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Can American Management Concepts Work in Russia
10 pages (2855 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Consequently, the patterns and beliefs held by People in a particular region forms part of that region's culture; hence it to some extent establishes how persons in that area behave (Schein, 2006). ... In the wake of globalisation, it has become necessary for an organisation seeking to do business in a host country to have knowledge of local culture to triumph....
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Accounting Cycle at Rota
6 pages (1618 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This organization was formed in 2005 and portrays a world where all young People are given equal educational opportunities.... This organization was formed in 2005 and portrays a world where all young People are given equal educational opportunities.... Reach Out to Asia in present scenario works in coordination with volunteers, local communities and partners to ensure that People who are highly affected by any form of crisis in Asia or across the globe is given relevant access to superior quality education....
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Strategic Human Resources - a New Source for Competitive Advantage in the Global Arena
5 pages (1551 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Organizations have realized the increasing importance of People and their management as the major player in competitive advantage.... Organizations have realized the increasing importance of People and their management as the major player in competitive advantage.... rganizations have realized the increasing importance of People and their management as the major player in competitive advantage.... On a theory based on economy, the supply and demand of labor are heterogeneous such that organizations need different jobs that need varied skills, and that People vary in both level and types of skills....
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English Schools Foundation in Mainland China
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The People now desperately want to study foreign languages because proficiency in them is a must if they want to retain their leadership and sell their products in other countries.... The People now desperately want to study foreign languages because proficiency in them is a must if they want to retain their leadership and sell their products in other countries....
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Searching Information in Google
3 pages (783 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
The case study "Searching for Revenue - Google," reflects that People around the globe access Google nearly 200 million times each day to perform searches (111).... The paper "Searching Information in Google" states that Google's search results are examples of analytical information....
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Legislative Initiative Plan From Senator Anitere Flores
8 pages (2550 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In the past, the health sector has taken care of health, despite the fact that the disease burden is related to the conditions in which the majority of People grew, working, living, or even age factor.... In the past, the health sector has taken care of health, despite the factual that the diseases burden are related to the conditions in which majority of People grew, working, living or even age factor.... Medical care can have a prolonged survival after having some serious diseases, but the economic and social conditions that is affecting whether People become ill are more important for gaining health in the population as a whole (WHO, 2005)....
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Physical Development Of Adolescents
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
There is also the need to be associated with a certain group of People and in most cases it's a group of People with whom one shares the same interests or goals.... Adolescence is the transition from childhood to adulthood.... The prime purpose of the paper "Physical Development Of Adolescents" is to discuss a series of physical, social and emotional developmental changes that adolescents are bound to undergo in this period....
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Enhancing and Improving the HIV/AIDS Situation in Malawi
8 pages (2239 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Enhancing and Improving the HIV/AIDS Situation in Malawi" states that the promotion of female education will support the elimination of poverty and enhance equality which is essential for the attainment of some degree of responsibility in the sex life of People in Malawi.... % of the People in Malawi live below the poverty line.... This is extremely low and compares to the monthly GDP of People from many middle income countries.... This is because most People with little knowledge about the risks and spread of HIV/AIDS often take up decisions and actions that promote the spread of HIV/AIDS....
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Abnormal Psychology
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Beethoven besides hard work coupled with passion for what he did diverse People whom he interacted with from childhood profoundly continued to influence him (Knapp & Medforth, 2012).... In addition, diverse People whom Beethoven encountered in his career influenced him via training and even offering encouragement.... This is because most of the People whom he had confidence in did not reside within his locality.... This is via evading social interactions where People might mistook him to be absent minded, which they did on his revealing that he was a deaf person....
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Cannell Ltd Case Study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Cannell Ltd Case Study (a) Cannell Ltd is a company that requires a lot of manual labour in order to produce its range of soaps, shampoos and other complimentary toiletries.... Labour costs are currently quite high at 47 percent of total cost, so Cannell Ltd needs to find a way to reduce this percentage....
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Catatech Industries: The Question of Electronic Commerce
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
They employ former electricians among their sales force in order to have sales People who understand the product.... Running Head: CASE STUDY: CATATECH INDUSTRIES 1 Case Study: Catatech Industries and Entering into the Online Sales Market Name Class Date Case Study: Catatech Industries and Entering into the Online Sales Market Catatech Industries is an international leader in manufacturing and distributing electric measuring tools....
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Cars after Financialization: Financial Under-Performance, Constraints, and Consequences
9 pages (2632 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The political parties constitute of various representatives of People, who clearly understand the challenges that People are facing and the financial strategies that can be applied to improve their living standards.... ustomer oriented organizations such as those in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry is considered to be the organizations where the administrators or managers are concerned with the needs of the clients and the People they service or serve....
