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Moral Testimony and Its Authority
7 pages (2128 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Moral Testimony and Its Authority" discusses the philosophical premises, which can lead to either the acceptance or rejection of moral testimony in theory and practice.... Philosophical opinion has pointed out a number of objections to this proposition in the forms of moral non-cognition....
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Theater Review of Rent: Stage Production vs Cinema
8 pages (2092 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Theater Review of Rent: Stage Production vs Cinema" focuses on the critical analysis and theater review of the film Rent, comparing its stage production and cinema.... Every time Rent is performed on stage, it ends up being compared with the earlier version and viewed with contempt.... ...
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Reintegrating Job Design and Career Theory
8 pages (2471 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Reintegrating Job Design and Career Theory" explains reintegrating job design and career theory involves a variety of processes including creating smart jobs.... Job design is built on various theories that have contributed greatly to the reintegration of careers.... ... ... ... Reintegrating job design is a process that has seen diverse changes take place over the past few decades....
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Audit Committees: Can They Really Work
9 pages (2552 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Audit Committees: Can They Really Work" discusses the corporate governance process of an organization as its audit committee.... Effective Corporate Governance to me is the only way that investors can protect themselves from executives that make mistakes and try and cover them up.... ...
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Indigenous People: Rights and Identities
6 pages (1818 words) , Download 3 , Article
The main aim of this article is to discuss the struggle for the cultural identity of the descendants of native populations in America and Australia.... The article attempts to describe the political and ethical changes brought by the civilized society at the time to aborigines.... ... ... ... The struggle for identity and the fight against oppression has always lodged in the heart and mind of mankind....
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Hamlet: Shakespeares Masterpiece
8 pages (2203 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Hamlet: Shakespeares Masterpiece" focuses on the critical analysis of the illustration of some of the reasons that have made Hamlet a great success for Shakespeare.... An essential fact about the works of William Shakespeare was that he was a renowned dramatist.... ... ... ... Tennenhouse (pg....
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Cultural Impact over Hinduism in the UK
7 pages (2521 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Cultural Impact over Hinduism in the UK" focuses on the critical analysis of the problems likely to be faced by a Hindu family of six, which has migrated to the UK from India.... Migration has been a problem for all developed countries like America and the UK.... ... ... ... More and more people have been migrating from their countries, mainly because of unemployment....
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A Home-Based Nurse-Coached Inspiratory Muscle Training Intervention in Heart Failure
8 pages (2026 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "A Home-Based Nurse-Coached Inspiratory Muscle Training Intervention in Heart Failure" is research on the nurse-coached program, called Inspiratory Muscle Training Program which helps in improving the strength of inspiratory muscles.... The research is based on a selected group of people....
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Neonatal, Paediatric, and Child Health Nursing by New N and Bogossian F
8 pages (2280 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Neonatal, Paediatric, and Child Health Nursing by New N and Bogossian F" is a good example of an article on nursing.... The study purpose outlines the aim of the study (Bryanton et al.... 008).... It often appears in the abstract and at the end of the introduction.... The aim of the study was clearly and precisely presented in the abstract....
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Similarities in the General Human Resource Practices
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article 'Similarities in the General Human Resource Practices' is going to allude to the similarities and the differences in the General Human resource practices and the International Human resource management.... The main topic of debate will be the evolution of International Human resource management....
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The Religious Perspective of John Hick
9 pages (2496 words) , Download 1 , Article
The goal of the article "The Religious Perspective of John Hick" is to argue John Hick's perception of religion as expressed in his writings.... The writer of the article will critically discuss the concepts of religious pluralism and salvation as defined by Hick.... ... .... ... ... John Hick introduces the problem of studying world religions as being an issue of multiply divergent belief systems and suggests a more beneficial approach might be to look at the world religions as a means of achieving salvation....
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Travel Trade on the Internet
8 pages (2326 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper demonstrates the main advantages and disadvantages of travel trade business on the internet, as they are manifold.... .... ... ... Drastic progress in the field of information technology has changed the conventional ideas about conducting business.... The main advantage of the Internet business is that it introduces a businessman to the global market....
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Have Recent Reforms Increased Parliaments Ability to Hold the Executive to Account
9 pages (2535 words) , Download 2 , Article
The main point of this paper is that the lack of a written constitution inherently makes any 'constitutional' law reform problematic however the importance of the Act in recognizing the need to preserve the separation of powers must not be undervalued.... ... ... ... The theoretical basis for justification for the separation of powers centers on its fundamental importance to the operation of democracy....
