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Molecular Mechanisms Used by Adult Schistosoma Worms to Survive in the Bloodstream
11 pages (3446 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper 'Molecular Mechanisms used by Adult Schistosoma Worms to Survive in the Bloodstream' reviews these adaptation strategies, and how they are employed in survival.... Possible interventions are proposed to counter the effect of these adaptations so as to make the parasites vulnerable to the host's immune system and possible elimination....
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Trade Unions: Innovative Strategies
10 pages (2859 words) , Download 7 , Essay
The essay "Trade Unions: Innovative Strategies" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues concerning the innovative strategies for trade unions.... The emphasis of unionism or trade union on organizing provides a distinctive opportunity to carry out a very important investigation.... ... ...
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Russia-Chechnya Strategy
12 pages (2785 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''Russia-Chechnya Strategy'' tells that Chechnya is a hub of great concern to the Russian Federation.... With its national interests of safeguarding territorial integrity, preventing terrorism, ensuring regional stability, Russia has been intense relations with Chechnya for decades.... ...
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Preventative Medicine for Paramedic
9 pages (2808 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Preventative Medicine for Paramedic'' tells us that preventive medicine has its basis in the proverb 'prevention is better than cure.... Indeed, apart from achieving humanitarian results of lesser suffering, morbidity, and mortality amongst people, it is a cost-effective and economical affair....
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The Effectiveness of Current Health Promotion Measures Addressing the Issue of Childhood Obesity
9 pages (2563 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the author of the paper "The Effectiveness of Current Health Promotion Measures Addressing the Issue of Childhood Obesity" tells, obesity is a major global problem.... According to the WHO, 300 million adults in the world are obese, and more than a billion adults worldwide are overweight.... ....
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Diversity in Mental Healthcare - Schizophrenia
11 pages (3300 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper "Diversity in Mental Healthcare - Schizophrenia" emphasizes the causes of the disorder, cultural aspects that may lead to dissimilar behavior of the sufferers.... As well it touches on the implementation of strategic approaches for schizophrenics with cultural diversity.... ... ... ... It is surprising that experts have not been able to develop a single or sequence of approaches that are conclusive in the treatment of schizophrenics, this is largely due to the fact that as the disease can occur in just any kind of community, patients behaviors are highly dissimilar probably because the cultural and ethical backgrounds to which they refer causes them to behave heterogeneously....
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The Connection between Human Rights Abuses and Human Trafficking
9 pages (2793 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Connection between Human Rights Abuses and Human Trafficking" examines the European Convention on Human Rights.... The complainant was the father of a female victim of the sex industry in Cyprus.... The exploitation of the female had been facilitated by trafficking from Russia.... ...
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HIV and Its Past and Present Impact on Global Level
10 pages (2793 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "HIV and Its Past and Present Impact on Global Level" discusses that HIV is a dangerous epidemic that is a threat to the entire human society.... It has destructed millions of people around the world and yet more is under the grip of this disease.... ... ... ... The main step to be taken to fight this disease is through awakening the specific governments of all countries by United Nations and World Health Organizations in a planned way....
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Work of War Correspondents
14 pages (3630 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Work of War Correspondents "presents a textual comparison between the works of male and female war correspondents; a comparison between the transcript interviews between male and female war correspondents; a case study of the female and male experiences as war correspondents.... ... ... ...
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What Type of Leadership Approach Is Required for the Finance Manager of the Veterinary College
10 pages (2755 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "What Type of Leadership Approach Is Required for the Finance Manager of the Veterinary College" states that the staff is overworked and feels under-rewarded for their efforts and due to the financial constraints that are faced by the institution.... ... ... ... The leaders utilize the organizational culture and norms to motivate the group members and enhance leadership at all levels....
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The Monk: History of Sexuality
10 pages (2846 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "The Monk: History of Sexuality" presents Matthew Lewis who adopted the style of gothic literature – the eeriness, the dark rooms, the dominating male and the dominated female, the closeting of human lives – to portray the medieval culture and society.... ... ... ... The traditional Gothic novel generally does not offer a utopian idea of the liberty of women....
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Death, Dying and Bereavement
10 pages (2874 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Death, Dying and Bereavement" presents an experience with death that involved a family friend who was diagnosed with terminal cancer.... Before the diagnosis, there had been no outward, physical signs that she was ill and the cancer was discovered through routine physical examination....