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Hamilton Investment Company Expansion Program in China
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
rowd funding is the process through which People come together to pool resources to fund a set project.... To establish whether crowd funding is a viable source of venture capital, it is important to establish whether there are enough People (market) willing and able to make contributions to purchase equity in business start-ups.... Though it is possible to suppose that the two groups of People, private company employees and civil servants, may have the money required to make the investments, emphasis should be checked to ensure that the role of information in influencing their investment decisions is not overlooked....
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Buyer Behaviour Analysis, The Psychology of Buying
10 pages (2879 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
urthermore, regarding emotional view, it can be stated that it is related to the impulsive buying behaviour of the People.... It is often observed that People tend to purchase and spend their money on the basis of their emotions.... People purchase things when they are sad or happy just to lighten up their emotions....
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Application of Leadership and Management Development Theories in Hawksmoor Restaurants
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Great Man Theory is based on the perception that, leaders are unique and special People in the society.... This paper "Application of Leadership and Management Development Theories in Hawksmoor Restaurants" focuses on the fact that over the years, the issues of the application of conventional leadership in companies especially in the UK have raised infinite deliberations among global professionals....
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The Geek Squad
2 pages (500 words) , Download 15 , Case Study
Another prominent consideration is economic trends; if the economy improves more People that previously didn't will purchase technology products.... The paper "The Geek Squad" describes that there are a number of promotional activities that could be used to encourage consumers who use independent installers to switch to Geek Squad....
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The Success of an Organization
10 pages (2967 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Following the increasing number of People with chronic diseases, long life expectancy and advance in medical technology, the number of needed nurses is increasing every day.... This implies that these People are very important for the success of an organization.... Customers are happy when dealing with People they have met before.... This can be attributed to the fact these People deal directly with customers and the needs of the customers must be met at all times for a restaurant to remain in the market....
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Learning Practice and Leadership Capacity at Hail University School of Education
16 pages (4656 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Learning Practice and Leadership Capacity at Ha'il University School of Education" reflects key issues involved in the development of leadership capacity in Saudi Higher Education include improved leadership training and experience in the high education institutions among others.... .... ...
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The Strategic Analysis of Coca-cola
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Many People worldwide are practicing healthier lifestyles; for this reason, the non-alcoholic beverage industry has been affected.... Many People are switching to bottle water and diet colas instead of beer and other alcoholic beverages.... The purpose of this study is to analyze the business strategy of the Coca-cola Company....
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Collective bargaining agreement case study
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
Factors such as salaries differ, and Andover, our school, seems to have better terms that suit teachers better.... There is an increase in the.... ... ... In terms of vacations and holidays, Andover has better terms that point out the specific periods set for holidays.... The workload of Greenfield School is more elaborate, considering a Case Study: Collective Bargaining Agreement al Affiliation Case Study: Collective Bargaining Agreement Key Issues GREENFIELD SCHOOLANDOVER SCHOOLWorkloadAssessed through considerations of a number of factors1....
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Corporate Governance Failure at Satyam Computer Services
9 pages (2726 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Solacing the shareholders was prerequisite as it would have prohibited them to take a drastic and serious measurer against the management of Satyam by filing suit against the company People.... "Corporate Governance Failure at Satyam Computer Services paper analyzes the code of ethics of the Australian accounting profession, corporate governance mechanism concerning OECD principles, and corporate governance mechanism as remedial measures in Satyam corporation ltd....
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Xerox Corporations Causes of Failure
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
There may be external causes but the bottom line is the responsibility of these People given the power to change the course of events if they could.... The paper 'Xerox Corporation's Causes of Failure' seeks to evaluate a company which is incorporated in New York.... It is engaged in the manufacture, sale, and lease of document imaging products, services, and supplies in the United States....
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Race and Ethnic Relations in Ferguson
6 pages (1596 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The violent attack on the police against brown and black People of color is not unfamiliar, but, rather a norm in Ferguson.... It communicates sharply that the brown and black People need policing, rather than violence that is state-sanctioned as a response to the brutality they undergo.... In his power, he struggled to determine what he could do as the first president of America who is equally black as the oppressed People.... Without legislations, token politicians, executive orders and verbal platitudes to protect the oppressed People, any capitalist system will fail for lack of those to super-exploit as the workforce....
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The Relevance of the Law Enforcement Code
9 pages (2609 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Act utilitarianism is a utilitarian theory of ethics which do state that the morally right action is the one which will always produces the greatest value of happiness for the greatest number of People.... Utilitarianism has been generally accused of justifying exploitation of a group of People already disadvantaged.... The officers are expected to protect lives and property as well as People from deception, oppression, and intimidation....