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Newspapers and how They Attract the Next Generation
6 pages (1809 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper ''Newspapers and how They Attract the Next Generation'' tells that The success of businesses in the modern market is related to different factors.... ach sector's is considered for estimating the sector's prospects shortly.... Economic turbulence changes in customer preferences can create high uncertainty in regard....
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Hip-Hop as a Product of Post Civil Rights Era America
7 pages (1928 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Hip-Hop as a Product of Post Civil Rights Era America" highlights that the hip hop style of the 1990s had a great contribution to the musical culture of the world.... Hip hop is not only the musical style but a reflection of the way of life of its singers and listeners.... ... ... ... Snoop was the best known MC on the hip-hop scene of the West Coast and one of the most talented protégé of Dr Dre....
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Identity and Culture in Canada
10 pages (2514 words) , Download 1 , Article
The writer of the paper 'Identity and Culture in Canada' states that while language has always been a powerful symbol of identity in a culture, the fear of the language dying or a community being weakened has always created communication breakdowns, such as the case in Canada.... ... ... ... Understanding the deep meaning behind a culture's beliefs or practices would be impossible without knowing the language that people use in that culture....
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We've Got to Stamp Out Modern Slavery by Lawrence
8 pages (2333 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'We've Got to Stamp Out Modern Slavery by Lawrence' is an impressive example of a sociology article.... Modern slavery is often viewed to be an evil practice, which is still prevalent throughout the globe, but in an intellectual way, hiding from the eagle-eyed attention of social groups, both domestic and international....
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Introduction to a Land Law
8 pages (1994 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Introduction to a Land Law" discusses that Neuberger's approach is contradictory based on ways to justify proprietary estoppel.... The House of Lords should establish a law that will separate the two rules.... This will change the understanding of the terms.... .... ... ... Land being one of the most valuable assets to man has led to disputes mainly based on present and future benefits due to ownership concerns....
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National Identity in Australia
9 pages (2613 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "National Identity in Australia" highlights that Castle Ian considers the practice of multiculturalism as a factor of Australian's national identity.... Australia has no nationally based culture but accepts the existence of all cultures from different ethnic groups.... ... ... ... Richard White argued that when we look at ideas of national identity we need to ask not whether they are true or false but rather what their function is whose creation they are and whose interests they serve....
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Knife Crime in the United Kingdom
8 pages (2288 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Knife Crime in the United Kingdom" revolves around the topic of knife crimes in the United Kingdom and would evolve with a detailed conclusion as to how much alarming the situation is and what is being done by the government accordingly.... ... ... ... A knife is a tool that consists of a very sharp-edged blade which is specially used for the purpose of cutting....
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Technological Change and Innovation in Business
9 pages (2407 words) , Download 5 , Article
This article examines how organizations can help promote and leverage the use of technology and innovation.... Specifically, the document provides an overview of the strategic benefits that can be achieved by introducing innovation to high-level business operations.... ... ... ... Several organizations have international supply chains that rely heavily on the wise utilization of technology and innovation....
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The Thought of Friendship
7 pages (1955 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Thought of Friendship" discusses that Emerson's ideal of friendship is difficult to apply toward Aristotelian and Confucian concepts since the two latter concepts have a more balanced perspective of friendship, specifically between the real and transcendental.... ... ... ... Confucius would conclude that the paramount example of harmonious order would be xiao (piety), in which the essential trait would be jing (respect)....
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Business Modeling and BOS
8 pages (2138 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Business Modeling and BOS" presents that from a theoretical understanding, the perception of visual thinking refers to an approach of viewing this modern world in a distinct way.... It plays an imperative part in the creation of innovative ideas.... ... ... ... There are certain special features for which the organizations operating in this present day context are largely embracing BOS for fulfilling their desired targets....
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Persistence of Christianity in Post Communist China
8 pages (1985 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper ''Persistence of Christianity in Post Communist China'' tells that the communist regime after the 1949 revolution outlawed any religion on the basis that religion was a serious danger to normal life and reproductive activities of the people, and that religion endangered the interests of the society or the public....
