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Unibank HRM Strategy
6 pages (1759 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In the case of Unicall just like in any other oganisation, People who are accustomed to their old ways are often hesitant to change.... Such, People are a major focus in implementing change management which Unibank should have prepared before fully introducing Unicall.... People are the major focus of organizational change because “it is the People who will ultimately cause the change to be a success or a failure.... his ineffective pay structure to reward performance is aggravated by the fact that merely relying on economic factors to motivate employee is not enough because it only addresses the biological need of People which the most basic of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Hoffman 1992)....
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Staffing and Other Issues for Continued Global Expansion
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The environmental issues are also getting bigger everyday with People vowing to cut down on air travel for environmental safety.... Who reversed the fate of a drastic airline and how It was Colin Marshall, the company's new chief Executive in 1983 who began 'putting People first' (PPF) campaign Georgiades and Macdonnell, 1998; Barsoux and Manzoni, 1997a; Salama, 1994, Leahey and Kotter, 1990).... To bring about such culture change in the organization Marshall looked at three places: ideas and concerns of the People inside and out side, he himself worked with the catering and even baggage handlers, conflicts that needed to address adaptive challenges, they (top line managers) themselves to be adaptive first (Heifetz & Laurie, 1997)....
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Emergent Strategies for Business Operation
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
The study "Emergent Strategies for Business Operation" used a discussion on the PESTEL tool and has found that whilst certain external elements give rise to emergent strategies in turbulent environments, other factors like centralized organizational structures eliminate the need for such strategies....
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Google Health and the Future of Personal Health Records
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Many People though that Google at last succeeded in developing a breakthrough product to counter the challenges from competitors.... Even though the advancements in science and technology are visible in every aspect of human life, medical science seems to be the area in which technology contributed heavily....
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Forensic Science: Jill Dando
35 pages (8750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In addressing the research questions in the Jill Dando case, it is important to give a brief description of the events that conspired in the case and the drawbacks in its determination as far as the role of expert witness evidence is considered.... ... ... ... The role of forensic evidence in the determination of cases came under criticism in the Jill Dando case that saw the conviction of Barry George, the suspect in the murder case and later to his acquittal after his third appeal that was heard with the exclusion of forensic evidence succeeded....
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Lack of Profitability in Gulf States Metal
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
?? If the People would only adapt to the new policies or rather the company's so called tough policies then the company would have been stably been generating enough profits. ... he director of engineering is soft spoken and is not very rigid in to making People follow orders....
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Drive Mark & Spencer in South Korea - Drivers for Divestment
10 pages (3076 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
wo companies failed to understand the buying behaviour of South Korean People.... The paper 'Drive Mark & Spencer in South Korea - Drivers for Divestment' is a cogent example of the marketing case study.... South Korea has very well-organized private sectors.... The country also has a very innovative, capable, dedicated, and fairly educated workforce....
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Building Sustainable Communities in the UK - Working and Living in the Mixed-use Developments
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The challenge faced by the land developers and builders today is not only to provide for the residential, entertainment and business needs of the People but also to do it in a way that takes into account the present-day lifestyles that involve a great amount of time management and multi-tasking to be carried out....
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Mental Health and Metabolic Abnormalities
9 pages (2450 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
On one hand, studies suggest that metabolic abnormalities encourages mental illness, whilst others believe People suffering from mental illness are vulnerable to metabolic disorders and weight gain.... According to the article, there is an improved awareness or recognition of the consequences of weight gain in relation to metabolic problems in young People who were on atypical antipsychotic drugs for their first-episode psychosis....
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Aspects of Child Protection Laws
5 pages (1441 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This shows that Z is confident , assertive and well read; and seems to have progressed better in terms of their cognitive development due to the support and guidance of older People (Vygotsky).... Therefore Z comes across as a gregarious child, who loves People in general and young children in particular. ...
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An Individual Who Has Abused Over the Counter Medication
6 pages (1815 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
These structures define the different patterns that occur in People's lives at given times (Human growth tripod).... The transitional period can go smooth for People or be rocky.... Patterns related to substance abuse are more likely to develop when People live under highly stressful circumstances.... ccording to a document by the Mayo Clinic Staff (Medeiros 2007), People in their teens and early 20s have a higher possibility of being addicts compared to their counterparts....
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The Plan of Care by Identification of Problems during the Assessment and the Diagnosis
10 pages (2799 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
oreover, the Commonwealth states and territories are working together to implement a range of activities that develop age-friendly practices that improve care for older People in healthcare wards.... Improved assessment, correct identification and improved and active management of older People's health needs is an important aim of these activities (Australian Government Department of Health and Aging, 2005).... Annual Report 2004-05 From hospital to home: improving care outcomes for older People under the National Action Plan....