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The Viability of the Current Organizational Structure of the Company Aquarius Advertising Agency
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The Viability of the Current Organizational Structure of the Company Aquarius Advertising Agency" highlights that the organization should work towards an open culture where the employees start to replace confrontational attitudes with those of consideration and care for each other.... ....
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SWOT and Pestel Analysis of IMAX Corporation
8 pages (2466 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Out of this if People who didn't watch atleast a movie in one year, then the figure goes to 8.... People are highly tech savvy.... he segment of IMAX viewers consist of the following segments of People ... The paper "SWOT and Pestel Analysis of IMAX Corporation" highlights that giant screen formats require huge investment in technology....
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Nat Turner's Trial
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Some of the fifty five People murdered were Joseph Travers, his wife and their three children, Mrs.... Similarly, People today have to follow the laws of the land or else they will meted the corresponding penalties, fines, prison terms or even death.... Currently, African Americans are free....
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Women Discrimination
9 pages (2397 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In India, similar gesture of men against women has been noted by a number of researches, as both countries have similar cultural practices and constitute of villages and illiterate People in these areas.... n urban areas of Pakistan, studies have indicated that People are more aware and literate, and therefore, a majority of women is provided with facilities of education.... As earlier mentioned in the paper that gradual changes have been observed in attitudes of People towards women; however, still, majority of women confronts many difficulties in their participation in sports due to a number of factors, which will be discussed in following section of the paper....
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Operational Management in W L Gore & Associates
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper "Operational Management in W L Gore & Associates" highlights that W L Gore & Associates has the strategic opportunity to compete with low-cost rivals and fulfil requirements of price-sensitive customers by synchronizing marketing activity, operation management and supply chain network.... ...
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Management of Juicy Red Tomato
5 pages (1406 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
If People/employees do not understand their new job responsibilities, descriptions, specific goals for specific positions, authority and relationships, they may not perform effectively and efficiently and the organizational structure will collapse (Koontz & Weihrich, 2004).... Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman (1982), emphasizes on a coherent culture having decentralize decision making, broadly defined decentralize authority, People selected on the basis of performance, participative leadership, communication flow is top-down, bottom-up, horizontal and diagonal features enhance the effective and efficiency of any organization....
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The Leadership Methods Used in the Nandos Corporation
7 pages (2046 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Each restaurant has about two People in charge of human resources issues and training.... This theory believes that leadership is an innate quality that People are born with.... This approach focuses on the concept that People do things with the hope of a reward....
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Developing a Personality
5 pages (1301 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
For example when a young child sees the elderly yelling with hostility to other People, he will later acquire the behavior and develop it later in future.... Erik explains Freud's theory as a social reflect of affiliated desire to other People.... For example shy individuals may later become social oriented in that, after interacting with the People around the change of behavior develops and hence makes the individual understands his personality better....
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Communication Barrier at 2 Sister Foods Group
12 pages (3758 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The food industry sector employs a significant number of People.... In this context, communication is viewed as meaningful interaction among the People in an organization.... Typical examples of People who argue this way are those who uphold the linear model of communication.... It also needs to be positive to ensure that there will be future communication between the same People of whom the communication was taking place.... The questionnaires established the communication barriers the business People have while dealing with customers in organizations....
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Reflective Journaling on Bachelor of Social Work
9 pages (2383 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Generally, the efficiency in the application of these theories is primarily determined by the nature of a case, the People involved and the efficiency of the level as may be required by the situation.... eadership skills are required in order to harmonize and streamline the People and processes within the organization to the desired ends of the project (Miller, 2005).... The People who suffer in that situation could comprise of both adults and children....
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Chessington World of Adventure
11 pages (2924 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It is considered to be an enjoyable place catering to the needs of People of all ages.... Because of this role, the amusements parks will be flocked by many People.... It is considered to be enjoyable place catering to the needs of People of all ages.... That is, People would have already built an image for Chessington Park as the one which includes rides and other attractions, and now if it is marketed as one which also includes food, play areas for children, etc, it would surely entice more customers....
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Worker Compensation Case Study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In essence, an employee disabled within a company receives two-thirds of their salary and may receive more compensation if they were the sole bread winners for their families or having People who depended on them.... Lung cancer Worker compensation ... sbestos and lung cancer have over the years had significant relations in terms of cause and body harm....
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Mental Health Assessment and Intervention
10 pages (3048 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
He got admitted at the Placid Palms facility for the aged which is a health clinic for People with mental illnesses.... Smith is not exempted from showing behaviours that make him withdrawn from the People around him.... Mental Health Assessment and Intervention for People With Complex Communication Needs Associated With Developmental Disabilities....
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Leadership and Innovation in Tesco and Apple
7 pages (2046 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
s a leader at Tesco I will design a process of innovation by creating an organizational environment where other People will apply innovative thinking in solving problems and developing new services and products.... At Apple, innovation involves designing simple products that People are able to use.... Designing of simple products has enhanced Apple's success business success because the company has been focusing on what it thinks People want and need, and how they interact with computers....