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Bodily Labour among Professional Boxers by Wacquant
7 pages (1841 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Bodily Labour among Professional Boxers by Wacquant" presents work titled 'Pugs at Work: Bodily Capital and Bodily Labour among Professional Boxers.... This study was conducted so as to examine the concept of body labour whereby boxers or pugilists use their body as a form of capital....
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Team Based Organization Performance
8 pages (2101 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper ''Team Based Organization Performance'' tells us that in the recent past, organizations have opted to reorganize into teams because of the potential exhibited by teamwork.... There are increasing research initiatives that seek to understand the functionality of teams and how to maximize their performance....
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Save the Turtles by Rogene A. Buchholz
7 pages (1919 words) , Download 0 , Article
In the article 'Save the Turtles' Rogene A.... Buchholz, the author divulges the impact of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 in the people's treatment of animals.... Under this law, animals that are put on the list are given special attention for their welfare and protection.... ... ... ... There is yet to be a resolution to this dilemma....
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Miles Davis's Performance of Around Midnight
9 pages (2311 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Miles Davis's Performance of Around Midnight" states that the video puts a very relaxing feeling in one's shoes and lets the person enjoy the music to its depth.... Miles Davis transposes his message through jazz; it's a representation of black culture and a true identity of a jazz genius....
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The Potential of Mental-Health Social Workers
8 pages (2189 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Potential of Mental-Health Social Workers" describes that quantitative research plays an important role in an area where there are dependent and independent variables and tries to link them.... The main advantage of quantitative research is the reliability that it is associated with....
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Guidelines for Individual Developmental Plan: Self Awareness and Cross Culture
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper stresses that there has been a lot of debate pertaining to the cultural differences among people.... Due to globalization and migration of people, a lot of countries have now undergone multiculturalism.... The United States is considered as a highly multi-cultured country.... ... ... ... As the discussion declares, having diversified cultures, background, and religion, both the countries are very different from each other....
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Anti-oppressive Theory: A Critical Analysis
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article will discuss the emergence of the anti-oppression theory in the 21st century and some of the factors in the society that prompted its surfacing.... The theory exploits different working conditions and its role in enhancing the welfare of all individuals.... ... ... ... Social work theory in social set-ups is achievable for purposes of equality....
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Googles Information Gathering Activities
8 pages (2252 words) , Download 4 , Article
This paper ''Google's Information Gathering Activities'' tells that Google's information gathering activities is the apparent commitment to be transparent about their activities.... oogle has recently published a manual that educates and guides users understanding how information is gathered about them and how it is used....
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Gender Inequity Influence on the International Development
8 pages (2014 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper 'Gender Inequity Influence on the International Development' explains how gender inequity in education and employment has significant negative impacts on international development and economy, leading to higher child mortality and fertility.... ... ... ... The role of Girls and women in economic growth continues to be the centre argument of a policy debate as researched in different studies....
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Australian: Health, Drugs, and Alcohol
9 pages (2446 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Australian: Health, Drugs, and Alcohol" is about Substance abuse which is a growing menace in Australia and not just among Aboriginal populations.... Over the years there have been discussions regarding efforts that the government needs to make in order not to lose another generation....
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Analytical Concept of Arena by Burchell, Clubb and Hopwood 1985
6 pages (1848 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Analytical Concept of Arena by Burchell, Clubb and Hopwood" sheds analytical and descriptive light on the process of accounting change.... The areas include the management of the national economy, the explication of standards, and the functioning of the system.... ... ... ... The concept of arena provided by Burchell, Clubb, and Hopwood 1985, Robson 1991 was a sophisticated and complex model of an accounting change and suggested that the accounting change can only be interpreted through the genealogical narrative of contingencies....
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Imaging Modality: Ultrasound
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article 'Imaging Modality: Ultrasound' focuses on one of the commonly employed Image-Guided Radiation Therapy technologies that use high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the internal structures in the human body.... In ultrasound, a transducer is used to produce high-frequency sound waves....
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Impact of Education on Economic and Social Outcome of Citizens
14 pages (3625 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Impact of Education on Economic and Social Outcome of Citizens" focuses on the critical analysis of the impact education has on the economic and social outcomes of citizens.... Man has empowered himself with the latest means of understanding the world around him.... ... ... ... He has taken giant steps to acquaint himself with the basics that the world possesses within its fold....