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Drivers of Localism in England
12 pages (3234 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Drivers of Localism in England" discusses that although the Localism Act received royal assent in November 2011, the real test still awaits it, as housing and planning stakeholders are yet to experience its effects and implications on housing affordability.... ... ... ... To live in England's rural areas has become quite unaffordable for the poor....
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News Corporation as One of the Top Five Hundred Global TNCs
13 pages (3497 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "News Corporation as One of the Top Five Hundred Global TNC's" states that News Corporation is now one of the biggest conglomerates in the world.... The driving force behind the company and its CEO Rupert Murdoch is almost certainly the most influential.... ... ... ... Part of that responsibility is to analyse critically the organization's debt and liquidity levels as well as cash flow capabilities at the date of the financial year-end and, in addition, to notify the impact that any post balance sheet event may have upon the business, especially if it is likely to be detrimental in nature....
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Developing Business Skills
9 pages (2764 words) , Download 0
My immediate goal is to gain very good grades and build a strong transcript and my longer-term ambition is to gain the ability to apply.... ... ... The paper "Developing Business Skills" is a great example of a report on human resources.... Build a strong understanding of current international matters and how they are influenced by elements of cultural practices and evaluate international negotiation skills in issues of significance....
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Employment Discrimination
12 pages (3256 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The issue is particularly a major concern in Europe and the U.... .... in particular where there are high incidences of employment discrimination.... ... ... The paper 'Employment Discrimination' is an exciting example of human resources literature review.... Cheatle (2001, p.... ) argues that employment discrimination remains one of the major problems facing the labor market in the world today....
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The Qualification of the Customs Inspector Supervisor
10 pages (2705 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'The Qualification of the Customs Inspector Supervisor' is a comprehensive example of human resources essay.... Customs inspectors are individuals who work at the various ports of entry into the country and it is their duty to ensure that they carry out inspections of passenger bags and cargo so that no illegal items or substances can enter the country....
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The Patient with Autism
13 pages (3494 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This essay 'The Patient with Autism" analysis the concept of learning diversity, needs for autistic children, approaches for identification and evaluation assessment, and intervention.... Individuals get extremely confused when they think about autism, as they perceive it to be a childhood disorder....
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Challenges for Creating Effective Team Work
11 pages (3127 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Project management is the overall activity and process of planning, organizing, controlling and also motivation for the particular procedure to achieve certain goals and also eradicate the problems that might rise up in daily working.... A project has a definite time schedule with.... ... ... The paper "Challenges for Creating Effective Team Work" is an outstanding example of a management assignment....
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International Intercultural Management - China
9 pages (2777 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Culture is the collection of values, ethics, beliefs, knowledge, religion and all other material and immaterial objects practiced by a relatively large group of.... ... ... The paper 'International Intercultural Management - China" is a great example of a management case study.... In this era of modernization and globalization, the concept of intercultural management has received great emphasis....
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The Mediterranean Diet
11 pages (3030 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''The Mediterranean Diet'' tells us that the Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the healthiest in the world, and for good reason.... The sun-soaked region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea – including North Africa, the Middle East, France, Spain, Italy, and Greece.... ...
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Is Suffering Good for Christians
12 pages (3242 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Is Suffering Good for Christians" highlights that suffering is good for Christians as it is the only hope for their salvation and the salvation of others.... Through suffering, the Christians share the punishment of Adam and Eve for their disobedience to God.... ... ... ... Generally, the concept of suffering in Christian life has drawn a lot of attention in the analysis of many theologists today....
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Athanasius and Arius in Light of Nicaea Council
13 pages (3538 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Athanasius and Arius in Light of Nicaea Council" focuses on the critical analysis of the role of Athanasius and Arius in light of the Nicaea council.... The development of the Trinity doctrine might be said to have been the refinement's history of philosophical and terms categories.... ...
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The Ontological and Economic Trinity
12 pages (3046 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "The Ontological and Economic Trinity" explores, and will help Christians understand the three persons in Trinity.... They will be able to distinguish between the Economic Trinity and the Ontological Trinity.... Christians will be in a better position to understand the Existence of God....
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Main Functions of the Police
9 pages (2615 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The study "Main Functions of the Police" explores the British Police roles as law enforcement officials who can be guidance givers, emergency caregivers, law enforcers, community service workers, helpful civil workers, and a myriad of other titles which can be placed upon the British Police Force....
