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Capital Punishment
29 pages (6000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay describes the death penalty in the United States and you will discover a disagreement about where the practice is located in a map of American values and practices.... Proponents of execution favor a specific and discrete conception of capital punishment.... ... ... ... By contrast, the abolitionists see the impact of executions as a statement of pervasive importance about the relationship between the government and the individual....
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Emotional labour
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 6 , Literature review
He recommended that emotional labour at work is based on frequency of personal communication between members of staff and customer, therefore, making emotional labour at work a one-dimensional structure disapprovingly correlated with workers' health.... Emotional labor Name Institution Tutor Date Emotional labor Literature Review This section presents studies reviewed based on the following headings; The notion of emotional labor Consequences of emotional labor The use of emotional labour at work Factors that motivate the display of worker's emotions in the banking sector Emotional labor Emotion function is the initial point for acknowledging emotional labor (Hochschild, 2003)....
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Racism And Immigration In Britain
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The prime purpose of the paper "Racism And Immigration In Britain" is to explore the causes and explanations for a series of riots by one group, and violent clashes between two identifiable groups, within the United Kingdom since the late 20th century.... ... ... ... Brown claims that in the face of increasingly unionized labor, and deteriorating economic conditions, the British ruling class introduced a law controlling immigration as the Aliens Act 1905....
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Mubadala Development Company (MDC)
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
n most cases, organisational culture is used to design policies, codes of conduct, communication channels, and employee support structures.... It can also be noted that the organisation is comprised of layers of management level where communication is from top to bottom.... Free communication is limited due to one's position in the hierarchy.... This communication style always results in a late response to possible problems.... eed to improve communication among members of the organisation ...
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The Principles of Delivering Remarkable Service in the Hospitality Industry
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Kusluvan (2003) service delivery is an aspect in hotel industry which can be used by its players to gain competitive advantage.... Leaders in hospitality.... ... ... Thus it is important not to separate the remarkable excellent service delivery with the organization corporate culture which provides guidelines It is important to adopt positive attitude when dealing with customers because this is the key practice towards achieving remarkable service delivery in the hospitality industry....
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The Technology in Maritime Transport and Port Management after World War II
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The most dramatic changes are with ships, such as the diversity of the ship; the ships' design and manufacturing being upsized and capable and high-speed, as well as the communication technology and safety equipment of the ship.... The case study of the Singaporean seaport demonstrates some of the performances by use of the information communication technology.... Moreover, this chapter is about the information communication technology impact in Singapore's seaport, including work principles, their benefits and how they impact to port by Singapore....
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The Ecology of English in Saudi Arabia: Its Status and Roles in Relation to Other Native Languages
15 pages (4372 words) , Download 1 , Report
In Saudi Arabia, it works with local institutions as well as the education ministry to facilitate training and communication skills based in the English Language.... Global English can be viewed as a product (the cipher, the structures utilised in a geographically and ethnically varied community of users), as a process (the ways in which language use is grown, by agents triggering the basic framework, beliefs and uses) or as a project (the goal to make English the global language of communication)....
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The Background and Principles of Project Management - HP
17 pages (4510 words) , Download 6 , Assignment
The communication principle is maintained through work reports and briefs that each department of part of the project submit.... Successful management of the risk will involve making the risks part of the project, considering the future of the project while developing it, allocation and effective management of the resources, leading a project through open communication and handling the systems as an actual business.... These will involve ensuring a communication channel that reveals all project-oriented progress and challenges having them resolved earlier in the project may increase success levels for the project....
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Families Coping with a Deaf Child
19 pages (5191 words) , Download 2 , Essay
early 70% had one or more functional limitation of which over half was in communication. ... It “offers the best chance of the language, communication and speech abilities of deaf children developing in line with the developmental pattern and time frame for hearing children” (DfES, 2003)....
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Global Business Cultural Analysis of Switzerland
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The elements and dimensions of culture in Switzerland; therefore, include communication, Religion, Ethics, Values and Attitudes, Manners, Customs, Social Structures, Organizations.... communication ideally is one of the most important aspects every cultural setting.... Being a multi-lingual nation, Switzerland has four major languages German, which takes up approximately 70% of the population's main communication language, French, Italian, and Romansh....
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Concept of Outsourcing Information Technology
18 pages (5470 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
communication 17 ... communication ... According to Smith, Smith and Stringer (2000), effective communication is very important in maintain a good working relationship during outsourcing arrangement.... Managers who focus on creating clear lines of communication are able to build trust amongst the parties involved, leading to high productivity and motivation.... Poor communication often results in distrust between employees who may question their confidence in delivering required services....