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How Has John Wayne Gacy Become the Killer Clown
6 pages (1578 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Indeed, if it had not been for the presence of other People, a considerable number of features which are seen as characteristic to our kind could not have developed.... Sometimes he would torture the People he captured. ... However, some People might decide that they do not want to obey these restrictions and deliberately break the law. ... Nevertheless, from the point of view of biosocial theory, John Wayne Gacy was more predisposed to committing a violent crime than other People who did not have a drinking father who would often indulge himself in aggression to the relatives....
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Costco case study analysis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The mission of the company was offer customers goods and services that are of high quality and at the lowest prices possible.... The main.... ... ... 194). ... ... or years, Costco Company has been faced with a problem of capping its markup on brand name at fourteen percent.... The markups most of the time was a maximum of fifteen percent while those of other companies Topic: COSTCO CASE STUDY ANALYSIS During the income period of 2000 to the profits of the Costco Company increased, which shows a positive change in the company operations....
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Customers Revenge Case Study
2 pages (500 words) , Download 25 , Case Study
Atida should turn their unhappy customers into advocates and view customer complaints as an opportunity to personally engage with them and not as a bother that needs to be removed from the queue of their call centers. ... ... t present, Atida's customer service mindset is not.... ... ... Obviously, Atida's existing policy must be revised because it is not responsive to customer's needs and perceive the company as a car manufacturer and The s Revenge Read The s Revenge case study and the invited commentaries on it....
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Management at TESCO
19 pages (5334 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
It is the world's third-largest supermarket, (the largest being Wal-Mart) and employs about 444,000 People worldwide indicating the size of the company.... It is the world's third largest supermarket, (the larges being Wal-Mart) and employees about 444,000 People worldwide indicating the size of the company.... Their strategy is classified into five sections namely customer, community, operations, People and finance.... For the community the company tries to be a good neighbour for the People in the locality it operates and also behave in a responsible, fair, and honest manner....
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Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations
5 pages (1427 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The law is of interest of all People related with the business.... The study "Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations" critically analyzes the cases in the laws and regulations of business entities.... Business is a structured entity where several facts work together to generate profits....
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The Virtual Police Department
7 pages (1909 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Studies have revealed the chief officers have been appointing their relatives, friends and the People loyal to them.... Research has shown that People with high level of education are easier to train in various field than those with a low level of education.... All People should be provided with equal chances to serve in the department irrespective of the racial, ethnical or gender differences. ...
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Psychology Homework
5 pages (1456 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The job that he should put into consideration should not involve a lot of travelling around or dealing with a large number of People from time to time.... In this case, it brings about the continuous process where the primary information gained is extended and improved to the point where it can be shared by other People.... motional intelligence involves the ability to monitor personal emotions and other People's emotions....
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Order and Delivery System at Pizza Hut
15 pages (4319 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
In order for Pizza Hut examine the consumer needs and wants, investigating external and competitive patterns, determine prospective needs and wants of each consumer segment and character form, identification issues that consumer identify, People observation to discover their unrealized requirements. ...
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Barack Obama - 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidate
10 pages (2792 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
An individual cannot do anything on his own, he has to fit himself into the system and then uses it effectively for the collective benefit of the People.... We are one People, all of us pledging allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.... The increasing popularity served as a driving force for Obama who always wanted to serve the People from a high level, he ran for the Democratic Presidential Candidacy for the 2008 presidential election and won the party nomination beating Hilary Rodham Clinton....
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Psychology peculiarities of lifespan development of a female
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Erikson's developmental theory that arose on the foundations of Freud's framework portrays adolescence (which is considered to last from 13 to 19 years) as a vulnerable period of existential searches and high dependence on the way the individual might appear to other People, especially to peers.... This set of complexes hinders her normal interaction with People and ability to make new friends: she gets unconfident and abnormally shy....
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Supply Chain Management. Tehindo Tea Manufacturing Company
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
A supply chain is as system of organizations, projects, technology, People, information, and resources involved in facilitating the movement of a company's products and services from their suppliers to their consumers.... Supply Chain Management Introduction A supply chain is as system of organizations, projects, technology, People, information, and resources involved in facilitating the movement of a company's products and services from their suppliers to their consumers....
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Risk Management in Perth Area Bus Shelter
10 pages (2692 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
5 persons per hectare and with several busy roads, has a bus shelter that host several People due to its wider width and multiple inroads.... Pollution such as air pollution among many other types of pollution that results from the construction and screeching of the vehicles in the bus shelter will of health problem and People living within the area may sue the contractor for that....
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