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NIKEs Cheap Labor
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
he role of media is huge when it comes to raising awareness and preventing exploitation of People.... It concerns itself with how People feel bout that company's activities, workplace, performance, labor practices, past performance and future prospects.... The question that this study seeks to ascertain is: Was Nike at fault for unethical labor practices?...
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Value Management in Design and Construction
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
With detailed information and analysis, the People involved will be able to get a brief idea of the way project is to proceed, hence, enhancing the general output by those involved in the project.... lternative 2 - Making full use of the resources for the project, multi-tasking for the People and labor involved are a few other factors that will add value to the project.... econdly, making use of the alternative 2 will help the company keep the budget for the project under wraps, getting the work done for ten People by five....
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Methodology in Computer Science
4 pages (1271 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Phenomenology is used in qualitative research when the study is about life experiences of one or more People.... The gatekeeper allows a researcher access to documents, events, People and places needed for the study.... The paper "Methodology in Computer Science" highlights that inductive research involves making observations, identifying patterns, making tentative hypotheses about the phenomenon under study, testing the hypothesis, and deriving a theory from findings....
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Strategic Analysis of Wal-Mart
6 pages (1658 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
To add on, to date numerous People due to unfair experiences they have ever had are filling case suits with the intention of seeking justice.... They should understand demographic characteristics of potential consumers in addition to those People's preferences and financial positions....
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Production of Knowledge
6 pages (1480 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Production of knowledge occurs as a response to ideas, experiences, or information created by an individual or other People and can be subjective, objective, personal, and/or social.... The paper 'Production of Knowledge' touches upon knowledge which is generally defined as the condition or fact of knowing about something through familiarity with that entity, which is either gained through association....
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Types of Reward Systems Available to the Organization - Case of Toyota Company
12 pages (3341 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The company needs to involve People and use their unique talents.... Longer term rewards for crucial People in the organization.... The paper "Types of Reward Systems Available to the Organization - Case of Toyota Company" is a perfect example of a case study on management....
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Antenatal Teaching Plan
8 pages (2278 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The videos and audios thus could help the teaching sessions and evoke positive reactions from the attendees who may also be eager to share their own experiences with other People.... This case study "Antenatal Teaching Plan" is to provide adequate teaching lessons to first-time mothers so that they could be properly trained and well informed when they go through the process of birth and understand all the aspects of childbirth and pregnancy including how to relieve themselves or overcome pain during pregnancy....
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Corporate Strategy of Gulf Oil Spill
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
safety, People and performance.... As reported more than 11 People were killed in the blast, highlighting the accident to be the most unfortunate than any other blasts that took place in past.... During 2005, a major blast occurred in Mexico killing 15 People....
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International Business Ethics in Coca-Cola and Pepsico
9 pages (2661 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "International Business Ethics in Coca-Cola and Pepsico" discusses that in the case of Coca Cola – as well as of its competitor Pepsico – the violation of ethics can be identified by the consumers (see the results of the survey presented in the article under examination).... ...
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Organizational Change in Truelocal Site
11 pages (3070 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The object of analysis for the purpose of this paper "Organizational Change in Truelocal Site" is the fasted online business directory service in Australia.... The company operates as its own functioning business unit under the umbrella of the news digital media.... ... ... ... A controlling entity for a group of individual firms that are owned by Rupert Murdoch's news company, which is among the leading media, firms globally....
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Gender Issues in the TV Program, Retired at 35
8 pages (2169 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the first episode of the first season, we find a gender stereotype that depicts women as a more sharing and selfless gender and that they are more aware of other People's concerns than men, clearly shown by how Alan, David's father indulges in a self-destructive lifestyle of eating bacon for breakfast, smoking the morning cigar, dropping cigar ashes on the floor drinking scotch at 8.... he target audience for ‘Retired at 35' in my view, would be young People of the age late twenties to early forties both female and male with a slim positive bias to the male audience as the jokes in the series tend to be capitalized on David's bad luck, who is a thirty five year old male....
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Forms of Indirect Investing
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It is a better option for the People planning their retirement or the ones who do not have enough funds to invest in expensive properties.... When an investors is investing in a stock he may not be the only one whose money is at stake, there are several other People who have invested in that stock as well; therefore the chances of fraud and failure are very low....