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Foundation of Catholic Theology
13 pages (3344 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "Foundation of Catholic Theology" analysis four of the sixteen documents of Vatican 11 council documents and explains how the fathers of the Vatican 11 Council made use of the foundations of Catholic Theology in these four documents.... .... ... ... The four selected documents deal with different and particular aspects of the life of the Catholic Church....
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Exploration of a Surgical Situation
11 pages (2871 words) , Download 0 , Math Problem
From the paper "Exploration of a Surgical Situation" it is clear that in all four points, the anticipated patient's reaction would be their quest to understand the medical terminologies, used to describe their position which has to be patiently explained.... ... ... ... The patient involved in the case study is 64 years old single Australian male, retired costume designer, of weight 70kg and height 5'8'', admitted to the hospital for the repair of a right inguinal hernia, with the length of stay of 0 to 7 days, requiring admission within 90 days under the Medicare scheme, requesting admission through rooms....
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A Woman Worth More Than Rubies
11 pages (2846 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The paper "A Woman Worth More Than Rubies" states that a contribution of Christian feminist thought is that we need to pay very special attention to the feminine metaphors of the Divine, in the Bible, because they have historically been choked by patriarchal interpretation.... ... ... ... The beautiful passage, from the book of Proverbs, can be interpreted in a number of ways....
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Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for the Teacher
10 pages (2762 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for the Teacher" discuss some alternate situations where the teacher should adopt steps for inclusion in classrooms.... The inability of the teacher to achieve inclusion of all students makes students with blemishes feel isolated and alienated.... .... ... ...
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The Media and Liberal Democracy
9 pages (2691 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Media and Liberal Democracy" suggests that the media is seen as a critical watchdog of government processes and an essential platform for transmitting significant political statements.... However, the same media had also attracted criticism as they failed to perform by public expectations....
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Integrated Child Services for an Asthmatic Child
10 pages (2785 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essay "Integrated Child Services for an Asthmatic Child" focuses on the critical analysis of the case of a 6-year-old boy Elliot who is asthmatic and how integrated services can aid towards helping him.... It focuses on the professional bodies who offer the every child matter outcomes.... ... ...
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Intellectual Capital of Microsoft Inc
12 pages (3364 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Intellectual Capital of Microsoft Inc" seeks to highlight the importance of intellectual capital to the financial performance of the organization.... As opposed to simply considering human capital management as a detail for the company's management, the paper looks at it from an accounting point of view....
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Direct and Representative Democracy Issues
9 pages (2594 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper "Direct and Representative Democracy Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues of direct and representative democracy.... Democracy, in Greek, is derived from demokratia, the root meanings of which are demos (people) and kratos (rule).... ... ... ... It means a form of government in which, in contradistinction to monarchies and aristocracies, the people rule....
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International Financial Management
8 pages (2608 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "International Financial Management" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... In this case, there would be the use of the spot contract where Medco Company will make a trade date on the currency of the same amount with a bank and use the exchange rate of £1 for €1....
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Conducting Public Health Research on Indigenous Australians
12 pages (3180 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Conducting Public Health Research on Indigenous Australians" focuses on the work of researchers, especially those in the public health arena, who can be of direct benefit to the subjects in particular and to society as a whole when the results lead to changes inhabit.... ... ... ... To understand why such a simple question as to whether Australian mainstream researchers ought to be able to conduct research on Aboriginal populations one has to revisit the events in another country and in another era, the famous Tuskegee syphilis experiment in the United States, and draw parallels that will resonate with anyone....
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Tourism as an Important Contributor to the Hong Kong Economy
11 pages (2876 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Tourism as an Important Contributor to the Hong Kong Economy" suggests that tourism has remained an essential contributor to the Hong Kong economy.... The sharp increase in the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong was witnessed after the Individual Visit Scheme introduction in 2003.... ...
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Transformational Leadership, Power and Influence
10 pages (2581 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Generally speaking, the paper "Transformational Leadership, Power and Influence" is a perfect example of a management essay.... In every gathering, leaders are considered the center of authority and are granted all the attention because of the role they play in making things operational within a setting....
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Fundind Social Housing
9 pages (2660 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Funding Social Housing" argues that social housing in the UK faces affordability and investment problems.... Rental payments depend on housing benefits and more investment, with higher rent levels and lower direct subsidy, requires more expenditure on housing benefits.... ... ... ... The increasing role of private finance in funding housing association developments is reviewed....