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Quality management and competition in the parcel delivery industry
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Parcel industry has come a long way from being a service that centred on an individual's need to become a vital link in supply chain and logistics management in the contemporary business and industrial scenario world.... Although parcel delivery business could be as old as the.... ... ... ilization itself it got its present form and quality in the nineteenth and the twentieth century when the growing business and industry needs created a niche for existence of a service that could be used to send messages and parcels....
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Human Resource Managment
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
roper communication is at the heart of quality work when a number of persons are involved.... Such communication is not restricted to the language aspect alone, but extends to better understanding and cooperation.... In the airlines industry, poor communication, lack of motivation, poor quality of management and low levels of motivation can lead to serious safety hazards (Applebaum & Fewster, p.... As Henderson observes, communication cannot be separated from culture....
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Controlling and Harmonising Brand Identity, Image, and Personality of Apple
14 pages (4235 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Kapferer argues that it is only through proper communication with the consumers that these aspects come to life (Keller 1993).... However, this can only happen through proper communication as suggested by Aaker (1995 p.... communication plays a vital role in brand communication because it brings a closer awareness to the consumers.... The marketers must utilize an efficient communication on the brand personality to the consumers....
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Personal Skills Development in Mechanical Engineering: Analysing Key Skills
17 pages (4303 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In this regard, I am required to show good communication skills, the ability to work with others, skills on problem solving techniques, and skills in information and communication technology (ICT).... hrough my rich skills in information and communication technology (ICT), I think am fully qualified for the engineering requirement of being able to provide technical and commercial management.... I sometime prefer presenting the outcomes of my work using written communication as well as oral and visual means of communication....
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Hilton Park Lane Leadership Style
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The business structure refers to the hierarchy of group in terms of communication, authority, rights and duties of the corporation.... communication management is the review of all the channels of sharing the information in an organization.... In this aspect, the management is concerned with the planning, implementing and monitoring of communication channels within the organization.... communication is very crucial in giving valuable feedback to the management it promotes motivation of individuals in the organization and source of information....
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Importance of Employee Engagement
16 pages (5157 words) , Download 9 , Coursework
The paper "Importance of Employee Engagement" states that the author wishes to be the HRD manager in a large business organization that has a large workforce and a complex structure.... It is in such a setting that he feels he could fully apply what he has learned in his HRM and human relations course....
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The Increased Popularity of Social Media
13 pages (4147 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Social networks identify websites developed in recent times to influence communication connectivity among individuals.... Social networks identify websites developed in recent times to influence communication connectivity among individuals around the globe.... Increased adoption of social media has developed the communication tool into a viable marketing tool for organizations.... n the last two decades, the internet has developed into a vital communication tool....
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Why the American Automobile Companies are not Successful in Thailand
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This dissertation is aimed at reviewing a background of the Thailand Automobile industry and its giants.... The author explains how have the American Automobile manufacturers been able to tap into the Thailand Automobile industry, and has this tapping in being successful .... ... ... The basic rationale behind using the secondary data is referring to that sort of data, which is actually been gathered and presented by someone else....
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B2B Solution Issues
51 pages (14616 words) , Term Paper
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The evolutions taking place in network-based communication technology have enabled businesses in the market to connect to their customers using the internet and related technology which increases transactional transparency as well as efficiency (Chen and Siems, 2001).... A careful analysis of their websites and corporate communication platforms reveals that both Du and Mobinil (Mobinil Corporate Website, 2013) in the UAE market operate online billing and payment services....
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Midlands Firm: the Nature of Human Resource Management this Organization
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This would ultimately lead to a sense of discrimination in the context of future communication system.... his method once implemented should be verifies and spread all along the line of the organization resulting a better mode of communication among the departments and it would not just be confined within the perimeter of the Personnel Function department of Highway Stores Ltd.... this better means of communication would help the company to develop better and practical view of future strategies....
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Analysis of the Film the Internship
6 pages (1876 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
side from being avid learners despite their age, other employability skills Billy and Nick manifested were creativity, leadership, problem-solving, communication and persuasive skills, all honed from their vast previous experiences in sales.... From their interview, the people at Google already saw their potentials as future employees because of how they handled the interview, showing their good communication skills and creative reasoning.... n sum, the film depicted that other than academic achievement and skill level, employers nowadays search for people who possess good interpersonal traits, a consistent drive for learning and development, creativity and problem-solving skills effective communication and leadership skills as well as the ability to collaborate in teams....
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Management as of Fundamental Value to Companies
7 pages (2064 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Businesses can achieve a competitive advantage through effective communication by managers.... For instance, the introduction of Scotchguard by 3M became possible only due to open communication which was fostered by the management (McLean, 2005).... Achieving Market Leadership for Innovation Through communication....