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Introduction to Special Education
9 pages (2253 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
(eds) (1995) Psychosocial Disorders in Young People.... In this case study, few important points about Juan are worth noting before proceeding further into the issue of his special education.... He is in the primary school; he is bilingual; Spanish dominant for receptive language, but English dominant for expressive language....
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The Louis Vuitton Market Strategy
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
Observational research involves watching People and recording relevant facts and behaviors.... The questionnaire also provided an open answer asking the young People to write down their own personal definition of brand.... Secondly, it's bad for any kind of creativity, research and development, because if you don't protect intellectual property, why should People dedicate time and energy to create" ... "The prestige of a luxury brand gets eroded once too many People own a specific luxury product....
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Lewis Jeans: Looking Forward in an Electronic World
7 pages (2079 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
How can the company attract young People What kind of advertisement would appeal and what is the best way to reach potential customers What study can be made to determine why Lewis Jeans is losing its customer base ... The paper "Lewis Jeans: Looking Forward in an Electronic World" states that it is important for the company to know its customers for information technology extends to a system within the organization for tracking customers and shopping interests with a follow-up sheet to keep marketing trends updated....
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6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
According to the discussion decision making is mainly influenced by the leadership style which is the way managers ought to lead People in the organisation.... Decision making is mainly influenced by the leadership style which is the way managers ought to lead People in the organisation.... In this regard, the best solution would include creating a level playing field which is neither influenced by gender nor racial rhetoric which has directly resulted in deliberate undermining of other equally capable People the opportunity to prove that they too can also do the same tasks that are often ‘reserved' for the privileged in society....
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Air Accident Investigation Branch
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The code consists of five essential ethical values, which include safeguarding People and protecting life, sustainable care and management of the environment, commitment to the wellbeing of the society, sustenance of engineering knowledge, competence, integrity, and professionalism....
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Families in Lebanon
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
million People.... It is still a common practice to observe practices such as endogamy in Lebanon where marriage within People of the same descent (especially cousins) get married.... They can shun interactions between their children and People who they (parents) consider lacking class or standards....
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Strategic Hospitality Management in Hilton Hotels
6 pages (2158 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Moreover, it is estimated that for every 1000 People in the U.... hotels whereas in the Chinese market there are 14 hotels for every 1000 People.... The paper "Strategic Hospitality Management in Hilton Hotels " is a perfect example of a case study on management....
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Electroconvulsive Therapy and Mental Health
9 pages (3048 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The use of modern anaesthesia and other medications have reduced the risks of ECT to the point where it is even safe in People with co-morbid physical conditions.... Most People in the general public have negative feelings about the treatment, especially fear of side effects.... However, People who have undergone ECT generally have favourable opinions of the treatment....
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Contracts As a Common Phenomenon in the Business Sector
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
As business People make contracts, they should consider the nature of the contract so as to avoid any legal issues that may arise from such contracts.... This paper seeks to discuss a case study involving a businessman who intends to sell his lawnmowers.... In trying to do so, John finds himself faced with several contracts-related issues....
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Case study (Cost Analysis)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Case study (Cost Analysis) Name Institution Table of content Introduction………….... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
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Carles Martin in Uganda
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Different People in various countries adore different cultures which may not be in line with other People.... Different People in various countries adore different cultures which may not be in line with other People.... The situation deteriorates if the policies of the company cannot go in line with these expectations of the Ugandan People.... The People of Uganda take the religious matters seriously than anything else and therefore anything that might offend any religious group must be avoided like preparing pork as part of their meals and yet some of them have religious norms that bar them from even smelling pork....
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Corporate Social Responsibility in China
9 pages (2677 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Doing that according to Friedman would be like taxing the People and then deciding on how to use the cash (p.... The writers are of the view that in a society that People are prevented from harming others, it becomes a better community.... Another example of the broader-maximal view of CSR is when Shell China resettles about 8000 People close to an oil extraction area (Buhmann, 2005).... The company also embarked on projects that offered employment opportunities to the People....
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Consumer Behaviour: Case of Uber
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
This applies to Uber (2015a) as the company offers a number of service options at varied price points that change the vehicle types which People can request.... he other factor is sociology, where the buying of an individual tends to be influenced by the action or opinions of other People (Patel and Schlijper, 2005).... The features, convenience and non-marked vehicles offered by Uber offer some insight concerning why People use the service (Voytek, 2012)....
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Participatory Rural Appraisal
10 pages (2868 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Participatory Rural Appraisal" describes that the PRA becomes comprehensive that it not only considers rural People in order to nourish them with knowledge and education but emphasizes the overall development of the rural.... articipatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) can be defined as a learning process wherein a group of People, specifically belonging from the rural background, are engaged in activities where knowledge and education are praised as well as given huge importance to enhance or broaden up their knowledge base....
