen Chen and Colin Silverthorne (2005).... ... ... ... The article under analysis researches the relationship between the Situational Leadership Theory (SLT), as well as the effect that leadership itself has on organizations, departments, teams, and work climate and atmosphere....
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Biographical Omissions: The Case of a Beautiful Mind and the Search for Authenticity
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Biographical Omissions: The Case of a Beautiful Mind and the Search for Authenticity: Summary: The issue being raised by this article relates to the authenticity of the movie with relation to the life story of John Forbes Nash.... John Forbes Nash is the man behind the movie....
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The Office: 1950 to the Present by Christopher Budd
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Office: 1950 to the Present by Christopher Budd" highlights the changes in offices' and artifacts' building methods that occurred from the 1950s to 2000.... Analyzing the different factors will focus on the core points that have been discussed in the article observed.... ... ... ... This review analyses the journal article titled 'The Office: 1950 to the Present' by Christopher Budd....
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The Slippery Slope Begins
5 pages (1369 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Slippery Slope Begins" highlights that the article uses ethos in that it brings out well-detailed arguments as to why the U.... policy on war with ISIS is changing.... This is captured by this statement, 'For instance, written testimony from White House had his signature.... ... ... ...
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Man: The Invisible Gendered Subject by S. Whitehead
2 pages (655 words) , Download 2 , Article
The first is men do not have the same issues as women performing the same job.... The paper 'Man: The Invisible Gendered Subject by S.... Whitehead' looks at the feminist movement, which has changed the way men and women view women.... However, according to Stephen Whitehead, a true change will only occur when men change their way of thinking towards themselves....
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Interview with James
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In performing any stock evaluation an individual need to have an exceptional and competent foundation in mathematics.... James O shaughnessy became interested in quantitative investment metrics through his brilliant young age mathematics background that conclusively contributed to passion in qualitative analysis (OShaughnessy and Ritholtz 4:18)....
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The Career of Celia Cruz
2 pages (509 words) , Download 2 , Article
From the later 1970s until the early 2000s, Celia toured around the world, performing in multiple concerts and television shows.... The paper "The Career of Celia Cruz" discusses that Celia was an inspiration to females and African Americans in numerous artistic professions.... Though she died on July 16, 2003, from a brain tumor, she left behind a legacy that still lives on in the world of salsa music....
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Multiple Criteria Decision Making
1 pages (462 words) , Download 0 , Article
As time lapsed, I experienced serious problems balancing between commitments to my partner and performing my academic responsibilities effectively.... As the paper "Multiple Criteria Decision Making" tells, decision-making is a cognitive process of identifying, analyzing, and settling on an option as the best way to resolve a particular problem or challenge faced....
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Business Administration of Small Businesses
2 pages (603 words) , Download 3 , Article
While performing these functions, the business administrator must search the environment for potential growth and expansion, and financial viability.... The paper "Business Administration of Small Businesses" discusses that effective management is crucial to the growth and management of any enterprise....
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Measuring Compliance With Tobacco-Free Campus Policy by Amanda Fallin
3 pages (898 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article Measuring Compliance With Tobacco-Free Campus Policy by Amanda Fallin et al (2012) in the Journal of American College Health focuses at analyzing the implications of smoking in the United States.... With more than 450,000 deaths in 2005 due to smoking, the authors.... ... ... While first hand smoking has notable negative effects on the health of the smokers, second hand smoking according to the article is also a major public health threat....
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Infosys Technologies: International Services Marketing
12 pages (3476 words) , Download 3 , Article
The Business Service Company renders potential services to different industries along with several functional areas like rendering services to the customers of these companies, performing the human resource functions for them, rendering services in the financial and also renders support pertaining to sales and knowledge enhancement....
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Cost and Price Analysis for Interagency Agreements
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper “Cost and Price Analysis for Interagency Agreements” is about the inter-agency dealings and how their agreements are priced.... This article serves as a guide or the foundation for the staff of an agency in conducting inter-agency transactions.... ... ... ... ... The paper is divided into two major parts....
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Unemployment in America: Historical Perspective
1 pages (382 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Unemployment in America: Historical Perspective" states that the unemployment rate witnessed a decline from 7% in November, last year to 6.... percent in January this year.... Many economists consider that the job market recovery is far from complete, yet.... ... ... ... Generally, this paper discusses information given in an article published in 'The Economist' on the topic of unemployment in America....
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Is Athleticism Linked to Brain Size
2 pages (625 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Is Athleticism Linked to Brain Size?... focuses on the critical analysis of the article on whether athleticism is linked to brain size.... The brain is the most complex organ of the human body, and many of its parts are still being studied to identify specific areas.... ... ... ... The procedure and results of the experiment are briefly explained in easy words right at the beginning of the article so that readers get maximum information in the first few seconds of reading....