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Moving Toward Optimal Organization Design
8 pages (2372 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
?In my time as a supervisor in the communications operations within the United States Marine Corps, the importance of the concept of communication has emerged as one of the most significant determinants of success in any operations.... Basically, communication involves the exchanging of information between a receiver and a sender.... In terms of army operations, it is especially important for marine corps to learn the different communication styles that can be used by friends and foes to express information....
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Evolution of Computer Networks and Their Improvement
8 pages (2163 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Computer networks came into existence during the period of 1950s and today computer networks are considered as the most significant form of communication that takes place between computers as well as their users.... Computer networking has allowed individuals working within one shelter to communicate with each other in a fast paced manner and has even reduced the cost that was associated with communication taking place between members of the same organization (Elahi, 2001, p....
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What Defines Success in Social Commerce
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Factually, e-commerce incorporates the two-way communication between the consumer and the suppliers as well as supporting the business relations between corporations.... Factually, e-commerce incorporates the two-way communication between the consumer and the suppliers as well as supporting the business relations between corporations.... Most specifically, the social tools in the social sites like Facebook and Twitter enables the communication between business parties, facilitated purchase of products, and crated a fair ground for different brands in e-business....
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Mass Media and the Impact of Violent Imagery on Teens
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is also a library, a channel of communication and a means of self-betterment.... Mass communication Research on Problems and Policies, Ablex, Norwood, NJ. ... cQuail, D 2005, Mass communication theory: an introduction, Sage Publications, London. ...
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Use of IT for Business Success of Volkswagen Group
8 pages (2164 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Thanks to information sharing and IT, Volkswagen has managed to eliminate corporate silos that in effect disconnect communication for the reason that workers can use information technology such as social media to connect to others personnel working on related projects or look for professionals to reply their questions.... ? Volkswagen always collects scores of information concerning its customers in all interaction or transaction; and by means of various communication channels, the company has managed to concentrate on the wants and needs of the customers with the intention of developing products that meet such needs and wants as well as even surpass them....
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The Review of Language Learning Processes
6 pages (1878 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Good communication is key in effective language teaching for both a large class and a small group of learners.... The teacher must therefore be sure to use the right communication considering the appeal aspect that may impart the student.... eller-Lally, A 2006, Effect of Task-type and Group Size on Foreign Language Learner Output in Synchronous Computer-mediated communication, ProQuest. ...
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Influence of Organisational Culture on Knowledge Sharing Behaviour
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Moreover, communication through interactions and conversations between staff is important.... Thus, processes should be introduced that promote and reward the sharing of information and horizontal communication; and group performance rather than individual performance should be rewarded, states Goh (2002).... ‘communication and loyalty among knowledge workers: A resource of the firm theory view'....
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The Role of an HRD Manager in Promoting Organizational Competitiveness
6 pages (1799 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They should ensure that flexibility and effective communication must be a part of their role which will allow them to adapt to situations quickly.... Therefore, it is the duty of the HRD manager to effectively manage culturally diverse workforce which will have less communication problems, shorter decision times and higher member morale among the employees.... Promoting A Path For Organizational Competitiveness: The Role Of Internal communication....
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Design of a Microwave Path Profiling Link
6 pages (1972 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
microwave communication system makes use of radio frequencies that have a span of between 2 and 60 GHz.... Microwaves are appropriate for use in weather analysis and transmission of communication signals due to its ability to penetrate tough clouds, smoke and other forms of interference.... his is the combination of all the gains and losses to be incurred in the radio communication link....
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Advanced Topics in International Business
6 pages (1812 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
vailability of IT and communication technology 6 ... vailability of IT and communication technology ... In spite of the existence of a large oil sector in the country, lack of technological advancement and communication technology has slowed down the progress and expansion of the sector which has consequently reflected through its slow economic growth....
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The Acquisition and Retention of Customers
9 pages (2558 words) , Download 2 , Essay
which produces iPhone Started in 1976, this multinational company is one of the most successful, dealing with the production of operating systems and communication gargets.... If the employees for instance do not have skills that ensure proper communication with customers, this may lead to increased losses for the company.... The direct communication with the customers also provides the business management with an opportunity to change the negative perception of the customers towards the product....
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Richards and Rodgers Framework Approach
9 pages (2507 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Over the years, various methods have been tried by linguistic theorists and psychologists aiming to develop good communication skills to the learners especially focused on second language learning.... Richards and Rodgers dwell on the functionality or usage or these structurally related elements such as phrases and clauses, crucial to every language learner in their participation in any communication process.... Activities that promote communication and learning. ...