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Critique of R v Kennedy EWCA Crim 685
11 pages (2688 words) , Download 0 , Article
In hospitals, generally one nurse prepares the syringe with the medicine and keeps it ready for injection, by the other nurse or medical practitioner, to a patient.... The paper "Critique of R v Kennedy EWCA Crim 685" highlights that generally speaking, the case law depicts considerable confusion....
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Acute Pulmonary Edema
10 pages (2628 words) , Download 0 , Article
he management of pulmonary edema will start as soon as the diagnosis has been made due to it being medical emergency.... The paper "Acute Pulmonary Edema" is a decent example of a Health Sciences & Medicine essay.... Acute pulmonary edema results from the accumulation of fluids within the alveolar cavities in the lungs....
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The Social Construction of Sexuality and Gender
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Article
Looking at the medical sector, a profession formerly limited to men, the New England Journal of Medicine reports that as in “young male physicians earned 41% more per year than young female physicians” (Baker, 1996, 960).... This paper 'The Social Construction of Sexuality and Gender' will begin with a brief introduction to human sexuality and gender with an overview of the most important scholars in the study of sex and gender....
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The World War One
10 pages (3860 words) , Download 1 , Article
Casualties and medical Statistics of the Great War.... "The World War One" paper focuses on this war that was one of the most important turning points in the history of modern civilization.... The enormous military conflict changed the face of Europe producing seven new states ended the epoch of huge empires such as the Austro-Hungary and Ottoman Empire....
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Nature of Accidents and Catastrophes
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
There are many chemicals like mercury, dioxins, pesticides, PVC and DEHP, and medical wastes which are hazardous to human beings.... In this report 'Nature of Accidents and Catastrophes' efforts have been applied to focus on various aspects of the disaster, their classification, and their management....
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The Battle of Midway in 1942
10 pages (2858 words) , Download 0 , Article
Pollard, MC, USN, medical Officer on board USS Yorktown (CV-5), notes that: ... The paper "The Battle of Midway in 1942" highlights that World War II culminated in the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – two very significant cities in Japan.... The effects of the atomic bomb were later to be known....
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Student Entertainment in Leeds
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper highlights that Leeds has a reputation as a city with fantastic recreational activities and nightlife.... The tourists who have visited other places can see the difference in Leeds.... There are a large number of fantastic clubs and cinemas in Leeds and students.... ... ... ... According to the paper, there are cheaper and expensive night facilities in Leeds....
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The Employment Status of the Twenty Valeters
11 pages (2884 words) , Download 0 , Article
For example, every time that Jeff was absent from work, he was required to present medical certificates and additionally CleanCars interviewed him about his absences and issued him with an oral warning; this indicates that the company had control over his independence at work.... The paper "The Employment Status of the Twenty Valeters" highlights that generally, one of the obligations impacted on employers by the employment law includes the duty of providing employees with reasonable notice if there is no fair cause for dismissal....
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Dark Tourism Development
11 pages (3269 words) , Download 2 , Article
From the traditional form of holiday tourism or leisure tourism which has been the main activity taking place in this sector, there has been development of other forms of tourism activities like business tourism, education tourism, medical tourism, and many other.... The article "Dark Tourism Development" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the major issues in the development of dark tourism....
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Values and the Opportunities for Group Approaches, the Challenges and the Methods to Meet Them
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Besides the mentioned services, the program offers complete array of medical services and referrals to both continued care and housing assistance. ... The paper operates mainly based on research questions which can be stated as follows: What are three key values or benefits of using a group approach with this population?...
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Expression of Political Thoughts in Latin American Cinema 1980s
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
“Men with guns” (1997) is the tale of a medical professor written and directed by John Sayles.... The article 'Expression of Political Thoughts in Latin American Cinema 1980s' discusses the motives of the filmmakers behind the production of these films and highlights the significance of producing such movies that mimic the prevailing political thoughts and revolutionary estimation of the society....
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Language and Social Function
7 pages (1904 words) , Download 2 , Article
The "Language and Social Function" paper states that with the evolution of time which has brought multilingualism as a function of modernity and success, the new concept of language that has developed shows that the world is the process of encapsulation in a constant foundation of evolution.... ... ...
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Personality Traits in a Classroom
8 pages (2165 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Personality Traits in a Classroom" highlights that they are more likely to point out the various personality traits existing in their classrooms and strive to relate to them as per their unchangeable domains.... Moreover, a teacher should also strive to nurture positive personalities.... ...
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