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Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Article
The article discusses common drinking problems that are often described as alcoholism.... The article highlights some of the varying understandings of alcoholism with the author presenting views from college students, religious leaders, activists, and other legal authorities.... ... ... ... The author discusses the views on alcoholism in American society as well as the behavioral patterns exhibited by young people who are described as alcoholics....
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Human and Animal Relationships
1 pages (274 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article explores animal-human collusion.... It focuses exactly on the impact of a vehicle collision on wild animals during various seasons of the year and number of deaths this animals cause.... Autumn and spring, when these animals are migrating, evading hunters or looking for mates.... ... ...
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Errors and Omissions Insurance
3 pages (835 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article titles 'Errors and Omissions Insurance' and which is written Dan Vaughn and published in Liberty Directions in the Winter of.... ... ... The author aims to protect the hard work and careers of the professionals whom he defines as individuals possessing special skills and knowledge to The paper "Errors and Omissions Insurance by D....
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Caffeine may boost long-term memory
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
It specifically presents a research team's findings that caffeine increases the long term memory of the volunteers.... They are able to distinguish old and new pictures better if after.... ... ... As mentioned in the article, an average American consumes approximately 300mg of caffeine daily from sources such as tea, coffee and other energy as well as soft drinks....
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Principles of Viscosity and Lubrication by Escobar
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Principles of Viscosity and Lubrication by Escobar" elaborates more about viscosity and the different conditions that affect viscosity.... Escobar (2007) outlines the appropriate lubricants necessary for use in various environmental conditions.... ... ... ... The outstanding concept in the article is the various attributes of viscosity....
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Fatigue and Sleep Disturbance in HIV-Positive Women by M J Simoni et al
6 pages (1795 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Fatigue and Sleep Disturbance in HIV-Positive Women by M J Simoni et al" is a delightful example of an article on nursing.... The biodemal and behavioral expertise in nursing is greatly needed in HIV/AIDS patients.... According to the report, there has been no empirical data on this yet....
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Obamas Empty Evasion by Robert Samuelson
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Obamas Empty Evasion by Robert Samuelson" discusses the deficits which are looming large over the American economy.... The fiscal deficit in the year 2010 amounted to $1.... trillion which made that Obama's words that America won't be 'buried under a mountain of debt' very hollow.... ...
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Vizir Case Analysis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Do not tell the reader what to do but describe how to perform the tools needed and why performing it will aid in diagnosis/management.... Do not tell the reader what to do but describe how to perform the tools needed and why performing it will aid in diagnosis/management....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Fundamentally, the inspiration for performing tasks on.... Fundamentally, the inspiration for performing tasks on intrinsic motivation is inherent in the actions.... The enjoyment, which people experience, is sufficient to enable them to endeavor to perform the activities in the future (Brown, 2007)....
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The Issue of Global Warming
1 pages (285 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper focuses on global warming which occurs when the atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide.... The increase of temperature on the earth is due to the burning of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.... In addition, there are changes in climate and this has been caused by the shifts in orbit....
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New Curriculum from Teaching Tolerance
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The audience is able to find out at the outset what the article is about.... The content is short in length but precisely conveys the message of the author.... The author has wisely used the font and.... ... ... “online” in the first paragraph is in small letters whereas “FREE” is in capital as money is usually the biggest concern for the consumers. ...
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Consensus: the Impossible Goal
6 pages (1827 words) , Download 1 , Article
The "Consensus: the Impossible Goal" paper critically assesses Wildavsky's theory of two presidencies, one foreign and one domestic policy with reference to America President Bill Clinton and George w.... Bush.... Consensus on policy initiatives remains the stated goal of every incoming president....
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Coffee Wars in India - Cafe Coffee Day Takes on the Global Brands by Yoffie and Bijlani
8 pages (2528 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper ''Coffee Wars in India - Café Coffee Day Takes on the Global Brands by Yoffie and Bijlani' is a dramatic variant of the article on marketing.... This essay is an analysis of the case titled 'Coffee Wars in India: Café Coffee Day Takes on the Global Brands' by Yoffie and Bijlani (2014)....
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Associations of Television Content Type and Obesity in Children
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article is titled 'Associations of Television Content Type and Obesity in Children.... This article was written by two different authors.... These include Zimmerman Frederic, PhD, and Bell.... ... ... Zimmerman Frederic is a professor in the Department of Health Services at the University of California Los Angeles....