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Functionalist Perspectives Advanced by Comte, Spencer, and Durkheim
8 pages (2340 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Thus through the telephone, People are able to create the reality that the company wishes to convey to the customer.... Society and organizations of necessity define how People relate to one another, and the dynamics moving them have been the subject of management theories through the years....
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The Person-Centred Therapy
7 pages (2067 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The author of the paper "The Person-Centred Therapy" states that psychologists have discovered much that can help People accomplish their potency as human beings and increase apprehension between individuals, groups, countries, and different cultures.... Psychologists follow and note how People and other animals associated with one another and with the environment.... Psychologists follow and note how People and other animals associate to one another and to the environment....
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Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation of Ayesha
11 pages (2959 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Some People with asthma need both kinds of medications.... People with asthma can use a peak flow meter to check their breathing.... Clearly, feelings of social isolation are not normal in young People nor should they be blindly accepted.... They have a very keen sense of justice, young People do. ... Not only will having had asthma make Ayesha a stronger person in the sense that she now knows what many People struggle with when they struggle with an illness, but mentally she is preparing herself for life....
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Political Movements and Theory of Participation
10 pages (2891 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The focus of this paper "Political Movements and Theory of Participation" is on a political movement as a social group consisting of People with collective challenges and a common purpose which is of a political nature either within the national, regional, or international scope.... The author of the paper argues in a well-organized manner that political movements seek basic social, economic, and political transformations which are major concerns for the People....
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Securitization in Kuwait
13 pages (3302 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The mutual interactions between People living in the society and their economic activities are important.... There are a large number of People who live below the official income poverty line which for a family with four members (Hernon & Metoyer-Duran 45).... People in Kuwait are still struggling financially.... The ruling authorities have continued to take action on People, media as well as groups linked with dissent.... For business corporations, utilizing securitization to make the earth a better place for other People is significant....
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Shipmaster's Liability for Loss or Damage of Goods Resulting from Their Transporting
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The study "Shipmaster's Liability for Loss or Damage of Goods Resulting from Their Transporting" discusses standard salvage contracts in the international maritime community which set the criteria on which the salvage award would be based, and where and how any disputes would be settled.... .... ...
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Myths and Stories of Coles Group
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Undoubtedly, change can be resisted, to some extent by the workers or other leaders of the organization, especially if the change is forcing People to espouse new means of doing things.... This case study "Coles Group: Managing Director McLeod" focuses on the egalitarian and no-nonsense way of leadership that made McLeod a powerful leader at Coles supermarket....
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Business Plan of the Trade Name: AutoPoint
14 pages (4269 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
ames of owners: The owners of the partnership will be three People.... ocused to improve business success by targeting the older People (Baby boomers) who prefer offline media means of getting information such as magazines, newspapers and other articles. ... The paper "Business Plan of the Trade Name: AutoPoint" is a good example of a case study on business....
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PESTLE Analysis of Ford Motor Company
4 pages (1227 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Ford motor company has opened up job opportunities for many People as it currently has 201, 000 employees.... Ford motor company has opened up job opportunities for many People as it currently has 201, 000 employees.... Ford motor company has opened up job opportunities for many People as it currently has 201, 000 employees.... As more People enter the distribution channel, a wide coverage is achieved and hence increased sales....
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Chernobyl Disaster - Causes and Facts
12 pages (3332 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
About 50,000 People living near the Chernobyl plant were exposed to radiation levels of 50 rads and more (Walker 2004, p.... 184), 31 People died during the first few months due to the release of radiation inclusive of the 12 fire-fighters lost their lives from radiation poisoning.... With a proper transport and infrastructural network consisting of very comprehensive bus network, the emergency services would find it relatively easy to reach the affected People and evacuate them immediately after the explosion occurred....
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Face Care Limited
6 pages (1889 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Face Care Limited seeks to target working class men since young professional men make up 59% of the young profession; these People prefer high quality skincare products; this is a great opportunity that the company needs to be tapped.... This paper "Face Care Limited" describes the aspects of the company such as the mission, vision, core values, plan of operations, and product description....
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Nike Sweatshops and Business Ethics
15 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
It is estimated that over 900,000 million People are employed in these different companies around the world to produce Nike based products alone.... “To help Nike, incorporate and our consumers thrive in a sustainable economy where People, profit, and the planet are in balance” is the organizations vision statement.... Nike's values also agitate for collective responsibilities in the creation of vision, strategy, factories, environment and one People for the success of every individual....
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