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Project on Spyware and Viruses
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Project on Spyware and Viruses" discusses the rapid advancement in information and communication technology the individuals and organizations have become completely dependent on computers and other software for the day-to-day running of the organizations.... Project on Spyware and Viruses Introduction With the rapid advancement in the information and communication technology cyber-security has become a global issue which needs to be addressed in a focused way for the users to survive in the technological era....
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Peer to Peer Networking In Business
9 pages (2540 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Collaboration is also possible in a business when using this technology, where it allows real-time communication without the need for a central server to handle communication traffic.... Ethically, P2P implication arises over the use of the internet for communication via any manner without implications....
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New Media Technologies and the Digital Divide
5 pages (1840 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "New Media Technologies and the Digital Divide" states that the digital divide may be narrowed down within developed countries but not so much among poor countries.... The digital divide is actually two-edged: it essentially rests on and promotes the economic divide.... .... ... ... Not having requirements may lead to social isolation....
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Advertising Campaign
8 pages (2380 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This impression and theme compose an integrated marketing communication (IMC).... Moreover, it will aid in the strategic communication specialists implementation of the plan. ... Advertising campaign strategy: a guide to marketing communication plans....
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Promotional campaigns and consumers behavior
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The main objective of a promotional campaign is to develop "a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication (IMC).... communication as the most important aspect of promotional campaigns should be greatly observed by the marketers.... Of course, communication shouldn't be too aggressive and customers should feel like they made their choice voluntarily with no oppression....
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The Success of Rio Tintos Moves to India
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
espite the logistic networks, which are under renovation, both technological infrastructure and communication networks promises prosperity for Rio Tinto. ... communication networks ... io Tinto enjoys strong financial grip and competent, visionary human resource, and accurate communication systems....
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An Essential Part of Strategic Planning for the Firm
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The company seeks to not only provide customers with management services to handle their events but also provides a wide variety of extensive services such as audio visual services, logistics, and communication solutions for their customers.... While it has strategically positioned itself as an event management company catering to the corporate sector, it targets several niche groups of customers pertaining to their individual needs whether they are audio visual aids, communication solutions, or management for events....
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Media And The Family Concept
7 pages (2019 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Such action should, likewise open the lines and communication and, in the process, the value system of the family will be strengthened.... Kitty is a right-wing political commentator who later became the Director of communication in McCallister's Office. ... Viewers see open lines of communication most of the times, direct and intentional lines spoken without any disguise....
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Marketing plan for Al Fresco Show 2009
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Al Fresco Show was started in 2001 in Birmingham and has grown incredibly over the years.... This growth has been attributed to the fact that it is the only event broadly covering outdoor events in a single show.... This show has been ranked the biggest consumer outdoor event not only in the United Kingdom, but also the rest of Europe. ...
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PR Activity & Promotional Assessment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In today's age of globalisation, "corporate communication, is no longer just a luxury, but a necessity" (Henslowe 4).... Odedele reasons that PR is "human-centric", since the process of maintaining a brand-conscious image stems from the basic human approach to transmit social signals by means of communication, he explores the nature of the PR exercise from the vantage point of core philosophy....
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Business Trend analysis
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The link between celebrity culture and consumer capitalism is evident in all forms of mass communication.... “Hence, this strategy as outlined above and the use of a two-sided communication both have a goal of increasing advertiser credibility.... Promotional Strategy Managing the Marketing communication Process....
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Quality of Service of Voice over Internet Protocol
8 pages (2413 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
This study is an effort towards analyzing the developments in information technology in general and telephony and communication technologies in particular.... While on the one this alternative has helped in exploring new technology for our communication needs.... The digital revolution starting off from analog to digital conversion has provided plenty of opportunities to the communication and broadcasting industry with the development of Internet Protocol (IP)....
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Strategic Management in Action. HSBC Group
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper puts out to outline the strategic management process and its arrangement with a systemic approach and to temporarily review the essential enablers, namely: the existence and performance of learning at the individual, group, and organizational level, a civilization of.... ... ... nvestigation and improvement, which implies a attention to new ideas, and the space or chances to perform the skills putting the learning into action....
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Riordian Manufactoring Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The branch operations will be responsible for the services.... The first step is to fix a set of standards for the product/ fitness for use.... The second step is to implement a quality.... ... ... The proposed Riordian fans unit will be an assembly unit depending mainly on components from sub-contractors....
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Compensating Dating, Materialism and Social Comparison among Hong Kong Adolescents
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
However, the little research available has closely linked materialism in children to too much television viewing, greater peer communication, and lack of effective family communication patterns (Moschis and Moore, 1979).... oore, R and Moschis, G (1981) the Role of Family communication in Consumer Learning,” Journal of Communications, pp 42-51 ...
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