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Denial as a Common Problem in Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
2 pages (536 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Denial as a Common Problem in Alcoholism and Drug Abuse" states that alcoholics should desist from expressing denial, especially when other people can clearly see it.... Admitting that one is an alcoholic goes a long way in ensuring that they overcome this problem.... ... ... ... Alcoholics who are severely affected by the problem tend to express a lot of denials compared to those who show mild effects of the problem....
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The Diamond In the Sky
8 pages (2165 words) , Download 0 , Article
The writer of the paper 'The Diamond in the Sky' states that planes usually must follow a given track.... Thus, it is important that the pilots have acquaintance with the instruments in case one fails they can safely land the plane on a given track without any casualties and with ease.... ... ... ...
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Price Drop of Chrysler 200, Dodge Journey and Dodge Avenger
4 pages (1195 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Price Drop of Chrysler 200, Dodge Journey and Dodge Avenger" primarily deals with the pricing competition in the automobile industry specifically in the midsize vehicle segments.... Chrysler has attempted to reduce the sales prices of its multiple new models.... ... ... ... This article mainly addresses Chrysler's strategy pricing strategy for 2012 in order to combat the intensified competition from the market leaders in the midsize SUV segment....
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U.S. Childhood Obesity and Climate Change
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
Galvez and Perry E.... Sheffield.... It objectively defines some of the causes of paediatric morbidity where it pays much attention to childhood obesity.... In determining the impact of climate change on the health of children in the United States,.... ... ... According to this article, physical appearance and provision of specific neighbor amenities including sidewalks and bicycle paths encourages the neighborhood to undertake Childhood Obesity And Climate Change al Affiliation Childhood Obesity and Climate Change The article was co ed by Maida P....
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Opportunities and Barriers to Successful Learning Transfer
8 pages (2287 words) , Download 1 , Article
The purpose of the paper "Opportunities and Barriers to Successful Learning Transfer" studies E.... Meyer, A.... Lees, D.... Humphris, and N.... .... Connell's ideas on the effect of critical care skills training on nursing practice for nurses working in the ward.... ... ... ... This paper offers a critical analysis of the research article 'Opportunities and Barriers to Successful Learning Transfer: Impact of Critical Care Skills Training by Edgar Meyer, Amanda Lees, Debra Humphris, and N....
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The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Exposure
1 pages (523 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Exposure" discusses that the article would be aesthetically pleasing and not a strain on the reader's eyes if there were two columns than just one long column.... This way the audience reads the article in a consistent manner; that is, from left to right....
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Advancement of Home Networking
2 pages (603 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Advancement of Home Networking" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the advancement of home networking.... Networking at home has followed the same path similar to other varied and even complex technological capabilities.... ... ... ... The core intention of the network at home was merely for teleworking....
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Using foreign financial statements
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article is about a very important field in contemporary financial world,the skills' requirements to read financial statements of foreign companies and extracting information of interest from these financials.... he article presents some techniques that organizations usually employ when their financial statements are provided to foreign users....
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Analysis of the Colombian Peace Process
9 pages (2498 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Analysis of the Colombian Peace Process" discusses that an all-inclusive transitional justice agreement may promote a virtuous cycle of steady anticipations concerning its legal feasibility, and result in a reliable reconciliation path that serves the interests of the FARC and the state....
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Individual Creativity in the Workplace
5 pages (1332 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper ''Individual Creativity in the Workplace'' tells us that the article 'Factors influencing individual creativity in the workplace: an examination of quantitative empirical research' by Toby Marshall Egan published in 'Advances in Developing human resources' in May 2005, talks about the importance of individual creativity....
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Eco-friendly Bulbs
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Eco-friendly Bulbs" discusses an article written by Zolfagharifard Ellie that was published by Daily Mail on October 17, 2014, titled, 'Are eco-friendly bulbs BAD for the environment?... LEDs attract 50% more insects and could damage ecosystems'....
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Sheet Metal Processing
33 pages (6312 words) , Article
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The paper "Sheet Metal Processing" tells that processes involve cutting operations, bending operations, and drawing.... Cutting operations involve shearing to separate large sheets and blanking to cut out of sheet metal part perimeters.... It also involves punching to create holes in the sheet metal....
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Conditions that Contribute to Successful Peacekeeping Operations
8 pages (2328 words) , Download 1 , Article
"Conditions that Contribute to Successful Peacekeeping Operations" paper states that when a conflict occurs that undermines human rights, it is always better to try other peacebuilding options like negotiations and sanction before deciding to use military actions.... .... ... ... Most of the peacekeeping operations in the recent past have been very successful with almost 90% of them achieving their objective....
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