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Gait Rehabilitation in Patients with Neurological Disorders
12 pages (3407 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Gait Rehabilitation in Patients with Neurological Disorders" concerns walking difficulties as one of the main features of neurological disease and loss of mobility in daily activity.... Different neurological pathologies and impairments often result in abnormal or reduced walking.... ... ...
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Myths and Facts Related to the Psychosocial Complex Hazards and Workplace Bully
10 pages (2759 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Myths and Facts Related to the Psychosocial Complex Hazards and Workplace Bully " is a good example of a management essay.... This document describes the entirety of a workplace and the hazards that can ever be situated in it.... .... ... ... The paper "Myths and Facts Related to the Psychosocial Complex Hazards and Workplace Bully " is a good example of a management essay....
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Financial Performance of EMI Group PLC
15 pages (3972 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The paper "Financial Performance of EMI Group PLC" is devoted to the company's background, its profit and loss account, balance sheet, and a cash flow statement, changes in profile, and profitability ratios are made based on the company's Annual Report.... ... ... ... The report concludes with a summary of the EMI Group's financial performance in 2005....
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Supply Chain Management - the Importance of Vendor Evaluation Process
17 pages (4025 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper 'Supply Chain Management - the Importance of Vendor Evaluation Process' is a brilliant example of a management research paper.... The survey questionnaire prepared had been sent to 120 freight forwarding companies and they were asked to complete it suitably.... .... ... ... The paper 'Supply Chain Management - the Importance of Vendor Evaluation Process' is a brilliant example of a management research paper....
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The Origin of Conflict amongst the United States and Iraq
11 pages (3284 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The cause of enmity amongst nations cannot be singled out for a specific issue, even though there is usually a particular issue that might cause events, leading a conflict into violence.... This case applies to Iraq, which is an area with some of the oldest prehistoric empires.... ... ... The paper ' The Origin of Conflict amongst the United States and Iraq" is a great example of a management case study....
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Concept Analysis: Pain
9 pages (2651 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
From the paper "Concept Analysis: Pain " it is clear that in general, the concept of pain was chosen for concept analysis because pain is considered a major issue in health care, proving to be a problem for both patients and healthcare professionals.... ... ... ... Generally speaking, pain is a common patient complaint and a common nursing diagnosis....
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Tobacco Smoking among the Elderly
10 pages (2624 words) , Download 5 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Tobacco Smoking among the Elderly" describes that tobacco smoking remains one of the key legally allowed user goods that are deadly when persons use it as envisioned.... Its negative effects on health are high as it is the source of destruction of each organ in a person's body.... ... ...
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Parental Involvement in Early Reading in Children
8 pages (2779 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
The review "Parental Involvement in Early Reading in Children" analyzes the major issues on parental involvement in early reading in children.... The association between engaging in reading and being good at it is an important one, indicating that it may be productive to encourage both.... ... ... ...
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Assisted Suicide as the Compassionate Choice
12 pages (3450 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
This research paper "Assisted Suicide as the Compassionate Choice" examines the option of euthanasia or DAS that strengthens the important doctor/patient relationship, respects an individual's dignity and right to personal autonomy in addition to reducing the suffering and the medical costs to both....
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Ethics andPublic Administration
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researcher of this descriptive essay mostly focuses on the discussion of the topic of ethics and public administration and analyzing the issue of morality that defines the way in which one differentiates their intentions, ethics and moral code as well.... ... ... ... The author of the paper focuses on the attitude or way of thinking that guides morality is known as ethics....
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The theoretical rationale for the NPV approach to investment appraisal
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Explain the theoretical rationale for the NPV approach to investment appraisal and compare the strengths and weaknesses of the NPV approach to two other commonly used approaches.... ... et Present Value Method ... .... ... ... Explain the theoretical rationale for the NPV approach to investment appraisal and compare the strengths and weaknesses of the NPV approach to two other commonly used approaches....
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Theatres in New York City - Public Theater and the Cherry Lane Theatre
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research will reveal the nature of profit earnings of two theaters of New York City - Public Theater and the Cherry Lane Theatre, funding base and strategies used to sell tickets, and nature of labor relations, touring productions and the nature of talent used in these two theaters.... ... ... ...
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